Guan Dagou suddenly made such a sound that the three elders were stunned in place. Han Qian raised his foot and gently put it on Guan Junbiao's back, laughing and scolding.

"It's almost May Day, are you having a bad year? Besides, this is my mother."

Guan Junbiao turned his head and glared at Han Qian, frowning.

"Isn't this because I couldn't go back to visit during the New Year? Besides our relationship, isn't your mother my mother?"

Han Qian held his chin and nodded seriously.

"It makes sense what you said. Why didn't I think of it?"

In the living room, Guan Dagou was busy making tea and pouring water. Surprisingly, this guy didn't bring the short knife that he kept with him. He shouted "mother" and "aunt", and Han Qian leaned against the pillar. He cracked melon seeds and said disdainfully.

"So I asked you to come here and be my slave? There are so many nannies here. You go away."

Guan Dagou didn't even look at Han Qian, but Qian'er's mother smiled.

"Han Qian, shut up. I think Biaozi is a good kid."

"That's because your eyesight isn't very good."

After finishing his words, Guan Junbiao turned to glare at Han Qian and growled.

"Why are you talking to my mother?"

Han Qian quickly raised his hands and clasped his hands together.

"Yes, yes, you are the most filial son, okay? Have you prepared the barbecue stove I asked you to prepare?"

"It's outside, I forgot, you go and move in."

"Can I move it? You go."

"I want my little brother to move here. I'm afraid of the negative impact, so I asked him to go back. I can't move either. What should we do if neither of us can move?"

"Call for a crane to come over?"

"Huh? What you said makes sense. I would like to call you Zhuge Kongming today."

"Mr. Fengchu, you're welcome. Can you please give me a call?"


Guan Dagou took out his mobile phone, and Li Jinhe frowned and asked.

"How heavy is this thing that you can't move? Are you sure you didn't bring the cemetery's stove?"

After saying this, Han Qian became a little curious and frowned.

"What a big thing you brought here."

Guan Dagou tilted his head and said softly.

"About one hundred fifty sixty pounds."

Han Qian nodded lightly.

"It really can't be moved."

As soon as these words came out, Qian Ling finally couldn't help it anymore and frowned.

"You two won't move in together?"

Han Qian glanced at Guan Junbiao, and Guan Junbiao glanced at Han Qian. They both slapped their thighs with their right hands and said in unison.

"It makes sense!"

Seeing the two guys going out, Qian Ling covered her forehead and said weakly.

"You're still sleeping with a dragon and a phoenix?"

Li Jinhe chuckled.

"The Crouching Dragon and the Phoenix are not necessarily praiseworthy."

Whenever Han Qian and Guan Junbiao get together, their IQs will drop sharply. Maybe it's because they put their guard down to the lowest level when they are together, telling Guan Junbiao that he doesn't understand what they say in a roundabout way. Han Qian simply doesn't bother to think about it. Why are you so happy but not alive?

When the two of them were arguing about who should hold the barbed racquet outside the door, Su Liang came. This guy was hanging by one arm, with a cigarette in his mouth and sunglasses. Li Li beside him was dressed young and beautiful.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, where did these two rag collectors come from? I gave you this stove, so you don't need to thank me."

The two put down the big iron stove. Han Qian squinted at Su Liang, who was full of corruption, and smiled.

"Brother Guan, if you encountered such a thing in ancient times, what should you do?"

Guan Junbiao held his chin and thought carefully, then said softly.

"In ancient times, this thing was usually called a yameni. I guess I'll ask him if he's a bitch. I'm a professional!"

"Go away, get to work. Su Liang happened to be here just in time. I'll leave these junk things to you. Take them to the backyard."

Su Liang curled his lips, and then watched the two guys carrying the stove and heading into the villa, and Su Liang spoke.

"Are you two stupid?"

After saying this, he walked to the guardrail and opened the small door, frowning.

"Not only stupid but blind."

Han Qian and Guan Dagou struggled to move the stove into the backyard. The latter wiped the sweat from his forehead and gasped for air.

"Huh! Actually, I feel that Lin Chong is a man. Brother Han, please close the door for me while Su Liang and I practice."

Han Qian had long disliked this guy. Guan Junbiao knew that Su Liang's finger was injured, so he avoided the wound and knocked the guy down on the lawn. He hit Su Liang's head with a small barbecue brush and laughed.

"Keep going! Come on! Play."

"Brother Dog, don't make trouble, my wife is watching."

Guan Junbiao turned his head, Li Li smiled and closed his eyes. Seeing this, Su Liang screamed, shouting that he was not a kind person. The old man in the backyard looked at the young people laughing and asked softly.

"My father-in-law, do you know all of this?"

Wen Shu held the teacup in his left hand and the folding fan in his right hand, lying on the rocking chair and smiling.

"The one who was injured was Su Liang, Han Qian's little buddy. He's a pretty good kid. He's always there in every fight. The one who did it was Guan Junbiao. He has a bit of a reputation in the city, but he doesn't get along with good people. He's cut people down before. , has been hacked, and doesn’t do anything in human affairs. I don’t know how Han Qian hooked up with him, they are quite close.”

The old man nodded, stood up and waved to Guan Dagou.

"Young man, let's practice together."

Guan Dagou frowned, and Han Qian whispered that this was his father. When Guan Dagou heard this, he immediately lay down on the ground, groaning in pain.

"The old man is brave and brave, and the younger man is willing to be defeated."

The backyard was bustling with laughter and laughter. Several grown men gathered together to prepare barbecue. The old butler moved out a foam box filled with ice cubes. There were several bottles of foreign beer hidden under the ice cubes. You could tell from the packaging that they were not cheap.

Guan Junbiao took off his vest, holding a beer in his left hand and grilling skewers in his right hand. The tattoos on his back were very eye-catching. Su Liang took his wife's hand and whispered that he also wanted to get a tattoo. When the words fell into Han Qian's ears, Han Qian said doubtfully.

"You have a tattoo?"

Su Liang nodded, took off his vest and raised his arm. Several words and the year, month and day were tattooed on his ribs.

It's Li Li's name and wedding anniversary.

Han Qian and Guan Junbiao got together, and Guan Junbiao pointed at Su Liang's tattoo and whispered.

"I guess this guy was having too much fun before and was worried about forgetting his wedding anniversary. Do you think I'm right?"

Han Qian nodded.

"That makes sense."

Su Liang was so angry that he glared at the two of them and gritted his teeth.

"Two idiots."

Then Su Liang went to the villa to move the speakers out, turned on the speakers, Guan Junbiao and Han Qian stood in front of the barbecue, holding beers in their hands, swaying in unison. For a moment, it was really good-looking, but then Su Liang didn't want to He shamelessly joined the nonsense camp.

In the villa, Li Jinhe sat by the window and looked at the people having fun outside, and couldn't help but smile.

At 5:31, the first girl came. She wore a floral skirt with strappy high heels and a light green pastoral sunhat. She was dressed like a lady. She stood outside the fence and looked inside. The three men were having fun, and she didn't want to go in.

The old butler stood beside the old man holding a glass of red wine and said softly.

"This girl is a nursery rhyme."

In the villa, Qian Ling pointed to the nursery rhyme outside and laughed softly.

"You haven't seen this girl, right? Nursery Rhyme, she's a very smart girl, but she's just a little out of shape..."

Before the word coordination could be uttered, Tong Yao lay down on the lawn. Qian Ling closed her eyes and sighed helplessly.

"My body just isn't very coordinated."

Li Jinhe frowned.

"It's true that you may fall down when you step on the soft grass with high heels. I'm a little curious why she doesn't stand up?"

Qian'er's mother covered her mouth and smiled.

"I'm probably embarrassed. This girl is so cute. She seems to be little sisters with Wen Nuan."

Li Jinhe shrugged.

In the yard, Li Li helped Tong Yao up and gently patted away the grass clippings stained on her body. Tong Yao blushed and whispered thanks. Before Tong Yao could take a step, a sweet voice came from behind.

"Teacher Tong! You abandoned me and got here first, what? My A7 is not worthy of yours... Wow! Han Qian, you actually have muscles, please let me... uncles! I still have something to do, Take the first step.”

Yu Shici ran and shouted. She first saw nursery rhymes, then saw shirtless Han Qian, and finally saw several elders sitting on chairs drinking. She wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

In the villa, Li Jinhe laughed heartily.

"I'm familiar with this girl. I've known Nuan Nuan for a long time. She's a straightforward girl."

Qian'er's mother nodded slightly and smiled.

"I've seen it before. I went home with Xiaonuan to celebrate the New Year. Xiaoci is good at everything, but she pays too much attention to work and has very little time to rest."

Qian Ling nodded lightly.

"In good shape."

In the yard, Yu Shici and Nursery Rhymes blushed and hid behind Han Qian to greet the two uncles. They were both warm best friends, and Wen She had naturally heard of their names.

Tong Yao slapped the back of Yu Shi Ci's hand and whispered.

"What are you doing?"

Yu Shici, who was about to touch Han Qian's abdominal muscles, was a little flustered and replied unnaturally.

"I'm going to bake my hands, but I'm going to freeze them!"

"It's thirty-one today. Are you sick?"

"Teacher Tong, you'd better be wise and stay alone."

"Assistant Yu, please pay attention to your appearance. The three aunts in the villa are watching."

Yu Shici suddenly turned his head, looked at the three elders in front of the window, and ran into the villa. Tong Yao pulled Li Li and followed closely. There were a few grown men left in the yard. At six o'clock, Nuan Nuan and Cai Qinghu They came together, the two girls drove in a car, and they were probably together in the afternoon.

Han Qian put down the things in his hands and strode towards the two women. Cai Qinghu whispered.

"Nuan Nuan, who do you think he will talk to first."

Warm face full of pride.

"It must be me. After all, I am the real deal and you are all little scum."

"Blow a beer if you lose."

"I fear you?"

Seeing Han Qian getting closer and closer with a smile on his face, the two girls became a little nervous. When they were still half a meter away, Wen Nuan couldn't help but speak.


"Hey, are my two darlings coming?"

Wen Nuan and Cai Qinghu blushed at the same time. There were so many people. How could Han Qian shout like that? How embarrassing. But then the two girls noticed that Han Qian passed by as if he didn't see them.


Cai Qinghu and Wen Nuan turned around suddenly, and when they saw Han Qian holding Xiao Beibei and holding Xiao Tu Kun in his hand, Cai Qinghu sighed and lamented.

"It was the wrong payment after all."


In the villa, Qian Ling almost burst into tears as she pointed at the two girls and smiled.

"Hahahaha, I don't know how the two of them are feeling right now, and so is Han Qian. When you call them two babies, I almost thought they were calling Xiao Nuan and Xiao Hu."

Han Qian hugged Xiao Beibei and pulled Tu Kun to the old man. Xiao Beibei opened his arms to the old man.


Little Tu Kun bowed obediently and saluted.

"Hello, grandpa."

The old man smiled, very kindly, and took Xiao Beibei and put it on his lap. At this time, Yang Lan and Xiao Yang Jia approached. Yang Lan softly called uncle. The old man didn't seem to hear and played with Xiao Beibei. Very happy.

Yan Qingqing came with Ji Jing.

Aunt Ji seemed to have dressed up carefully. She handed the thing in her hand to Han Qian and said softly.

"You watch and do it, I'll go accompany Auntie."

Han Qian said softly.

"Okay, slow down, don't fall."

After Ji Jing left, Yan Qingqing stood in front of Han Qian and said softly.

"You take care of it, I'll go accompany Auntie."

"Don't fight."

Yan Qingqing resisted the urge to open the guy's head with a wine bottle and left.

Why is it different?

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