Looking at the two cars at the door, Han Qian has been confused about one thing. Why do Chinese people like BMW and Mercedes-Benz?

Luoshen left behind a BMW and a GL8.

Han Qian reluctantly called Guan Junbiao and asked him to come over and help drive.

The coquettish Guan Dagou soon appeared in front of Han Qian. He drove a BMW, and Han Qian drove a GL8 to pick up Nuan Nuan and the others. The girls looked at the two cars in front of them and began to tsk and murmur nursery rhymes.

"Han Qian, which rich woman did you hook up with again? You are such a crooked man!"

After speaking out, Ji Jing said coldly.

"There are many rich women here now, is my eldest nephew not serious?"

Nursery Rhyme pouted.

"Anyway, it's okay if you're not a rich woman. You can be found everywhere. It's like a mother's business."

After saying that, Tong Yao had already got into the car. Yan Qingqing took the car keys and she wanted to drive. Nuan Nuan sat in the passenger seat. Ji Jing, Cai Qinghu, Tong Yao and Yu Shici sat in the back. Xiao Beibei pestered Han Qian to talk to Han Qian. Go together.

Guan Junbiao drove the BMW, Li Li sat in the passenger seat, Han Qian and Su Liang sat in the back, and Xiao Beibei sat in the middle and was protected by his two uncles. Han Qian smiled and asked Li Li if he had named the child.

When Su Liang mentioned his name, he covered his head and said helplessly.

"What a name! Qian'er, Brother Guan, you two have to judge! I think the boy will be called Su Chengliu and the girl will be called Su Su. If they don't agree, the boy must be called Su Zaixun!"

Li Li said proudly.

"The baby in my belly!"

Guan Junbiao said seriously from the side.

"Brothers and sisters, Korean dramas are all lies!"

Su Liang laughed loudly after saying this, and Li Li also chuckled. At this time, Xiao Beibei suddenly asked whether he was a younger brother or a younger sister, and then asked Su Liang if he would not want Beibei after having a younger brother or younger sister.

These words made Su Liang feel a little sad. He picked up Xiao Beibei and put his head on the little baby's head in his arms, saying pamperingly.

"Uncle loves Beibei the most! Why don't you want Beibei? Let your uncle Qian'er give the gift to your younger brother and sister after they are born, and then all the money will be given to Beibei, okay?"

Han Qian smiled and cursed.

"Fuck you! Are you good at settling accounts? When my eldest nephew was born, I didn't have anything else. I paid 10,000 yuan for milk powder. The rest was paid to Brother Guan. He has become very wealthy recently."

Guan Junbiao laughed after hearing this.

"Ten thousand diapers, one piece!"

The three men laughed. At this time, Xiao Beibei looked at Han Qian and said seriously.

"Fuck you mua!"

Han Qian was angry with Xiao Beibei, so he slapped his little butt gently and said seriously.

"No swearing!"


We arrived at the hotel on the outskirts of Luoshen's house at two o'clock in the afternoon. Where in the hell is this a hotel? Isn't this just a large villa? And it is definitely safe to only receive one group of guests at a time.

Walking in the door, Wen Nuan stretched out his arms and put his arms around Yan Qingqing's neck and tucked it under his armpits.

"Let's go! Sister will take you to choose a room."

Just like that, Wen Nuan forcibly dragged Yan Qingqing away. Han Qian was so frightened that he swallowed his saliva. Wen Nuan really had a way to deal with Yan Qingqing! Then he looked at the people standing at the door, Tong Yao looked at Ji Jing, Ji Jing picked up Xiao Beibei and said softly.

"Let's go, Beibei, you sleep with my aunt."

When the words came out, Han Qian's eyes widened, his mouth opened and he gestured with both hands, but the result was not clear. Then Tongyao glanced at Yu Shici and smiled.

"Shici, let's sleep on the second floor."

Yu Chi Nu looked at Han Qian with fiery eyes. The latter lowered his head and looked at his toes without daring to raise his head.

He was relieved that Tong Yao didn't live in the same room as Ji Jing. Su Liang took Li Li to choose a room. Guan Junbiao glanced at Han Qian and was kicked away by Cai Qinghu. Lady Cai looked at Han Qian lovingly. Modesty.

"Ms. sir~~"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yan Qingqing suddenly opened the door and rushed out, followed closely by Wen Nuan. The two of them held Cai Qinghu's arms, one on the left and the other on the right, and said in unison.

"You sleep with us! The room is large with tatami mats! You can remain silent."

In this way, Han Qian was the only one left at the door, and Han Qian immediately fell in love with the solid wood Arhat bed in the study room on the first floor. It was somewhat similar to the ancient emperor's bed. Han Qian took off his shoes and lay on the bed, casually taking them out. a book.

Not long after, Guan Dagou came back, holding a pot of tea in his hand and placing it on the small table of the Arhat bed. The two of them drank tea and looked at the stone path and fountain in the yard through the floor-to-ceiling windows. Guan Junbiao got a cup of tea. said softly.

"It's much more comfortable here than staying in a hotel. I just checked. There are cameras and security guards on both sides of the villa. The only drawback is that you have to cook by yourself. There are ingredients in the refrigerator. You can go up to the top floor. The pond in the yard is about half a meter. From left to right, Xiao Beibei’s head can be exposed when he stands inside.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Guan Junbiao took out a pistol and a short knife and placed them on the table. Han Qian frowned and smiled bitterly.

"How did you bring these two things onto the train? Can these things be brought into the capital?"

Guan Junbiao smiled lightly.

"I came to the capital to protect your safety. You are good at business, and I also have my own connections. You can take the pistol, and I can take the short knife. There are many people who want your life, so you'd better be careful."

While talking, Su Liang came down from the second floor, stepped forward and slipped on the bed, looked at the two objects on the table, and smiled.

"You'd better carry a gun. Everyone thinks that you and Feng Lun are close. We both know clearly that he has always wanted your life."

Just after they finished speaking, the three heard the door to the room on the first floor being opened. Han Qian was busy putting away his gun and hiding it in the bookshelf. Guan Junbiao pulled out a short knife and asked the two if they were awesome. Yan Qingqing looked at the three with disdain.

The three old men were chatting on the first floor about Feng Lun, Cui Li, national affairs, the US's attack on Iraq, then they talked about how aggrieved the Song Dynasty was, the toughness of the Ming Dynasty, and finally they talked about Iron Man and Bump Man, in short It's not serious at all.

Blow smoke and smoke, and speak freely.

Tong Yao was lying on the railing on the second floor, holding a can of Red Bull in his hand and said calmly.

"Han Qian hasn't been so relaxed for a long time. Suddenly I feel that Han Qian is so pitiful. He seems to have never been loved since he was a child."

Aunt Ji leaned against the railing, holding a bottle of beer in her hand.

"I have told his fortune many times, and I have had many fortune tellers, and they all said that he was destined for hard work. I don't know if I will meet him in the next life, so I will give him my best in this life."

Tong Yao shrugged, turned around and looked at Ji Jing, frowning.

"So you always want me to become you? What you give Han Qian is the tenderness he needs. The warmth allows Han Qian to shoulder family responsibilities. Yan Qingqing gives Han Qian a job. Cai Qinghu gives Han Qian no pressure and peace. The companionship of burden is different for everyone, so don’t expect all of us to be like you.”

Ji Jing raised her head and drank half a bottle of wine, breathing a long sigh of relief.

"Can you play cards? Northern style."

"I'll call Li Li and Yan Qingqing. The chess and card room is on the first floor."

Not long after, Han Qian heard the sound of several girls playing mahjong. Their teapots were also taken away by Yan Qingqing, who told Han Qian that they were making a pot. Han Qian smiled helplessly. This time, Su Liang got up and went I took a few bottles of beer and found a lot of snacks in Han Qian's schoolbag.

The three old men were drinking and chatting about life. In Su Liang's words, he had accepted his fate now and it would be good to live a stable life. Han Qian sighed.

"I also want to be safe and stable. Unfortunately, my life is full of ups and downs. A serious illness completely changed my life, otherwise! I guess I should be doing some small planning in Shuncheng or Huitian now. You may also do some small shopping, go out early and come back late, watch TV with your wife, and do homework with your children.”

After saying this, Guan Junbiao smiled.

"That kind of life is too boring, Brother Han! Liang'er enjoyed life before marriage. As for you! Your life is behind you."

Han Qian smiled and opened a bag of chicken feet. Just as he was about to eat it, Wen Nuan pulled Cai Qinghu and Yu Shici over, took the chicken feet from Han Qian's hand, and said softly.

"You three go out to drink, I want to play cards here."

Han Qian frowned and looked at Nuan Nuan, wondering.

"Can you?"

This sentence was wrong. The three people were kicked out with three bottles of beer, a bag of peanuts and three chicken feet. When they went out, Han Qian reminded them not to forget that Xiao Beibei was still sleeping upstairs. The child would cry when the time came. was not heard.

As a result, Ji Jing took out her mobile phone and told Han Qian that her other mobile phone was on the second floor, and the two mobile phones were on video.

In the yard, Han Qian was drinking beer and lying on the lawn looking at the sky. Su Liang and Guan Junbiao were talking about basketball. They didn't understand and didn't want to listen.

This is just great!

Seven people gathered together, one table of mahjong and one table of poker. Han Qian was suddenly glad that Wen Nuan didn't know how to play mahjong, otherwise he would have to gather someone else.

Sighing softly, he closed his eyes with a smile.

“What a nice break!”

Seeing that it was almost dark, several girls were still playing, and Xiao Beibei had already woken up, thinking about returning to the underground world in the afternoon. It seemed that this plan was about to go to waste. Han Qian hugged Xiao Beibei and sat in the living room and watched. Two grown men playing games.

When Han Qian was drowsy, Nuan Nuan appeared behind Han Qian and whispered softly.

"Why are you holding Beibei instead of me!"

Han Qian didn't think too much, closed his eyes and said calmly.

"You're too big!"

When the words came out, Yan Qingqing laughed loudly and reminded Han Qian in a low voice that Wen Nuan was not big. This sentence made Wen Nuan angry and he roared angrily.

"Go cook! I'm hungry!"

Even when we went out to play, we couldn't escape cooking. Three men walked into the kitchen. It turned out that two of them couldn't cook. Guan Junbiao was cutting potatoes with a short knife. I have to say that his knife skills were really good. It was a pity that he didn't know how to cook. The potato slices were cut too thin. Su Liang insisted on making Coke chicken wings and asked Guan Junbiao to help change the knife. Guan Junbiao may have misunderstood. He quickly separated the chicken wings and bones cleanly, and then nursery rhymes and Li Li rushed out of the kitchen and they went to play mahjong.

He must have had itchy hands for a long time. Li Li's kitchen skills are not as good as those of Tong Yao. He basically just helps the child monster. When he saw Tong Yao cutting live crabs in half, Han Qian ran out of the kitchen.

This bitch is so bloody.

He also went into the chess and card room and replaced Ji Jing. He took a look at the thick chips that Ji Jing had won. Han Qian was ready to kill everyone. When the meal started, Han Qian cheated and ran away, not to mention that he had lost everything. , and still owe a lot.

Guan Junbiao looked at the thick chips in front of him and smiled.

"Han Qian ran away. Can you two pay the bill?"

This guy beats everyone. As long as it has something to do with anything inappropriate, Guan Junbiao is always better than others.

The dinner was very sumptuous. The three women cooked more than 20 dishes. They didn't eat at noon, they were just waiting for the evening meal. Nuan Nuan ate with a bowl in hand. Most of the people here were acquaintances, and she didn't really care. Image, Yan Qingqing opened her mouth to say a few words, Wen Nuan picked up an eggplant box and stuffed it into her mouth, mumbling.

"You're just out for fun, don't act like a boss. Can't you keep your mouth shut when you eat? Sister, feed you."

Yan Qingqing stared at Wen Nuan, her face turned green with anger, and then Li Li spoke weakly.

"Dr. Wen, do you usually diet and pay attention to your figure?"

Nuan Nuan raised his head and glanced at Li Li, smiling.

"Just call me warm. I used to pay attention to it, but Han Qian didn't let me be strong. I haven't paid attention to it since then, and I haven't gained much weight."

Li Li nodded, and Yu Shici sighed.

"People are so irritating. I don't eat dinner every day and I can't control my weight. I see that Qinghu doesn't diet at all. She doesn't gain weight either?"

Cai Qinghu held a piece of pig's trotters in his hand and said calmly.

"I have to work out in the gym for two hours every day. If I don't exercise, I won't dare to eat. What about you, Ji Jing?"

"I don't work out, I'm lazy! I'm similar to Wen Nuan, the type who just eats and doesn't gain weight."

Yan Qingqing was about to speak again, but Wen Nuan had already picked up a piece of meat and was waiting for her. This time Yan Qingqing was not ambiguous, opened her mouth to eat the meat, and said vaguely.

"I run in the morning and at night, which is my only exercise. I usually have a heavy workload and forget to eat. My figure is just like this. In fact, it's not good at all! I feel the pain quietly. I'm tired. !”

The atmosphere on the table changed instantly. Wen Nuan and Cai Qinghu looked at Yan Qingqing with murderous eyes. Wen Nuan's hand holding the chopsticks had changed. Han Qian picked up Beibei and stood up, ready to escape from the battlefield!

At this time, there was a sound of high heels tapping outside the door, followed by a soft voice.

"Hello girls! I'm here to help you."

Regarding Wu Qingsi's sudden appearance, Nuan Nuan and Yan Qingqing expressed very calmly, saying that they didn't need to crowd into the same room if someone was staring at them at night.

Two updates today, something trivial! I owe you an update.

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