After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 546 Be happy and have fun

You have a good plan, I have a wall ladder.

Han Qian asked for leave, and it was not all because of Tang Wei's affairs. Wen Nuan told Han Qian to drive to pick up Shici in the morning. She was returning to China today. Han Qian waited outside the airport for about half an hour, and Yu Shici came out dragging her suitcase. .

When she saw Han Qian, Yu Shici threw away her suitcase and rushed towards Han Qian with open arms. Unexpectedly, Han Qian pushed his head with his hands and couldn't touch Han Qian with his arms. Yu Shici said resentfully.

"It's not warm at all. I don't want any suitcases anymore."

Han Qian smiled.

"You have only been out for a week. To make up for the few days you have been away, I decided to take you to play tomorrow!"

"Just the two of us?"

Yu Shici's expression was excited, and Han Qian shook his head.

“It’s team building!”

Yu Shici's face suddenly became unhappy, and she muttered something better than nothing. Then Yu Shici made a small request, asking Han Qian to take her to dinner. After eating steak and pasta for a week, she felt that Chinese food was the best. It's the most on point cuisine.

Han Qian did not refuse this request. Yu Shici's appetite was very small and he couldn't finish it after a few bites. Compared with warmth, Yu Shici was more like a little hen, eating one grain at a time.

After the meal, Yu Shici was sent back to the company, and the two accompanying people had already taken taxis back to their units.

When Nuan Nuan came home in the evening, Han Qian asked her if she had any ideas about going out to play. Nuan Nuan raised her hands and shouted that she had wanted to go out for a long time. Han Qian shrugged and told Nuan Nuan that there might be many people together. Nuan Nuan waved and said generously.

“It’s more lively when there are more people.”

When Nuannuan learned the scale of what Han Qian had done the next day, she regretted it a little. She kicked Han Qian's calf hard in front of everyone and whispered in a low voice.

"It's not that you have too many people, it's that there are too many!"

Han Qian, who was holding his calf, grinned.

"We can't let Tang Wei affect our mood, right? He is probably still lying on the hospital bed right now. It's time for us to have fun and make noise. It just so happens that Shi Ci has just returned to China. As a boss, don't you let people celebrate? Do you drive a bus or drive a car?"

"I drive! I don't do this. I can't stand the smell inside. You know I'm mysophobic."

"You have a fart!"

On the bus are some employees of Glory, whom Yan Qingqing considers to be his confidants. Since you Liu Shengge asked Tang Wei to come to the company to work, then I, Yan Qingqing, will take my confidants out to have fun. Since we have already broken up, there is no need. I'm giving you face.

Those who come from the General Department are basically familiar with Han Qian and others. The team building is at their own expense. If you want to come, you can come. If you don't want to come, you can rest at home for two days. Of course, this is only for the General Department, and Yan Qingqing will not consider other departments.

Su Liang held his chin with one hand and looked at the "awkward" young couple under the car, and couldn't help but laugh.

"It seems that Qian'er's status in the family is not low. Wife, please give me some status."

Li Li smiled and said nothing, pretending that she had not heard this sentence and did not want to hit her husband. Yao Xue stood up and leaned on the back of Su Liang's chair and smiled.

"The relationship between Qian'er and Vice President Wen is very good."

As soon as these words came out, Su Liang quickly stood up and covered Yao Xue's mouth, and kept winking at the sister. Yao Xue looked at Mr. Yan who said nothing and had cold eyes. This empress has been forgotten.

Yan Qingqing opened the car window and shouted to Wen Nuan.

"Nuan Nuan, are you still leaving? There are so many people..."

Before she finished speaking, an Audi R8 roared over. The manic sound wave interrupted Yan Qingqing's words, or it may have drowned her voice. The R8 drew an arc in the open space in front of the community.

The rear of the car passed by Han Qian. The door opened, and a slender jade leg was first exposed to everyone's sight. After Cai Qinghu got out of the car, Han Qian frowned slightly, wearing a red camisole and white shorts. Cai Qinghu dressed very coolly and waved to Han Qian after getting off the car.

"Ms. sir, take my car."

"Don't sit down!"

"Hmph! Then come the warmth! Let us sisters sit together."

Wen Nuan walked towards R8 without thinking. As soon as he took two steps, Han Qian grabbed him by the collar and frowned.

"Why are you going? Didn't you just have to drive by yourself?"

Nuan Nuan turned around and kicked Han Qian's calf again, saying angrily.

"I want to ride in a supercar!"

"You drive yourself!"

"I want to ride in a supercar! You're stopping me. I'll buy one right now if you call me!"

Han Qian let go, Wen Nuan cursed a stingy man in a low voice. Just as Wen Wen got in the car, Ji Jing drove over. She didn't like sitting with other people. When Han Qian opened the car door and was about to get in the car, he found Yang Lan holding the baby in his arms. Beibei was sitting in the passenger seat. Han Qian smiled and reached out to pick up Xiao Beibei.

"Let's go and take the bus with uncle."

He got on the bus and went straight to the last row, kicked little Tu Kun who was hiding in the gap between the seats, and laughed and cursed.

"How about I put it under the car for you? I told Jiawei to call you over. Why are you hiding?"

Xiao Beibei hugged Han Qian's neck and learned to speak.

"Why are you hiding?"

Xiao Tu Kun smiled naively at Han Qian, and then glared at Xiao Beibei. However, Xiao Beibei was not afraid of this sister at all, and stared back without showing any weakness. When everyone arrived, the bus just started, and there was a burst of noise from behind the car. Wail.

"Brother-in-law! Brother-in-law! Take me with you, brother-in-law! My biological brother-in-law."

Han Qian's face was covered with black lines, and everyone was looking at Han Qian. At this time, Xiao Tu Kun said.

"Which aunt of mine is the brother?"

Han Qian slapped Tu Kun on the back of the head and said angrily.

"Can't you hear Li Duole's voice?"

Taking Li Duole and Tu Kun with him, Han Qian suddenly regretted it when he looked at Xiao Beibei sitting on his lap. He would probably have a lot of fun in today's team building, but he might have to become a nanny to look after the children.

After Li Duole got in the car, the atmosphere in the car changed. This guy was very sweet-tongued and spoke sweetly. There was constant laughter in the car. Han Qian was also amused a few times. Just after leaving the city, Yan Qingqing walked to Han Qian stood in front of him, pointed at Xiao Beibei in his arms and said coldly.

"Why are you holding her?"

Han Qian replied doubtfully.

"If I don't hug her, why should I hug you?"

Yan Qingqing whispered unnaturally.

"I do not mind."

"I mind, you are heavier than Xiao Beibei."


"I don't!"

Yan Qingqing glared at Han Qian fiercely, and after driving for more than three hours, she finally arrived at her destination. There was a man-made seaside bathing beach at the foot of the mountain. You could reach the hotel halfway up the mountain by following the stairs at the foot of the mountain.

Surrounded by solid wooden planks and lush forest pavilions, Han Qian got off the car and handed Xiao Beibei to Xiao Yang Jia, then put his arms around Su Liang and Li Jiulong's shoulders and whispered.

"Do you think there will be anyone in this grove at night..."

Su Liang and Li Jiulong showed expressions that all men understand. The three grown men raised their heads and laughed at the same time. Yan Qingqing looked at the three of them with disdain, and then Han Qian whispered.

"How about we go out three nights to catch him?"

Su Liang immediately threw off Han Qian's arm and said seriously.

"How can I, a married man, join in with you?"

Then Liu Jiulong followed Su Liang's example and looked at Han Qian with disdain. Han Qian was so angry that he jumped up and yelled that the two of them were nothing. At this time, Li Jiawei and Xiao Tu Kun came forward to ask if they could help. Han Qian suddenly felt frustrated. , are the only people helping him now are his children?

When assigning rooms in the hotel, Han Qian asked Yao Xue in a low voice why she didn't bring her husband and children. Yao Xue gave Han Qian a wink and said seductively.

"I feel uncomfortable with my husband."

After saying this, Han Qian nodded.

"Sister Xue, you are absolutely right."

After finishing his words, Nuan Nuan walked downstairs and walked into Han Qian and whispered.

"I don't want to sleep in the same room as Cai Qinghu! Where do you sleep!"

"I do not sleep!"

After hearing Han Qian's answer, Yao Xue held her stomach and laughed, making her teeth itch with warmth.

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