After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 522 Eunuch Liu, you must die a good death

When he arrived at the hotel, Han Qian's legs were a little weak. He didn't know anything about Yan Qingqing's father and mother. He hadn't even heard Yan Qingqing mention it, and he didn't have a way to deal with it. He got on the elevator and reached the door of the suite. Han Qian took a deep breath. He knocked on the door gently.

The door was quickly opened, and Yan Qingqing, dressed in home clothes, stood at the door with a sad look on her face, her head lowered and she whispered.


Empress Yasha's apology makes Han Qian feel uncomfortable every time. Yan Qingqing's character is actually very similar to Han Qian's. They do things completely regardless of the consequences. The pride in their hearts makes them not admit they are wrong even if they know they are wrong, but try every means. to turn this matter into what he said was right.

He reached out and touched Yan Qingqing's hair, laughing softly.

"It's not your fault."

Pulling Yan Qingqing into the room, he walked through the hall and saw Yan's father sitting on the sofa with a cold face. Han Qian frowned slightly when he saw this. It seemed that this was not the picture of a loving father and a filial son.

Just as Han Qian was about to sit down, Father Yan snorted and said coldly.

"I disagree."

Han Qian frowned again, looking at Yan's father in a suit and leather shoes, with a Chinese character face, and frowned.

"What do you disagree with?"

Han Qian sat on the sofa minding his own business, reached out and took Yan Qingqing's hand and asked her to sit next to him, laughing softly.

"What's wrong with uncle? Let's discuss it?"

Father Yan glanced at Han Qian out of the corner of his eye. He really looked down on this boy who was wearing no more than two hundred yuan. He sneered and said with disdain.

"When it comes to matching, my daughter is twenty-seven years old and is the general manager of the Honor Group. What about you?"

Han Qian smiled lightly.

"Twenty-six, rural registered permanent residence, working as a staff member in the General Department of Glory."

"Do you think you are worthy of my daughter? Han Qian?"

"Uncle knows something about me?"

"If you don't understand it, you will know it once you see it."

"Does uncle know that Qingqing now holds 13% of the shares of Honor Group and has become the third largest shareholder of Honor Group?"

"I know, I will always remember Director Liu's cultivation of Qingqing."

"Oh? Uncle, have you met Eunuch Liu? Why don't you call him and tell him that Han Qian is here, and ask him if he dares to come over?"

Han Qian is very strong. If Yan's father talks about him and Yan Qingqing in a nice voice, Han Qian will deliberately tell Yan's father that he is divorced and has no ability, so that he will not agree to the two of them being together, but you will look down on him when you come in. I, I'm sorry, I really can't go along with your wishes.

Father Yan hesitated, Han Qian smiled and took out his cell phone to call Liu Shengge and said angrily.

"Is this your method? To fool an old man? Liu Diaoji, are you getting more and more cunning the more you live? I'm in the hotel, can't you get over? If you don't come over, I'll find you."

At this time, Liu Diaoji was enjoying the massage from the assistant sister, smiling with his eyes closed.

"It's just for fun. Didn't Teacher Tong's parents come to the city? I followed the trend and invited Yan Qingqing's parents. Isn't this to save you time? How about it? How do you feel?"

"Haha, just hold it in, damn eunuch. My brother is hugging his wife and rolling into bed. Do you want me to call you later?"

Liu Shengge hung up the phone, his eyes were scarlet, threw the phone to the ground, stretched out his hand to grab the assistant's hair, and put the other hand out of his clothes. The pain made the assistant frown, but he did not dare to speak.

Not the first time, nor will it be the last.

Han Qian hung up the phone and smiled at Yan's father.

"It's very late. Uncle, please go to bed early and I'll go back first."

After saying this, Han Qian stood up and Yan Qingqing followed.

"I'll go back with you."

She didn't care about her father's expression at all, took Han Qian's arm and left the hotel. Is the matter over like this? Han Qian said softly as he went downstairs.

"Is Liu Shengge mentally ill? Fortunately, he didn't go to see Tong Yao's parents tonight, otherwise something would have happened. I think this guy is still holding a grudge because Tong Yao tricked him last time. I'm curious how he knew of."

Yan Qingqing shrugged and sighed.

"My dad didn't contact me until he found out. As for the nursery rhymes, it was probably Liu Shengwu who gave me the news. He likes nursery rhymes very much."

"Hey! The two brothers in this family are not all right."

"Who says it isn't? Where are you going at night? Home? Why don't you go to my place?"

"Go home and meet Tongyao's parents tomorrow morning. The only thing I hope now is that your dad and Tongyao's dad don't call me suddenly."

Han Qian raised his head and sighed, Yan Qingqing whispered.

"And warm parents."

Han Qian had a headache.


Early the next morning, Han Qian sat in Cai Qinghu's R8 and headed to the location of the nursery rhyme. When he entered, the Tong family was already having breakfast. Han Qian changed his slippers and said softly.

"Uncle and aunt, I'm really sorry. The company is too busy. It was past twelve o'clock when I finished last night, but I didn't come to disturb your rest."

The boy's father and his mother looked Han Qian up and down. There was a bit of admiration in his eyes, while the boy's mother was full of smiles. She didn't have a suit or a brand name all over her body. Her smile was kind and her words were very polite.

The child mother stood up and smiled.

"You've been working hard all night, you must sit down and have a meal together. Xiao Cai will come and eat too."

Han Qian sat down at the dining table with a smile. Tong Yao didn't respond at all and continued eating. Cai Qinghu had already brought the bowls and chopsticks to Han Qian and sat next to him. Tong Ma pushed the cold scallop meat towards Han Qian chuckled softly.

"You should also pay attention to your health when you are busy. If you are too tired, don't let Tong Yao work. When two people are together, there must be someone who has time to take care of each other, otherwise the body will not be able to bear it."

Tong Ma picked up the scallop meat and put it in Han Qian's bowl. Before Han Qian could say anything, Cai Qinghu picked up the chopsticks and took the scallop meat away from Han Qian's bowl, smiling apologetically.

"Auntie, Mr. Han is allergic to seafood."

After saying this, he put the scallop meat in his mouth, smiled innocently, and said softly.

"I'm sorry, auntie, I didn't tell you in advance. I heard Yaoyao said that you came to the city this time mainly for the injury on your brother's face and wanted to have plastic surgery, right?"

Han Qian looked at the young man with a veil on his face and smiled slightly. The young man was very shy or had low self-esteem. He lowered his head and said nothing. At this time, the boy's father spoke.

"Come here and think about the boyfriend Yaoyao talks about. Xiaoqian, the family affairs have added a lot of burden to Yaoyao, and I have troubled you a lot. In fact, this disease can be cured anywhere, and we don't need an elder. I came all the way here mainly because I wanted to see your child and see if this face can be operated on, Xiao Qian! Don’t blame me for being talkative, how long have you and Yaoyao known each other?”

Han Qian scratched his head in embarrassment.

"For more than half a year, I have a junior who used to be a nursery rhyme student. The child made some mistakes and we know each other."

"Then how far have you developed?"

Han Qian was a little panicked when Tong's father asked this question. When Han Qian was entangled between him and Tong Yao, Tong Yao said angrily.

"Dad! Do you want to eat yet? I have already contacted the hospital and will take my brother there in a moment. If you are full, go and pack your things."

After saying that, Tongyao glared at Han Qian fiercely.

After the meal, everyone went downstairs. The child's mother sat in Cai Qinghu's sports car. Han Qian left the Maserati driving the nursery rhyme and drove the car.

"Uncle, since you're already here, let's have some fun here for a few days, take my brother to relax, and then do the surgery."

"Haha, I listen to you and Yaoyao."

The child's father smiled heartlessly.

In another car, Tong Ma said softly.

"Xiao Cai, are you married?"

"No, auntie."

"How long have you been Han Qian's secretary?"

"It's been almost two years. Don't worry, Auntie, there is nothing between Mr. Han and me."

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