After returning to the company, when the three of them got off the car, Han Qian asked Qian Wan to go to General Manager Yan's office first or go back to the general department directly. He and Su Liang still had some things to do. Qian Wan obediently went upstairs. As soon as Qian Wan left, Han Qian Qian turned around and put his foot on Su Liang's stomach, roaring angrily.

"Do you know how dangerous it is today? If I had been a minute late, you might have been beaten to death, and something might have happened to Qian Wan. If something happened to her, none of us would be able to escape our involvement."

Su Liang sat in the rain and smiled bitterly at Han Qian.

"I know, but I have no other way. Someone in the company is obviously trying to provoke a conflict between you and Li Dongsheng. You made me money the day you met me and treated me like a brother. I'll be beaten for you." What can we do? Even if you don't go there today, Qian Wan can leave. At most, I will go to the hospital. Whether it's you or me, she owes us both. If you and Li Dongsheng really take action in the future, find her. The company is coming, what will you do if you don’t have Qian Wan? I’ll just watch you get kicked out of the company?”

Su Liang stood up and shakily took out a wet cigarette and lighter from his pocket, but couldn't light it up. Han Qian simply took the cigarette from his hand and threw it away. He took one out of his pocket and handed it to Su Liang lit it, but as soon as it was lit, it got wet from the rain. Su Liang laughed to himself.

"But I was also wrong. I didn't expect it to be such a big fuss. No matter what the result is, Qian'er, we will not lose."

Han Qian grabbed Su Liang's arm and walked to the front door, lowered his head and said angrily.

"I know it's not a loss, and it's still a big profit, but the two of us set up a scheme against a little girl."

"Planning? Qian'er, who are we plotting against? It was her idea to go to the Internet cafe, and she was the one who cursed people first and made the first move. I just forced her to owe a favor to either of us and forced her to stand in our camp. If you don't have the heart to do something, I, Su Liang, will do it."

"You almost got fucking killed."

"Didn't you come to save me? Didn't I leave my back to you?"

Han Qian really didn't know what to say. Su Liang smiled and walked into the hall with his arm around Han Qian's shoulders, talking as he walked.

"I know you are going to Mr. Yan, try to find a clean dress for me, I promise! I will never do anything like this again, because once is enough."

Han Qian snorted angrily, walked to the front desk, took out the two thousand yuan that Wen Nuan had just given him yesterday from his wallet, slapped it on the bar, and whispered to the round-faced front desk girl.

"Please ask someone to send over three sets of clothes. I think you should have seen who is wearing them."

The round-faced front desk girl admired Han Daxian'er very much. She nodded like a chicken pecking rice and left the front desk with an umbrella to prepare clothes. Han Qian pointed to Su Liang's executive elevator, and Su Liang nodded. The two separated in the lobby.

Little Yang Jia was startled when she saw the embarrassed Han Qian. She stood up and said she was going to get the medicine box and ran away. When Han Qian walked into the office, Yan Qingqing was also startled. She stood up and ran around the table. Frowning.

"Have the people in the community started fighting with you?"

Han Qian closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Just a personal matter, I'm so hungry. Is it true that the food was poured out?"

"No, I'll keep it for you. I'll ask the canteen to bring it over now."

Han Qian nodded, sat on the sofa and took off his coat. Even if he didn't move, he would feel the pain in his back. Han Qian grimaced in pain. He didn't ask Su Liang and Qian Wan from the General Department about their meal, because Yang Lan was sure will be prepared by them.

Within a few minutes, Xiao Yang Jia entered the office carrying a medicine box and a hot bowl of noodles. Han Qian took the bowl and was about to eat the noodles. Yan Qingqing stood aside and frowned.

"Take off your shirt and let me take a look. Han Qian, are you prone to violence? Why do you get into fights every two days? You have been beaten three times in the past half month, including the one between us."

Han Qian was slightly embarrassed, put down the bowl and scratched his head.

"It's not like that time between us... It's okay. There's no need to take off your clothes. I'll go back to the general department and Liang'er to apply medicine together later."

Xiao Yang Jia squatted beside the coffee table and whispered.

"Sister Yang has already taken the medicine box to the general department. Brother Qian'er, you are grinning and gasping every time you move. What kind of injury is it? Take off the quilt when Mr. Yan asks you to take it off. Don't show off."

"It's okay."

Han Qian was still insisting. Yan Qingqing stepped forward and squatted in front of Han Qian, reaching out to unbutton Han Qian's clothes. When Han Qian refused, Yan Qingqing said coldly.

"You are my hero, you are my employee. Now I order you not to move, otherwise you will not get the remaining 281,000 points. At least I will throw away the bowl of noodles in front of you."

A penny is too much for a hero, let alone two hundred and eighty thousand.

Han Qian did not dare to move and allowed Yan Qingqing to take off his shirt that was covered with shoe marks and muddy water. When his upper body was exposed to the air, little Yang Jia covered her mouth and let out an exclamation, pointing at Han Qian's back and saying Speechless.

When Yan Qingqing stood up and saw the red, swollen and bruised scar on Han Qian's back, her whole body instantly became cold, and she gritted her teeth and said coldly.

"Han Qian! Are you telling me this is a minor injury? The key bones in the back are broken!"

Han Qian said softly while holding the hot noodle soup.

"I accidentally hit a steel pipe. It's not as serious as you said. It's just a little red at most. Just spray some medicine and it'll be fine."

"Go to the hospital, go to the hospital right away!"

"Mother, I only slept for two hours last night. I haven't eaten for eighteen hours since last night. You want me to eat and rest for a while? I just had a conflict with some gangsters. "

Yan Qingqing took the medicine box and applied medicine to Han Qian's arms and back. Every time he touched the scar, Han Qian would twitch and tremble. It hurt! It really hurt. After Yan Qingqing got closer, she realized that the flesh on her back had cracked. How much hatred could she have to do such a heavy hand?

But Yan Qingqing did not insist or ask. Normally she would not care about Han Qian's dignity, but she had to care about this matter and did not ask how the other party was. She also believed in Han Qian.

When wrapping the bandage, Yan Qingqing held Han Qian's body before bandaging it, but Han Qian only had face in his eyes.

"Don't fight next time."

"I try my best."

As soon as Han Qian finished eating, Yang Lan pushed in the door with an anxious look on his face. He became even more nervous when he saw that Han Qian's upper body was wrapped in a bandage. He quickly asked if the injury was serious and if he wanted to go to the hospital for a checkup. He was still smiling when he saw Han Qian. After saying that Sister Yang looked really good today, Yang Lan breathed a sigh of relief and then told Yan Qingqing about Su Liang and Qian Wan.

They met some gangsters who teased Qian Wan, and Han Qian and Su Liang took action.

Yan Qingqing frowned after hearing this.

"How are Su Liang and Qian Wan injured?"

"Su Liang went to the hospital. He couldn't move his two fingers. Wanwan was slapped. Qian Ling will definitely know about this."

"There's no need to hide it. Go back and comfort Qian Wan. Needless to say, I can already guess what's going on. Han Qian won't be returning to the General Department in the afternoon."

Yang Lan stood up and left the office. When she went out, little Yang Jia vividly told her sister about the scars on Han Qian's back. After hearing this, Yang Lan's face became extremely nervous. How could something like this happen just after going out? She was a little nervous. I blamed myself. If I had gone back to the General Department in advance and told these children not to play games, this would not have happened.

When Yang Lan returned to the office, she heard Li Dongsheng's cynicism towards Qian Wan. Yang Lan became angry for the first time. She stepped forward and slapped Li Dongsheng's desk hard, scolding him harshly.

"If you don't want to be in the General Department, I can transfer you to other departments. If you want to be in the General Department, I can play your game with peace of mind."

Facing the furious Yang Lan, Li Dongsheng was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and snorted, but Wu Siguan suddenly spoke.

"Sister Yang, is Brother Qian'er injured? I'm a little worried."

Li Dongsheng's anger was already rising. Yang Lan replied that it was okay and walked to Qian Wan and told her that she could get off work early and go home to rest today.

In the general manager's office, Han Qian told Yan Qingqing about the community and then fell asleep on the sofa. Yan Qingqing walked to the sofa and sat down, lifting Han Qian's head and placing it on her lap. She felt strange , she began to be curious about this man.

Danger signal.

To her.

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