"Miss Ye?"

"Your Miss Ye is dead."


"Dead too."

"Ye Ye?"

"Eldest grandson?"


"Han Qian, can you stop being so disgusting? Stay away from me, further away, further away."

"Any further and I'll fall into the pool."

"Drown you."

Xiao Beibei was tired from playing and was taken to the office to take a nap by Wu Sijuan. Xiao Beibei knew Wu Sijuan. Besides, this child was not afraid of things and was very courageous. When the little girl left, this big girl became a monster.

I don't know where she was provoked. Her angry look was like that of angry Li Kui, and his face turned dark.

Han Qian was puzzled, and Yeats simply ignored him. Han Qian took a step closer, Yeats took a step away, moved closer, and hid. Finally, Yeats bent down, grabbed a handful of grass, and threw it in Han Qian's face. Go up, turn around and run.

With high heels stepping on the soft lawn, Han Qian squatted on the spot and looked at Yeats's back, saying loudly.

"Three, two? One!"


Yeats fell. Miss Ye sat on the ground and covered her ankles. When she looked at Han Qian again, her eyes were full of mist. This time, Han Qian didn't dare to add insult to injury anymore. He walked forward and picked up Yeats, muttering in his mouth. He was mumbling so much that Yeats couldn't hear clearly and frowned.

"Mr. Han, what are you muttering about there?"

"You're not thin!"

"Han Qian! I will fight with you."


Sitting at the table to eat at noon, Xiao Beibei was stunned and couldn't get up. He said he hadn't woken up. Han Qian was used to eating when he woke up. However, Han Qian was a little embarrassed at this moment, and his collar was torn. , several people had ambiguous looks in their eyes, Wan Fang said something carelessly.

"Why are you two so wild? It's like you haven't seen a woman in hundreds of years or a man in thousands of years. Is that the case?"

As soon as these words came out, Han Qian was unhappy, pulled open his collar and said angrily.

"Look, look, this was scratched by me! What can we do? I just said she was not thin, and she ended up like this because of me."

Wu Sikuan glanced at Yeats who had his head lowered, and then smiled at Han Qian.

"Yeats isn't fat to begin with! I'm already 100 pounds, and she's still in her 90s. And my Young Master Han, can you be gentler to girls? How can you say someone is fat? , if you want to take a fancy to Yeats, I will give you some medicine."

Han Qian raised his head and frowned.

"Let me ask you something first. How did you and Tong Yao meet?"

After saying this, Wu Siguan was a little panicked and hesitated to explain. Han Qian saw this and said again.

"I knew there was something fishy here. I didn't bother to ask you. I guess you can't tell the truth to me. Let me ask you a trivial matter. Have you been involved in the development of the back mountain? I don't think you have done anything in the city recently. Without the scattered shops, do you still have enough funds on hand?"

Wu Siguan put down the bowl and chopsticks and said seriously.

"With Yeats and Wanwan helping me take care of it, they have basically returned home. I came here today just to tell you something. The back mountain is preparing to develop a scenic spot. Hotels, inns, etc. will soon appear near the scenic spot. Ye Zhi gave me a plan. I will not invest in the development of any scenic spots. The money I have is not enough to put my teeth in. She means that I should invest in street lights, road signs, and isolation belts on the road between the back mountain and the city."

Han Qian laughed after hearing this, picked up the bowl and said with a smile.

"It will be slower to withdraw funds this way, and your money may be put on it. Of course, the Yamenmen are very willing to let you invest. You have to invest at least 400 yuan. The advertising fee for this thing is like 700 yuan a month for a couple. , if you can rent it out, you can get back about 300 yuan a year. Excluding the money you give to the Yamenmen and the urban management, it will take you about four years to get your money back. Solar street lights should not cost much, but they do. If you can do it, how much support will the government office give you?"

Wu Sikuan shook his head.

"I haven't told them yet, but I mentioned it to Luo Shande and Gao Xiuxing. They said that if I want to do it, they will help me clear the relationship."

Han Qian took a big mouthful of rice and said vaguely.

"Everything should be done according to the normal procedures first. Don't do anything superfluous. You should be able to win. You have to pay attention to the name of your plan. Don't say you want to make money. You want to change the appearance of the city and not allow foreign tourists to come. Look, there aren’t even street lights in our coastal area. With Luo Shande helping you from the front, it shouldn’t be a big problem. Has this old guy spoken?”

Wu Sikuan lowered his head and whispered back.


"How many?"

"Two hundred thousand, treat me to dinner, but he raised the issue and asked what your opinion was. You agreed, and he took the money to operate it. You didn't express any opinion. He gave me 20,000 and asked me to go away and play in the mud."

When Wu Siguan said this, his face was full of grievance, but Han Qian had no reaction. He turned his head and glanced at Yeats, smiling.

"Ms. Ye, you ticked me off. Why are you angry? Your plan should be more than just advertising space. Xiao Siguan's thousand won't be enough, right?"

Yeats lowered his head and whispered.

"I want to open a villa!"

"piss off."


"Where are you going to open a villa? Now there is no room for expansion in Yezhai Pavilion."

"Open a villa at the entrance to the city after leaving the Houshan Scenic Area!"

"You have a few hundred million to throw at it?"

After saying this, Yeats was like a frustrated ball, poking at the rice in the bowl with his chopsticks without saying anything. Han Qian frowned, picked up the chopsticks and knocked on Yeats's fingers. Just as Yeats was about to speak, Wu Siguan and Wan Fang were there. Shaking his head at her.

In terms of certain rules, Han Qian was right.

She lowered her head and stopped talking again. Xu Hongchang on the side saw that something was not right in the atmosphere and opened his mouth to smooth things over.

"Master Han, Master Han, can you please listen to Miss Ye's words? I don't think there should be so little ink in Miss Ye's stomach."

Han Qian nodded and looked at Yeats.

"you say!"

"Ye Zhai Pavilion picks up customers and sends them to the villa to rest for the night! There are always times when you get tired of seeing the scenic spots. There are usually tourists on the beach in summer. The villa can create northern characteristics. B\u0026Bs, earthen Kangs, floor tables, and firecrackers are used to welcome customers who come in winter. And once winter comes, it’s not far away from celebrating the New Year. To create the atmosphere of the New Year, the current New Year no longer has the same flavor as before.”

After finishing his words, Yeats raised his head and looked at Han Qian and said quickly.

"Don't scold me! I won't build anymore, and I don't have that much money to throw at it. I have a little money now, but if I can't, I'll buy the land!"

This plan sounds okay, and some mountain villas in the Northeast are indeed very good and attract many people every year, but! They didn't grasp the word "New Year". It was impossible for customers to celebrate the New Year in the villa, but they wanted to give them a feeling that after leaving the villa and returning home, they found that the New Year at home was not as interesting and atmospheric as the villa.

And Yeats was right. The seaside is a popular place for tourists in summer, but not in winter. What if you sit on the hot pot and watch the sea in winter?

On the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, the bright moon rises over the sea.

Want to buy land?

Han Qian stretched out his hand to pinch Yeats's face and asked seriously.

"Are you going to rebel? Set up your own business?"

Yeats puffed up his mouth and flicked Han Qian's hand away, but the momentum he had just raised disappeared again, and he muttered softly.

"I have no money. My original plan for this plan was to build street lamps with Si Guan first, get acquainted with the Yamenmen, and then buy the land. I would invest the money after making money. It would also be a good time to see if anyone would come to the scenic spot after it is developed. Now that I have told you and you have attacked me, I can manage the hotel with peace of mind ~ Liar!"

When these two words came out, Han Qian was stunned, stood up, sighed, and smiled.

"Liar? Huh."

Han Qian had made a promise to Yeats. He sat on the edge of the sofa and looked at the sleeping Xiao Beibei. Han Qian reached out and touched the child's head, thinking about the affairs of the villa in his mind. Wu Sijuan and Wan Fang sat beside Ye Zhi at the dinner table. Beside Zhi, Yeats whispered to Han Qian to apologize, and Yeats asked in reply.

"What did I do wrong? He said it to me personally, Fly Yeats! Now I want to fly. He said I was rebelling. What did I do wrong?"

As he spoke, he burst out crying and shed tears.

Yeats choked with grievance.

"I rebelled. Why did I rebel? Didn't I also want to take root in Binhai City? I am a woman, so why did I work so hard? Isn't it just to make the power behind him stronger and the funds more abundant? ? Why should I apologize? I have money, I can do nothing and I won’t starve to death. I worked hard to plan and find solutions. Where did I go wrong? I’m right, I won’t apologize!”


Han Qian smiled, not a sneer, but really amused. However, he did not comfort Yeats. He stood up and told Wu Sijuan to take the child to the backyard to find him when he woke up.

Han Qian went downstairs and heard Yeats crying when he went out.

He ran away. If he was asked to coax a woman from crying, it would be better to ask him to fight Feng Lun.

It’s difficult! It’s harder than climbing to the sky.

Back in the backyard, Han Qian took out his cell phone and called Cheng Jin.

"Old man, if I take out a loan, how many tens of millions can I bring out?"

Cheng Jin was a little surprised after hearing this and smiled.

"How much? Tens of millions? Don't even think about it, little bastard. You won't be able to loan out a penny. If Feng Lun and Gou Dapao are not arrested for a day, the bank won't be able to give you a penny. I'm curious about something. Do you want to What are you doing with so much money? If you need money, go to Xiaohu."

"I'm embarrassed to speak. Let's see if there is any good land near the exit of Binhai Road to Yezhai Pavilion. I want to get a piece of land. It's bigger! It's as big as a village."

Han Qian lit a cigarette as he spoke, frowned, and called Li Lijin to ask curiously.

"Little bastard, I heard Mr. Yan say that it's even harder to ask you to make a plan. Why do you suddenly start thinking about making money? This time our Yamenmen can't be plotted by you again. Do you want land? Yes. ! Price? Let’s have a negotiation! You alone can negotiate with our entire yamen."

"Hahaha, hey!"

Han Qian smiled helplessly. He promised to do what he promised. Why? Because he is a man, why? Because Liu Shengge, your grandson, can give it to you, and your brother can give it to you, Cheng Jin said in a low voice, listening to Han Qian's unusual laughter.

"Let's be honest, what are you going to do?"

"After being called a liar, I'm trying to find a way to clear my name."

"Because of women? Are there any women around you who are short of money? Oh! It's true. Teacher Tong and Minister Ji are not rich, but neither of them can use so much money, right? For that female star? She has a good relationship with Qinghu You don’t need to ask, Nuan Nuan and Mr. Yan are short of money? Shouldn’t they? My child, listen to your uncle, take care of your health, don’t go out to hook up with little girls all the time, okay? You can save some for the single, high-quality young people in the city."

"You old crook, the land will wait until your party is over... Don't! I will go over to you in the afternoon to choose, and then you can discuss it. When you think you can negotiate better than me, we will negotiate the price."

"Come on, there are hundreds or thousands of people in front of the yamen, but they can't beat you, a little brat? I, Cheng Jin, put my words here. If you win, I will resign."

"Aren't you fucking cheating? I don't want it, okay? Let your land grow grass."

"when will you come?"

"I'm taking care of the kids. I'll contact you when I'm done."

After hanging up the phone, Han Qian closed his eyes and let out a long sigh. He raised his hand and put it on his forehead, feeling a little tired.

In the corridor of the hotel, Wu Sijuan stood in front of the window and looked at Han Qian lying in the backyard, and said softly.

"Yeats! You can call Han Qian a bastard, a bastard, a scumbag, and a beast, but you must never say the word liar. You never know how seriously Han Qian will attach importance to the word responsibility. If you say the word "liar" in anger today, Han Qian may have to use his life to prove to you that he is not a liar. This phone call should be for you. When the pain in your foot stops, go over and apologize, no. Right or wrong, he must be nicer to you than Liu Shengge, I'm going to take care of the child."

Wu Siguan said what he should say, turned around and returned to the room. Xu Hongchang passed Wu Siguan and stood behind Yeats with a smile.

"I don't know if you are lucky or not. If you can climb into Young Master Han's bed, I will call you Mistress. If you are kicked away by Young Master Han, I may not even give you a chance to live. Of course, now we are Friends, colleagues to be precise.”

Yeats put his hands on the window sill and said calmly.

"Colleagues? In terms of history, civilian officials will always look down on generals."

"Of course, if you talk, I'll break my leg."

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