Braised chicken head, deep-fried sides, a bowl of handmade noodles, warm, pick out the coriander leaves one by one and put them in Han Qian's bowl.

This girl is really easy to feed and eats everything.

There was not a single noodle left in the six-yuan bowl of noodles. He was holding a toothpick in his mouth and patting his belly as he looked at Han Qian.

"Little Han Qian, I discovered something after eating."

Han Qian lit a cigarette and smiled.

“Find out that you become smarter after eating enough?”

"Yes! I suddenly wanted to understand something. Yesterday, Yanhu said that he would not marry you. I was quite happy. Now that I am full, I have figured it out. You gave me half of your enjoyment not for me at all! It’s not to compensate me, but it’s right to say that you like me, but it has nothing to do with liking me, you are just trying to silence my parents!”


Han Qian was slightly surprised. He put his hands on the table and leaned forward. As a result, the two tassels of his sweater hat fell into the soup bowl. Seeing that the white tassels turned yellow, Han Qian took a deep breath and took the He stood up and wiped Suisui with a tissue. Nuan Nuan looked up at Han Qian as if nothing had happened and whispered in a low voice.

"I'm still thinking about it. You never tell your plans and promises in advance, but you told Lao Wen in advance about your plan to win Changxiang. Xiao Han Qian, you are quite sinister!"

Han Qian lowered his head and said softly.

"You're wearing white clothes like this, are you talking too much? These clothes are perfect. Don't wear white clothes anymore."

"Oh, just tell me if my guess is right. Will you wash my clothes when I get home tonight?"

"I may not have time in the evening. I will probably be busy with Cui Li's affairs these two days. You can save the clothes. I guess I have to save a lot at home now, right? How long have we not been home?"

"It's been a week, and there's no one popular at home. It's so lively here at Mom's house, and you still don't nag me."

"Then go home tonight."


Han Qian held Wen Nuan's hand and left the simple shop. The two of them drove to the parking lot of the station. Han Qian lowered the window and shouted to Wen Wen.

"I don't quite understand. They say mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are in trouble. Why do you want to go back to our mother's place just one day?"

Wen Nuan put on lipstick in front of the rearview mirror and said calmly.

"That's because my mother-in-law is the best mother-in-law in the world!"

"what about me?"

"You? Scumbag, bah! Damn scumbag, scumbag and straight, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah..."

While Wen Nuan was complaining about Han Qian, he quietly closed the window.

Not being heard means not being scolded.

About half an hour later than expected, the four people appeared in Han Qian's sight. Yu Shici and Yeats got into the warm car. Xu Hongchang smiled after getting in the car.

"Master, have you changed your car again?"

Han Qian threw a cigarette to Xu Hongchang and smiled.

"The Cayenne was driven away by Aunt Ji. I didn't have a car so I drove her BMW. Why is it so late than expected?"

Xu Hongchang pointed at Cui Li in the back seat and curled his lips.

"His reason! He was discovered when he came out. The police from the station rushed over. After investigating the identity for more than half an hour, they determined that this Cui Li was not the other Cui Li. Oh! Cui Li changed his name, Cui Jincan! "

"What? I understand, but it seems so Korean? They look very similar?"

"It can be said that they are exactly the same, with a year difference in age, but this does not affect it at all. The most interesting thing is that this Cui Jincan has a fiancée, hahahaha. Cui Li almost got married in South Korea. Assistant Yu and I both agreed that we got married in South Korea. Come back soon after getting married."

Han Qian got interested, opened the car door and asked Xu Hongchang to drive, then he leaned into the back seat and put his arm around Cui Li's shoulders, smiling evilly.

"How wonderful! I also have a foreign wife. Is she good-looking? Is she handsome? Have you slept?"

Cui Li blushed instantly and stammered and couldn't say one, two, three or four. Xu Hongchang couldn't help it. The reason why they didn't get married in the end was because Cui Li didn't speak English, or because Yeats communicated in Korean throughout the whole process. It was said that Cui Li suffered from sequelae due to his illness.

Along the way, Xu Hongchang was making fun of Cui Li. Cui Li was the stupidest and couldn't explain it. He could only lower his head and look at the passport in his hand.

"I didn't expect that when I returned home again, I would become an outsider."

Han Qian smiled.

"Who told you not to abide by family rules? Be satisfied, not everyone can be as lucky as you. Has Feng Lun contacted you recently?"

Cui Li nodded.

"I contacted him. He said that we will be strangers from now on, and he will kill me when he kills you. If I have the chance, I will kill Lin Zongheng and Zhang Shengli! Young Master, let me attack Feng Lun, I... ·I’m afraid…”

Han Qian smiled.

"Why are you thinking so much? Master, let me tell you, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. You don't have to worry about my life or death. Just protect the girls around me. Are you two tired? If not, take a walk with me."

Xu Hongchang chuckled.

"Master, do you want to catch the wind for us? That's not tiring!"

"I'll take you to meet a few people, and I'll tell Nuannuan to go back to my mother's place."

After calling Nuan Nuan to tell him that he would not be coming home tonight, Nuan Nuan said oh, and after hanging up the phone, Han Qian said in a low voice.

"Go see Cheng Jin!"

Hearing this name, Xu Hongchang and Cui Li froze, but neither of them spoke. Xu Hongchang drove to the yamenmen, brushed his face and went straight into the hospital. Han Qian opened the door and got out of the car and tightened his tight pants. After taking two steps to find out that the two guys in the car had not gotten out of the car, Han Qian turned around and said.

"Should I ask you two to come down? It's a pleasure."

Cui Li got out of the car before Xu Hongchang, stopped and followed Han Qian. This guy was wearing a slim suit and looked a bit Korean. He led the two of them upstairs and opened the door of Cheng Jin's office. He smiled at the old man.

"Old Boss Cheng, are you busy?"

Cheng Jin squinted at Han Qian and frowned.

"You didn't look for me but you still wanted to look for you! Did Ji Jing and Yang Lan beat up Niu Xiaohuaer?"

Han Qian opened the door and walked into the office with the two guys. When he saw Cui Li, who was 1.9 meters tall, Cheng Jin stood up suddenly. He felt that this guy was very familiar. He had seen the photos of Feng Lun and Cui Li countless times. Cheng Jin Jin can be sure that this guy is Cui Li.

Seeing Cheng Jin's excitement, Han Qian smiled.

"I knew you would react this way. How about my new assistant who works part-time as a bodyguard? This head, this figure, this temperament."

Cheng Jin looked at Cui Li coldly, and Han Qian chuckled.

"Let me introduce you, his name is Cui..."

Listening to Han Qian's long tone, Cheng Jin picked up his phone and threw it at Han Qian. Han Qian tilted his head and dodged, spitting out the last two words.


Then he bent down to pick up the phone and continued.

"Cui Jincan, a native of Seoul, South Korea, 28 years old! He did not serve in the military due to injury. Old man, your mobile phone is broken, Old Xu! Go buy two mobile phones for Mayor Cheng. How can each one see? Are you blind?"

"Yes, yes, I'm going, I'm going."

Xu Hongchang turned around and left, Cheng Jin said coldly.

"No need."

Xu Hongchang turned to look at Cheng Jin and said seriously.

"It doesn't matter to me whether you use it or not. My young master asked me to buy it for you, so I will buy it! You have to use it too."

After he finished speaking, Han Qian slapped him on the shoulder and frowned.

"Why are you talking so secretly?"

Xu Hongchang turned around and ran away. Cheng Jin looked at Cui Li and said calmly.

"Get out!"

Cui Li turned around and left. He was much smarter than Xu Hongchang and closed the door. As soon as he closed the door, Han Qian panicked. Cheng Jin turned over from the table, grabbed Han Qian's collar and carried the unruly man away. Got up and threw it on the sofa.

Although it didn't hurt this time, Han Qian was beaten to pieces. Just as he was about to speak, Cheng Jin grabbed Han Qian's collar and punched him in the stomach, saying angrily.

"Little bastard, what are you talking about? If you change your nationality or identity, you think I can't recognize you? That's right! You rich people can find ways to take advantage of loopholes, but today I will beat you half to death, so why don't you stand up to me? On."

Han Qian was scared and said quickly.

"Old man! Father Cheng! Dear father, don't be impatient. I already told you that it's not Cui Li anymore. It hurts."

"Not Cui Li? Even if it's Feng Lun outside, can I hit you? I ask you, bastard, can I hit you?"


"Then you are still nagging?"

Cheng Jin's hands pinched Han Qian's face like pliers.

Cui Li in the corridor made a sound like a pig being slaughtered in the office. He was a little flustered and sighed helplessly. It seemed that Han Qian had indeed paid too much for him, and he felt a little guilty.

Cui Li is very simple.

In the office, Han Qian's left and right cheeks were blue, Cheng Jin said in a low voice.

"Han Qian! Are you asking me..."


Han Qian spoke quickly and said again.

"It has nothing to do with you at all. He is Cui Jincan, just Cui Jincan! I came here today because I was worried that your people would call the police when you see him around my girls in the future. He just looks a little bit alike."

"Do you think I'm stupid? Han Qian, let me tell you, after Cui Li was exposed, I was at most double-regulated, and you are a repeat offender!"

"I told you it's not Cui Li!"

"Blood test?"

"Damn it, why is Xu Hongchang so slow? Do you have a mirror? I feel like my face is swollen."

Cheng Jin snorted coldly, called Li Jinhai, then stood up, opened the door and let Cui Li in, saying coldly.

"Don't think that I won't keep an eye on you if you change your identity. As long as you do something to leave the government, I will make you walk around Binhai without food!"

Cui Li said calmly.

"You don't look like the mayor, you look more like a bandit leader."

"I don't need to be judged by you Cui Li! Now in Binhai, I, Cheng Jin, have the final say, not Han Qian, Cui Li!"

"You have to call me Cui Jincan."

"Oh, you are very proficient in Chinese! Can I listen to you if you say a few words in Korean?"

“I forgot Korean after I got sick.”

"Not your native language?"

"Are you a Chinese teacher? Am I taking a test?"

Cheng Jin sneered, stood up, walked to Cui Li, and punched this guy in the stomach. Han Qian's eyes twitched as he watched, and Cui Li covered his stomach and whispered.

"Is this a meeting gift you gave me?"

"Let you know that I, Cheng Jin, am not a good-tempered person, and I don't care about my image. If you dare to hurt someone in Binhai, I will kill you if you don't become an official."

Cui Li whispered.

"I can't guarantee that if someone hurts my young master, I won't watch from the sidelines. This is my job, my proper job."

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