After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 562 Taking the Mother-in-Law to Shopping

While Han Qian was still asleep in his dream, Wen Nuan had quietly gotten up. He went back to the room and took out his cosmetic bag. He sat in front of the dressing table as if facing an enemy. Wen Nuan rarely put on makeup at work every day. He basically put on some moisturizing water and Just put on lipstick and go out.

But not today. I have to meet my parents-in-law. Although I am no longer a new daughter-in-law, I still have to follow these basic etiquette rules.

Three years ago, Wen Nuan acted like she was the best in the world and never understood any rules and etiquette. Now she respects traditional etiquette and rules, and all of this is attributed to the man sleeping in the room.

Recalling the first time I met Han Qian's parents, Wen Nuan couldn't help laughing. At that time, I really didn't understand anything. It was the first time I got married, the first time I met my parents-in-law, and the first time I sat together. Have a meal at the table.

She sat stupidly on the dining table and didn't move, letting her parents-in-law Han Qian busy in the kitchen, taking a bite after serving a plate of food. In the end, Han Qian couldn't help but stepped on her feet on the table, and Nuan Nuan realized that he should Wait for others to eat together.

These were all problems that Lao Wen was accustomed to. Wen Wen remembered that her mother-in-law was very happy at that time, saying that she had a very beautiful and lovely daughter-in-law. Her father-in-law said that her daughter-in-law had a straightforward personality. Thinking about it now, Wen Wen blushed a little.

What a shame.

I painted foundation, eyelashes, eyeliner, lip gloss, and warmth very carefully. After I finished painting, I changed my clothes and took a look at the small alarm clock.


He took out a small red box from the drawer with a wedding ring inside.

I bought a real wedding ring for myself, which seemed to cost a little more than 40,000 at the time, and I bought a plastic one for Han Qian.

Three dollars!

Put on the ring, pick up the bag and keys.

Nuan Nuan went out and Han Qian was still sleeping.

Driving the car to pick up her parents-in-law at the bus station, they were reluctant to take a taxi. Those who came to the city would take the six o'clock bus in the morning. Nuan Nuan was talking on the phone with Yu Shici while driving. At this time, Yu Shici had already gotten up to prepare for today's work. , Assistant Yu joked on the phone.

"Miss, how many small reports have you prepared today?"

Wen Nuan narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"That's all to scare Han Qian. Why would I bother my parents-in-law when I have nothing to do? I'm having a seizure. You have a lot going on today? Let's have lunch together?"

"Miss, you are like a prostitute. When you are done, you throw away the money and leave. I want to stay and clean up the mess. The hotel has begun to be renovated, and the equipment from the hospital will be airlifted soon. In the afternoon, Manager Sun and I will go see some doctors. Send me some people."

"You can arrest them as you like, or are you looking for two assistants?"

"Forget it, Teacher Tong will accompany me to meet the client this afternoon. I won't tell you anymore. Teacher Tong's breakfast is ready. Bye."

After hanging up the phone, Nuan Nuan also arrived at the station, sitting in the car and muttering quietly.

"My mother-in-law gets carsick and won't eat. My father-in-law should know how to eat. Should we go have breakfast later or buy some first?"

After thinking about it, Wen Nuan took out his cell phone and called Han Qian. When he found that Han Qian was still sleeping, Wen Nuan helplessly covered his forehead and said helplessly.

"I'll take my parents out for breakfast later, will you go?"

"No! I'm afraid the old man will hit me. I'll go to work later."

"Okay, I'll play with my parents, bye."

After hanging up the phone, Han Qian got up and packed up and went to work. He really didn't want to meet the old man.

At nine o'clock, Wen Nuan saw her parents-in-law get out of the car. Her mother-in-law was still dressed so plainly. Her father-in-law seemed to wear the same outfit every summer. Wen Nuan got out of the car and trotted towards her mother-in-law in a white fairy skirt.

The two women, who everyone thought had no relationship, hugged each other, hugging your mother-in-law warmly and kissing you like a baby.

"Mom~ Why did you come here? I miss you so much. Dad~ bring me something delicious~"

Qian'er's mother hugged her daughter-in-law and smiled from ear to ear. The old man smiled naively.

"It's summer, and I don't have much to bring you. I just picked some pears and apricots."

Wen Nuan stared at the bag in the old man's hand curiously and whispered.


Qian'er's mother took her daughter-in-law's hand and said softly.

"It's sweet."

The task of driving was handed over to the old man. Wen Nuan held her mother-in-law's arm without letting go and whispered that she needed her mother's comfort. That woman Li Jinhe always bullied her. Qian'er's mother held her daughter-in-law's hand and comforted her softly.

Following Wen Nuan's instructions, the old man drove all the way to Glory Department Store. After getting out of the car, the old man frowned.

"Where's that little brat?"

Nuan Nuan held her mother-in-law's hand and smiled evilly.

"I was afraid that you would beat him, so I ran to work. Dad, did you two quarrel again?"

"It's not noisy! It's a habit to beat my son while eating and sleeping."


Wen Wenwen laughed in an unladylike manner. He pulled his mother-in-law into the Glory Department Store and looked at the dazzling array of products. Her mother-in-law was motion-sick and couldn't eat, and Wen Wen hadn't gone shopping for a long time. She also bought some clothes for her parents-in-law.

Han Qian, that miser, doesn’t know how to buy clothes for his parents.

Holding her mother-in-law's hand, she smiled warmly.

"Mom~ You can choose whatever you want in this mall, and you don't have to pay for it."

Qian'er's mother didn't believe it and smiled.

"How can you not give me money? You have to give me money when you buy something."

"Mom~ You really don't need to give it. Let's go. I'll take you to try."

Wen Nuan was determined to wait for Qian'er's mother to do a Bawang Shopping. Qian'er's mother knew her daughter-in-law's character, so she smiled helplessly and joined the Bawang Shopping operation. At worst, Lao Han would come to check out. The most important thing is that your daughter-in-law is happy.

Pulling her mother-in-law into a self-operated store of Honor Group, Wen Nuan started to choose, and finally fell in love with a light blue dress. She took it off and made some gestures on her mother-in-law's body, and said with a smile.

"Mom! Let's go try it."

After changing her skirt, Wen Nuan still seemed a little dissatisfied, so she took her mother-in-law and walked out of the store, not forgetting to tell the store manager when she left.

"Call Han Qian to come over to check out. If he couldn't find anyone, he called Yan Qingqing and said it was his mother and his wife who came to shop."

Before Nuan Nuan could walk out of the palace door, the store manager trotted forward and chuckled softly.

"Auntie, don't leave in a hurry. Is Han Qian really your son?"

Qian'er's mother glared at Wen Nuan angrily, then smiled and nodded at the store manager, saying softly.

"This little bastard has caused you a lot of trouble, hasn't he?"

"What did Auntie say? Brother Qian'er is very kind to us. Are you looking at the clothes? Is this uncle? Qingqing, Xian'er, come and choose a set of clothes for uncle. Don't be stupid. Auntie, please go first Sit down, there are several new sets of samples in the store, would you like to try them? Tell me which one you like."

The store manager is a woman in her mid-thirties. She very enthusiastically left Qian'er's mother and the old man in the store. They were busy back and forth for more than 20 minutes. The old man was changed into casual clothes. How to give money? None of them accepted them, and finally the three of them left after the store manager begged them.

Looking at the three people leaving, the store manager breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, two clerks came forward and asked softly.

"Sister Li, are they really Han Qian's parents in our company? What if it's fake?"

The store manager lightly knocked on Xian'er's forehead and frowned.

"You are still young. If uncle and aunt come to the store, we can be suspicious. Don't forget that there is also that pretty girl. I think she looks familiar, but I can't remember where I have seen it before. It doesn't matter. , the important thing is that the bag, diamond ring, and bracelet in her hand add up to the cost of a house. Will they give us a thousand or two thousand for clothes? Go~ call the headquarters and say it is Mr. Han’s parents. Just left the store."

The clerk still didn't understand, why did he need to call to verify? The store manager didn't explain to her, but she still remembered one thing. When Mr. Han came here, he was regarded as a poor man, and the store was cleared after that.

After receiving the call, Glory sent the message to Han Qian. As it turned out, the guy was not in the general department, so he sent the message to the general manager's secretary. Xiao Yangjia pushed open the door of the general manager's office to deliver the message.

After receiving the news, Han Qian slapped his forehead and lamented.

"What are you doing with Nuan Nuan? Why are you leading my mother to act like a rogue?"

Yan Qingqing was a little bit disgusted and whispered.

"Then what's the shame? Half the glory is yours. What's the matter with coming to your house to get some clothes? It's a warm thing. If she takes it to Changxiang... Oh, Changxiang is a department store that sells clothes. There is no more, only a country of military uniforms is left, Assistant Ye, could you please go there?"

"Don't go!"

Yeats was sitting next to Han Qian and was cleaning the old man's ears. It was a bit interesting to mention the ear cleaning thing. It was Yan Qingqing who brought it up. When Han Qian came to the office, he said that he had been deaf recently. Yan Qingqing said it was earwax. There were too many and Han Qian had to pay for them. As a result, he accidentally made Han Qian scream, and then he changed to Yeats.

Being decisively rejected by Yeats, Yan Qingqing was so angry that her teeth itched and she whispered angrily.

"You are my assistant!"

"I'm not a handyman for you. It was Han Qian who asked me to help you. It was Han Qian who hired me."

"I pay your salary."

"I don't want the money, okay? I'm not short of it anyway."

Yan Qingqing was so angry that she lowered her head and started looking for a baseball bat, when Yeats said.

"I have already packed away your stick. As the general manager and director of a company, your desk should be filled with documents, not colorful baseball bats."

"I like playing baseball, okay?"

"Mr. Yan, I would like to ask, do you know the rules of baseball?"


Yan Qingqing stood up and said angrily.

"Han Qian, please go out. I have to have a good chat with Assistant Ye today about what is a general manager and what is an assistant to a general manager."

Just as Han Qian was about to stand up, Yeats pinned him on his leg and said softly.

"Don't move! I'm picking out my ears! Don't blame me if you accidentally pricked your ears."

Han Qian didn't dare to move, he really didn't dare to move.

Yan Qingqing gritted her teeth in anger, finally opened the door and roared at little Yang Jia.

"Go to the mall! Go shopping with Han Qian's parents!"

Little Yang Jia ran away, muttering under her breath as she went downstairs.

"If you can't bully the assistant, then you bully the secretary. Who is he?"

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