Could Han Qian not know that Liu Shengge was behind him? After the text message from Xiao Yangjia was sent, Han Qian was already counting the time for this guy to go downstairs. Although he said that there might be opportunities to cooperate in the future, but!

It's time to respond to you or to respond to you.

Han Qian turned around and looked at Liu Shengge, who looked unhappy, and laughed loudly.

"Director Liu! Mr. Han is being polite."

Liu Shengge curled his lips at Han Qian and said disdainfully.

"Rogue gangsters should stop pretending to be gentlemen. It's disgusting."

Han Qian was not angry either, pointing at Tang Wei beside him and laughing.

"Aren't there people like this around you? They all smell the same, so don't say who is shit and who is piss. You came back from the capital in the early morning?"

Liu Shengge said lightly.

"Last night, Han Qian, I was very curious. Did you really spend the night at the Hilton with Luo Shen? Oh! No, you went to find Wu Qingsi. You are now an Internet celebrity, and you still want to tell Lin Zongheng that you brought him A cuckold."


Han Qian sneered and smiled.

"Can you play something gentlemen should do? There are two wolves in the backyard of Yezhai Pavilion. Let's go in and try. Only the living are worthy of breathing air."

"Your life is worthless."

"Then let Tang Wei go."

Han Qian's thoughts were very wild. He had never been within the scope of Liu Shengge's medical treatment. If Liu Shengge was not schizophrenic, he would have been schizophrenic by Han Qian. Liu Shengge turned his head and glanced at Tang Wei, who quickly said Shaking his head vigorously, Han Qian shrugged and patted Yeats's butt again.

"Remember not to pull out the wolf teeth."

Yeats blushed and ran away in small steps, like a newly married daughter-in-law. Such a performance made Liu Shengge's heart ache. Is that kind of thing really important? Seeing Yeats's despicable behavior, Liu Shengge became extremely angry.

After walking out of the front door, Liu Shengge motioned to his assistant and Tang Wei to wait for him in the car. As soon as Tang Wei walked down the stairs, Han Qian's car came back, and two girls, one big and one small, ran out of the car. Xiao Beibei's two calves looked like He rushed up the stairs like a wheel, passed Tang Wei and hugged Han Qian's leg.


Seeing the little girl, Han Qian forgot about the people around him and bent down to pick up the little baby and kiss her in his arms.

"Baby, I miss you so much. Please let me go."

Xiao Beibei hugged Han Qian's neck and kissed him hard, then turned his head and bent down with difficulty in Han Qian's arms, shouting to Liu Shengge.

"Hello, uncle!"

Liu Shengge, who originally wanted to ridicule Xiao Beibei and Tang Wei, couldn't open his mouth and smiled at Xiao Beibei with a very kind expression that Han Qian had never seen before.

"Hey Beibei, is school over?"

"Yeah! Mom asked me to come to the company to find her and go to grandma's house in the evening."

While talking, Xiao Beibei took out a jelly from his pocket. The little girl was very good at eating jelly. She put the jelly in her mouth in the opposite direction and bit hard on the front package to open it. However, this time the strength seemed to be stronger. After a while, the jelly sprayed on Han Qian's face and his own.

Just as Xiao Beibei was about to lift his sleeves to wipe his face, Liu Shengge had already taken out a handkerchief from the breast pocket of his suit and gently wiped Xiao Beibei's face. During this period, Han Qianbi met Feng Lun and Cui Li. Be nervous, afraid that the eunuch will do something dangerous.

Xiao Beibei shouted in a sweet voice.

"Thank you uncle~"

Liu Shengge smiled again. At the same time, both he and Han Qian knew that he was sick again. Liu Shengge put away the handkerchief and said softly.

"I didn't like children before, and children didn't like me either. Beibei is very obedient."

Han Qian curled his lips and said.

"That's because my uncle taught me well."

"Han Qian, get out of here. I'm going to see Lin Zongheng now and let Luo Shen take advantage. Why don't the three of us divide the Luo family? Do you want to go or not?"

"Go take the baby?"

"Her mother is not in the company?"

"I'm busy. The child has no father. It's pitiful! As an uncle, please be more pampering. I'll see you in a few days for something serious."

"Let's call you then."

While the two were talking, Xiao Beibei reached out several times to grab Liu Shengge's clothes. He stretched out his hand once and was held down by Han Qian. on the face.

A little pain.

However, Han Qian did not teach or teach, and allowed his niece to toss in his arms.

Tang Wei kept looking at Xiao Beibei in Han Qian's arms without blinking. He kept looking and kept looking. He had never felt that his daughter was inferior to his son before. Yang Lan gave birth to a daughter and he was furious. Today was the first time he saw her after he was released from prison. Seeing his daughter and looking at her cute appearance, Tang Wei couldn't help but take a step forward.

Xiao Beibei also noticed Tang Wei, tilted his head and stared at Tang Wei for a while, then turned around and hugged Han Qian's neck tightly, whispering.

"Uncle, I don't like him."

Han Qian and Liu Shengge looked at each other, and the former said softly.

"Let's go! Uncle will take you to the supermarket to buy some. Xiao Tukun, you have a share today!"

"I thought you forgot that you have a niece."

"Let's go."

Han Qian carried Xiao Beibei and took Xiao Tu Kun to the supermarket. Liu Shengge glanced at Beibei and then at Tang Wei, saying nothing, but Tang Wei kept looking at the direction Beibei left, silent. for a long time.

"Director Liu, I would like to take a leave."

Liu Shengge waved to Tang Wei with his back.

"I'm kind today, get out of here."

Tang Wei hid in his car and cried while holding the steering wheel. He couldn't recognize his daughter when he saw her. He could accept this and never thought about recognizing her, but today he heard from his daughter that she was disgusting. On his own, Tang Wei found that he was not that strong and cold-blooded.

One sentence seemed to shatter all his defenses.

He knew that he could not turn back. He had to succeed, work hard, and have another child to make up for the damage he had suffered.

Is Tang Wei a person who knows how to repent?

No, if he was, he wouldn't be the first to be violent to Yang Lan after he was released from prison.

There must be something hateful about the poor people in the world.

Han Qian has always believed in this.

At this moment, Han Qian was in a dilemma. He quietly discussed with the supermarket clerk whether he could get credit. He forgot that he didn't bring his wallet, and the clerk told Han Qian directly.

"Don't say your name is Han Qian. Even if your name is Re Qian, that won't work."

In desperation, Han Qian turned to Xiao Tukun to borrow money, but the little girl refused. Han Qian lowered his head and looked at Xiao Beibei, who took out ten yuan.

This is not enough.

Do you want the children to send things back?

no! Absolutely not, it will cause harm to the child.

Feeling helpless, Han Qian made a phone call.

"Liang'er, come to the supermarket for help. Something happened."

When Su Liang rushed to the supermarket with a mop, the supermarket clerk almost called the police. Then Su Liang knew that Han Qian was bringing two children without buying snacks and had no money to pay the bill. Suddenly, his blood pressure was a little high, and he held two carrot-like things. Pointing his finger at Han Qian, he said helplessly.

"You're in your mid-twenties, can you kick some money on you when you go out?"

"I brought money, but Wan Fang took it away from me."

"I'm too lazy to tell you, let's go! What are you eating, little Tukun? Give your uncle a bite."

Su Liang shamelessly went to ask for food, but Xiao Tukun simply refused.

"My uncle bought it for me."

Su Liang said angrily.

"I paid for it."

"That's what my uncle owes you."

Xiao Beibei nodded while holding a pile of snacks.

After returning to the General Department, Yang Lan saw Xiao Beibei holding a bunch of snacks and immediately became angry. She angrily shouted that Xiao Beibei had no rules. However, before Yang Lan could meet Xiao Beibei, Han Qian picked up the little girl and shouted He shouted Tu Kun.

One kid and one kid ran away.

Han Qian used Yan Qingqing's computer to play games, and Xiao Tukun helped Xiao Beibei do his homework. Later, Yang Jia would help little Tu Kun do his homework.

What this uncle does is called a competent one.

During this period, Li Er called to inquire about the conflict between Han Qian and his father. He was so angry that Li Jinhai, an old man, cursed people at home every day. Han Qian really didn’t know why, so he told Li Er not to inquire about adults’ affairs and to prepare well during the holiday. , then go off to college.

In the afternoon, Yan Qingqing and Ji Jing dragged their tired bodies back. When they entered, Yan Qingqing sat on the sofa and hugged little Tu Kun and sighed.

"Tu Kun~ I really want to be like you. I'm so tired, so I can make my aunt miss me."

Xiao Tukun looked nervous. At this time, Xiao Beibei put down his pen and stood on the sofa, squeezing Yan Qingqing's shoulders. Yan Qingqing was so moved that she took out a few bills from her bag and stuffed them into Xiao Beibei's hand. bag.

"Buy snacks!"

Xiao Beibei narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Thank you, uncle."

Han Qian stood up and pushed Ji Jing down on Yan Qingqing's chair. When he got two glasses of water, he handed them to the two women respectively and said doubtfully.

"Are you so tired from going to the construction site?"

Ji Jing sighed and shook her head, and Yan Qingqing said angrily.

"I wasn't tired at first, but in the end, this crazy woman, Yu Shici, insisted on checking the quality problems with her own eyes, dragging us from building to building. Then she had to check the work of the project department, the engineering department, and construction site safety issues. Finally, Nuan Nuan was so tired that she looked at her anxiously. Just give up, I have never seen this kind of woman who treats work as a living, no way! Next time I won’t go to the construction site with her, I will let Su Liang go. "

Yu Slut!

This woman is indeed more serious about her work than anyone else. Just as Han Qian was about to speak, Yan Qingqing spoke again.

"Changxiang seems to be interested in the land opposite the furniture mall. Wenwen asked me if I want to invest. If we don't invest, she will come and move the land. I just passed by and took a look. The place is not as big as ours and the geographical location is not the same." Great, I asked for eight million, I don’t know what to think, oh! Also, the Yamenmen seems to be holding a party for the auction of this land, and it seems that there are other projects."


Han Qian panicked and said quickly.

"I'm not going. If something happens at a party, I won't go even to death. Aunt Ji, why are you going at night? I want to see some clothes, let's go together?"

Ji Jing smiled and nodded in agreement, Yan Qingqing said angrily.

"Han Qian, do you think I don't exist?"

"Then... together?"

"Forget it, I'll give you two a chance. I've made an appointment with Nuan Nuan for dinner tonight. Yang Lan and Xiao Yang Jia will also go. You can take these two children with you."

Han Qian glanced at Ji Jing, who nodded with a smile, and Han Qian sighed.

"Okay! I'll take care of the kids, and you can go play."

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