"No, Brother Han, we both seem to have been discovered."

"What the hell do you have to say? Ji Jing is calling me now."

"Don't answer it. If you answer it, it will be completely exposed. Logically speaking, Ji Xiaozheng shouldn't know my master's car. What's going on? Why don't you answer the phone and ask?"

"Will you accept it or not?"

"Goodbye, what if you are going to have a tryst with other gentlemen?"

"Stop the car, let's go down and have a fight first."

When Han Qian and Guan Dagou get together, their IQs will drop rapidly, and they will be not much different from Guan Junbiao. Guan Junbiao really wanted to stop, but suddenly slowed down, causing a burst of sirens from the vehicles behind him, and the two guys opened the windows at the same time to face the car behind them. He started to curse, and the next second the window of the Volkswagen behind him was opened, the driver put on his policeman's hat, and took out the siren and placed it on the roof of the car.

Seeing this, the two guys took out cigarettes from their pockets at the same time, smiled innocently to show their goodwill, and then started the car and started speeding. The siren of the car behind them sounded. Han Qian suddenly panicked and shouted angrily at Guan Dagou.

"You are sick, why are you scolding others back? If I had known, I would have driven."

"You drive? Your driver's license has been suspended for six months."

"About six months."

The two guys were stopped on the highway and interrogated. A controlled knife was found on Guan Dagou's body. Han Qian was so angry that he gritted his teeth and roared.

"Why do you think I bring this thing with me? Is it useless? All the guys I met have guns! Damn, I would have known better to go back and get it... Ugh!"

Guan Junbiao hurriedly covered Han Qian's mouth. The policeman outside the car held Guan Dagou's driver's license in his hand, put his other hand on his waist, tilted his head and shouted into the intercom.

"Please locate my location. The two people here have serious suspicions."

In the end, Han Qian called Cheng Jin and was released. Now he didn't have to worry about being discovered by Ji Jing. The BMW's taillights were really invisible. In the service area, two guys were smoking cigarettes and looking out the window.

What to do?

The person has been lost.

Thinking of this, Han Qian turned around and slapped Guan Dagou on the back of the head, saying angrily.

"It's all your fault."

Guan Dagou turned his head and glared at Han Qian, and said angrily.

"Get out of here. If you hadn't been nagging us all the way, would we have been able to follow you?"

"What to do now?"

"Why don't you call and ask? I guess with Ji Xiao's character, he won't lie to you."

"What if you lie to me?"

"As if I lied to you and you could react."

There was no other choice but to call Ji Jing. The phone was quickly connected and she asked in a calm voice.

"Aunt Ji, where have you been? I didn't see you when I went to the company."

He didn't even draft a lie. Guan Junbiao curled his lips when he heard it. Han Qian clenched his fist and punched the guy. Guan Datou shouted in a weird voice.

"Beautiful Ji, Han Qian would have killed me if you hadn't shown up. You have a heart like a Bodhisattva and just save me."

Ji Jing parked the car on the side of the road, took a deep breath, and said softly.

"Eldest nephew, I have some personal matters to deal with. I will go back tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Where are you going tonight?"

After hearing what Han Qian said, Guan Dagou said.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you're asking me where I went at night. Can I go to your bed?"

Han Qian opened the door and got out of the car. He was too lazy to talk to this guy and kept asking questions on the phone. The continuous questions made Ji Jing unable to hold back and choked up.

"Han Qian, my mother called me again. This time she didn't want any money. She said she wanted my brother to come to work at Glory, otherwise he would go to court to sue me."

It was these two rice bugs that came to suck Ji Jing's blood again. Han Qian closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I'm at the service area of ​​the expressway. You drive back now and we can discuss anything you have to do."


"What are you doing? I'm letting you come back now, so be happy."


Ji Jing finally gave up and fought, which saved her life and recognized Han Qian for the rest of her life.

The white BMW drove slowly into the service area. Han Qian stepped forward and knocked on the window. He looked at Ji Jing's dumbfounded figure inside and her cell phone that kept ringing. This was perhaps the most difficult thing for Ji Jing.

As long as she didn't agree, the phone would be called non-stop. She didn't dare to turn off the phone or block her, because if she couldn't be contacted, the three rice bugs at home would come to the company to look for her. Han Qian walked around the car and turned on the passenger door. When he reached for the phone, Ji Jing held her wrist, biting her lip and shaking her head at Han Qian.

"They've started talking nonsense, nephew."

"Don't worry, I won't quarrel with them."

While talking, Han Qian held Ji Jing's hand. Aunt Ji did not resist and let her hand be held. At this time, Han Qian suddenly saw an oversized rabbit on the back seat. This was the last time the two of them Han Qian snatched it back for her when they went to the movies.

Looking in the rearview mirror, I answered the phone.

"I'm Han Qian."

There was no movement on the other side of the phone, and when Han Qian was about to hang up, Ji Jing's mother's voice came over.

"My dear...Master Han, let her stay with you quietly."


Han Qian's voice was very low, and the other party on the phone was silent again. This time, Han Qian spoke first without waiting for the other party to speak.

"I remember I told you that after giving you money, Ji Jing has nothing to do with you, right? Didn't I give you enough money last time? Didn't you mean to buy a house for your precious son?"

"This... Young Master Han, let me make it clear to you directly. The money for the house has been spent. The tens of thousands of dollars you gave me to raise such a big daughter are not enough. Now we don't need any money. Let Ji If Jing gives her job to my son, Ji Jing will be yours, and I will treat it as if I don’t have this daughter."

"Oh, you run the company from home? I'll give it to you if I say it? But I can really make the decision in this position. What is your son's education level?"

"Junior...middle school...junior college!"

"Jingjing works as a manager in the planning department. He needs a bachelor's degree or above. Your son is not educated enough. Give him your phone number and I'll ask him a few questions. As long as he can answer them."

The person on the phone started to hesitate again, and Han Qian said coldly after hearing this.

"Now Ji Jing gives you a lot of money in a month, right? Three living people were kicked in the head by a donkey? 80,000 yuan was spent in half a year? Does your son have a sexually transmitted disease or do you have cancer? If you get cancer Just say, I'll give you money to treat your illness, and if you don't want to use your limbs, just say so. One hundred thousand for each hand, you two can raise more than eight hundred thousand for your son. Can you sell it? If we can trade this afternoon, I will ask Guan Junbiao to take people there now."

The other side of the phone became silent. I thought that people from the upper class didn't regard money as money, so they called Ji Jing to force her to give her whatever she wanted as long as her daughter cried. But why does this Han Qian act like a gangster? No matter whether the daughter is a mistress, a mistress, or a toy, she is still half a mother-in-law?

This family was also ready to smash the jar and said angrily.

"Give me the money, or I will sue Ji Jing and make trouble in the company."

"Go to the company? Oh, you go, you can go as you like. If I can't fucking protect Ji Jing, I will take your surname. It's so shameless. You don't want the three thousand yuan a month, do you?"

"What's three thousand yuan? This little bitch Ji Jing hasn't given me any money since we got home."

Han Qian turned around and glanced at Ji Jing. Ji Jing took Han Qian's phone and opened the transfer records. Every month, there were screenshots of Ji Jing's transfers, and they were not three thousand, but four thousand.

Han Qian frowned when he saw this, and then said.

"You go to the bank to check the bank statement and see where the money went. I'm telling you one last time. If you are harassing Ji Jing, I don't care about your parents. I will break your son's legs and throw him in jail. Go inside, damn it, it’s useless to talk to people like you. Ji Jing, tell me where your hometown is? I’ll ask people from the local police station and court to go there and cut off the relationship as soon as possible. He’ll give you the three thousand yuan. If I don’t give it to you, then you will be honest.”

The other party panicked, but Han Qian hung up the phone directly, put his arm around Ji Jing's shoulders, slapped her on the head, and said angrily.

"Tell me first if something happens in the future. Children and monsters know how to ask me for help, but you don't know? Drive! Go back! If you are absent from work, half a day's salary will be deducted, and you will be punished by treating me and Guan Dagou to dinner."

"What are you eating?"

“Anhui Ban Mian, you must add two eggs!”

I'll fix it first. If you have any typos, tell me and I'll correct them.

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