After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 544 Growing up and being poor and generous

Chapter 543

After returning home, Han Qian told Nuan Nuan what happened today while cooking. The eldest lady was wearing shorts and a vest, holding half an apple in her hand and leaning on the door frame of the kitchen. She raised one leg and put her smooth little feet against it. Door frame, frivolous way.

"Then you and Su Liang were beaten by him? You are brothers fighting tigers. When fighting, no one is left behind. So, you were beaten in the face?"

Han Qian stretched out his hand and touched the side of his face, but continued without answering, and Wen Nuan stopped asking questions.

"So you said that Tang Wei might go back to work at the Honor Group. If you ask me, you shouldn't have given Gao Fuli the shares you originally had. Put more pepper in it."

Han Qian cut some peppers and put them in the pot. The spicy and pungent smell instantly filled the entire kitchen. Nuan Nuan turned around and ran to open the window, and Han Qian shouted.

"It wouldn't have worked if I didn't give it to him at the beginning. There was no other suitable candidate. I don't think he would be on my side this time."

Nuan Nuan returned to the kitchen and pouted.

"Even if he is neutral, it will be of no benefit to you. You didn't ask Tu Xiao about this? He is much more professional than you."

"No, I suddenly felt that Liu Shengge was really disgusting. Instead of asking Tu Xiao to take Tang Wei away, it would be better to find someone to kill Liu Shengge directly. In this way, the benefits would be greater. Today, my second uncle asked me about Feng Lun's whereabouts. I could have taken Feng Lun's position, but I didn't."

"When I see the man I love as helpless as a child."

Wen Nuan sang something inappropriate, but it didn't make Han Qian's mood much better, nor did it affect him too badly. Han Qian handed the dish to Wen Wen and said calmly.

"Put away the dishes and get ready to eat. Four dishes are not enough, and you can't eat them... No, you can eat them all."

After saying this, he stretched out his hand and patted Nuan Nuan's flat belly, muttering softly.

"Where did all the meat go?"

"I won't tell you."

Wen Nuan proudly carried the dishes and left. When Han Qian washed his hands and came out, Wen Wen had already prepared the rice and was waiting for him. Han Qian was a little surprised and said with a smile.

"Hey, why do you feel so grown up today?"

Wen Nuan lowered his head and glanced at his chest. When he raised his head again, his eyes were full of murderous intent. Han Qian hurriedly explained.

"I didn't say anything about your breasts, I said you were sensible."

After Han Qian sat down, Nuan Nuan bit his chopsticks and spoke softly.

"I think you'd better not help the Yamenmen catch Feng Lun. If Feng Lun is not arrested for one day, you can be free in the city for one day, and those guys will be wary of you for one day. Catching Feng Lun will do you no good. It’s not like Feng Lun was incompetent at the Yamen Gate, but now it’s like you should help them catch him.”

Han Qian took a big mouthful of rice and said vaguely.

"Isn't it our second uncle?"

Nuan Nuan frowned and replied.

"Who is the second uncle?"

"Your second uncle."

"No! It's not a matter of the second uncle or the second uncle. It's true that he is my second uncle. It's true that the relationship between the two families is good. But what he is thinking about now is how to explain to his superiors. Have he ever thought about Feng Lun being arrested? How about you after that? There are some things that relatives should help each other, but there are some things that involve our interests that we need to consider. "

Han Qian smiled, Wen Nuan frowned and said angrily.

"Why are you laughing? I know I'm not as smart as you, but you can't mock me like this, you will affect my physical and mental health."

Han Qian couldn't help but laugh.

"In a few years you'll be like a gangster, and you're still so healthy."

Wen Nuan was so angry that he gritted his teeth, turned his anger into appetite, and mumbled as he ate the food.

"I'll eat them all and let you starve to death!"

"Come on, breathe, then suffocate me."

"I! No! Eat it!"

"Here, eat a piece of beef. You'll be angry when you're full."

"Little Han Qian! What you said makes sense. My sister is not as knowledgeable as you. Please accompany me downstairs for a walk after dinner."

Half an hour later, Han Qian changed his clothes and shoes and was about to go downstairs. Nuan Nuan lay on the sofa, holding his stomach and grumbling that he was full and couldn't move. Han Qian said with a bitter smile.

"You said you were going downstairs, and then you didn't go downstairs. Then I went to buy popsicles and didn't bring them to you."

Wen Nuan struggled to get up, groaning in pain.

"I think I can still save a little bit..."

Then she went downstairs and didn't come back.

That is to say, when I don’t want to go out, don’t chase me out. Once I go out, I won’t come back. Wen Nuan squatted by the flower bed and glared at Han Qian. He took a bite of the popsicle with a glare. Han Qian stood opposite her. Covering his face from a distance, he was very helpless!

This is like taking a husky out.

Residents after get off work and school stared at these two people curiously. Han Qian and Wen Nuan were both well-known in this community. The boy washed, cooked, and tidied up the house, while the girl did nothing and was as beautiful as a flower.


Kindergarten is out, but today a large 'student' appeared in the kindergarten class. Xiao Tukun held a lollipop and held his chin with one hand, sitting next to Xiao Beibei. At this time, Xiao Beibei stole the words from time to time. Glancing at the lollipop in Tu Kun's mouth, saliva was already flowing out, but little Tu Kun pretended not to see it.

This is also Xiao Beibei's fault. She knew Tu Kun, but couldn't remember where she had met her before. Then she told the teacher that she didn't know him. If Xiao Tu Kun hadn't called Yang Lan, the teacher would have called the police.

Xiao Beibei put his schoolbag on his back, stretched out his hand and took Tu Kun's hand, saying weakly.

"Sister, I was wrong. Give me a bite and just lick it."


"Little sister."

"It doesn't matter what you call me. I'll introduce you to some uncles later. They will protect your safety. Also! Your mother said you can't eat sweets anymore."

"My mother can't see it."

"I'll tell her."

When Xiao Beibei got angry, he threw away Tu Kun's hand and ran outside. Tu Kun held a lollipop in his mouth and put his hands in his pockets in no hurry. As soon as Xiao Beibei ran to the door, he was stopped by two men who suddenly appeared. The uncle frightened Xiao Beibei, so he turned around and ran back, shouting as he ran.

"Sister, save me."

Xiao Tukun deliberately refused to hold Xiao Beibei's hand and said proudly with his head held high.

"Give me the jelly in your pocket!"

Xiao Beibei suddenly fell into a tangle, and he didn't know whether to think clearly. He took out a jelly from his pocket and handed it to Tu Kun. Tu Kun opened the jelly and ate it, and then said.

"Give me the other one too. I saw you playing with it in your hands during class."

"You take me home first, and I'll give you the jelly."

"No, give me the jelly first."

"Just wait, I'll call my uncle."

"You don't have a cell phone."

"I'm going to find the teacher."

"Well... OK! You owe me a jelly."

If Han Qian were here, he would definitely give Tu Kun a slap in the face. What a big girl, bullying a kid into eating jelly? Tu Kun took Xiao Beibei's hand and walked out of the kindergarten. When Xiao Beibei saw the two uncles, he hurriedly hid behind Tu Kun.

Tu Kun waved to the two of them and motioned for them to come over. After getting closer, Tu Kun pulled Xiao Beibei behind him and spoke to the two of them.

"Her! My brother-in-law's beloved niece, I love her more than me. If something happens to her, you two don't have to keep your eyes on your faces anymore. I will ask Guan Junbiao to save it for you two."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tu Kun took out a wad of cash from his bulging trouser pocket and threw it to one of them.

"We have all the basic necessities, including food, drink, and toilet. If you run out of money, tell me."

The two of them bowed and saluted and said in unison.

"Thank you, Miss."

Tu Kun turned around and pressed Xiao Beibei's shoulders with his hands, saying seriously.

"Uncle asked me to protect you. You must also be obedient. If you are in danger or scared, just call them. They will always be at the school gate. Except for your mother, your aunt, your uncle, and these two uncles, , don’t leave with anyone, do you hear me?”

Xiao Beibei nodded in understanding. When Tu Kun was about to leave, she reached out and grabbed the corner of Tu Kun's clothes, put the jelly in his hand, and whispered.

"Thank you sister."

Tu Kun curled his lips and said.

"No need to thank me, I'll be relieved if you just obey."

Tu Kun walked away very freely, but she didn't know that her heart was bleeding at this time. Ten thousand yuan to buy two jelly? How rich do you have to be to do something like this? The pocket money you just received this month is gone.

How many books should I buy for Li Jiawei and how many cram schools should I enroll him in?

The more he thought about it, the more distressed he became. Xiao Tukun turned his head and looked at Xiao Beibei, who was holding his two uncles in the car. He couldn't stop crying and took out his cell phone to call Han Qian.

"Uncle! I have no money, I am going to starve to death, wow! I am not happy, I am very unhappy."

Han Qian was confused by the girl's cry. He hurriedly picked up Wen Nuan and got into the car to pick up Tu Kun. After meeting, he learned that Tu Kun was worried that these two guys wouldn't protect Xiao Beibei, so he gave them 10,000 yuan. , this will be very distressing.

Han Qian smiled bitterly.

"If you don't have money, how can you pretend to be cool?"

Xiao Tukun lowered his head and said weakly.

"My dad said that the city is in turmoil, and my brothers are also worried about money. Aren't I afraid that they won't protect Beibei properly? Auntie~ This is the jelly Beibei gave you."

"I'll call your dad. How much pocket money does he give you a month?"

"Only ten thousand."

Han Qian suddenly turned around and glared at Xiao Tukun, and said angrily.

"You make ten thousand a month and then you don't save any money?"

Tu Kun said doubtfully.

"Why should I save money? I don't need to buy a house or pay a bride price. As for the dowry, I have already started to give it to Li Jiawei. I buy him books, enroll in cram schools, buy nutritional supplements, let him study hard, and then graduate and earn money. Marry me!"

"What if he doesn't make any money?"

"Then I will marry him and go home to wash and cook!"

What do children think nowadays? We stopped communicating when there was a communication barrier, but Nuan Nuan suddenly asked Han Qian to stop. After about three to five minutes, Nuan Nuan came back. After getting in the car, he threw a wad of bills to Tu Kun and said softly.

"You, a kid, don't need to spend money on adult matters. If you have time, you can see Beibei and tell her that the jelly is quite delicious."

Xiao Tukun took the money and stood up in the back seat, hugging Nuan Nuan's neck and saying softly.

"My little aunt loves me the most. I like my little aunt the most. Mr. Yan is not suitable as a girlfriend at all. Little aunt, you are right."


“Little aunt, I have my eye on a mobile phone, the latest model from Apple. Look at this phone, it’s so laggy even when I open it, little aunt~~”

Warm smile.

"Oh, let's go to Zhongyang Road and have a look."

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