In the car, Cui Li asked Han Qian in a low voice if he could not get married yet, and Han Qian smiled.

"What's wrong? Is it so difficult for you to get married? Cui Li! Let me tell you something. If necessary, you may have to become an actor!"

About ten minutes passed. In these ten minutes, Han Qian analyzed the general layout and situation of the entire Binhai, Lin Mengde, Cui Li, the Luo family, and the Liu family in the capital. Cui Li was confused and asked in a low voice. How did Han Qian remember these many people and the relationship between them?

Han Qian did not explain to Cui Li.

But Xu Hongchang's forehead was already dripping with cold sweat, and he whispered.

"Master, I finally understand why Lin Mengde lost unknowingly."

Cui Li looked at Xu Hongchang with very innocent eyes and whispered.

"Why? I went to school and got excellent grades. Why can't I understand what he is saying?"

Xu Hongchang took a deep breath and whispered.

"Let me explain to you! The young master has already calculated what he will do today three years later. Do you understand?"

Cui Li shook his head, then turned to look at Han Qian.

"Can you tell fortunes?"

"I'm your second uncle, just remember the tasks I asked you to do!"

Han Qian had a headache. Cui Li was so stupid! Xu Hongchang also couldn't keep up with his rhythm. There were only two people around him who could keep up with the rhythm.

Su Liang and Yeats.

Su Liang has no ambitions, and Han Qian is not easy to pull over. Yeats...

When thinking of Yeats, Xu Hongchang spoke.

"Master, can I enroll Xiao Cui in a cram school?"

Han Qian curled his lips and said.

"It's no use, send me to the set, and then you go and pick up Yeats. How much saliva will I waste talking to you two!"

Xu Hongchang chuckled. Cui Li lowered his head and looked at his fingers. He was probably still thinking about what Han Qian said. The more he thought about it, the more confused he became.

After arriving at the crew hotel, Cui Li approached Han Qian and whispered after getting off the car.

"I haven't figured it out yet! What does our Binhai matter have to do with the capital?"

Han Qian took a deep breath and said helplessly.

"Because Lin Zongheng has some grudges with the Luo family in the capital."

"Then why not just kill Lin Zongheng."

"Can you think for a moment when you are talking? I want to kill him. Go and catch him!"

Cui Li suddenly understood and clapped his hands.

"I finally understand that what you asked me to do is because I can't catch him, so I have to wait for him to catch you! I understand, I understand, just say it."

"I've told you four or five times, don't talk to me from now on. You said you were a soldier before, right? Did you pass the exam?"

"The exam doesn't test the relationship between the characters!"

Han Qian didn't want to talk anymore. When he walked into the set with Cui Li, Wu Qingsi let out a scream.

“Cui Cui Cui Cui Cui Cui Cui Cui Cui Cui Cui Cui Cui Cui Cui Cui Cui Cui Yan curls up~”

Everyone looked at Wu Qingsi with a strange look, and she was not surprised. On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, Cui Li walked around in front of her countless times. Not to mention having plastic surgery, Wu Qingsi recognized him even when he turned into gray.

That's a nightmare.

It was the first time in my life that I was kidnapped, and it was the first time that I saw a living person die in front of my eyes. Toad, who was filming, was also stunned for a while, and then he was punched in the face by Wei Jiu. Wei Jiu said quickly.

"Toad? Why don't you guard against it?"

Toad covered the side of his face and bowed to the director to apologize.

"I'm sorry, director, please do it again."

At this time, Wu Qingsi had already arrived in front of Han Qian, holding Han Qian's arm with both hands and looking at Cui Li, her eyes staring like two almonds, and then whispered.

"Little ancestor! Don't you cover up when you go out with a bomb?"

Han Qian smiled, pointed at the toad in the distance and whispered.

"Xiao Cui, do you know that guy?"

Cui Li nodded and Han Qian smiled.

"Go over and say hello. He is trying to commute his sentence. Then you will know how lucky you are. Go ahead."

Cui Li nodded again, but as soon as he took a step, Wu Qingsi said in a low voice.

"You can't even say you're sorry?"

Cui Li turned his head and frowned.

"Have we met?"

This sentence was like a hammer hitting Wu Qingsi's head. She was a popular actress and one of the more important people in the party. Her white dress was very dazzling that night.

but! Han Qian didn't even look at it that night, but Wu Qingsi couldn't bear it!

After all, Han Qian is used to beauties, but this Cui Li!

Wu Qingsi pointed at her nose and gritted her teeth.

"Me! Wu Qingsi! The last of the three women who left that day! The one who walked in front of you!"

Cui Li tilted his head and looked confused, then looked at Han Qian. After a moment of silence, Cui Li whispered.

"Didn't we just go out with two that day? Three? Three? Two? Two! Two, just Nuan Nuan and Yan Qingqing!"

Wu Qingsi froze in place, and then she was so angry that she kept breathing heavily. Cui Li ignored this woman who was a little out of character and walked towards Wei Jiu and Toad who were continuing to film the fight scene.

Han Qian stretched out his hand and put it on Wu Qingsi's head, smiling.

"Why are you fussing with him about this? Isn't it just that he didn't see you? To be honest, I didn't notice you that night either."

"Don't touch me, don't talk! Ah~~~~~~"

Wu Qingsi felt that her mentality was broken. Why should she be an artist? Because artists will be sought after by others. What do artists dislike the most? That is to be ignored, and it is ignored without any impression at all.

At noon, everyone started to rest. Toad's mother and his wife came over to deliver food. Toad filmed here for free. Wei Jiu paid Toad out of his own pocket, and Wu Qingsi would also be compensated.

In addition, the food cooked by Mother Toad is in line with the director's taste. Every day, the meals of the protagonists are delivered by Mother Toad.

Toad's mother was very enthusiastic when she saw Han Qian and kept picking up food for Han Qian. After a while, Han Qian's bowl was full. Then the aunt looked at Cui Li and whispered.

"This is the first time I've met this young man. I see that you are thin and tall. You should eat more! When you are young, you should eat well and work hard. You can't be like Zhang Gang. At first glance, you are a good boy and don't cause trouble."




Han Qian, Toad, and Yu Shici sprayed rice in different directions.

Is Cui Li a person who doesn't cause trouble?

Cui Li smiled naively at her aunt.

"Don't cause trouble! Auntie is Korean, and the food you cook is delicious."

"Korea? Auntie will make you some kimchi tomorrow."

When the words came out, the toad on the side frowned and curled his lips.

"When did you become a Korean stickman?"

Cui Li turned to look at Toad and smiled.

"Do we know each other?"

Toad laughed in anger. At this moment, Han Qian was extremely nervous. If Toad and Cui Li made a move, Han Qian really had no confidence that he could stop them. To be precise, there was no possibility of stopping them at all.

After the meal, Toad's mother packed up her things and left. She was very satisfied to come over to see and talk to her son at noon every day.

Auntie is gone.

In the dressing room, Toad, Cui Li, Wei Jiu, Han Qian, Wu Qingsi, and several makeup artists were there. Cui Li looked at Toad sitting in front of the dressing room with his arms folded and said calmly.

"How are you doing in there?"

Toad replied calmly.

"How about I take you in to experience it?"

Cui Li curled his lips and said.

"What about the rest?"

"No period, twenty years, at least seventeen years."

"how about you?"

"Now the sentence has been reduced to 12 years. I will try my best to keep it under 10 years. I guess it will be reduced a little after filming this movie, because I am the only one who surrendered."

"It's missing a little!"

Toad smiled at the makeup artist and said softly.

"Can you stop for a moment? Please step back further, thank you."

Toad was very polite, and the makeup artist quickly backed away. Toad punched Cui Li in the face. Cui Li wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Han Qian and Wei Jiu were stunned. Then when they were about to take action, Cui Li But he smiled.

"I'm luckier than you. Even if you beat me to death today, let alone a punch, I won't fight back."

Toad sneered after hearing this.

"Atoning for Feng Lun? I don't owe him anything, and he doesn't owe me anything. I just want to do something to you."

Cui Li turned his head to look at Han Qian and said softly.

"Can I hit him?"

Han Qian smiled bitterly.

"What are you two doing? Toad, please calm down, there is nothing you can't talk about."

Toad said calmly.

"I'm not angry, I just saw an old acquaintance and said hello, Wei Jiu! Do you want to continue filming this afternoon? I'm worried..."

"Shoot! Are you in the mood?"

Wei Jiu didn't want to miss this opportunity, Cui Li tilted his head and said.

"What were you filming? Were you beaten violently that night? You were kicked off the second floor and almost beaten to death."

Toad whispered to Wu Qingsi.

"Can we add a scene? I want to beat him up!"

Wu Qingsi raised her hands in agreement!

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