After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 927 The old Chinese medicine doctor specializes in treatment!

Ji Jing sneaked away early in the morning and said hello to Uncle Zhong on the way out. She was curious about what nurserya wanted to do with her. When Han Qian got up, it was already past seven o'clock. When he opened his eyes, he was confused. He looked at the room, at himself wearing only underwear, and at his two hands wrapped like bear paws.

Han Qian took a deep breath and when he was about to get dressed, he found that his clothes were missing.


Han Qian took out his mobile phone and called Qian Ling. Only then did he realize that the clothes had been washed. After hanging up the phone, the door was pushed open. A girl in a black suit and several little girls in maid outfits hugged her. Went in with clothes on.

Han Qian was not given a chance to cover himself with a quilt. Surrounded by several little girls, Han Qian was pushed into the bathroom wearing a pair of underwear. When the little girl said that his wife wanted them to give him a bath, Han Qian covered him with a bear's paw. Stayed for privacy.

Even though I was wearing underwear, I was still nervous being stared at like this.

When the little girl was about to take action, Han Qian said in panic.

"No! I don't have the habit of taking a shower in the morning. Just wash my hair and brush my teeth for me!"

"But...but this is what the lady ordered."

"I am the young master!!!"

After Han Qian's shame and anger, the little girls gave up bathing the young master with a somewhat disappointed look, and washed their faces gently. Han Qian seriously suspected that the little girls were deliberately taking advantage of him!

The skin on this face is almost peeling off!

After changing into a blue suit, Han Qian finally left the bedroom. When he went out, he looked at Qian Wan leaning against the door and chewing an apple. Han Qian patted Qian Wan on the head with his bear paw.

"Knowing that your brother is being tortured inside, you don't even go in to save me?"

Qian Wanhan smiled.

"Torture? Our little girls are all first-class water spirits, brother! Let me tell you secretly, they are all top students!"

Han Qian said in a low voice with doubt on his face.

"How high?"

"Let me tell you, the one in the black suit graduated from Beijing University, and the worst among the rest is 211!"

Qian Wan said it in an understatement. Han Qian's face was full of surprise. He looked at the few girls walking by. The next second, he put his arm around Qian Wan's shoulders and asked in a low voice.

"With their academic qualifications, it's easy for them to find jobs outside. At the end of the day, they are also white-collar workers in the company. They are on the same level as us brothers!"

Qian Wanhan smiled.

"Brother! The combined salary of both of us is not enough to pay one person. We give red envelopes during festivals and bonuses during the New Year. We don't have many guests at home a year. We usually just talk to my aunt. We earn more than 100,000 yuan a year." Yes, if it were me, I wouldn’t go to work either.”

"No wonder you don't feel repelled even if you give me a bath. It's a lot of money in total!"

"No! It really has nothing to do with this! My aunt has rules here. You are not allowed to fall in love while working at home. If you fall in love, you have to resign. My aunt will also pay them an extra 'breakup fee', but she said After working at home for a long time, I no longer know how to work outside. I just want to work for a few more years, save some money, leave home, open a small shop, etc.”

Han Qian sighed.

"It's difficult! I've been with my aunt for a long time, and I don't like ordinary young men anymore. I guess they are all young rich women when they leave home, right?"

"I asked. The youngest girl graduated from Nanjing University. She has been working for half a year and now has almost a hundred thousand savings in her hand. She not only earns wages at home, but my aunt occasionally teaches them a little bit about the stock market. The little tips are useless for the big ones. It’s more than enough to make a little money, brother! You’re so smart, why don’t you just trade stocks.”

"Don't! Your brother and I have never had any chance of gambling in my life. To me, that stuff is no different from the Holy Book. Go downstairs, eat, and after dinner we will go to the company together."

Seeing the two brothers and sisters laughing and joking, Qian Ling felt happy. She was in a good mood and told Uncle Zhong to get some girls ready and go shopping later.

Shopping with my wife is basically the mother taking her daughter shopping, buying and selling while my wife spends the money.

I don’t go out often, but I buy a lot of things here.

Although Qian Ling's assets are not as rich as Cai Qinghu's, they are much richer than those of the Wen family. The money they bring in every day is enough to support the family's squandering, and there is also a girl named Qian Wan who is addicted to the Internet and spends money.

After the meal, Han Qian finally got on the GT-R that originally belonged to him. After getting in the car, Han Qian smiled.

"It's not as handsome as McLaren!"

Qian Wan pouted.

"Handsome? You look ugly to me. When my sister-in-law gets rich, let her change it quickly. Brother~ did you go to my sister-in-law's house when you went to Shengjing!"

"You mean that manor?"

"Yes, it's so big. There are more servants in the house than mine! I saw that the motorcycle the security guard at the door rides costs hundreds of thousands. How much money does she have?"

Han Qian held his chin, thought for a moment, and said seriously.

"When she was angry with Yan Qingqing, she said she wanted to buy Glory and let Yan Qingqing work for her."

After the words came out, both of them were silent. After a long time, Qian Wan whispered.

"Compared with my sister-in-law, I look like a poor peasant, a third-generation poor peasant!"

Han Qian couldn't help laughing and scolding.

"Fuck you, your aunt heard this and started teaching you again."

Qian Wan curled her lips again.

He drove slowly and leisurely, and when he arrived at the company, it was time to clock in. Qian Wan showed off to Han Qian when he clocked in. Han Qian was a little angry. When he went to take his fingerprints, he found that his fingers were wrapped in it.

In fact, there is no need to try, you will definitely not be able to record it.

Whether his fingerprints were in the fingerprint library or not, the brother and sister went upstairs amid Qian Wan's ridicule. When they walked to the door, they almost bumped into Yang Lan who was hurriedly going out. Han Qian took a step back in a hurry.

Sister Yang has very big breasts!

Han Qian said softly.

"Sister Yang, why are you in such a hurry?"

"Don't mention it. Xiao Beibei beat up his classmate at school. This bastard made me mad. I have to go to the kindergarten. You should be more honest at work! No fighting is allowed."

Han Qian raised his hand with a wry smile. Yang Lan sighed, turned around and trotted into the elevator.

Xiao Beibei hits someone?

Hey! Good boy.

A scene of two cuties fighting each other appeared in his mind, and Han Qian couldn't help but giggle.

"Brother! Why does Sister Yang become more and more beautiful as she grows older? I am a woman and I am tempted!"


Han Qian came to his senses, then knocked Qian Wan on the forehead with his bear paw and whispered.

"Be more normal and find a similar boyfriend. Let me tell you, I hate homosexuality!"

"Pedantic! You can't stop homosexuality from existing."

"I won't stop you, but I can stop you. Get out! Go to work."

"Brother, let me tell you something."

"You have something serious to do, go ahead."

Qian Wan snorted arrogantly and strode into the general department. When Han Qian was about to go in, Su Liang pushed him out, put his arms around Han Qian's neck and took him to the bathroom, throwing Han Qian a cigarette. The bear's paw failed to catch it, and Han Qian glared at Su Liang. The latter took out two sticks, lit them in his mouth, and handed one to Han Qian.

Han Qian held a cigarette in his mouth and curled his lips.

"What are you doing so mysteriously?"

Su Liang said angrily.

"I'm such a mysterious person. Don't say you don't know that Director Qian left Qian Wan's internet celebrity company to Li Li!"


Han Qian was stunned and nodded with confusion on his face.

"I really don't know about this, so I'll just give it to you. When the company was registered, it was probably five million, right? It's not much money."

When the words came out, Su Liang's face was full of depression and he whispered.

"It's not about the money, it's about the things! When Da Qian'er is the salesperson, the company asks her to take care of it. How can she take care of it? It's like that now. She's busy with a notebook. As a result, I didn’t understand anything. I was asked 800 times a day. I am now two years old and one head tall. When I was paying for public food, they asked me how to cultivate Internet celebrities. I fucking withered on the spot. They asked me to go to the hospital in the middle of the night. Oh, I’m so embarrassed."

"Pfft, hahahahahaha."

Han Qian couldn't hold it back anymore and laughed while holding his stomach.

"Haha, I said... I said, what did Da Qianer just want to say to me? This is all about the total? You have an idle mind, so just plan it for your wife. What about Internet celebrities? Do you like it? Master leads me in. Cultivation depends on personal things."

"It's okay if it's as simple as you said. What kind of marketing account should I find and how to create a character? Damn it, I can't do it! Give me a trick."

"Where can I go to help you! No, you must not have held it in well. You have it all figured out in your head!"

"Hey, did you notice? Isn't Gu Yan still in Binhai, or is he an artist under An An, and is he lending me a favor?"

"What? Try it, will you still be impotent?"

"Believe it or not, I stuffed you into the toilet?"

"Don't! I was wrong! I realized my mistake. I don't know where Gu Yan is. Just call An An yourself. Why are you asking me about this? It's not like they don't know you. Can you stop taking off your pants and farting?"

Su Liang nodded and said calmly.

"Indeed, telling you is in vain. I'll call An An."

After saying this, the two of them threw away the cigarette butts in their hands at the same time, and when they turned around to leave, Xiao Yang Jia blocked them both in the toilet, and then stretched out his hand to Su Liang.

"Give me the car keys! Mr. Yan gave me leave. I want to go on a self-driving trip with my little sister!"

Su Liang stretched out his legs and said helplessly.

"I can't drive with my legs, and I don't have the keys on me! I'm looking for your brother Qian'er."

Little Yang Jia turned to look at Han Qian, who stretched out two bear paws.

"Qian Wan sent me here."

Xiao Yangjia was furious,

"What do I need from you two?"

Han Qian patted little Yang Jia on the forehead.

"Just because I can't drive doesn't mean I don't have a car. Your sister Ji Jing has changed her car. Her 5-series has been parked in front of my mother's house for almost a month. The key is in the drawer of my coffee table. Take it yourself."

Xiao Yangjia smiled.

"Hey, Brother Qian'er, you're so kind! I'll copy Xiaoguang for you on the telephone pole... No! Brother Liang, I'll copy it for you. The old Chinese medicine doctor specializes in treating impotence and premature ejaculation!"

Han Qian laughed loudly, and Su Liang gritted his teeth and chuckled.


Little Yang Jia turned around and ran. When she ran more than ten meters, Su Liang spoke.

"Wait a minute, come back!"

Little Yang Jia turned around with a confused look on her face. At this time, Su Liang took out his wallet, took out all the banknotes in it, kept some change, and handed a wad of whole coins to Yang Jia.

"You can take this little more than four thousand and buy whatever you like. I know that Sister Yang took the old man over not long ago. Didn't you two sisters pay the down payment for your little savings? Take it and spend it."

Xiao Yang Jia took the money, her big eyes filled with mist, when Han Qian suddenly spoke.

“Don’t look for male models!”

"I'll copy a small advertisement for you!"

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