After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 935 Children are a luxury


Luo Shen uttered these two words without thinking, and then Liu Shengge slapped her head from behind. Luo Shen also realized that something was wrong with what he said, and surprisingly did not fight back. Liu Shengge looked at the nursery rhyme and smiled.

"What does her pregnancy have to do with us?"

After eating all the grapes, Nursery Rhyme started to attack other fruits and said vaguely.

"It has nothing to do with you for now. Do you want to eat watermelon?"

Liu Shengge frowned. This abnormal brain circuit made him very unhappy. Luo Shen pointed at his nose and asked with a frown.

"Is it related to me?"

"Yeah! Ji Jing doesn't like children, and she can't take care of children because of her personality. She has to give birth to a baby when she's pregnant. I thought I'd come over and ask you if you have any ideas about taking care of a baby."

When the words came out, Luo Shen's face showed a bit of confusion. Liu Shengge said that he had already understood the meaning of the nursery rhyme, frowning and saying in a low voice.

"What do you mean? Luo Shen and Han Qian can't get together. Do you want to use your child to tie them together?"

Luo Shen's eyes suddenly lit up, Tong Yao curled her lips and shook her head.

"Why do people who are destined to have no fate forcefully match each other? I don't do prostitution. I just think that when people get older, they want to have a family of their own. I personally think that the so-called DINK is just relying on The parents are still there and have a family. If one day the parents leave this world, the children of the brothers and sisters are just the children of other families, right Luo Shen, your brother's children and your cousin's children will eventually be given to their parents. Call me Mom and Dad, you are just an aunt."

Luo Shen's eyes were blank again, Liu Shengge said in a low voice.

"Nurse rhyme! You are forcing me to kill Han Qian!"

"You? Shut up first, I don't have time to talk to you now, Luo Shen! We are both women, let's talk?"

Luo Shen nodded and pointed to the house in the distance to Tong Yao. Tong Yao stood up and pulled Luo Shen out of the yard, leaving the young master of the Liu family with a gloomy face. Liu Shengge stood there and looked at the backs of the two women, waiting for their figures. Disappeared, Liu Shengge murmured in a low voice.

"Child? That thing is so noisy. Xiao Wu cried all the time when he was a child. He cried and cried. What does it feel like to be a father?"

He walked towards Luo Shen's boudoir by accident and approached the antique door. Liu Shengge made an action that he didn't expect. He put his ear against the door.


Tong Yao looked around at Luo Shen's boudoir and said softly.

"This is a bit interesting at your house. I suspect it's like I walked into the crew."

Luo Shen took out a bottle of mineral water in a glass bottle and said softly.

"If you don't like it, I can ask the maid to make tea."

"No, no, no, no! I've read online that this water costs hundreds of bottles. I'll take the bottles away later."

Luo Shen chuckled.

"You would like me to send you a car there."

Tong Yao shook her head and smiled.

"Forget it, drinking it once in a while is a bit fresh. What do you think? Just keep going alone like this?"

Luo Shen sighed and said calmly.

"Lin Zongheng is enough to cast a shadow on me. Maybe he will raise a pretty boy to pass the time when he has nothing to do. That's all for later. What is the purpose of your coming to the capital this time?"

Tong Yao held the quilt in both hands and said with a smile.

"Hey, that's what I just said. I planned Ji Jing's pregnancy. Now I'm just asking you if you have any idea of ​​becoming the godmother of your child. There is a child around you who is closer to you than to your biological mother. In your Growing up next to you, going in and out with you, wearing beautiful mother-daughter clothes, this has stabilized the relationship between the Luo family and Binhai, and can also help you block the rumors outside. The eldest lady of the Luo family cannot have children. This is not What nice words to say.”


"The child is with us until she is two years old. After all, she is Ji Jing's biological daughter. We want her to remember who her mother is. She will always be with you after she is two years old. She will return to Binhai during the winter and summer vacations. The rest of the time is up to you. In other words, until your child graduates from college, your life is in your hands. As for whether you two get along well or not, it depends on whether you two are compatible or not."

A picture appeared in Luoshen's mind, a cute and adorable...


"It should be a girl."

The picture in his mind was on the street. A big beauty was taking a little beauty. Luo Shen suddenly laughed, and then the nursery rhyme suddenly spoke.

"You like children very much?"

Luo Shen nodded.

"I like it! I didn't feel it before. After I got the news in the hospital, I felt that I particularly like children. A place with children feels like home. Can children go to school in the capital?"

"We don't care if you let her be illiterate. Since it's up to you, it's better to say she is a godmother than a wet nurse in ancient times. I know you don't have breast milk. You can feed her milk powder. After she is two years old, she basically doesn't need milk powder. But you It's best to disappear for a while, then it will be easy to tell the origin of this child, even if you tell the outside world that she is your biological daughter."


The door was pushed open and Liu Shengge frowned.

"Are you going to give the child to this bitch or is Han Qian going to give the child to her? Her brain is no different from that of a pig, so you are not afraid of teaching the child bad things? She is still a girl. Luo Shen looks at a man, and looks at a blind person. One, you are irresponsible to the child, so!"

Tong Yao and Luo Shen looked at Liu Shengge at the same time, and the latter said calmly.

"No, so don't come to my house after the child comes. Eunuchs have a bad influence on the child."

"Get the fuck out of here!"

Liu Shengge cursed angrily, then looked at Tong Yao.

"Yan Qingqing, Yeats, and Qu Ledi are all my students. You have met all three of them. Any one of them is a woman who can hold up half the sky on her own. Han Qian and I are both enemies and friends, and the Luo family There’s no shortage of children.”

"Eunuch Liu, you'll have to go as far as you can to die. If you want a child, take it to the orphanage."

Liu Shengge squinted at Luo Shen and said calmly.

"Go away, you long-haired but short-sighted thing, look at the man you chose!"

"What does raising a daughter have to do with finding a man? Liu Shengge! I'm suddenly looking forward to it. This is a realistic nurturing game!"

"You see, she treated it like a game."

Liu Shengge pointed at Luo Shen and looked at Tong Yao, who chuckled.

"It doesn't matter, feelings increase with time together. With Ji Jing and Han Qian's looks, the child will be very cute. I believe Luo Shen will pamper this child, Liu Shengge!"

"What are you doing!"

"Huh? After staying in Binhai for a long time, your northern accent has come out."

"Get lost."

"Let's talk?"

"Talk about kids?"

"No kids."

"Get out! Don't think you are smart, nursery rhyme. The method to deal with you is the same as Han Qian's. There is nothing you can do to me without giving you a chance to speak. Now you can get out and I will talk to Luo Shen."

Nursery Rhyme shrugged and left the room with a smile.

so good!

There is no need for this eunuch to waste time here. Liu Shengge lacks everything. He has things that many people cannot have in this life, but he cannot have what an ordinary person can have.

The same goes for Luo Shen.

The less they can get, the more extravagant they hope.

After waiting for a long time, Eunuch Liu and Luo Shen will know that this child is not controlling Binhai and the Luo family, but your Liu family and Luo family in the capital. As long as you two are still there, even if Han Qian retires and does not care about the world, within a hundred years Binhai businesses will not have any problems.

After leaving the Luo family, Tong Yao suddenly slapped herself and said in annoyance.

"Forgot the bottle."

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