Attract cats and dogs.

Han Qian had done this kind of thing when he was a child, and he had been chased by dogs frequently. He had never been bitten and didn't know how painful it was. That's why he was like this now. Hearing the name Han Qian, Liu Shengwu became angry. Come everywhere.

I have fallen in love with three women since I was so young. The first one was when I was studying abroad. I wrote a love letter to her for a month, but the rare girl bought a BMW in front of him and said, "I'm a pair." Shoes are your monthly living expenses. You can’t give me what I want.

Liu Shengwu didn't explain and let her go.

Later, he bought an apartment and a luxury car abroad, and angrily gave one to several roommates in the dormitory who got along well with each other. Even so, the girl did not look back.

After returning to China, he fell in love with Yeats, a young and mature woman who was Da Ge's assistant. He tried various ways to be cold and coquettish, but Yeats just ignored him and was ridiculed many times by Liu Shengge.

Then it’s nursery rhymes.

Liu Shengwu is not an impulsive person. In their family's concept, women are not rare or rare objects. Although Liu Shengwu felt a little resentful in her heart, it was not to the point of being superior, she said softly.

"I'm not familiar with you, I have something to say."

Han Qian, who was bouncing on one leg, laughed.

"It's nothing. I came to the capital, and I wanted you to take me around. I'm not familiar with this place, but I suddenly remembered that you were here."

"I'm not familiar with you."

"Gou Cannon escaped from prison."

Liu Shengwu was silent. The name Gou Dapao reminded him of what happened that night. He just said "Don't get in the way" and was dragged into the woods by this man and suffered an inhumane beating. He didn't know why until Hearing that Da Ge said that someone had been sent to prison, he inquired about it and found out that it was all because of Han Qian.

Just because Liu Shengwu didn't bear grudges against Han Qian and Tong Yao didn't mean that he didn't bear grudges against Gou Dapao. This man had to die. If he didn't die, he would never be able to get over this hurdle in his heart.

"Do you know where Gouda Pao is?"

"Huh? Liu Shengge didn't tell you that Gou Dapao called him? We'll meet and wait for him when he returns to the capital. I'll ask you about something by the way. Can we make an appointment?"

Liu Shengwu was struggling with whether to meet Han Qian or not. After much thought, she decided that she should meet Han Qian.

Can you still be afraid of him at the door of your own house?

Liu Shengwu mentioned the name of a bar, and Han Qian said there was no money. Liu Shengwu closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Just mention my name. Han Qian, I don't understand why you, a bear like you, are liked by Tongyao and Sister Yezi."

"Eh? If you didn't mention Yeats, I would have forgotten about it. She just sent me a photo. It was so sexy."

Liu Shengwu hung up the phone, picked up her clothes and went out.

Fifteen minutes later, Liu Shengwu arrived at the bar.

A sports car with a million or two million dollars is really not a rare species at this door. Liu Shengge opened the car door and got out of the car. This guy was not as handsome as Liu Shengge, and his temperament was a little more noble than Liu Shengge looked.

Liu Shengge looked at the guy squatting at the door and frowned.

"Not going in?"

Han Qian stood up, shrugged, pointed at his clothes and pouted.

"People said I was disheveled, and they didn't believe me when I said I knew Liu Shengwu! Xiao Wu, you brother Qian is suffering."

Liu Shengwu looked Han Qian up and down, curling his lips in disdain.

"You came to the capital dressed like this? Han Qian, I really admire you."

Han Qian shrugged helplessly.

"I can't help it, my wife bought it for me."

"Nursery rhymes?"




"Yan Qingqing?"


"How many wives do you have?"

"Brother is single. Can you introduce some girls to me?"

Liu Shengwu was a little confused about Han Qian's character. In fact, it was not Liu Shengwu's fault. He was like a chick that had just broken out of its eggshell in front of Han Qian and Liu Shengge. Han Qian had no intention of harming him. In fact, when you come to the capital, it seems a bit unethical not to say hello.

The most important thing was that she really didn't know what to do. Liu Shengwu didn't show much hostility towards Han Qian. She walked into the bar side by side with Han Qian. The waiter softly called "Second Brother" and Han Qian ignored him.

"No, Xiao Wu, everyone calls you Second Brother, not Second Young Master."

Liu Shengwu took Han Qian and sat down in a booth. The manager quickly brought wine and said with a smile that there were some nice girls. Would you like to introduce them to her? Liu Shengwu shook her head and whispered, "Sit down for a while and then leave." Then he turned around and asked Han Qian if he wanted it. Han Qian shrugged.

"Why don't you want me? Wait for your brother to come over and I can stimulate him to fight for fun? Master Liu Er, you are insidious."

Liu Shengwu glared at Han Qian and frowned.

"Don't call me Second Young Master Liu. In the capital, one coin can kill hundreds of young and old. It's not embarrassing. Let's get down to business. Where's the cannon?"

While talking, Liu Shengwu poured a glass of wine and handed it to Han Qian. Han Qian took a sip, lowered his head and frowned.

"I don't know where he is. It's been about a week since he escaped from prison. Is there any way to find him?"

"No, it's difficult to find someone who deliberately wants to hide. Unless there is a bait, Han Qian, you are a very good candidate."

Han Qian glanced at Liu Shengwu and sneered.

"Me? Don't think about it. Even if I stand in front of him, he will run away. He can't beat me, and he knows that Cai Qinghu has a gun. There is nothing serious to come out to find you. I came to Beijing to see you."

Liu Shengwu was not angry either. He had a much better temper than Liu Shengge. He curled his lips at Han Qian. The next second, Han Qian stood up and slapped Liu Shengwu on the back of the head and said angrily.

"What eyes are you looking at, brother Qian'er?"

Liu Shengwu stood up and was about to leave. Han Qian quickly grabbed Liu Shengwu and said with a smile.

"Don't go, don't go. It's a joke. Why are you so anxious? Let me ask you something. Are Luo Shen and Luo Fu from the capital?"

Speaking of the Luo family, Liu Shengwu's eyes showed disdain. When he sat down again, he was far away from Han Qian and curled his lips.

"He is from the capital. Luo Shen is quite capable. As for this typical second generation ancestor of Luo Fu, I heard that you had his head cracked open not long ago? I have to thank you."

Han Qian became interested, leaned forward and said softly.

"Do you two have any grudge?"

"No, it's just that we don't like each other. I didn't know this Luo Fu very well before. I met him when I went home to hang out with friends during the Chinese New Year."

"Can you ask him out? He cost me two million."

"Is there any benefit?"

"I won't tell your brother if you are looking for a girl tonight."

"Han Qian, are you kidding me? I won't talk nonsense with you. Return Sister Ye Zi to me, and I'll help you out with Yuluo Fu."

"Child, I'll teach you a lesson: forceful things don't make you sweet."

"Just quench your thirst."

Han Qian blinked and Liu Shengwu smiled. Then Han Qian pointed to the cleaning aunt in the distance. Liu Shengwu was furious, but this time she did not get up and leave because an acquaintance came to say hello.

There were six or seven men and women, all wearing expensive brand names. Among them, there was a girl who looked at Liu Shengwu with affection and said softly.

"Xiao Wu, you didn't even come when I asked you to come out to play. You just sneaked over by yourself. What do you mean~"

Someone around him echoed, Liu Shengwu frowned and pointed at Han Qian, and said with a hint of irritation.

"Is he not a human being? I have business to do. You can play with yourself first and settle the account with me."

The girl said softly again.

"We're not here to ask you to pay the bill, Xiao Wu~ let's go have fun."

"not in the mood."

"Then I'll drink with you."

"Did you see me drinking?"

Liu Shengwu had no patience at all with this girl, but these people didn't react at all. They seemed to be used to it.

The two brothers from the Liu family are handsome, and with their good family background and education, there are naturally not a few girls who like Liu Shengwu. As soon as the girl sat next to Liu Shengwu, Liu Shengwu stood up and sat on the other side. Han Qian Seeing this, he couldn't help but frown and smile.

"Xiao Wu, what are you doing? This little girl is shamelessly accompanying you. It's good for you. You look impatient. When the day comes when people ignore you, you should be anxious."

Liu Shengwu took out a cigarette and threw one to Han Qian, frowning.

"Like you? There are a bunch of girls around you who are quarreling every day. Han Qian and we will make a deal. I will help you date Luo Fu, and you will hand him over to me after you catch Gou Dapao."

Han Qian shrugged and shook his head.

"That's impossible. I'm sure you won't live long after being hooked. I can't let you embark on the road of crime. Call your brother. If he doesn't come, I might beat you."

Liu Shengwu frowned, and the few people who stayed in the booth to drink also frowned. They were about the same age as Han Qian, and were either children of wealthy businessmen or second-generation officials. They all frowned at Han Qian, and they did not appear to be that kind. Something to stand up for your brothers.

Lighting the cigarette in his mouth, Liu Shengwu asked with a hint of confusion.

"This is the capital! It's not Binhai City. Where on earth do you have the confidence to attack me?"

Han Qian picked up the wine glass and grinned.

"Ask your brother if I dare. I can't give the hook to you. I have to give it to your brother. You two will discuss it then."

After meeting Liu Shengwu, Han Qian remembered that there was Luo Fu who was also in the capital. Being cheated out of two million by this second grandson was a lifelong pain for a money fan like Han Qian. He had to find a way to get it back and sponsor it when the time came. It would be great to make a school for nursery rhymes~

The girl next to Liu Shengwu picked up her wine glass, stood up and walked towards Han Qian, narrowing her eyes and smiling.

"Brother, have a drink. If you want to ask Luo Fu, I can make an appointment for you, but he may not come out."

Han Qian picked up the wine glass and drank a little, then curled his lips at Liu Shengwu.

"This girl is much more sensible than you. Don't waste your time on Yeats and nursery rhymes. Sister Yezi scolded your brother a few days ago."

"That's what you taught me! I don't understand why Sister Ye wants to hang out with a gangster like you."

"Because I'm handsome! I'm a man! I spend a lot of money."

While he was talking, his cell phone rang. It was warmth. Han Qian took the Nokia and answered the call under the strange eyes of everyone, grinning.

"Daughter-in-law! What are your instructions!"

Nuan Nuan seemed to have laid down and said lazily.

"Where are you~ Are you really angry that you don't come to Qingsi's house?"

"I'm drinking with friends outside. I guess I'll be late when I get back."

"Do you have friends in the capital?"

"Brothers have friends from all over the world~"

At this time Liu Shengwu suddenly spoke.

"Which wife, Cai Qinghu?"

Han Qian hung up the phone instantly and turned to curse Liu Shengwu angrily.

"You must have done it on purpose, please ask Luofu, otherwise I might really beat you up."

Liu Shengwu did not move and nodded to the girl sitting between him and Han Qian. The girl took out her mobile phone and called Luo Fu. After more than ten seconds, the girl said softly.

"Brother Luo, someone asked you to come to the bar. Are you coming? Huh? No? He said his name is Han Qian."

The girl hung up the phone, turned to look at Han Qian, with a certain sparkle in her eyes, and smiled.

"He said he would be here in a minute and asked you not to run away."

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