After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 679 Everything is under control

Han Qian said weakly.

"You take maternity leave... Let's not say whether you can take it or not. If you take it, then it's up to you to fulfill your promise here. Aren't you afraid of being taken away from your power?"

Yan Qingqing hugged Han Qian's neck, pouting and muttering softly.

"As long as you help me get it back!"

"What? I am omnipotent?"

After saying this, Yan Qingqing nodded vigorously.

"In my heart, you are an omnipotent and indomitable man! Han Qian~ Let's have a baby for fun! Then I will stop quarreling with Wen Nuan and take care of the baby at home."

At this point, Yan Qingqing suddenly looked at Han Qian, frowned and said seriously.

"No, if the child is trained to be like me, it will be useless. You will take care of the boys and girls and learn from their father. Han Qian~~~ I want a child!"

Empress Yasha shook Han Qian's neck and began to act coquettishly. Han Qian really couldn't resist. When he saw Song Jing's belly, he also had the idea of ​​having a child in his mind. The idea passed in a flash. He still couldn't resist it. He couldn't, all dangers were not eliminated, and the child would distract him.

He hugged Yan Qingqing's waist and said softly.

"We will talk about the child later. Now all the troubles have not been resolved. I am worried that these people will do something to my child..."

"I'll take you to America!"

"My child will never go abroad in this life! Our country is so big, it's enough for him to play. Okay! Stop making trouble and deal with the work!"

"Ah!! Han Qian, Han Qian, child, child."

Yan Qingqing started to make trouble. This was the first time Han Qian saw Yan Qingqing making trouble. She was quite good at this and comforted her for more than half an hour. Yan Qingqing temporarily gave up the idea of ​​having a child, but then she had an idea.

Get the certificate!

Han Qian sighed feebly.

"You hope I won't die!"


Leader Niu from the yamenmen took a break after so many years on the job. He even took a break when he was extremely busy. Cheng Jin was sitting in the office, looking at the roof with a cigarette in his mouth, squinting his eyes and taking a puff of the cigarette.

Niu Guodong, Niu Guodong, can't he handle the pressure anymore? You should never have helped Lin Zongheng catch Han Qian!

Exhaling a puff of smoke, Cheng Jin sighed softly

In fact, he didn't want to touch Niu Guodong, and even said that Cheng Jin had never targeted anyone in the Yamenmen. He had been doing his job, catching corrupt officials and focusing on political achievements. Since the Feng Lun incident, the corrupt officials he had caught There were more than he could count on both hands, and he knew this was far from over.

Niu Guodong's daughter Niu Xiaohua had an incident. Before Gou Dapao attacked Han Qian at the resort, she lost her gun. Due to Niu Guodong's ability in the city, the incident was quickly suppressed, and Niu Xiaohua also Got a painless punishment.

Suspension pending!

Three months later, she returned to her job, but this time she became a traffic policeman. Everyone knew that Niu Guodong wanted to reinstate Officer Niu Xiaohua after the storm stopped, but he did not expect that Niu Xiaohua would be at this juncture. Han Qian was provoked.


Who the hell believes that?

Thinking about how he wanted Niu Xiaohua to be Han Qian's secretary before, Cheng Jin felt like a fool. Qinghu was the most correct choice.

But Niu Xiaohua is said to be related to these two gangsters!

There is no evidence that there is a relationship, and there is no evidence that there is no relationship.

Cheng Jin has always wondered whether Feng Lun's gun was given to him by Feng Zhida. Feng Zhida's suicide in prison was already suspicious. Niu Guodong and Lin Mengde...

Cheng Jin sat up and gave himself a slap in the face. Everything must be based on evidence and not suspicion. Then Cheng Jin smiled, Niu Guodong, the last thing you should do in your life is to throw Han Qian into prison!

"Changde! Changde!"

After two shouts, the permanent secretary opened the door and walked in, saying respectfully.

"You are looking for me."

Cheng Jin stood up, picked up his clothes and said calmly.

"Go and have a look and see if the two gangsters have confessed. Is it true that Niu Guodong is not coming today? Where is he now?"

"At home! He's very calm."

"He is a leader, that's for sure! Oh, we only arrest corrupt officials, regardless of official position."

"You are a good man."

"Me? I'm not a good person. I can't do that! Go and find out what Niu Guodong has done to benefit the people in the past few years. In addition, send all the information Niu Xiaohua has done to Han Qian and tell him This bastard should make some contribution to Binhai City. If he can't do it, he'll be hung up and beaten."

Chang De nodded awkwardly, went downstairs and got in the car. Chang De couldn't help but ask.

"You agreed to the mountain villa plan jointly developed by Changrong Group and Yeshaige? You let these capitalists make money again."

Cheng Jin stretched out his hand and slapped Chang De on the head, laughing and scolding.

"You know nothing! When capitalists make money, they also bring about the economy. Our citizens in Binhai City are not poor, they just have less places to spend money. In addition, the villa mainly earns money from outsiders for our Binhai City. People get paid and spend money in the city, forget it! You don’t understand even if I tell you, just drive.”

Changde curled his lips secretly and muttered softly.

"Actually, you don't understand. It was Yeats from Yezhai Pavilion who said it. Deputy Secretary Cheng, this Yeats is really powerful. She is also a secretary. I want to become her teacher."

Cheng Jin smiled.

"I have no objection. I can help you find a connection, but don't think too much about it. The relationship between Yeats and Han Qian is not very clear."

Changde chuckled.

"You know, you know, Guan Dagou in the Eighth District said that Dong Wen is the Empress of the East Palace, Dong Yan is the Empress of the West Palace, and our Xiaoqinghu Princess. These three girls stand on three sides, and no one can do anything to the other. The rest... That Principal Tong who made Niu Guodong unable to come to the stage last night, huh? Principal Tong was not like this before, she... is quite smart, and I also know one thing."

"I know too! Don't talk too much, otherwise Han Qian will fight me hard, and I won't be able to withstand the anger of this little brat. Drive! What are you waiting for?"

"I forgot, I forgot, this is not nonsense."

Changde started the car and left the Yamenmen's courtyard, and the two of them spoke at the same time.

"Which girl do you think Han Qian will marry in the end?"

"Which girl do you think Han Qian will marry?"

When the words came out, the two of them were slightly stunned, and then turned to look out the window at the same time.

They are also a very cute couple.

In Niu Xiaohua's two-story apartment, she hugged her legs and sat on the sofa on the second floor watching TV. She didn't know why her father didn't protect her this time. She was expelled from the party overnight and would never be able to live in the party again in this life. To be a civil servant, I don't understand why my father would compromise the old fox's conditions this time.

Lin Zongheng lay on the rocking chair on the balcony and closed his eyes to rest, feeling drowsy.

Niu Xiaohua couldn't help but ask. "

"Zongheng, why?"

Lin Zongheng turned his head and said doubtfully.

"what why?"

"I asked why I was expelled from the party! Why did this old fox Cheng Jin speak for that Han Qian? If he hadn't spoken, someone who stopped me from leaving last night would have been an assault on the police! In the end, it's not necessarily who is at fault, why! "

Niu Xiaohua's face was full of confusion and anger. Lin Zongheng curled his lips and smiled when he saw this.

"Your status is not low, but your IQ is really not high. I don't understand why you want to take the initiative to provoke Han Qian. From the time Han Qian appeared last year to now, Feng Lun is the only one who has taken advantage of him. Alone, let alone helping me vent my anger! I can’t bear the favor of a rich lady like you."

"I'm just helping you vent your anger! Warmth! Luo Shen! Now that you're walking with Han Qian, aren't you angry? I feel worthless for you!"

"Then you gave the gun to Gou Dapao? Fortunately, Gou Dapao is dead, Niu Xiaohua! Cheng Jin is right, you should still raise flowers and plant grass. Don't say you like me! Your father can do it Kill me."

"I just like you!"

Lin Zongheng closed his eyes and ignored this woman with an abnormal mind. Was Liu Shengge schizophrenic? Han Qian is a mad dog?

wrong! Everything is wrong, this Niu Xiaohua is the craziest one.

She resented Han Qian for bullying Lin Zongheng, resented Han Qian for bullying his father, and resented Han Qian for bullying Uncle Lin, who was kind and kind to her.

On the first floor of the apartment, Niu Guodong was smoking a cigarette with his eyes closed, and Lin Mengde beside him said lightly.

"Xiao Hua'er is really helpless this time? Can't we let those two gangsters bite Han Qian, a little beast?"

Niu Guodong shook his head, closed his eyes and sighed.

"Hey! If I could, I would still have such a headache? Counting these two, a total of six were caught. Zhang Gang, nicknamed Toad, insisted that Han Qian had nothing to do with them, and he didn't know Feng Lun. Later, Jiang was caught taking drugs. Song Ye has repeatedly proven that he has nothing to do with Han Qian, and now even if these four people bite him, Han Qian is not guilty, because Toad is one of the masterminds, and they are not."

Having said this, Niu Guodong took a deep breath before speaking.

"Xiao Hua'er's gun was lost once, and it hasn't been found yet. Li Jinhai, a person who doesn't get into things like oil and salt, is very taboo about this kind of thing. Now it's fine. She has nothing to do to provoke Han Qian. It's a damn coincidence. Why is she here? At that time, two evil stars came out. Not to mention that last night Cheng Jin said he would be expelled from the party. Even if Xiao Hua'er was thrown into prison, I would have to suffer. This black-faced fox has begun to doubt me. You seem to be very sad recently. I don't I understand why you went to take over the shares from the little girl of the Wen family at this time!"

Lin Mengde laughed at himself.

"I was driven to a dead end by this little beast. I didn't expect that he would dare to kidnap Wei Tiancheng in front of everyone. If Wei Tiancheng is caught and we are both done, I dare not buy it? Find me someone now. The company’s money has to block the way to borrow money, so I can’t get a loan from a bank.”

"I don't know. I'm thinking about how to get rid of these two guys, Cheng Jin and Han Qian, so that your son and my daughter can be more stable recently. You should destroy everything related to you. It's best to find Wei Tiancheng. He is interested in You are in danger."

"Feng Lun is by his side. Do you think the little beast has no backup plan?"

"You father and son shouldn't have the idea of ​​taking action against Luo Shen. How much effort have I put into bringing them together?"

"Oh, you still want to make your daughter give up. Let's not talk about each other. Once we survive this period, everything will be settled. Let's say goodbye!"

Lin Mengde stood up, and Lin Zongheng also came downstairs at this time. The two left the apartment and got into the car. Lin Mengde said solemnly.

"Zongheng, find a way to make some money! The company's debt needs to be closed!"

Today, Lin Mengde has taken the same path that Han Qian took four years ago.

Embezzlement of public funds!

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