After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 57 You two should be the same person

Qian Wan was driving, Su Liang was the co-pilot, and Han Qian was lying in the back seat catching up on his sleep. He didn’t know how long he had been driving. When Han Qian woke up, the two guys were sitting in front eating hamburgers and drinking Coke, and Han Qian’s There is an umbrella beside me.

The car stopped at the main entrance of the dilapidated community. Han Qian sat up and held his hungry stomach and whispered.

"Give me something to eat, I'm hungry too."

Qian Wan mumbled while biting her hamburger.

"I didn't bring any money with me, so I only had 40 yuan, two hamburgers and two Cokes, and then I bought you an umbrella. Brother Qian'er, you are very capable. Why don't you use the umbrella and go to the community to eat with the uncle and aunt? Anyway, Just an umbrella.”


Han Qian tilted his head and looked at Qian Wan, wondering.

"Where's Liang'er? Liang, have you spent all your money?"

Su Liang, who had already finished the burger, shook his head and said awkwardly.

"My money is in my coat... I don't dare to go back and get it."


Han Qian snatched the half cup of Coke from Su Liang's hand, threw away the straw, opened the lid and drank it in one gulp! After drinking a lot of gas, he said angrily.

"You two and I have really committed a sin by coming out! If we can't figure out anything, if Lady Yasha goes back and doesn't eat, we will have to eat Sister Yang. It's really bad luck."

After saying that, Han Qian got out of the car under an umbrella and walked into the community on the bumpy concrete road. At this time, Su Liang opened the window and shouted.

"Brother Qian'er, please leave some money for us."

"Go away, you idiot! I'm a tough cock, and I won't pluck even a dime."

Su Liang curled his lips and whispered.

"Do me a favor and give me 20,000 yuan. If you don't get a hamburger, you won't give me ten yuan. Qian Wan, do you think there will be money in this car, Qian Wan? Qian Wan?"

Su Liang called Qian Wan twice but there was no response. He turned around and saw the girl staring at an Internet cafe opposite. Then she took out a crumpled twenty yuan from her pocket and looked at the Internet cafe and whispered softly.

"Brother Liang'er, ten yuan per person, no water!"


In total, Qian Wan had already explored the terrain when he came here, and specially set aside twenty yuan to spend at the Internet cafe. If Han Qian knew that this girl still had money, he would definitely give her an umbrella and let her get off the bus.

In the community, Han Qian held an umbrella and cursed every step of the way. He was a bitch in the beginning, so he just took 400,000 and left. Why should he help the General Department? This is so mean. The two guys here are very unloyal. Even if they don't give them food, they still let him visit the community.

Is this something humans do?

When Han Qian was struggling with what to say when he knocked on the door, there was a burst of excitement in the distance. He walked past the car parked in the community and found a group of young old men gathering in the pavilion to play chess. Han Qian walked into the pavilion holding an umbrella. The man just glanced at the young man and continued to focus on the chessboard.

Two people are playing flag chess, and six people are directing. You are talking to me, and there is nothing gentlemanly about it.

Han Qian stood behind the old man and looked at the chessboard. After about twelve or three moves, the old man picked up the rook and was about to switch to the opposite side. Han Qian suddenly spoke.

"Don't move. If you move his cannon and push the bottom, the other rook will cross the river and you can draw the chess piece. Just slow down the pawn."

"That makes sense."

"Indeed, I have seen this move. Old man Zhao, don't play this move."

"Smelly chess basket."

The old man in red chess was a little annoyed by what a few people said, so he threw away the chess piece and said angrily.

"No more playing, no more playing! I'm playing chess with four or five of you by myself, and it's giving me a headache because of your noise."

"It's just right. If you don't leave me, I will."

In the end, the red chess piece didn't last long before it died. Han Qian sighed helplessly. At this time, the old black chess piece smiled at Han Qian.

"Come, let's play a game?"

Han Qian shook his head.

"If you don't play, I can't beat the five of you."

"We won't talk, absolutely won't talk, and you'll kill this old immortal with all your energy."

"That's okay."

Han Qian also became addicted to chess. When he and Wen Wen were not divorced, he had nothing to do at home during the day. When he got tired of reading the teaching materials sent by Wen Wen, he went to find someone to play chess online. If he doesn’t play Go, he can’t understand it! Just play chess.

Han Qian took the lead with the red chess piece. The old man with the black chess piece, who was still very relaxed at first, did not take Han Qian seriously yet. When both sides were left with very few killed, he became serious. The old men who were watching stopped making mistakes. The old man Zhao said something.

"The young man is very fierce at chess. He will never run away if he can change. It is better for young people to play chess. Old man Shi is too incompetent at chess."

Dead old man?


Han Qian didn't even dare to call the old man in front of him, so why did he still use the surname of Death? In the end, Han Qian was defeated, and Mr. Shi was not much better. Han Qian fired a shot and a handsome man, and the old man made a car and a general. Han Qian surrendered and surrendered. When he was about to get up, Mr. Shi suddenly spoke.

"Here you go, be serious."

"Okay, then I won't save you any face."

This time, Han Qian used black chess. He was no longer anxious to attack, but was constantly defending and containing. This made Mr. Shi feel a little uncomfortable. He took the chess piece and thought about it for a long time and decided to exchange chess with Han Qian. As a result, he found that the old man had lost money due to his carelessness. Somewhat unhappy, he said angrily.

"Young man, do you know how to respect the old and love the young?"

Han Qian scratched his head and smiled.

"You are the old one and I am the young one. If you don't respect me, you can't let me go. I can't escape the sharp eyes of these uncles."

"Yeah! The young man can talk."

"I didn't expect that I would be discovered by you even though I hid it so deeply. My eyes have seen so much."

"There is a future, there is a future."

Maybe shame comes with age? Halfway through the chess game, Mr. Zhao began to create opportunities for his old friend, patted Han Qian on the shoulder and said softly.

"Young man, why don't you go to work and come here to play chess with us coffin men? Are you very free?"

Han Qian turned around and smiled.

"I'm at work. Today's job is to come here to see how much resettlement fees the residents need. It will take two or three years for the new community to move in. Our company is thinking of providing rental subsidies to the residential areas here."

"What about this? Are you from the Glory Group? Didn't you come here before? You said you wanted anything, and promised the family a rental subsidy of 10,000 yuan. What? You regretted it?"

Mr. Shi seems to be the most decisive among these old men, but something is wrong when these words fall in Han Qian's ears. Has Glory come to someone else? Why didn't Yan Qingqing say anything? Han Qian thought about it and laughed softly.

"Huh? That shouldn't be the case. I, the manager, don't even know anyone has been here, gentlemen! You didn't sign any contract with those people, did you? You may have been deceived and didn't reveal any phone number or bank card information, right? Now, right? The liar is very powerful."

Mr. Shi waved his hand.


Han Qian pulled the veteran one step away and tilted his head to look at Mr. Shi. The old man raised his head and smiled at Han Qian.

"We are not stupid. The yamenmen gave us some resettlement fees. Five hundred yuan per family. The location of the new community is not bad. We are not at a loss. How about a resettlement fee of 10,000 yuan a year? Do you think we are old fools? It's like the sky is falling. Pie? I would like to ask how much you, the manager, can give us."

When Han Qian tilted his head and thought, the old man was vaulting the general, and Han Qian was dead. Seeing this, Han Qian smiled helplessly.

"Well, you are not a robber when you are doing business. I think you have some prestige in this community, old man. Why don't you go ask the big guy how much you want? Ten thousand is beyond the budget for this year."

"Don't be so troublesome. I can't control others. Don't flatter me. My family has two houses here. The resettlement fee is 3,000 yuan a year. In addition to the 1,000 yuan from the Yamen Gate, 4,000 yuan is enough. Anyway, it's a makeshift living." Two years, but! The cost of moving..."

"One thousand and five thousand per household? This... How about you ask for two thousand, and call my boss about moving."

"No, you can't rely on your old age and spend so much money to carry it into the coffin? We have enough to live in this community. Planes roar past our ears in the middle of the night. It's not easy to stay alive. Young people can move Everyone has been moved, there are only four buildings in total, and my house only costs one thousand and fifty, so you have the honor to come with a car to move, otherwise I will die in the house."

The old man is very smart. The price of moving is not low now. Two houses cost less than 1,800 yuan. Moreover, they are all old people and have many belongings. Han Qianzhen got up and walked aside to dial Yan Qingqingduo and explained the general matter. Yan Qingqing was silent for a few seconds, and then said.

"We are discussing when we go back to the company. Don't just ask one person. Ask everyone. Ask if two thousand people can help with the move."

Han Qian said softly.

"Okay, let me ask."

After chatting with the old men in the pavilion for about half an hour, their wives shouted that the wine was hot and it was time to eat. The old men held umbrellas and left the pavilion, leaving Han Qian alone. Now he I want to scold Su Liang and Qian Wan again.

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