After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 568 The boy who scattered wealth is sick

In the early morning, Han Qian, who was running in the morning, looked at the Empress of the East and West Palace walking hand in hand down the second floor. He was a little puzzled. There was a lot of noise last night. How could they be like sisters? After washing up, he came to the restaurant. The old butler said that Madam I took Qian'er's mother and Mrs. Li out for fun. There are no elders at home, so we can be more casual.

As soon as these words came out, Yan Qingqing immediately picked up the bowls and chopsticks and sat at the seat furthest away from Wen Nuan.

Yu Shici looked at Ji Jing coldly and murmured something in a low voice. No one could hear her clearly, but they could feel her dissatisfaction with Ji Jing, so Tong Yao asked curiously in a low voice.

"Assistant Yu didn't get a good rest last night?"

Yu Shici closed his eyes and nodded, when Ji Jing suddenly laughed.

"The cat meowed all night last night, and I didn't get a good rest either."

Aunt Ji with sharp words?

As soon as he said this, Nuan Nuan glared at Yan Qingqing. The atmosphere at the dinner table was a little solemn. Fortunately, Qian Wan was still sleeping at this moment, otherwise he would have inquired again.

Han Qian held the bowl tremblingly, and just as he stretched out his chopsticks to pick up the poached eggs, there were two more in the bowl.

Nursery Rhymes and Ji Jing!

The two of them seemed to be at odds. Han Qian ate two poached eggs and Ji Jing asked with narrowed eyes.

"Niece, which one is delicious?"

Han Qian tasted it carefully and then smiled.

"The food made by a nanny must taste the same. Are you eating, huh? Did the company prepare a half-year summary report in July?"

Han Qian deliberately changed the topic, thinking that these girls were all executives of the company, or graduates with high academic qualifications. Yu Shici bit her chopsticks and tilted her head to think, and replied after a few seconds.

"There shouldn't be anything important in this year's Changxiang half-year summary report. The main plans are all in the second half of the year, so I'm more..."


"Han Qian, why did you hit me?"

"Don't bite your chopsticks when eating."

Yu Shici glared at Han Qian angrily and lowered his head to eat. At this time, Yan Qingqing spoke.

"We should hold a meeting every six months, and all senior management and directors will attend. I asked Director Qian last night, and she said that you or Qian Wan should go."

Han Qian nodded lightly. Just as he was about to pick up the pickles, he gave up. Tong Yao and Ji Jing's chopsticks had already started fighting on the plate. After taking a big mouthful of porridge, Han Qian said again.

"My mom can just play with Aunt Qian. You can't give up work just because she's here. It's time to go to work, and you're also busy with school. Let's leave after dinner."

Several women who dislike each other have already had this idea.

Halfway through the meal, Qian Wan went downstairs, made a phone call and sat at the dining table. The nannies brought bowls and chopsticks. Qian Wan didn't seem to have any appetite. He ate porridge one by one and chatted on the phone. Nagging.

"I'm so annoyed. I called yesterday to ask about the plans for a Chinese Valentine's Day holiday event. They told me that I would get a rebate for recharging a top-up of 50,000 yuan. How many coins will be given to me if I top up for 50,000 yuan? The rebate can only be worth 6,000 yuan. It would be more cost-effective to top up for 200,000 yuan. I don’t want to rush, so I won’t necessarily stop playing at any time.”

Han Qian frowned slightly, why does a game cost so much money? He focused on the game, while the girls focused on Chinese Valentine's Day, Cai Qinghu said softly.

"Ms. sir, what are you doing on Chinese Valentine's Day..."

Han Qian got up and ran.

"I still have something to do, please eat slowly."

Han Qian left, and the atmosphere at the dinner table was not so harmonious. Wen Nuan and Yan Qingqing started to quarrel, nursery rhymes and Ji Jing were singing strangely, Qian Wan stared blankly at his future sisters-in-law, hung up the phone and picked up the bowl I hid far away to eat, worried that I might be accidentally injured.

After arguing and arguing, it was revealed that Yu Shici and Ji Jing slept in Han Qian's room at night. Wen Nuan was so angry that his face was livid, and Yan Qingqing curled her lips in disdain and said softly.

"Everyone is the same."

The quarrel seemed to be over. Except for the nursery rhyme, all the girls sighed. Then Ji Jing found that the nursery rhyme had not changed at all. She raised her head and looked at the nursery rhyme, and the nursery rhyme simply replied.

"Look at your sister, big boobs MILF."

Ji Jing was not angry and asked softly in confusion.

"I feel like Teacher Tong is becoming more and more attracted to Han Qian. Will he take over the role of his best friend's ex-husband?"

Nursery Rhyme sneered back.

"Let's deal with the fight between you and Yan Qingqing first."

Yan Qingqing slapped the case and stood up. Qian Wan, who was hiding in the distance and drinking porridge, trembled in fear and almost dropped the bowl on the ground. Yan Qingqing said angrily.

"Tongyao, don't take me with you, I'm not paying attention to you."

After the words fell, Wen Nuan said coldly.

"Isn't your name called by someone?"

"Nuan Nuan, you want to fight?"

"Have I ever been afraid of you?"

It is certain that these girls are sensible. They never fight or quarrel in front of Han Qian. At most, they quarrel. They only quarrel more fiercely when Han Qian is not around.

For a straight man like Han Qian, he really doesn't know how to handle such a situation.

The girls didn't embarrass him either.

While they were quarreling, Cai Qinghu slipped away quietly. If I have time to quarrel with you, why not ask your husband how he spent the Chinese Valentine's Day?

At this moment, Han Qian was already on his way to Glory. Li Jinhai and Cheng Jin kept calling. Han Qian didn't answer any of them. They just asked him to get his phone card back and continue to contact Feng Lun. Han Qian didn't want to pay attention to it for the time being. them.

After getting off the car in front of the company, Han Qian saw the manager of the suburban hotel. The guy ran over with a flattering look on his face and said respectfully.


Han Qian lowered the car window and frowned.

"Boss? Did Feng Lun really give me the hotel?"

The manager scratched his head and laughed.

"I don't know who my boss is. We all contacted him by phone. The name of the hotel is mine. The boss called me and asked me to take over the hotel from you. In fact, it was just a formality. You don't have to worry about it. I will continue to run this hotel. Take care of it, you just get money every year.”

"Oh! Then discount the hotel and donate all the money. This grandson, Feng Lun, has caused psychological trauma to many people, and he has to make up for it."

After hearing this, the manager's face wrinkled like a chrysanthemum, and he was very embarrassed. Han Qian opened the car door and got out of the car, stretched out his hand and patted the manager's shoulder gently.

"Follow me upstairs."

While going upstairs, Han Qian sent several text messages to Qian Ling. Qian Ling meant that the hotel could accept it, but it had to be changed. If it was really Feng Lun's hotel, there must be illegal things hidden in the hunting garden. Even if he goes into the water, both Cheng Jin and Li Jinhai will be dragged into the water.

Han Qian put away his phone and took the manager directly to Yan Qingqing's office. He learned the guy's name while chatting on the way.

Xu Hongchang.

A name that sounded very familiar. This guy surrendered and told Han Qian everything he knew. He didn't know who the owner of the hotel was. He only knew that his surname was Feng. The man who met him was a man wearing a mask. , claiming to be Cui Li, I don’t know if he is the guy wanted by the city. I have basically not contacted him since. All the profits of the hotel are in his hands.

Pushing open the office door, Han Qian nodded to Yeats.

"Yeats, there is a business here that I want to transfer to your name. It will be considered as your salary for being Yan Qingqing's assistant. By the way, you can ask Wan Fang and Wu Siguan if they are interested."

Today, Yeats is dressed in typical OL dress, with black stockings, work clothes, high heels, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. Han Qian strode to Yan Qingqing's seat and sat down. The manager stood there a little uneasily, peeking at Yeats from time to time. beautiful legs.

Yeats stood up, got two glasses of water, invited Xu Hongchang to sit down, and then asked.

"Is it Boss Xu's hotel business? Mr. Han, you should give this little girl a way out. I don't dare to take over this hotel. The first day I take over, the next day Liu Shengge will take someone to check and report. Besides, how can there be any You run your own business and pay yourself a salary.”

Han Qian lit a cigarette and couldn't find the ashtray. Yeats raised his finger and pointed at the water glass. Han Qian glared at Yeats.

"Are you waiting for Mr. Yan to fight with me? Go and find me a paper cup. Does Manager Xu smoke?"

"The younger ones can't."

Yeats went to the door and brought two paper cups over, smiling softly at Xu Hongchang.

"You don't need to be too reserved in front of Young Master Han. If you surrender to Young Master Han, our status will be almost the same. There is no need to be so polite."

Xu Hongchang took the paper cup with both hands, and Han Qian chuckled softly.

"Then Yeats, don't be polite to me. I can probably guess how much Liu Shengge gave you when you were his assistant. Now that you are with me, I can only say that I will give you more. This way I can feel more at ease.”

Yeats covered his mouth and smiled.

"Young Master Han wants others to know that you will gain more by staying with you. This is the point, right?"

"The main thing is that I can't find anyone more suitable than you. After you take over the hotel, you can improve it as you like. If you lose money, just treat it as fun. If you make money, you can take your share and give the rest to the nursery rhyme school. Children who don’t have money to go to school can also go to school. I can’t help them all, but I can help as much as I can to buy peace of mind. By then, the yamenmen will be happy. Tourist attractions are being developed near the hotel. This is all for later, don’t talk about you. Don’t know how to run a hotel?”


"Then what nonsense are you talking about? You can start your own small private equity fund, but! You still have to stay in Glory as an assistant. Do you understand what I mean?"

Yeats stepped forward, unzipped his collar, put his hands on the desk, bit his lip gently, and whispered.

"Master Han, aren't you afraid that I'll finish eating and wipe my mouth before leaving?"

Han Qian's face suddenly fell and he frowned.

"Just keep talking. What are you doing like this? You can eat as much as you want. I'm afraid you won't be able to leave. You have to agree. Go and hand over the hotel to Lao Xu in a while. Lao Xu will get the total profit. Thirty percent, you take 50%, and the remaining 'two' goes to the nursery rhyme school."

Yeats frowned slightly and whispered.

"You won't take it?"

Han Qian shrugged.

"I'm not short of money. Remember, you two, don't tell anyone that the hotel belongs to you, Yeats and Xu Hongchang. Lao Xu should own 20% of the shares. I have been busy for so long, let's go! I Send you both downstairs."

Han Qian is not in a particularly good mood today, and he doesn't want to waste too much time on this matter. What is Feng Lun's grandson thinking? Han Qian knows very well that he has threatened many officials in the city with this hotel. Now the hotel Suddenly transferred to Han Qian, can these officials let Han Qian go? Or not to take a share of the pie?

If they break up, Han Qian is just paying bribes!

Regardless, the trouble may be quite big, so! If you can't stay in this hotel, leave it to Yeats. As for the relationship between Yeats and Feng Lun, let them guess for themselves.

When I took Ye Zhi and Xu Hongchang downstairs, I happened to meet Liu Shengge bringing his assistant and Tang Wei to the company.

As soon as the two groups met, the smell of gunpowder instantly became stronger. Han Qian sneered, passed Liu Shengge, stretched out his hand to push Tang Wei away, and said coldly.

“A good dog stays out of the way.”

Yeats raised his neck when he walked past the assistant, without even looking at him. As for Xu Hongchang, could the guy Feng Lun chose be an honest man? He looked at Liu Shengge with eyes full of contempt.


Liu Shengge stopped and turned around and said coldly.

"Han Qian, please be honest with my people."

After saying this, Han Qian stretched out his hand and put his arm around Yeats's waist, narrowing his eyes and saying.

"Whose people? They are my Han Qian's people."

Yeats did not resist and smiled broadly.

Yeats had not given up when Liu Shengge kicked her out of the car on the road. She was in a swinging position at that time. If Liu Shengge had contacted her at that time, she might have returned to him.

In other words, if Han Qian had any special thoughts about her at that time, or used her body, Yeats would also leave.

But Han Qian has never taken the initiative to contact her once, including now. Sometimes Yeats even hopes that Han Qian can contact her. They can only have a little romantic story, but unfortunately there is no sign at all.

Han Qian is like a...a...a...


An old monk who has entered concentration.

Coupled with the retention and attention given by the hotel today, Yeats understands which side is better for her life. Now she is not short of money or suitors, but what she lacks is the same status as Yan Qingqing.

They all came out under the singer Liu Sheng.

Yan Qingqing is the general manager of a company.

She is about to become a hotel owner.

Although there are differences, aren't they all bosses?

No matter how much money you have, just enough is enough. For this face and this body, one or two million a year is enough. The rest are just numbers in small cards.

Liu Shengge stared at Yeats, and after a long silence, he whispered.

"Yeats, I can let your ex-boyfriend pursue you again, or I can let you sit in the same position as Yan Qingqing."

"What are you talking about, Mr. Liu? I don't have an ex-boyfriend. He's just a dog that wags its tail when it sees you. As for the position, I'm sorry, Mr. Han has already given it to me. Hello, Mr. Liu, Mr. Liu Goodbye Dong!"

Han Qian turned around and left with Yeats, and Xu Hongchang curled his lips and sneered.

"What is Mr. Liu, a eunuch?"

Han Qian frowned after hearing this. Xu Hongchang seemed not as honest as he appeared. Looking at the three people leaving, Liu Shengge frowned and asked.

"Who is that guy? He looks familiar."

The female assistant lowered her head and whispered.

"He is the manager of Nodou Sai. It is said that he is the boss and his surname is Xu."

"What kind of bastard is worthy of showing his face? Go find out what relationship he has with Han Qian."

Sitting in Xu Hongchang's Mercedes-Benz, Han Qian sat in the boss's seat, and Yeats beside him chuckled softly.

"Master Han, your co-pilot still needs a bodyguard. I think Guan Dagou in District 8 is good. Are you looking for Tu Xiao?"

Han Qian closed his eyes and shook his head.

"NONONO, don't take away what others like, except Liu Shengge and Lin Zongheng."

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