After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 62 Private money, pocket money

Wen Nuan held her mother-in-law's arm, and in her other hand she was carrying some local specialties that her mother-in-law had brought from home. Although she was nagging Han Qian all the way, when Han Qian was about to carry things, she snatched him over and left. He walked very slowly, waiting for Han Qian intentionally or unintentionally.

When getting in the car, Nuan Nuan handed the car keys to the old man, which surprised the old man. He frowned and recalled the way his son got out of the car and walked. He took the car keys and got into the car. Han Qian sat in the passenger seat.

The old man drove very steadily and at a very slow speed. Han Qian frowned and said on the way.

"Why do you think you're here all of a sudden? Didn't Nuan Nuan say that you just brought some things over on the shuttle bus?"

"What? Before I come to see you, do I need to ask your opinion first? You are the father and I am the father?"

The old man's tone was very aggressive and seemed to be a little angry. Han Qian curled his lips and said softly.

"We can't talk together, so I won't talk to you! Mom, did you make dumplings for Xiao Nuannuan? What did you bring for me? I'm hungry, give me something to eat."

Qian'er's mother smiled, patted Han Qian's turned head, and said softly.

"They're all for Xiao Nuan. Xiao Nuan likes to eat stuffed and sticky things. You two are busy and don't have time to make dumplings for a change. I wanted to ask the shuttle bus to deliver them, but I was worried that you wouldn't be able to receive them. , just came with your dad."

Han Qian shrugged, and then grinned. At this time, the old man driving the car gritted his teeth and said trash. Han Qian became furious on the spot and shouted at the old man.

"Why did I waste me? We can't communicate. Don't talk to me, and I won't talk to you. You, a father, can see what I am like. I can't cook at night, so you cook. ?”


The old man snorted coldly.

The warmth in the back seat has been holding her mother-in-law's arm and talking on the phone. Now she is even more coquettish in her arms. From time to time, she peeks at the plastic bag in her mother-in-law's hand to see what delicious food is in it. It seems that she is talking to her mother-in-law. We were talking on the phone at the company, and we were talking casually, which probably meant that we wouldn’t go to the company for the next few days.

When the phone hung up, Han Qian turned to ask his mother what she wanted to eat. Qian'er's mother smiled and said that she would go home to eat and she would cook.

When the word "cooking" came out, the old man's expression changed. He looked at Han Qian and the father and son sighed. At this time, Wen Nuan suddenly volunteered to cook, and Han Qian and the old man spoke at the same time.

"I come!"

The incident of burning hairtail fish was right in front of me, and I could never forget it. Wen Nuan also felt a little embarrassed. She shook her mother-in-law's arm coquettishly and dialed another number at the same time.

"Hey, Director Wang, I'm so warm. I want to take my mother-in-law there for a full-body checkup tomorrow. Can you help arrange it? Okay! I'll call you at the hospital tomorrow."

Han Qian showed the way, and when he returned to Huangcheng Garden, the old man asked confusedly why he had moved. Nuan Nuan suddenly became angry and whispered.

"Dad, ask Han Qian! It's all his fault."

"He asked me if I had to tell him?"

Now Han Qian was on the verge of death and jumped repeatedly. He knew that the old man would not do anything when he saw that he was injured, so! Han Qian is not afraid, but if he is told about the divorce, even if Han Qian is in a wheelchair today, the old man will never show mercy.

Mom opened the door first, followed by the old man, Wen Nuan, and finally Han Qian.

The status of the family was clearly revealed. Qian'er's mother went to the bathroom with motion sickness and nausea. Nuan Nuan put down the things in her hands and trotted to follow her to take care of her mother-in-law. Did this energy really make Han Qian feel a little unnatural? Is this bitch transgender? Although the relationship with my mother was good before, how did it get better after the divorce? Mom suddenly brought dumplings?

There must be something going on here!

The old man sat on the sofa and looked at the house and said softly.

"It's a little smaller, a little warmer, and quite clean. A while ago, Xiaonuan called your mother and said she was sick and you didn't even come home. Come on! Dad, let's make love to you."

Han Qian, who was standing in front of the coffee table, stretched out his hands and took two steps back, retorting with a hint of fear in his voice.

"I didn't know she was sick at the time. I didn't know until I got home. I still kept your teachings in my mind when I got married. You can quarrel with your wife, but you can't do anything. She has betrayed her parents' family by marrying you. You can't. Let others be wronged. Men have good physical strength. Work as much as possible. Don't be too petty until you are tired. You must look at your wife with trust. Sickness is the first priority, and the relationship between husband and wife is the second. Work comes third.”

Han Qian opened his mouth to explain, and Nuan Nuan in the bathroom was stunned and whispered suspiciously.

"Mom, has dad treated you like this over the years?"

After hearing this question, Qian'er's mother, who was washing her hands, felt a bit of happiness on her face, nodded slightly, and then shook her head.

"I should treat you better than Han Qian. After being married to him for so many years, he has never yelled at me."

Wen Nuan was a little curious about her mother-in-law and father-in-law, and asked softly while standing by the sink.

"Mom, tell me."

Qian'er's mother smiled.

"When he was a child, his family was very poor and he didn't go to school. I had three brothers and sisters. At that time, we were considered a family with few children. Not to mention living a wealthy life, I also went to high school. The high school at that time was more sophisticated than the high school now. Oh, when we got married, he said that he was an uneducated old man who didn’t understand any truth in his life, he only knew how to let his wife marry him without regret.”

Thinking of what happened back then, Qian'er's mother felt much better, and the discomfort caused by motion sickness was much reduced.

Life is not rich, but she is very content. She has a man who loves her and a smart and sensible child. After hearing this, Nuan Nuan felt a little jealous and whispered.

"Mom, Han Qian yelled at me a few days ago."

In the living room, half of Han Qian's butt was sitting on the sofa farthest from the old man. The old man took a step closer, and he took a step back. In the end, he couldn't touch the sofa at all. Han Qian stood up and shouted with a little aggrieved emphasis.

"What are you doing?"

The old man stood up and grabbed Han Qian's arm, gritted his teeth and whispered.

"Don't scream."

After saying this, he secretly took out a small paper-wrapped handkerchief from his arms and stuffed it into Han Qian's pocket, and whispered.

"I saved some private money behind your mother's back. I don't have any expenses at home. It's not easy for you here. I transferred whatever money I earned to my family. A while ago, Xiao Nuan also transferred 70,000 yuan to your mother. You said you earned it, you silly boy, why did your mother and I spend so much at home? Your mother saved it for you, and dad gave you some pocket money."

"Mom! The old man is saving his private money behind your back."

The old man's kindness was not accepted by Han Qian at all. Instead, he complained to his mother in the bathroom. When the old man heard this, he panicked and immediately regretted it. He lowered his head and gritted his teeth.

"I won't give it to you anymore, you little bastard."

After saying this, the old man walked towards the kitchen. Han Qian looked at the old man's back with a wicked smile and grinned.

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm young, can you be big?"

As soon as he said this, the old man grabbed the chair next to him. At this moment, Qian'er's mother came out of the bathroom. Just a look made the old man give up beating Han Qian and hand over his private money. Qian'er's mother smiled and handed over the money. He gave it to Nuan Nuan, who didn't mean to be polite at all, and held it in his hand with a smile.

Two men are in the kitchen and two women are in the living room.

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