After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 534 The trash who can’t wake up after being slapped

Han Qian hid in Ji Jing's office the whole afternoon and Yan Qingqing didn't bother him. She contacted her father and waited at the hotel in the evening. At the same time, she called Yan Yingying to tell him to go back too.

On the phone, Yan Yingying was still asking for news about Liu Shengge, and told Yan Qingqing that she had just broken up with her current boyfriend and would definitely focus on falling in love this time. Yan Qingqing was not feeling well, and she suppressed the anger in her heart. , said softly.

"Wait for me at the hotel tonight. I'll tell you then, don't run around."

"I'll go back and wait for you now. When will you get off work, sister? Why don't you come back now? Oops? How about I go to your company and you introduce us to each other."

Yan Qingqing didn't understand how she could have such a mentally retarded sister. Although the girls in the Yan family couldn't compare to being reserved, they were not like Yan Yingying who couldn't move when they saw handsome people.

It's okay to be a nymphomaniac, after all, everyone likes beautiful things, and it's okay to like handsome people, but it's okay to give up the three senses for the sake of facial features?

Before getting off work, Yan Qingqing called Han Qian. After waiting for a long time, the call was not answered. Yan Qingqing took a deep breath and returned to the hotel after get off work. In the office of the operations department, Ji Jing looked at the phone on the table and said softly.

"Won't you answer?"

Han Qian looked at the documents on the table and said softly.

"What should I have for dinner? I'll help you with your work. You should reward me anyway, right?"

Ji Jing dragged her chin with her hands and looked at Han Qian, saying softly.

"Han Qian, I bought a house."

Han Qian raised his head and said softly.

"Not bad, are you ready to decorate?"

"I bought a well-decorated house, the kind that you can move in with your bags. I live alone, so I bought a 70-square-meter one-bedroom and one-living room. Come to my place? I'll cook for you."

"Go to your home?"

Han Qian looked at Ji Jing with a smirk on his face, narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Aunt Ji, are you going to eat or eat me?"

"Everything is fine."

Ji Jing's voice was like a mosquito, and Han Qian laughed loudly after hearing it.

"Forget it! I don't have time today. I'll go visit your house after I finish my work. I have an appointment to meet the parents tonight. I have to give them an explanation, right?"

There was no displeasure or disappointment on Ji Jing's face after being rejected. She still smiled and nodded to Han Qian. Han Qian saw this and said with a bitter smile.

"Look at the documents! What are you looking at me for? I don't have any flowers on my face."

"Yes! My eldest nephew is the most handsome."

Aunt Ji's words revealed the momentum of not accepting refutation. Han Qian did not refute and continued to handle the work. Aunt Ji continued to look at Han Qian. She seemed to be able to grasp Han Qian's inner thoughts. Every time Han Qian wanted to smoke She would put the cigarette in her mouth and light it before handing it to Han Qian.

When the work was almost done, Han Qian stood up and stretched. He glanced at the time and it was almost six o'clock. He stood up and picked up his phone.

"Are you going to meet Nursery Rhyme's parents with me?"

This time Ji Jing chose to refuse.

"Teacher Tong and I don't like each other, so I'd better not go there and make myself uncomfortable."

Han Qian tilted his head and said doubtfully.

"What's wrong with you two?"

Ji Jing replied angrily.

"She always talks about you and I'm not happy!"

"Hahahahahaha, okay, okay, I'll take you back first, and then I'll go see them."


When the two left the company side by side, Yan Qingqing had already arrived at the hotel. When she walked in and saw her father in a suit and leather shoes, he seemed to be preparing to go out. Yan Qingqing frowned, closed the door, and asked coldly.

"Where's Yan Yingying?"

Before Yan's father could say anything, Yan Yingying ran out of the bathroom, with a foundation box in her left hand and a goose-yellow skirt in her right hand. She ran over excitedly and said eagerly.

"Sister! Can you help me invite Dong Liu to have dinner with me tonight? I asked my father, and he said he has no objection. Does he like heavy makeup or light makeup?"


Yan Qingqing let go of the expensive LV bag in her hand, turned to look at her father indifferently, and spoke coldly.

"You said you have no objection?"

Facing his eldest daughter's question, Yan's father frowned slightly.

"What can I say about Yingying pursuing the man she likes? I heard that Liu Shengge was born in the capital. If he can be with Yingying, Yingying will also have a household registration in the capital."

Yan Qingqing said coldly.

"Don't you know that Liu Shengge has a physical disability? Don't you know that there is a big grudge between him and Han Qian?"

After finishing her words, Yan Yingying became anxious, stepped forward and grabbed her sister's hand, saying coquettishly.

"Sister! I heard everything today. Liu Dong just asked my brother-in-law a few words, and he started scolding him. I have heard that my brother-in-law has a bad temper. Can you persuade my brother-in-law not to embarrass Liu Dong anymore? The same goes for my brother-in-law. Dong Liu is so handsome, how could he be evil..."


A crisp slap fell on Yan Yingying's face. She covered her face and looked at her sister who had doted on her for twenty-three years with confusion. Her eyes were full of disbelief as she murmured.

"You hit me?"


Another slap in the face made Yan Yingying's tears instantly flow. Yan's father quickly took his eldest daughter's hand.

"Qingqing, if you have something to say, please tell me."

There was no blame in her voice, only concern for her little daughter. Yan Qingqing shook off her father's hand, pointed at Yan Yingying and cursed coldly.

"I've doted on you no matter what the hell you do, and now you want to be with Liu Shengge?"

Yan Yingying covered her face and did not dare to speak. Father Yan spoke softly.

"Qingqing, there is just a little friction between Liu Dong and Han Qian. You can't say that you won't let your sister pursue her happiness for Han Qian's sake."

"A small friction? Dad, tell me what a small friction is? As soon as Liu Shengge came to the city, he found two desperadoes to kill Han Qian. During the Chinese New Year, Liu Shengge brought a shotgun and forced Han Qian into the mountains in front of Han Qian's father. He used The shotgun was pressed against Han Qian's forehead, is this considered a minor friction?"

After hearing about Liu Shengge's deeds, the eyes of Yan Yingying, who was still unrepentant, brightened up again, but Father Yan's expression changed, and she lowered her head and murmured softly.


Yan Qingqing said again in a cold voice.

"This? You're confused, aren't you? Let me tell you again, I used to be a profitable chess piece trained by Liu Shengge. If it weren't for Han Qian's appearance, I wouldn't necessarily have to lie on some fat pig's bed to fight for him now. Make money! This year I bought you a villa in the county, a BMW 730 for you, and all the money you paid to raise a mistress outside was given to me by Han Qian. Why are you still chasing after others if you are not satisfied? You want an explanation? I'm not even his girlfriend now, so he's giving you a shitty explanation?"

Yan Qingqing was really angry. Looking at her father who was silent, she took a deep breath. At this time, Yan Yingying spoke again.

"But Mr. Liu can give these to us."


Another slap in the face, this time Yan's father didn't stop her, and didn't even react at all. Yan Qingqing pointed at her sister and said coldly.

"Liu Shengge is handsome? What's the point of being handsome? He's a fucking eunuch who can't even get into bed!"

Yan Yingying covered her face, and slowly her eyes became crazy. "

"No! It's impossible. You are lying to me. Sister, you must be lying to me. You just don't want to be with me, Liu Shengge."


The hotel door was pushed open, and a very plainly dressed woman walked into the room and closed the door. Yan Qingqing bent slightly towards the woman and said softly.


Mother Yan nodded, ignored Yan Qingqing, stepped forward and gently hugged Yan Yingying's body, saying softly.

"Qingqing, what are your plans."

Yan Qingqing whispered.

"Sending her to Australia, I'm worried that Liu Shengge will use this idiot as a breakthrough point, which will cause a big rift between me, Director Qian and Han Qian."

"Going abroad is not necessarily the best plan. Can you still join the army at the age of twenty-three? She needs a place that can restrain her. It doesn't need to be too long, just three years."

Yan Yingying was panicked. There was no difference between going to the army and killing her, but she didn't dare to struggle. Her mother seemed soft and weak, but she knew that her sister's personality was inherited from her mother, so she begged.

"Mom! I know I'm wrong. I really know I'm wrong. Can I go study abroad? I'll go to Australia and I'll be absolutely obedient."

Mother Yan stroked her little daughter's long hair and said softly.

"Sending you to Australia is like sending you to an amusement park. I don't want you to go home with a blond little bastard. You will either obey my arrangements or have your legs broken. Your sister will raise you for the rest of your life."

Yan Yingying was quiet, and then Yan Qingqing spoke softly.

"I can't put my hand inside the army, but someone can."

"Your little lover?"


"Make an appointment to meet him later. Let me apologize to him. I heard it clearly outside the door, Lao Yan! You go home. The leaders of the county miss you very much. Don't come if you have nothing to do. The city is causing trouble for my daughter."

When a child grows up and becomes capable, a father who is not content is many times worse than a mother who raises the child. Father Yan sighed softly, then raised his head and smiled.

"I will leave after sending Yingying to the army. I'm worried that she will run away."

Mother Yan shook her head gently.

"Don't worry, she won't dare to run away if she can't."

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