After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 510 Yan Qingqing is worried about Wen Nuan?

I don’t know how the two women slept. Anyway, Han Qian didn’t dare to sleep. He was afraid that something messy would happen in the morning. He was half asleep all night. In the early morning, Han Qian felt that his whole body was not well. He sat on the bed in a daze for a long time. , Han Qian didn't come back to his senses until Nuan Nuan opened the door and told Han Qian that she was out.

After putting on clothes, she went out with an unfamiliar face. Just as she was about to get into the warm car, Yan Qingqing grabbed the back collar and stuffed it into the Raptor, and then drove away.

Now Han Qian really didn't know what to do when he went to work. He angrily refused to go upstairs and ran to fight the landlord with the security captain. Yan Qingqing asked softly if he could help buy an inch of poker. The security captain immediately went to practice as a team. The remaining Next, Han Qian lay alone in the security room and fell asleep.

At this time, the four directors of the company held a meeting. Liu Shengge received news about the dispute between the Wen family and the Lin family. He wanted to take advantage of Changxiang's civil strife to attack Changxiang, and he started directly by acquiring Changxiang's shares.

Liu Shengge's proposal was rejected by Yan Qingqing and Qian Ling. Qian Ling meant that it was a troubled time and it was not recommended to take action at this time. The city originally supported the development of Glory Group because it did not want Changxiang to be the dominant one. Now the government office is also closed. I won't let the glory be swallowed up and enjoyed.

The result of the meeting was that one agreed and three opposed.

Liu Shengge tilted his head and looked at Gao Xingyi with doubtful eyes, frowned and spoke in a tone of disbelief.

"You are my brother-in-law? No! I am your brother-in-law, and you are against me now?"

Gao Xingxing replied sternly.

"Director Liu, I think mainly about the company. Nowadays, the company has many tasks and I am unable to distract myself from targeting Changxiang. In addition, Changxiang's internal conflicts have just begun. Once we take action, we will help them to reconcile and what will follow. It means fighting back, unless you, Mr. Liu, choose to support one of them, I will agree."

Yan Qingqing crossed her fingers on the table, narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"I agree with Vice President Gao's proposal. Director Liu, which one do you think you should support? Lin Zongheng has a better chance of winning."

Looking at Yan Qingqing's appearance, Liu Shengge became extremely angry. What does raising a tiger mean to cause trouble? What does it mean to shoot yourself in the foot?

Looking at Qian Ling's appearance, Liu Shengge waved his hands in annoyance.

"I will not support Lin Zongheng."

Yan Qingqing said immediately.

"Then...? You mean warmth? The Yamenmen behind her is quite powerful."

Liu Shengge has a toothache. What is the difference between supporting Wen Nuan and supporting Han Qian? If it weren't for Han Qian, Lin Zongheng would have never had the chance to stab him.

Thinking of these two guys, the knife edge ached.

"This matter will be discussed later."

Liu Shengge was very irritable. He could no longer control anyone. Seeing this, Qian Ling stood up and spoke calmly.

"Then let's discuss everything later."

She doesn't care about money. As long as Liu Shengge is unhappy, she will be happy. Now Qian Ling has not thought about how to kill Liu Shengge and avenge Qian Huan. Because she has Han Qian, she mainly protects Han Qian's safety.

The meeting broke up unhappily. Qian Ling received a phone call when she walked out of the conference room. After a few words on the phone, murderous intent burst out in Qian Ling's eyes.

"Are you still evil? Deal with it cleanly and don't let the stupid boy know."

After hanging up the phone, Qian Ling turned to look at the city outside the window. These little things were really boring.

Qian Ling went downstairs to go home. When she got to the first floor, she saw Zie Zhan teasing the little girl in the lobby the day before yesterday. She was so angry that she couldn't be serious for more than three minutes.

Qian Ling walked up and looked at the little girl who was about to cry because of Han Qian. Qian Ling frowned and grabbed Han Qian's ears. Han Qian felt pain and said angrily.

"Yan Qingqing, you're pulling... Oh my god, I didn't know it was you."

Qian Ling increased her strength slightly and dragged Han Qian out of the company. Han Qian didn't even dare to cry out in pain all the way. Han Qian always acted cowardly to his elders.

"You came to the company to have fun? Can't you do something serious?"

Han Qian stopped his waist and said with a serious face.

"Auntie, I want to do something serious! But Mr. Yan won't let me."

"What do you want to do?"

"Go enjoy it."

After saying this, Han Qian turned around and was about to run away. Qian Ling reached out and grabbed Han Qian's hair and said angrily.

"You are an employee of Glory, not a brother-in-law of Changxiang. Come here!"

"Auntie, auntie! It hurts. I didn't go there. Be obedient, please let go."

Qian Ling let go of her hand, and Han Qian ran away, running to the bottom of the steps, hiding on the ground, smoking and sulking.

Looking at Han Qian's appearance, Qian Ling smiled.

"What's wrong? Are you angry?"

Han Qian nodded vigorously and muttered.

"Angry! I'm divorced, but my mother-in-law is very good to me, aunt! Do you think that with my mother-in-law's abilities, there is no way she can leave only Nuan Nuan around me? She can do it, she wants to intervene, Glory, enjoyment, it’s all hard to do, they just give me face without doing anything, do you think I can’t help Nuannuan?”

Qian Ling walked down the steps, stretched out her hand and touched Han Qian's head, smiling.

"Strange aunt?"

"No, it's just that I'm too weak."

"You're already fine."

"I can do better."

"Would you like some ice cream?"

"Two of them! The big one!"

In Qian Ling's eyes, Han Qian is smart but powerful as a child.

Han Qian was holding two ice creams in his hand, one on the left and one on the right. Qian Ling looked at Han Qian lovingly.

Qian Huan didn't like ice cream before and always wanted to buy it for him, but he wouldn't eat it.

Qian Huan is too self-disciplined, while Han Qian is more casual.

When he was thinking about Qian Huan, Qian Wan called.

"Gu. Have you seen Han Qian? Mr. Yan is looking for him."

Qian Ling glanced at Han Qian beside her and said softly.

"Next to me, at the entrance of the coffee shop across the street."

Not long after hanging up the phone, Yan Qingqing ran over and bowed to Qian Ling.

"Director Qian, can Han Qian lend it to me? I'll return it to you in the afternoon."

"Well, remember to let him eat at noon. He doesn't seem to have eaten breakfast."

"Director Qian, I understand."

"Waiting a moment."

Qian Ling turned around and went to the supermarket. Not long after, she came out with two large black plastic bags of snacks and handed them to Yan Qingqing.

"I understand your temperament. You forget to eat when you are busy. Remember to eat a little when you are hungry. It is not urgent to make money, your health is more important."

Han Qian took the snack and left. Yan Qingqing raised her foot and kicked Han Qian's butt, saying angrily.

"Don't know how to say thank you?"

Han Qian curled his lips and replied.

"What's the difference between my aunt and my mother? Why are you so polite? I'm leaving. You should go back early. It's hot."

Qian Ling watched the two of them off with a smile, feeling that they were a perfect match.

After getting in the car, Han Qian mumbled while eating snacks.

"Where to go?"

Yan Qingqing started the raptor and frowned.

"Go and enjoy it. I'm always worried that Nuan Nuan won't be able to handle it well."

At the same time, a car accident occurred on the Binhai Highway in the New District. A Toyota overbearingly speeded and pretended to kill two men.

He died on the spot. The driver was a black man, in a suit and leather shoes, with a strong build. Looking at the dead man on the ground, the black man took out his mobile phone.

"Boss, I'm pretending to be dead."

"Go and plead guilty and ask Xiaobai to contact their families and pay compensation. This is the first wave of people this year."

"It's the fifth wave."

"Protect my nephew."

"I know, boss."

After hanging up the phone, the black man lit a cigarette and called the police.

"I killed someone."

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