After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 556 I’m not awesome, how dare I hit you?

Chapter 555

"You still can't help it."

Toad sat on the bed and looked at Han Qian.

Han Qian really couldn't hold it back. He called Feng Lun and asked this guy for a list of all those involved in corruption and bribery. If Feng Lun didn't give it, Han Qian would cut off the alimony to Toad's family.

Toad looked at Han Qian resentfully, while Feng Lun jumped angrily and yelled at Han Qian to wait, Cui Li would come to him for tea.

This time Han Qian used another number, and Li Jinhai monitored the mobile phone number, not his.

In the end, Feng Lun agreed. Han Qian didn't need to use notes. He could remember all the numbers in his mobile phone and the names of the people Feng Lun mentioned.

After hanging up Niu Guodong's call, Han Qian called Ji Jing.

"Aunt Ji, don't ask anything. I will tell you the names of several people now. At 11:01, you will release the charges of this person in order, one per minute until I call you. What? Don’t even ask.”

After hanging up the phone, Han Qian called Yan Qingqing.

"Ask Wu Sijuan to take Luo Shande to find Ji Jing. Ji Jing will tell you what to do when you get there."

The third call was made to Liu Guangming.

"Brother Liu, I'm in prison. If you ask someone to send 100,000 in cash to an address, I'll send it to you via text message."

Liu Guangming seemed to be doing indecent exercises. When he heard that Han Qian was in prison, he stopped immediately and frowned.

"One hundred thousand is enough?"


"I understand, are you in jail or are you going to do something?"


"I will pick you up."

"twenty minutes."

After hanging up the phone, Han Qian had a sneer on his lips, Liu Guangming! You are really cautious. If I don't tell you for twenty minutes, I'm afraid you won't be able to give me the money tonight.

The last call was to Cai Qinghu.

"Madam, drive slowly and have a midnight snack together."

Cai Qinghu told Han Qian that Niu Guodong was causing trouble behind his back. She made many phone calls and finally learned that Niu Guodong wanted Han Qian to go to jail. She called Han Qian and told Han Qian, and then Han Qian called Cheng Jin. The phone scene.

Han Qian would not doubt Cai Qinghu.

After hanging up the phone, Han Qian stood up, straightened his clothes, and said calmly.

"One hundred thousand is for our aunt. I have provided your daughter with education insurance, medical insurance, accident insurance, etc. since the Chinese New Year this year. You will serve your sentence well here and leave your family to me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Qian put his foot on the cell door and roared angrily.

"Open the door for me!"

The cell door was quickly opened, but Han Qian did not go out. He reached out and closed the cell door, turned around and sat next to Toad, and he would not leave.

The cell bosses outside the door were confused. What on earth did this old man want to do?

An A6 was on its way to the prison, Cheng Jin sneered while holding a cigarette in his mouth.

"What did Han Qian tell you? He told you to rush to the prison to release him."

Niu Guodong had a gloomy face and said nothing, and Cheng Jin continued.

"I've said before, don't mess with this kid. He has a lot of power behind him. Time is short now. If he doesn't come out tomorrow morning, look at Glory, Changxiang, Shuncheng, District 8, and Li Jinhai will do it to you at the same time. Pressure! Han Qian didn’t do anything wrong at all, he just had to pay for the fight.”

Listening to Cheng Jin's nagging, Niu Guodong roared.

"Why should I go to such trouble if the other party wants to accept compensation? Do you think I didn't go over to mediate and threw Han Qian into prison just to calm them down and let this matter go away?"


Cheng Jin sneered in his heart, Niu Guodong, Niu Guodong, you really do one thing in front of your face but another behind your back. Will Han Qian believe it or me?

The two arrived at the prison on time at eleven o'clock. When Niu Guodong and Cheng Jin just walked into the prison gate, Changde's phone rang, and then he hung up the phone with a gloomy face, walked up and whispered softly in Cheng Jin's ear.

Cheng Jin sneered after hearing this.

"Ha! Lao Niu, the first person's name has come out, how about we wait a little longer?"

Niu Guodong's face was as gloomy as water and he growled.

"who is it!"

"There is a small police officer in charge of a large truck on the highway. The number is not small. Now his photo and criminal record have been sent to Glory. It will probably appear on the big screen outside the main entrance of Glory Group soon."

Niu Guodong quickened his pace, and Cheng Jin followed behind calmly. He was not in a hurry, and there was still a hand on top to support him if anything happened.

When Niu Guodong arrived at Han Qian's cell, the cell door was open. Han Qian and Toad were sitting on the bed with their arms around their shoulders, rocking from side to side.

"Toad! You listen to your brother, reform well, try to get a reduced sentence, and find a class after you are released from prison. If not, just become a security guard. Don't get carried away. Impulsiveness is the devil."

After finishing his words, Han Qian looked at Niu Guodong, quickly got up and trotted forward, grabbed Niu Guodong's hand and choked.

"Uncle Niu, you are finally here. The child is suffering here. If I don't comfort the toad, he will beat me. Look at my mouth."

Yanluo opened his arms to embrace Niu Guodong and whispered in his ear.

"It's eleven and two."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chang De's cell phone rang again. This time Chang De did not tell Cheng Jin in a low voice, but took a step forward and said in a low voice.

"Another person has been exposed, Guan Lianxue! The top leader of Qishu Village is selling land privately."

Niu Guodong was really a little panicked because one person was more important than the other, but Cheng Jin was the happiest one and shouted.

"Changde, what are you still doing? Contact Prosecutor Cai to handle these matters. No one can be spared! Especially those who harm the people."

Niu Guodong said in a low voice with a smile on his face.

"Have you had enough trouble?"

"Where is my brother Su Liang?"

"It has been sent to the hospital for bandage."

"Talk about compensation, you still have thirty seconds."

"Let's talk after we get out."

"No, no, no, I can't go out. Who sent me in and who took me out. Where were those two people during the day? Where is Tang Wei? Uncle Niu, let's play another game. Twenty minutes is enough?"

Niu Guodong is going crazy. This little brat is so annoying. Niu Guodong now wants to strangle this guy to death.

Even if these people have nothing to do with him, there are a lot of corrupt and bribery people in this city. If he says he doesn’t know, will anyone believe him? Even if some people believe it, people from the procuratorate don’t believe it either.

Niu Guodong comforted him softly.

"Uncle Niu sent you in. I thought you could help the Yamenmen get some news about Feng Lun. As for Tang Wei, Uncle Niu helped you solve it. Be good! Stop making trouble. Uncle Niu will cook in person. You Cheng Uncle, let me have a drink with you."

Is Niu Guodong wrong?


He shouldn't use Han Qian secretly.

Is he right?

He was also right. He wanted to catch Feng Lun so that the people in the city would no longer worry about innocent people being hurt.

So was Han Qian wrong?

Han Qian was wrong. It was his mistake to hit Tang Wei.

Was Su Liang wrong?

He has too.

If you want to ask Han Qian, is it right?

Then it depends on the benevolent.

Han Qian caught Niu Guodong's weakness.

If it's wrong, it's the officials who were wrong.

Of course, this is only based on the current situation.

Han Qian did not agree to Niu Guodong's invitation. He did not believe that Niu Guodong would be so broad-minded and not care about his threat this time, so! The two people who took Han Qian and Su Liang away from the gate of Glory came, and so did Tang Wei.

At 11:30 in the evening, Tang Wei and Liu Shengge hurried to the prison. When they saw Han Qian sitting in the office with his legs crossed and drinking tea, Liu Shengge frowned and Han Qian said with disdain.

"Stop looking for it. Niu Guodong has gone back to deal with other things, and Cheng Jin is not here either. Are you feeling unconvinced?"

Liu Shengge said nothing, Han Qian looked at Tang Wei and smiled.

"Are you still unclear about my strength in the city? Do you think I am just a little bastard in front of your master? I will tell you about my strength now, and then you will consider whether to continue to sue me, or It’s all about taking money.”

Tang Wei took a step back and Liu Shengge whispered angrily.

"Han Qian, are you awesome?"

Han Qian smiled and said,

"It may not sound awesome to you, but there's nothing you can do against me, right? I'm talking to Tang Wei, so stay away."

Ignoring Liu Shengge, Han Qian said softly.

"I have a lot of identities. Remember, the Vice President of Changxiang is my ex-wife. We still live together. Tu Xiao from District 8 and I are brothers. I can give his daughter a slap or a kick. Go to education, I gave you the shares of Glory Yan Qingqing, Qian Ling treats me as a godson, the chairman of Shuncheng Group and I are brothers, the chairman of Huitian Group wants to give me three points of thin noodles, Feng Lun is making a fuss in the city If you have anything to do with me, I can let Cui Li go back to the city at any time. I was the one who caught Gouda Pao in the prison. Finally! I can point at the nose of Liu Shengge, who you think is awesome, and curse me. Fuck your mother."

Tang Wei is scared!

During the day, he scolded the little girl, saying that the upper beam was not straight and the lower beam was crooked. At night, hundreds of people blocked the door of the company, and Han Qian dared to beat the little girl.

He was even more afraid of the glorious Yan Qingqing and Qian Ling.

As for Feng Lun, don’t mention it.

Every person mentioned by Han Qian could crush him to death with one finger.

He was completely frightened.

Men who bully women often don't have strong bones. If they are tough guys, real men, they don't bother to fight a woman. You old men are strong and women are weak. It's glorious for you to win?

It would be even more embarrassing to lose.

Tang Wei spoke tremblingly.

"Han...Young Master Han...I..."

"No! You don't need to call me Mr. Han. I just want to ask you how to deal with things between you and Yang Lan, and how to deal with things between you and me. Yang Lan treats me as his younger brother, and Xiao Beibei treats me as his uncle. , even if I am half a mother-in-law, Yang Lan will definitely not live with you anymore. Don’t expect too much. Whether you stay in Glory or not has nothing to do with me. This is something that the senior management of Glory should deal with. Continue to sue me? Or I’ll give you fifty thousand.”

Liu Shengge was so angry when he saw Tang Wei's cowardice that he roared in a low voice.

"Han Qian, don't be too damn pretentious."

After saying this, Han Qian stood up and walked to Liu Shengge, grabbed his tie with one hand, patted his shoulder, and smiled.

"I have a basket, no need to show off, but you, the eunuch, should study it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Qian punched Liu Shengge hard in the face. Liu Shengge retreated and hit the wall. Tang Wei was already kneeling on the ground, pleading.

"Master Han, I know I was wrong."

Han Qian took out a cigarette and lit it, took a puff and flicked the ash on Tang Wei's head, saying contemptuously.

"How can a person like you know you are wrong? I don't care if you are wrong, I just know that I can kill you at any time."

Han Qian strode out of the prison office and walked out of the prison compound. Looking at the GL8 parked not far away and Liu Guangming standing beside the car smoking, Han Qian shouted.

"Brother Liu! It's over here."

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