After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 532 My brother-in-law is brave and mighty

Yan Qingqing got angry and received a message from her eyeliner just after she got to work. Su Liang and Qian Wan started playing games again. This time they did not play in secret, but brought members of the general department to play together.

When you play online, you draw and I guess, Yang Lan also joins the camp of fooling around. The original question was a lipstick, but it turned out to be a nine-tooth rake.

In the general manager's office, Yang Lan stood by the desk with his head lowered and poured water for Yan Qingqing. Su Liang and Qian Wan lowered their heads and whispered without remorse. As for Han Qian, he was thrown to the construction site by a phone call from Yan Qingqing early in the morning. Supervised.

Looking at the two unrepentant guys, Yan Qingqing slapped the table and said angrily.

"You two can do whatever you want, or get out if you don't."

Su Liang and Qian Wan raised their heads at the same time, and the former whispered doubtfully.

"Big money, what did Mr. Yan say?"

Qian Wan replied seriously.

"She said she wouldn't let us eat rice bowls."

Su Liang spoke with confusion on his face.

"Why do you want to eat tea eggs?"

Yang Lan frowned and smiled bitterly.

"Mr. Yan said you two are little bastards."

Qian Wan said seriously with a look of sudden realization.

"She said we look really good together."

"Go, go, go, go, all of you, get out of here. Why am I here to play with you?"

Yan Qingqing was too lazy to talk nonsense with these two guys. Su Liang and Qian Wan giggled at Yan Qingqing, and Yang Lan had no choice but to explain.

"Mr. Yan, the General Department has been very busy recently and works normally on weekends. I wanted to not put too much pressure on them, so I let them relax for a while. This kind of thing will definitely not happen next time."

Yan Qingqing nodded slightly.

"You can do whatever you want in private. After all, I'm not the only leader of the company. Liu Shengge, Gao Jixiong, and Director Qian will conduct spot checks from time to time. You can find someone to go to the finance department in two days to receive the half-year bonus from the general department, Su Liang Qian Wan and Han Qian don't. From now on, the salaries of the three of them will not go to the General Department's account. I will ask Yang Jia to go to the Finance Department and the Human Resources Department to inform them. From now on, the general manager's office will be responsible for the salaries of the three of them."

As soon as these words came out, Su Liang suddenly panicked and said repeatedly.

"Mr. Yan, Mr. Yan, I know I'm wrong. I'd better pay the salary together with the General Department."

Both Qian Wan and Yang Lan were a little confused when the words came out, and Qian Wan asked in a low voice.

"Are you stupid? Yan is always giving you a salary increase."

Su Liang replied with a sad face.

"Qian'er's first month's salary was paid by Mr. Yan. It's been almost a year and he hasn't received a month's salary. I have to support my family."

Yan Qingqing's face turned dark instantly. She stood up and was about to get the baseball bat. Su Liang pulled Qian Wan and ran away, disappearing without a trace. Yang Lan sighed helplessly.

"Mr. Yan, don't be familiar with them. You're used to it."

Yan Qingqing glared at Yang Lan.

"It's not all because of you. Now your temper is getting better and better, and you are too kind to them."

Yang Lan sat on the sofa holding a tea cup and laughed softly.

"Mr. Yan, I can't help but dote on you. When Han Qian didn't come here, Su Liang didn't do his job properly and hooked up with girls all day long. I didn't pay much attention to it. After that, Han Qian went to the General Department, and Su Liang started to work seriously. , very talented. As for Han Qian, I don’t need to say more. How can I not pamper these two children? "

This made sense, and Yan Qingqing sighed.

"Because of Han Qian and Su Liang, many departments have already given me advice, saying that there are too many talents in the General Department, and some should be allocated to them. No one wants Han Qian, but Su Liang or Yao Xue." past."

"No! I won't give anyone in the General Department now, especially Su Liang, Han Qian, Yao Xue, Shanshan and Liu Jiulong. As for Qian Wan, you can transfer them."

"I don't want this little aunt in any department, so she should stay in the General Department. I don't think Director Qian wants her to take over the company. The company doesn't have many projects recently. Your General Department is going to send a few to me. , I want to ask you something, aren’t you ready to find one?”

"Forget it, it's good to take Beibei with you."

"not lonely."

"Mr. Yan! Watch your words."

"There are no outsiders."

"Beibei's father seems to be released from prison soon."


When I went to the construction site on a cloudy and rainy day, I didn't know what Yan Qingqing was thinking. The leader had spoken, so I had to come, throw the car across the road, and feel the coolness of the drizzle.

Just crossing the road, I met a mother and daughter. The woman was about thirty. The girl on the left was pushing a stroller. She was about five or six years old. The little girl on the right was only two or three years old. She seemed to have just learned to walk. You can't sit in a stroller when it's wet in the rain.

It was raining. The mother was holding an umbrella, holding her youngest daughter in her right hand, and holding the umbrella in her left hand. She kept staring at her eldest daughter in the stroller. It was very inconvenient for the mother and daughter to cross the road. Han Qian did not go over to help. He would be overzealous if he was too enthusiastic. Thinking that he was up to something evil, he stood on the side of the road and watched quietly.

Slowly, the green light turned into a red light. The vehicles on the road were quietly waiting for the mother and daughter to cross the road. The mother kept bending down to express her gratitude to the driver. Han Qian smiled. There are still many quality people in the world. Some.

She turned around and was about to leave when a rapid whistle came from behind. The whistle sounded irritating and urging. The eldest daughter was so frightened that she did not dare to move. The mother dropped the umbrella in her hand and went to pull the eldest daughter, but with such a move, The little daughter's body was wet instantly.

Han Qian took a deep breath and turned around, walking towards the white Mercedes-Benz that kept honking its horn. At the same time, a taxi driver got out of the car and ran over with an umbrella.

The white Mercedes-Benz was still honking its horn. Han Qian stepped forward step by step, stretched out his hand and knocked on the window. The window fell down, and a beautiful woman in her twenties and thirties wearing a pair of sunglasses looked at Han Qian curiously. He said he was looking at him from top to bottom, and finally looked at Han Qian, frowning.

"What's wrong with you?"

Han Qian didn't speak. He opened the car door, grabbed the woman's back collar and dragged her out of the car. He pointed at the two crying little girls on the zebra crossing and said coldly.

"Are you in a hurry? You can't wait for a minute or two, right? Then just stand in the rain. When the mother and daughter cross the road safely, you will get back to the car."

The woman who was held by Han Qian by the collar did not struggle, she just looked at Han Qian coldly and growled.

"Doing something good? Are you punishing me?"

Han Qian ignored her and quietly looked at the mother and daughter who were being helped across the road. Then he let go of the already wet girl and said indifferently.

"you can go now."

"Let's go? My aunt won't leave today. You like to do good things, right? Have you forgotten that little girl who helped the old man who fell to the ground and was blackmailed for money? I'm going to remind you today."

After saying that, the little girl took out her mobile phone and called the police. Someone was going to rape her. She also called her relatives and friends. Han Qian, who was about to leave first, suddenly stopped leaving and stretched out his hand to grab the girl who was about to go back to the car. He said calmly.

"I'm not a good person. I just can't stand people like you who blow the air conditioner in the car but don't understand how to walk. Give you half an hour and call out all the connections you can, otherwise you will be here today. This car is going to be sent to a repair shop.”

The girl turned around and shook off Han Qian's arm and said coldly.

"Okay! My aunt is not leaving today. When my sister comes over, you just have to wait to have your legs broken."

"Heh, it's best to call your brother-in-law. You two may not be enough to fight."

"My brother-in-law? Are you worthy of meeting my brother-in-law? Do you know who my brother-in-law is? Even the mayor and secretary of this city have to show respect to my brother-in-law when he meets him."


Han Qian became interested. He had never heard of such a famous figure in the city. The next second the little girl took off her sunglasses, Han Qian's expression changed, and he frowned and whispered.

" your sister's surname Yan?"

"That's right! My sister is Yan Qingqing, and my brother-in-law is Han Qian. You little brat San'er, just wait for death! My brother-in-law is a man who dares to shoot Feng Lun! You are a scumbag who only knows how to help people cross the road. Wait, scum, don’t run!”

Is this world built by coincidence? Could it be that Yan Yingying came with Old Man Yan?

Han Qian turned to look at the construction site under construction, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. This is not a coincidence. This is Yan Qingqing's business. There is nothing wrong with her sister appearing here. The problem is how to let me meet her. arrive?

Han Qian took a deep breath.

"I won't argue with you about this matter, just go away."

Yan Yingying roared angrily.

"My clothes are all soaked. You don't care about me? Do you want to run away?"

"You are disrupting traffic order in the middle of the road."

"My brother-in-law is Han Qian! I'm not afraid."

"Your brother-in-law is actually not that awesome. Your brother-in-law's driver's license has been impounded."

"You fart, my brother-in-law can't be detained! Don't tell me, you seem to know my brother-in-law."

At this moment, Han Qian's cell phone rang. Looking at the number on it, Han Qian sighed and pressed the connect button. As soon as the call was connected, Yan Qingqing's voice came over there.

"Han Qian, are you at the construction site? My sister is in trouble over there. She is at the traffic post at the entrance of the construction site. Please go over there. She drives a white Mercedes Benz 200. She looks a bit like me and is taller than me. One centimeter higher.”

Han Qian closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Well...if nothing else, the trouble your sister is in will be me."

Toot toot.

The call was hung up, and then Yan Yingying's phone rang. Yan Qingqing's angry curses came from her sister's mobile phone. After a confrontation, the two sisters confirmed one thing. The person Yan Yingying met was Han Qian.

On the side of the road, Yan Yingying held an umbrella and bent down, tilted her head and looked at Han Qian from bottom to top, and whispered.

"Are you my brother-in-law?"

"Not yet."

"Isn't my brother-in-law supposed to be heroic? Why does he look so ordinary?"

"Yan Yingying, please wait for your sister to pick you up. Don't talk to me now."

"Brother-in-law, how far have you and my sister gotten? Have you gone to bed? Have you had sex?"


Yan Yingying received a powerful blow to her forehead that caused her brain to collapse. Han Qian gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"Please clear your head!"

"Brother-in-law, are you shy? Come on, I have my sister's private photos. Do you want to see them?"

"dont see."

"Tired of watching?"

"have not seen."

"Haven't you seen it? Huh? Brother-in-law, are you so innocent? Or is my sister's methods too mean?"

"You're talking and I'll throw it in the trunk for you."

"I do not believe."

Then Han Qian was left alone on the side of the road. Yan Yingying ran away and went to the supermarket to buy cigarettes to escape the rain.

Half an hour later, Yan Qingqing came.

today. No more

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