After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 622 Falling off the cliff

Luo Shen received a call from Lin Zongheng and asked him to come out to deliver the pass. Luo Shen left the venue without thinking too much, walked out of the main entrance of Yezhai Pavilion and came to the parking lot. Luo Shen did not see Lin Zongheng's car around him, and was slightly confused, so he took out Just as he was about to make a call on his phone, a deep voice appeared behind him.

"Stop yelling and go to your car."

Luo Shen could feel the pain coming from the sharp knife on his back and asked in a low voice.


Before she could finish her words, the sharpness cut her back and clothes. Luo Shen didn't dare to speak anymore and walked to her car. She didn't dare to play any tricks. Gou Dapao recognized her car. Luo Shen was forced into the back seat by Gou Dapao. Then Luo Shen was tied up tightly with ropes, and a ball of smelly and disgusting rag was stuffed into her mouth.

The car started slowly, and at this moment, Luo Shen heard Guan Junbiao's roar.

"Check each of them carefully for me. Just guard these cars for me. If something happens and my brother Han gets angry, don't blame me, Guan Junbiao, for stripping you all. My eyes have been opened. If I encounter anyone who doesn’t have a pass or is suspicious, I will tie him up directly. Today, I have special privileges."

Luo Shen hesitated and wanted to shout, but Gouda Pao punched Luo Shen in the face with his backhand. Then he looked at Guan Junbiao not far outside the car and said fiercely.

"Don't worry, bitch, I will skin this dog sooner or later."

The Maserati left the Yeshai Pavilion parking lot with a roar. The car was parked on the side of the road on the road where Wu Siguan was planning to invest. Gou Dapao grabbed Luo Shen's hair and dragged her out of the car. He untied the rope from her body. Luo Shen hurriedly He took off the rag from his mouth and was about to speak.

The dark bullet hole was pressed against her forehead, Gouda Pao said with a sinister smile.

"Are you really that superior Mrs. Lin? I tell you, bitch, if it weren't for time, I would have played with you right now, then killed you and thrown you down the mountain. Call Han Qian now and ask him to come over. Looking for you."

Luo Shen gritted his teeth and whispered.

"Lin Zongheng asked you to come."


A slap fell on her face, and then Gou Dapao grabbed Luo Shen's hair and slammed it against the front hood of the car. There was a sharp pain, and Gou Dapao grabbed Luo Shen's hair and said ferociously.

"Believe it or not, I took off your clothes and asked you to walk back to the city and call Han Qian! Tell her that you are waiting for him here."

Luo Shen was frightened and took out her cell phone tremblingly. Her nose and mouth were all bright red. When the call was dialed, Luo Shen said in a trembling voice.

"Han...Han Qian, I...I'm on the road at Yeshai Pavilion. Come here."

On the phone, Han Qian seemed to be driving. He pondered for a long time and then smiled.

"What's wrong, honey, you can't help but want to spend the night with me? Have you bought a condom?"

Hearing Han Qian's voice, Luo Shen didn't know why, but her trembling heart suddenly calmed down, and she said softly.

"I bought it, but I don't want you to take it with you."


"It's too tight. I'm afraid I'll strangle you."

Gou Dapao looked at Luo Shen with disdain, thinking that this woman was indeed a slut. Lin Zongheng's fiancée had an affair with Han Qian, and he had to envy Han Qian's grandson's good fortune.

On the phone, Han Qian was silent again, and the sound of a lighter came and he said softly.

"You bought it as a gift from someone else."


"I understand. I'll come over later and you can have some fun by yourself first."

The call was hung up. Gou Dapao heard that Han Qian was coming later and urged Luo Shen to continue calling. But this time the call was hung up. Gou Dapao was so angry that he kicked Luo Shen in the abdomen.

"Trash! Don't you know how to show off your coquettishness and seduce Han Qian to come over? Okay! He won't come over, right? I'll find a place to feel comfortable first."

Gou Dapao grabbed Luo Shen's hair and stuffed it into the back seat. Then he hit the butt of the gun and Luo Shen fainted.

He wouldn't dare to do anything with a cannon on this road. The police car at the Yamen Gate had just left and it might not come back anytime. He wanted to go back to the city to find a place. After months of holding back, he finally felt comfortable. .

At this moment, Han Qian is already on the road. He received a call from Feng Lun not long ago. Feng Lun's words were concise and to the point.

"Cui Li went to Yezhai Pavilion. I'm going to find your favorite Ji Jing now."

Feng Lun guessed many things correctly, but he ignored one thing. Ji Jing's community is one of the top security communities in the city. It is impossible to sneak into it secretly. Han Qian did not tell Ji Jing, but he called Find another person you can trust.

The phone rang again and Han Qian pressed the connect button.

"Qian'er, I have received Aunt Ji, and I am sending her to Director Qian as you instructed. Now Director Qian's two bodyguards are escorting me. There won't be any problems. After sending her, I will go to Yezhai Pavilion to find you. .”

"No! You are at Director Qian's side. The big dog is in the Yeshai Pavilion. I have enough people here. Remember! You must not leave the old housekeeper at Director Qian's house. You and your wife will stay with Aunt Ji. Don’t do anything, and don’t tell her what I’m doing. I’ll go find her when I’m done.”

After hanging up the phone, Han Qian called Guan Dagou.

"Brother Guan, I don't care what you are doing now, immediately take Nuan Nuan and the others to the office on the top floor of Yezhai Pavilion. Gou Dapao and Cui Li are both near Yezhai Pavilion. If anyone calls you except my phone, don't leave. they."


Guan Junbiao's answer was very straightforward. He hung up the phone. Guan Junbiao took the walkie-talkie and called a few trustworthy brothers back to the party hall. Guan Junbiao jogged all the way to Tu Xiao's side and lowered his head to explain. Tu Xiao's expression was dull and he nodded at Guan Junbiao. He nodded, then smiled.

"Brothers and sisters, this place has nothing to do with us now. I have something to talk to you about. Regarding Han Qian, can Manager Ye find us a safe room?"

Han Qian's secret, warm eyes were filled with doubts, and Yu Shici and Nursery Rhymes also had doubts on their faces.


Yan Qingqing was the first to stand up.

"Boss Tu, please give me warmth and poetry. Let's go upstairs."

Nuan Nuan frowned.

"Yan Hu, the party here..."

"I told you to go upstairs, do you understand?"

The low roar frightened Wen Nuan. Tong Yao seemed to have guessed something. He held a girl upstairs with one hand and Yan Qingqing whispered.

"Boss Tu, ask your younger brother to invite Qinghu and Qingsi. Manager Ye, let's go with us. Just leave this place to Xu Hongchang. You are also qualified to listen to Han Qian's affairs."

Several women followed Yan Qingqing upstairs with confused eyes. Following them upstairs were a dozen bodyguards who sent several girls into the room. Guan Junbiao stood at the door and drew out the short knife from his waist.

Hook the cannon.

Cui Li!

I've long wanted to meet you two.

In the room, Wen Nuan asked Tu Xiao curiously what secrets he knew about Han Qian. Tu Xiao was confused and didn't know how to speak. Wen Wen was anxious.

"Boss Tu, what are you doing? There are so many things going on down there, oh! I'm going down now."

As soon as Dare took a step forward, her wrist was held by Yan Qingqing. Wen Nuan turned her head and looked at several of the most familiar women. Their faces all had a bit of worry. Wen Wen was panicked. At this time, Tong Yao's face was very tangled. With struggle in her eyes, she opened her mouth.

"Wen...warmth, yes...I have a secret to..."

"Xiao Nuannuan, just stay here quietly. I, Yan Qingqing, left my words here today. If you dare to cause trouble, I will beat you. If you even talk about nursery rhymes, shut up! It's not your turn to support me here."

Yan Qingqing is like the head wife of an ancient family. She has already guessed that something happened in Yezhai Pavilion, and she also knows that Tu Xiao brought them here because of Han Qian's intention, but she cannot say that her own heart can be tormented and uncomfortable. , but she knew that she had to stabilize these girls.

Not long after, Wu Qingsi walked in and smiled.

"What's wrong? This is Qinghu..."

"Qingsi, please sit down first. Yeats, please have someone bring you some tea and snacks."

Seeing Ye Zhi about to go out, Yan Qingqing growled.

"I told you to tell the waiter to bring it over!"

Outside the door! Cai Qinghu pressed bullets into the magazine one by one. Guan Dagou swallowed his saliva while looking at the gun in Cai Qinghu's hand.


Cai Qinghu said indifferently as he loaded the pistol.

"Cui Li or Gou Dapao, tell me. I'm not as fragile as those frail Lin Daiyu in the room."

Guan Junbiao lowered his head and said nothing, while Cai Qinghu closed his eyes and sighed.

"That means both of them are here. What a shame! The yamen gate surrounded this place with water, but in the end, people sneaked in. Ha! Where is my husband-in-law?"

"I have no idea."

"I know, I'm going to find him now."

After the words fell, the door was opened. Yan Qingqing walked out of the room and closed the door, looking at Cai Qinghu coldly.

"Put it away! Don't cause trouble. I don't want my man to be distracted from protecting you while solving a few miscellaneous things."

Cai Qinghu frowned.

"Yan Qingqing! I'm going to protect my husband."

"Your husband is not as fragile as you think. Put the gun away and come in with me."


"I'll fucking let you and me come in! Cai Qinghu, let me tell you, today I, Yan Qingqing, am here. Unless I die, no one of you will be harmed! Come in!"

Cai Qinghu took a deep breath, unloaded the pistol, turned off the safety, lowered his head and followed Yan Qingqing into the room.

The big dog outside the door breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his head and muttered softly.

"This Empress of the West Palace wants to be the queen."


After receiving a slap on the back of the head, Guan Dagou quickly shut up.

Then a voice came.

"Brother Dog, I'm very worried about Han Qian."

Guan Junbiao was slightly stunned and whispered.

"I see."

At this time, a white Panamera was driving up the mountain. Han Qian squinted at the lights in the distance. When he was only twenty meters away, he saw this purple Maserati. Han Qian slowed down the car. He quickly took out a cigarette and lit it, took a deep breath, and stepped on the accelerator the next second. When the two cars were less than two meters away, Han Qian hit Fang Qiang hard, and the Panamera crashed straight into the door of the Maserati's cab.

He saw the guy driving the car.

The two cars collided together. Gou Dapao also saw Han Qian and took out his pistol and pointed it at Han Qian. Han Qian sneered and roared.

"Come on! Shoot!"

Pressing the accelerator to the bottom, the car made a roar. The Panamera pushed the Maserati off the road, but he followed closely behind. At the moment of the fall, Han Qian had only one thought in his mind.

I have to give my mother-in-law a car as compensation.

Two cars fell into the valley.

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