Su Liang was lying on the hospital bed watching a movie on his mobile phone. What he knew was that he only injured his finger, but those who didn’t know thought it was an amputation. Han Qian sat aside and gnawed on an apple sent by a little girl who didn’t know who it was. Anyway, Han Qian After sitting here for less than twenty minutes, there were already three little girls who came to see Su Liang, and one of them was Han Qian who went out to cover.

"I'm really worried that you didn't die on the hospital bed, but died of exhaustion that day. Have you understood all this?"

Su Liang turned around and chuckled.

"I definitely don't understand the conversation. I often answer the phone and call the wrong name. If I don't understand the conversation, just give her freedom. Don't say that you are absent from work again today. Be careful that Lady Yasha is trying to kill you. Today Qian Wan called me in the morning and said that she How do you feel about Auntie going to the company?"

Han Qian took a bite of the apple and said vaguely.

"It's not that good. I feel that the chance of using Qian Ling to deal with Li Dongsheng is not high. But it does help me with another thing. Wu Siguan's matter has been clarified. She is very close to Sun Ya. Today, Gao Fuli has another You tried to win me over once, but I still didn’t agree.”

"That's fine if you don't agree. Can you help me go through the discharge procedures later? If you don't go out, my fish pond is really going to catch fire. Are you driving? Are you going to have a drink?"

"I'm just here to drink with you. By the way, I want to see my brother, let's come together."

Su Liang had no need to be hospitalized at all, but he just wanted Qian Wan to know that he was hospitalized to protect her. To sound a bit scary, Su Liang changed his clothes and went downstairs to go through the discharge procedures with Han Qian. The hospital doctor happily After Su Liang was discharged from the hospital, he was just occupying beds and wasting resources.

The two walked out of the main entrance of the hospital talking and laughing. Yan Qingqing called. She sat in the car and watched the two evildoers Han Qian and Su Liang walking side by side and laughing. Han Qian frowned and looked at the phone and answered. Tonghou frowned.

"Is the contract finished?"

Yan Qingqing gritted her teeth while holding back the anger in her heart.

"Am I the boss or are you the boss? Han Qian, you won't pay me a salary! Where are you now?"

"I'm smoking downstairs. You know, I will quarrel with Li Dongsheng in the general department."

"I'll go find you downstairs. You haven't changed your dressing yet. I'll change it for you."

Han Qian hesitated for a while and hung up the phone. Su Liang, who was on the side, heard the conversation on the phone clearly, looked at Han Qian with admiration, and then gave a thumbs up like a mummy bandaged!


Han Qian curled his lips and said softly.

"It's awesome. Why don't I leave as soon as I dare? It's just our Mr. Yan, haha! If she doesn't let me come out, why don't I slap him? Man! Pure man."

Su Liang kept nodding his head and whispered in agreement.

"Man, really a man."

When Han Qian was bragging, he didn't know that Yan Qingqing had gotten out of the car and followed them. In order to prevent the sound from the high heels, she walked barefoot. Listening to Han Qian's bragging, she curled her lips.

Han Qian hadn't noticed that there was another person not far behind him, so he put his arm around Su Liang's shoulders and said.

"What? Why don't you say goodbye to your nurse sisters?"

"I want it, I want it, I want this."

Su Liang turned around and just raised his hand to wave when he saw Yan Qingqing carrying a baseball bat. His brain stopped working for a moment. Why did this empress appear here, saying hello with a forced smile.

"Mr. Yan!"

Han Qian was slightly startled after hearing this, then curled his lips and said.

"Don't tease me, she's still in the office right now."

"Yes! How dare the little girl sneak out of the company without Han Daxian'er's order? Don't you have to inform Han Daxian'er wherever you go? Han Qian! Give you a chance. Should you and I go back to the company or go and solve the problem? Tu Xiao’s matter.”

Yan Qingqing looked at Han Qian, who had already tensed up, with disdain. Han Qian didn't turn his head, raised his head and looked at the sky and sighed softly.

"Hey! It's going to rain, and my mother has to get married. It doesn't matter if you go early or late. Liang'er, you go home to recuperate first, and I'll go see Guan Junbiao."

Han Qian really didn't dare to look back. He was afraid that this woman would smash his head with the heel of her high-heeled shoes. As expected, she could clearly hear the boast he just made. He couldn't resist anymore. It was wrong.

Han Qian abandoned Su Liang and ran away. Su Liang scratched Yan Qingqing awkwardly, then turned around and ran away, shouting as he ran.

"Qian'er, I didn't bring any money. You can send it home to me."


At four o'clock in the afternoon, Han Qian finally met Guan Dagou after running around the city for a long time. The fact that he ran around for a long time had nothing to do with Guan Junbiao. It was completely caused by Su Liang's fun. He made one phone call after another, and then... The appointment was repeated, and Han Qian became the driver and took Su Liang for a long walk around the city.

Finally, Han Qian snatched him away and yelled angrily at the coquettish girl on the phone.

"Don't be so damn tired. Your brother Liang's son is already three years old. Su Liang, get out of the car right now and get out of here!"

At the main entrance of Haihua Middle School, Guan Junbiao came to pick up the eldest daughter of their family. Han Qian did not make an appointment elsewhere, so he also picked up Jiawei. Guan Junbiao handed Han Qian a cigarette, and Han Qian shook his head.

"I can't finish a pack of cigarettes in three days. I've smoked enough today. Did Sun Ya seduce you this afternoon? Are you excited?"

Guan Junbiao lit his cigarette and curled his lips.

"My heart is not moved, but my cock is moving. This bitch is not a simple thing. I am afraid that she will accuse me of rape afterwards. Now Gao Xingcheng seems to want to cooperate with our master. Brother Han, you are in danger."

Han Qian curled his lips and leaned against the car door cautiously.

"Dangerous? I am not dangerous at all. If there is no high performance, our Mr. Yan will not be willing to cooperate with you, Brother Guan! You have to show some sincerity, right?"

"No, don't ask me. I'm just a loser. If you have anything to do, you can talk to our master."

Guan Dagou looked at Han Qian warily, fearing that he would be let in without saying anything. Han Qian smiled and didn't care, patted the car door, smiled at Guan Dagou's car.

"The eldest daughter of yours came here in a broken Nissan when I picked her up? Tu Xiao is a bit stingy. You are loyal and he will give you this broken car? No wonder Tu Kun was always bullied in school. In total, you are not good at it. Don’t have a small animal at home? A Land Rover or Jaguar will do.”

Guan Dagou lowered his head and pouted.

"We can't compare to your glory, or enjoy such a large group. Hundreds of people support the master and support the family. The money paid to the convicted brother in the past few years is a big expense. My master is not willing to buy a car."

"It's okay to buy a Mercedes-Benz. How about you come to Glory? If nothing else, I can buy you a big Buick."

"Do you believe that when you gave me the Buick, I gave it to my master to pick up the eldest daughter? Brother Han, please stop teasing me."

"Don't you have 100,000 in your hand? Isn't the entire down payment enough?"

"I'll give it to my subordinates. We can't let their wives and children starve to death, right? Brother Han, do you want you to feel aggrieved? I'll get the remaining 300,000 from Lin Zongheng."

"Fuck you, I'm going to slap you."

Han Qian laughed and scolded Guan Dagou, but the latter had no intention of joking with Han Qian. He raised his head and sighed, and Han Qian said with a smile.

"Hey, hey, hey? Seeing you die like this gives me a headache. Don't cry about poverty here. Doesn't your master have a few entertainment businesses? As for what you said is so miserable?"

"Four out of seven businesses have been sealed. Brother Han, can you please stop me from pretending to be stupid? With your relationship with the Wen family, do you know that my master will be the target of surgery after the strict crackdown order is issued? I don't know which grandson will report it. Yes, the baths have been sealed, and the young lady has been taken away. Without the young lady, what a waste... Brother Han, I won’t talk to you anymore, no wonder you always get beaten, you deserve it!”

"Brother Guan, let's talk again."

"Get out! If I don't talk to you, you're stupid for bullying me."

Guan Junbiao opened the door and got in the car, closing the windows on a hot day. He made it clear that he didn't want to say another word to Han Qian. In fact, Han Qian already understood almost everything at this point.

Tu Xiao in the Eighth District is not in a hurry to transform, but this guy has no money. Guan Dagou said that it is pure nonsense to say that there is no lady and he will not make money. Four businesses have been closed. This is not as simple as not making money. Tu Xiao has to rely on something. As for the foster brother in the business, how much wealth can he have if he only contributes money if he doesn’t take in any money? How much does my brother's expenses cost? How much does the rent for a business cost? I'm getting some money for my brother in prison.

Even if his business is worth two million, it is only over ten million. Now that the business has been blocked, no one dares to take over. Most of the reason is that no one wants to be associated with Tu Xiao.

He still has a lot of money.

As long as he goes bankrupt, his status in the Eighth District will be impacted immediately.

Han Qian laughed!

He thought of a way.

At six o'clock, two children, Li Jiawei and Tu Kun, walked out of the school gate side by side. Only two children came out and no other students were seen leaving school. Han Qian frowned. Li Jiawei and Tu Kun also saw Han Qian. Tu Kun abandoned them instantly. Li Jiawei waved to Han Qian and shouted.


Han Qian nodded and frowned.

"Why are you two the only ones out? Where are the other students?"

Tu Kun pursed his lips and said nothing, Li Jiawei stepped forward and whispered.

"Uncle, I leave a little earlier than other students every day. My mother gets off work at nine o'clock, and I have to cook for my mother when I get home."

"Oh! Don't go home and be busy. Let's go! I'll take you to dinner. Xiao Tukun, are you going?"


Hearing the reply coming from behind, little Tu Kun had opened the back door and sat in. He was lying on the window with his hands and squinting, smiling. Then Han Qian saw Guan Dagou standing with a sore face. Tangled in the distance, when he saw Han Qian, he immediately got into the car and did not come out.

It’s the third update. Vote.

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