The rain showed no sign of stopping. Han Qian hugged Xiao Beibei, glanced at Cai Qinghu and Qian Wan, and shrugged.

"Are you two small boats going to be submarines?"

The chassis of the R8 and McLaren were too low. Cai Qinghu stretched himself, yawned, turned around and walked away, talking as he walked.

"I'll go back to the hotel and take a nap. When the rain stops, I'll go back to the city. Have a nice journey~"

Qian Wan sighed helplessly.

"Then I'll wait until the rain stops before leaving."

The two of them had nothing serious to do when they went back. Han Qian didn't say anything. Nuan Nuan got into Ji Jing's car and everyone returned to the city. Everyone seemed tired along the way, and half of them fell asleep sitting on the chairs.

The car stopped at the main entrance of the company. Everyone woke up and got out of the car one after another. Yao Xue yawned and said that she would go home to catch up on her sleep and come to work tomorrow. Others had the same meaning. Han Qian called Ji Jing before getting out of the car. He picked up the phone and told her to send Yang Lan and Nuan Nuan home first.

When Han Qian got out of the car, Yan Qingqing held Han Qian's hand. Han Qian turned to look at Yan Qingqing and found that her eyes were fixed on several people walking in the distance.

Liu Shengge?

Tang Wei?

This guy's arms and head were wrapped with bandages. Han Qian knew clearly how serious Tang Wei's injuries were, and how hard he applied it. The fingers on his right hand should be broken, and his head should be concussed with a little skin. Trauma, as for being tied up like a mummy?

At this time, Su Liang also got off the station and stood beside Han Qian. Several people approached, and Tang Wei pointed at Han Qian and Su Liang and gritted his teeth angrily.

"It's just the two of them."

As soon as he finished speaking, two men in suits behind him stepped forward, took out a document and handed it to Han Qian, and then said.

"Mr. Han, Mr. Su, you two are involved in the crime of intentional injury, beating others to second-degree disability, please cooperate with our investigation."

Yan Qingqing frowned after hearing this. When she was about to speak, Han Qian stopped her and laughed softly.

"From the Procuratorate? What does the City Bureau mean?"

"Secretary Niu takes this matter very seriously."

"Okay, where's the car?"

"this way please."

They did not dare to be too forceful towards Han Qian and did not put handcuffs on Han Qian. After Han Qian and Su Liang were taken away, Tang Wei looked at their backs and smiled ferociously.

"Let's see how you can protect this bitch Yang Lan."

When he turned his head, a small figure appeared in front of him. Tang Wei frowned and said in confusion.

"What's wrong with you?"

Tu Kun raised his head and looked at the mummy-like Tang Wei, with angry eyes and said coldly.

"You called the police to arrest my uncle? Do you want to touch Aunt Yang? I advise you to withdraw the lawsuit and get out of this city."

Tang Wei didn't take this little girl seriously and said coldly.

"Your uncle? Han Qian? Sure enough, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked."

Xiao Tukun laughed and sneered.

"Oh, you said my upper beam is not straight and my lower beam is crooked?"

"there is··"

"Manager Tang!"

Liu Shengge suddenly scolded Tang Wei, then bent down and stretched out his hand to pinch Tu Kun's face, smiling.

"Han Qian beat someone. We just went through the formal channels. Miss Tu should just go back and wait for the result quietly."


Tu Kun opened Liu Shengge's claws with a slap and sneered.

"The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked? Are you trying to touch Aunt Yang Lan? Are you scolding me?"

Liu Shengge smiled again.

"Manager Tang doesn't know Miss Tu."

"I fucking need him to know me?"

After finishing speaking, little Tu Kun took out his cell phone and started dialing. Yan Qingqing stepped forward and grabbed Tu Kun's wrist, saying anxiously.

"Xiao Tukun, what are you doing?"

Tu Kun shook off Yan Qingqing's hand and said angrily in a low voice.


After the words fell, the phone was connected, and Xiao Tukun cried into the phone.

"Dad! Someone scolded me for not having the upper beam straight and the lower beam crooked! Are you my biological father?"

Liu Shengge's expression changed.

Tu Xiao heard his daughter roaring on the phone.

"No one fucking runs away!"

Something seems to have happened,

Tu Xiao was furious when he heard his daughter crying on the phone, got up and walked out of the office with a roar.

"Biaozi, code people and go to glory!"

In just five minutes, the convoys of Wuling Hongguang and Honda Otsai quickly left the eighth area. At the front of the convoy was a Hutou Ben.

In front of the main entrance of Glory Group, Liu Shengge asked Tang Wei to be taken away. He wanted to stay and comfort Tu Kun's daughter. If Tu Xiao was making noise here, Liu Shengge would not be afraid at all. He was just a local ruffian, but Tu Kun If his daughter was wronged here, Liu Shengge would be really afraid.

Who doesn’t know that this old bastard, Tu Xiao, is famous for caring about his daughter? If you point at Tu Xiao’s nose and scold her, he might just laugh and let the matter go. But if you touch a hair on his daughter’s body, then this matter will That's big.

Wei Tiancheng and Tu Xiao have been fighting for most of their lives. How dare he touch Tu Xiao's daughter?

Or is it that someone in the city dares to touch Tu Xiao's daughter?

The reverse scale of the dragon, whoever touches it will die.

Liu Shengge began to curse Tang Wei in his heart. After scolding Bi, was he stupid in prison? Don’t you think how many people with the surname Tu in the city dare to do this?

On the other side, Han Qian was sent to the Procuratorate. He did not see any leader. Instead, two people were asked to take them to the city government office. When he was handcuffed, Han Qian frowned and said Su Liang winked.

The two of them felt that something was wrong. Not long after leaving the procuratorate, the two of them were hooded. With the inertia of the car turning and the sounds coming from outside the car, Han Qian felt that this road did not lead to the Yamen Gate. of.

When the two got out of the car, Han Qian narrowed his eyes, and Su Liang's expression became very gloomy.

Detention center!

Ah! Han Qian sneered.

"Liu Shengge really has two skills. Will I be locked up with Gou Dapao next?"

"Master Han, don't embarrass us, we are just paid workers."

"Then you go tell Cheng Jin?"

"Will do."

Han Qian was not sent to Gou Dapao's cell, but Su Liang was imprisoned. When Han Qian walked into the cell and saw the man sitting inside reading a book with his eyes open, he smiled.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

The man was slightly startled when he raised his head and saw Han Qian, then smiled.

"It's been a long time indeed. Brother Leng was arrested?"

"No! I haven't moved my muscles for a long time. How about some exercise?"

"I'm trying to get a reduced sentence."

"What if some people just want you to hit me? I brought my mobile phone. If you remember the number, I can let you make a call, as long as no information is exposed."

Toad stood up and stretched his muscles. The next second, he rushed up and punched Han Qian in the lower abdomen. The severe pain made Han Qian bend down and almost spit out his bile, and he gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"I'm going to fuck your grandma, just do whatever you want!"


Han Qian was sent to prison because someone must have done it deliberately. This person might be Niu Guodong, or someone might want to blame Niu Guodong. Han Qian was not in a hurry, he would just take him out as he was thrown in.

On the other side, Su Liang's life was not easy. He and Gou Dapao were locked in a cell, and there were only two of them. Gou Dapao smiled evilly when he saw Su Liang.

"Sun thief~! I didn't expect to see you here again."

Su Liang took off his vest and shook his head.

"What a waste of words!"

Gou Dapao has no hope of leaving prison in his life. He doesn't care how long he will be detained or how big the crime is.


The employees of Glory Group were working cautiously, and no one was without panic. Yan Qingqing stood in front of the office window and looked at the scene downstairs. She really didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

Hundreds of black umbrellas stood in the heavy rain. Tu Xiao was dressed in a Tang suit, with a wicker chair under his butt.

The biggest loser, Guan Junbiao, stood beside his master holding a white umbrella. The handle of the short knife at his waist was exposed. Tu Xiao said calmly while holding a cigar in his mouth.

"After a while, Tang Wei came out and hacked him to death with a knife of 100,000 yuan. The 1 million that was hacked to death plus my Mercedes-Benz. My wife will arrange a job, and the children will go to key schools. I, Tu Xiao, will take care of my parents in old age, Biaozi! Give her to the children Call her aunt and tell her that this matter has nothing to do with her."

Guan Junbiao bent down slightly and said softly.

"Master, Mr. Yan called and said that he will not get involved in this matter. He just hopes that we will not hurt innocent people."

Tu Xiao waved his hand.

"Go, take a few people in and arrest the man named Tang Wei. Anyone who stops him will be killed."

"Xiao Biao, go right away."

Guan Junbiao handed the umbrella to the female assistant next to Tu Xiao, and then led a few people into Glory. Glory's security captain led the people forward, whispered a few words and then let them go.

Guan Dagou said something.

"Han Qian and I are brothers."

"The rain is too heavy. I'll take people to the underground garage to have a look."

Liu Shengge frowned and paced in the office, his face as gloomy as a pool of stagnant water. He glanced at the scene downstairs and turned to roar at Tang Wei.

"You don't think it's enough trouble for you? What are you doing to provoke that little brat from the Tu family? Today, Tu Xiao will cut off your tongue even if he doesn't want your life. How the hell do you want me to protect you?"

Tang Wei sat on the sofa without saying a word. With his status, he could not touch the affairs between several big bosses.

Liu Shengge had no choice but to call Wei Tiancheng.

"Director Wei, there is a chance that we can kill Tu Xiao."

There was silence on the phone for a long time, and laughter came out.

"Don't you know, Mr. Liu, that Mr. Han and I are considered brothers?"

Liu Shengge hung up the phone directly and then dialed a number again.

"Hello! I am Liu Shengge, chairman of Honor Group. I want to call the police!"

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