Sitting in the pavilion with Luo Shen, Han Qian was like a mute and didn't say a word. Luo Shen was not in a hurry to speak, and just sat quietly until the sky turned hazy and Han Qian suddenly spoke.

"I don't recommend that you leave the capital and hide for two years. You should spend more time with the old man. He may not have two more years."

Luo Shen put his hands on his knees and sighed.

"Yes! Now that I think about it, I suddenly regret it. I didn't accompany my mother well when I was a child, and I didn't accompany my father when I grew up. My heart was focused on the broken man."

Han Qian glanced at Luo Shen and curled his lips.

"If I had met you instead of Nuan Nuan, I estimate that we would have been arguing for more than a thousand days in three years. Why are you so harsh in your words?"

Luo Shen sighed and smiled.

"You wouldn't have met me, and my character wouldn't have accompanied a boy into a man."

"For example, that Chen Jing? How is Luo Fu?"

"He's very lively, but he doesn't dare to go out for fear that we will laugh at him. What's the point of bringing An An here today? To make him look familiar?"

"Yes, she will definitely come over to see my daughter often in the future. Tell me something you don't like to hear. When she has a child, there must be communication between siblings."

"You know I don't like hearing what you say?"

"How about I jump in and take a shower?"

As the words came out, the rain fell from the sky and rippled on the lake.

It's rainy again.

Han Qian's favorite rainy day, he looked at Luo Shen and smiled.

"Give you a chance."

Luo Shen shook his head while holding his shoulders.

"I prefer getting caught in the rain in the middle of the night, after the fact."

"I am sick."

"Coward! Watch the rain scene by yourself. I'm going to have lunch with my dad. You and Luo Fu will eat together later."

Luo Shen left as soon as he said it, without any hesitation. Han Qian looked at the rain outside the pavilion. He smiled and took a deep breath after smiling. Maybe this is what life will be like after retirement?

Not long after, Luo Fu came over with a livid face, gritted his teeth and whispered.

"Why didn't you stop me last night!"

Seeing Luo Fu, Han Qian couldn't help but smile.

"Why are you stopping me? I stopped you. You still regret it today. Why didn't you take advantage of the drunkenness to express your feelings? Just do it. How did you come up with your bold words last night?"

"Stop talking! Oops! I'm so embarrassed."

Luo Fu sat in the pavilion, stuffed all the snacks into his mouth, and spoke vaguely.

"I heard from An An that you got gastritis from drinking? That's rubbish, just some wine!"

"Where's Xiao Wu?"

"It's not as good as you. Your eyes are wide open now as if you want to go to the toilet, but your legs are not obedient."

"Where's An An?"

"I went to have lunch with my dad. Why did you bring her here? Sit at the same table to eat with my sister? Did you do it on purpose?"

"You know nothing. Let's wait and see when you can figure it out. Chen Jing is talking about it."

Luo Fu fell silent and glared at Han Qian as he drank tea.

About an hour later, Han Qian and An An left the capital. As soon as they returned to An An's apartment, Liu Shengge called.

"Choose a time and go back to Binhai together."

"You go back first. I have to wait a few days and play with An An for a few days before going back."

An An was silent and didn't speak. Han Qian told her to choose what she wanted to play now, it could be anywhere.

I spent a week playing with An An in the capital, and had afternoon tea with Lao Gu.

Han Qian drove back to Binhai, and An An went all the way to Zhikou'er, arranged Han Qian's clothes, and said softly.

"If... if you are not busy, can I go to Binhai to find you?"

"Any time! As long as you have time, don't give it away. I've been playing in the capital for almost a month. Be good! Be obedient."

An An walked very gracefully, and Han Qian was in a good mood.

It was already dark when I got home, so I didn't bother my parents and quietly went back to the home I hadn't returned to for a long time. I walked into the bedroom and saw the girl lying on the tatami staring at him with big eyes. Han Qian was slightly confused.

"Why did you come home?"

Wen Nuan raised her two white little feet and said softly.

"My parents went back to their hometown to attend the ceremony, and I came home to live there. How do you feel about your trip to the capital?"

Han Qian took off his coat and changed into pajamas and went to bed. He looked sideways at Nuan Nuan and sighed.

"Tired! There are a lot of messy things, but they are almost solved. How is Binhai lately?"

"The weather is going smoothly, nothing happened. After you left Binhai, everyone was busy with their own affairs, and there was very little time to see each other. Yan Qingqing was planning her aunt's life, and she seemed to be going crazy day by day. In short, It’s okay, I suddenly thought, will Binhai look like this after you retire?”

Han Qian stretched out his hand to hold the girl in his arms and smiled.

"Isn't this great? I'm going to let Liu Shengge go to a temple by the sea to become a monk, and then take you to herd cattle. Do you want to go?"

"Go! As long as I don't go to work, I'm willing to go anywhere. I'm going to make up for the wedding in August, what do you think?"

"I have no opinion."

“Pure Chinese style.”

"You just have to make the decision. Then should I ride a horse and bring the big red flower?"

Nuan Nuan pinched Han Qian's face and smiled.

"No need to do anything special, just the normal procedure. I must have Chinese style! I want to wear the queen's clothes. I'm so angry at Yan Qingqing. Why don't they call her empress now? I have to get her clothes like a little palace maid's."

The two chatted incessantly, and Han Qian, who fell asleep, had forgotten when.

Maybe it was because he hadn't slept with Nuan Nuan in this house for a long time. Han Qian suddenly felt like he hadn't been divorced before. When he got up in the morning, Nuan Nuan was still sleeping. Han Qian had already started preparing breakfast in the kitchen. When it was time to get up, he went upstairs and pinched it. With a warm face, Wen Nuan opened his eyes and hugged Han Qian's head, kissed his forehead, then climbed out of bed and went downstairs in a daze.

Neither of them is in the habit of sleeping naked, and they don't need any mess. Wen Nuan closed his eyes and ate steamed buns. Han Qian knocked on the table. Wen Nuan opened his eyes and took a sip of millet porridge, smiling innocently.

After dinner, Han Qian took a shower, changed clothes, walked out together, and said goodbye in the parking lot. The two cars left the community, passing one heading east and one heading west at the intersection.

Nuan Nuan yawned, as if he hadn't woken up.

Han Qian's mental state was not very good. He walked into Glory listlessly. He tried ten fingers in front of the clock card machine without giving up. However, there was still no reaction at all. He walked into the general department and said to everyone. As soon as everyone woke up and greeted each other playfully, Han Qian lay in front of the computer and continued to catch up on his sleep.

At ten o'clock, Yang Lan came back with documents in his arms. Now the general department has become the miscellaneous department again, processing documents sent by various departments. Yang Lan pointed at Han Qian who was sleeping on the table, and Yao Xue shrugged.

"I don't know. I went to the capital once and looked at this haggard person."

Yang Lan gently patted Han Qian's shoulder. Han Qian sat up and looked at Yang Lan with a blank expression. He smiled innocently, then lay down and continued to sleep.

As soon as he fell asleep, the whole floor became quiet.

Maybe they didn’t know how powerful Han Qian was before, but now they know that Mr. Yan is the boss of Honor, but Han Qian is the one who calls the shots behind the scenes. Many people are upset why they didn’t get along well with Han Qian earlier. The General Department’s People don't take this seriously, because no matter how rich Han Qian becomes, he is still the same Han Qian.

Yang Lan sighed softly and whispered.

"The cafeteria made pork chops for lunch."

After saying this, Han Qian stood up suddenly.

"time to eat?"

A lazy day

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