(Please tell me if there are typos.)

Missing the bustle of the General Department, Han Qian secretly sneaked to the General Department while Yan Qingqing was negotiating with customers.

He was as sneaky as a thief, pretending to be nonchalant when meeting his colleagues, whistling and talking to himself about going downstairs to eat.

He almost didn't write the words "I'm going to the General Department" on his face. When he arrived on the 11th floor, Han Qian smelled the smell of home. Looking at the words "General Department", Han Qian wanted to cry a little.

It’s so damn difficult.

Listening to the lively chatter inside, Han Qian wanted to fight with Yan Qingqing. Why can't I go back to the general department?

Then he gave up again.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads.

Han Qian never thought of giving Yan Qingqing shares. He was superior and asked for pocket money because Han Qian thought they were close to each other, and Yan Qingqing did not pay him a salary.

In the final analysis, Han Qian could not live without warmth and Yan Qingqing.


He sighed feebly.

Just as Han Qian was about to go back, he raised his head and saw a sneaky guy walking towards the General Department looking left and right.

Seeing this guy, Han Qian was also stunned. How could there be a guy bolder than him? I just came here to take a look at everyone. Maybe this guy came over from home just to take a look?

Absolutely impossible.

The sneaky Su Liang also saw Han Qian, ran over in three steps and two steps, stepped forward and hugged Han Qian's neck. Han Qian looked at Su Liang with wide eyes, and the two said in unison.

"What are you here for?"

"What are you here for?"

The two of them were stunned for a moment, and then said again.

"Didn't President Yan say that you wouldn't be allowed to come to the General Department?"

"Aren't you afraid of being caught by Mr. Yan?"

The two were stunned again, and then they simultaneously reached out to cover each other's mouths and shouted in unison.

"You made me say it first."

"Shut the hell up."

Then there was a whine, and Yang Lan, who was checking the 'homework' in the General Department, felt someone outside the door, frowned, and looked a little unhappy.

Tell Yang Lan, you can bully me, but you can't bully the children in the General Department.

Yang Lan walked towards the corridor outside the door with a dark face. When he saw the two guys outside the door, Yang Lan's face became even darker.

"What are you two doing!"

At this moment, Han Qian and Su Liang were grabbing each other's collars and covering each other's mouths.

Obviously no one would know that they were in the General Department, because with such a commotion, the entire eleventh floor knew about it.

If it were other people in the General Department, there wouldn't be much excitement to watch, but these two people were Han Daxian'er and Su Xiaoliang'er. These two guys explained a sentence.

Fighting tiger brothers.

Join Li Dongsheng.

Yang Lan stepped forward, holding an ear with one hand and gritting his teeth angrily.

"You two bastards! Come in here."

The two guys whose ears were grabbed didn't dare to lose their temper at all. They admitted their mistakes and begged for mercy. The members of the general department were also curious, which two guys were Sister Yang scolding?

When Yang Lan dragged the two bastards into the general department, the members of the general department were a little surprised. They all heard that Su Liang and Han Qian were transferred away and were not allowed to return to the general department to help in a short period of time. They were actually arrested by Sister Yang. came back.

The first one to stand up was Liu Jiulong. He stepped forward and slapped Han Qian and Su Liang on the buttocks, smiling.

"But I haven't seen you two for a while. What's wrong? Our two generals from the General Department have gone home?"

Han Qian covered his butt and laughed naively.

"Hey, why don't Brother Liu go and beg for mercy? I want to come back too."

Liu Jiulong chuckled.

"I feel freer if you two are not in the General Department, so as not to cause trouble if I talk to Lan Lan."

Yang Lan helplessly covered his forehead, sighed and shook his head. Su Liang raised his head and laughed.

"My Deputy Liu, just give up. This flower of yours can't bloom anymore. Here! You're going to lose your money!"


This is the purpose of Su Liang's visit today.

The matter of wedding gifts is very embarrassing. If you say you should give an invitation, the other party will have to spend money. If you don't give it, the other party will still think of you as a friend and colleague.

Han Qian was thinking, what if! What if! If you were to get married, how would you send invitations?

Liu Jiulong must give it. This old man has no evil intentions. He is a bit stupid and has a warm heart. He gave Su Liang money for beating someone, made soup for Han Qian when he was injured, and did it in the bar.

This person can pay, really can.

Liu Jiulong held the invitation and looked at Yang Lan, who glared at him fiercely, then frowned and scolded two guys who shouldn't be here.

"Mr. Yan specifically told me that you two cannot go back to the General Department and are not allowed to give any help to the General Department. Can you two not help it? Are they children?"

Han Qian quickly straightened up and saluted respectfully.

"Answer Sister Yang's question! I am a child."

Yang Lan smiled helplessly.

"How old are you? Little Hanhan!"


Su Liang on the side frowned and said angrily.

"You're shameless, aren't you? Report to Sister Yang, I'm seventeen."

Han Qian cursed.

"Are you getting married at 17?"

"I am willing! Don't make trouble, big guy, listen to what I have to say. I am lucky enough to have met my true love, and I don't want to miss the person who can accompany me throughout my life. This Saturday, I want to ask the big guys to come and support me. There are so many people. some."

Hua Luo handed half of the invitation to Han Qian and asked him to help. Han Qian casually handed the invitation to Yao Xue and said with a smile.

"Isn't this thing one for each person? You can divide it as you like."

Yao Xue opened the invitation and smiled.

"You can't say that. Su Liang has written all the names, so you can't divide them randomly. Why don't you look for your share?"

Han Qian shrugged and curled his lips.

"It's no use if I want it, why can't he let me in?"

Su Liang turned around and said with a smile.

"I don't dare, I don't dare. You are the father, okay? You are the most powerful."

Han Qian pulled up a chair and was bragging in the General Department. Qin Xue from the Marketing Department cooperated with the General Department and came to talk to Yang Lan. Then he was attracted by Han Qian and led others to listen to Han Qian's bragging.

Everyone was curious about what happened on the Mid-Autumn Festival. They knew that someone shot Feng Lun, and they were also curious about the grudge between Gou Dapao and Han Qian.

The story was so vivid that everyone put down their work and listened to Han Qian's story. Everyone was very excited when they heard about Su Liang's violent beating of Gou Pao.

Su Liang was a little embarrassed, scratched his head and whispered back.

"Didn't you hear that he was going to cause trouble for you, so you couldn't control yourself and took action?"

After saying this, Qin Xue smiled.

"I, an old man like you, am very envious of the relationship between you two. It's a pity that I can't be young anymore."

Han Qian replied with a smile.

"I'll take one with you next time we fight."

When the words came out, Qin Xue became embarrassed instantly. He didn't believe that Han Daxian'er was joking. He firmly didn't believe it. When he was struggling with how to answer, Su Liang chuckled.

"Qin Department, ask our Deputy Liu, is the fight exciting? It has nothing to do with us, and there is nothing to be afraid of. But! I have to say one thing, I will smash two million into an ashtray!"


Everyone curled their lips in disdain, and Han Qian burst out laughing. Yang Lan in the office couldn't stand it anymore, so she walked out of the office holding two evil spirits by the ears and shouted angrily!

"You two, come in here, Minister Qin. We'll talk about work later. I'll take care of the housework first."

Han Qian panicked and shouted.

"Old Qin, save me!"

Su Liang lowered his head and said helplessly.

"I accept my fate!"

In the office, Yang Lan put away the two evildoers and did not dare to move. Yang Lan also said that not letting Su Liang and Han Qian come back was not only for the work of the General Department, but also for the members of the General Department.

Although the relationship between President Yan and Vice President Gao has temporarily eased, it does not mean that it will be the same in the future. Fights will definitely occur.

The General Affairs Department is Yan Qingqing's main "combat force", and Su Liang is talented and smart.


He is lazy and unmotivated.

Although Han Qian says he is not lazy, he is unreliable and people always disappear suddenly and cannot be contacted.

Even if the two of them are reliable, they can't take the entire general department by themselves and let them leave, and tell the other members bluntly that you can't do it without Han Qian and Su Liang, and don't expect to get as high a salary as the two of them.

Now Han Qian's announced salary is 7,500 + bonus, and Su Liang's 6,000 + bonus + full attendance + subsidy, which means he can earn about 8,000 to 10,000 yuan a month.

Now Su Liang's salary is considered to be at the top level among white-collar workers in this city, very close to the salary of senior executives.

If the people in the general department are envious and have self-esteem, they will work hard. As for those who want to live and die, a Qian Wan is enough.

Yan Qingqing had her own plan. Yang Lan scolded the two guys bloody, without using any curse words, but every word was heartbreaking. When she went to get the water, the two guys got up and ran away, running all the way to the executive elevator.

There were few people using the executive elevator, and the two guys were afraid of being caught. Han Qian breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the elevator coming.

"Sister Yang is too scary. Oh my god, I don't dare to provoke her again."

Ding dong!

The elevator came, and Su Liang's expression changed as he looked at the elevator door that opened slowly.

"Qian'er, I can't bear this difficulty. I'll leave first..."

"Let's go? Su Liang, if you have had enough rest, you will work overtime from now until next Monday."

Yan Qingqing stood in the elevator, pinching her waist and looking at the two people who disobeyed the order. She was very angry. She was going to the fourteenth floor. During this period, someone pressed down on every floor. After seeing her, she stopped coming in. When she reached the fourteenth floor, Lou, was intercepted again.

Looking at the two people and then at the floor, Yan Qingqing became even more angry. Su Liang spoke first.

"Mr. Yan, I'm getting married next Saturday! Please show mercy."

Yan Qingqing raised her eyebrows.

"You mean I still want to give you a gift?"

Su Liang panicked, and Han Qian frowned at this.

"Qingqing, what are you doing?"

"Call Mr. Yan!"

Yan Qingqing was very angry. Did these two guys come together to give advice to the people in the General Department?

I try to update it every day, and I will tell you in the group that my mother is getting better today, so happy!

By the way, my mother, like Qian’s mother, does not have medical insurance.

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