After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 496 I will whip you for my husband

Nuan Nuan kept his promise and went home to sleep without taking a shower. Han Qian did not dare to provoke Nuan Nuan at this time. He calculated that it was almost time and his aunt was about to visit her.

Early the next morning, Wen Nuan kicked open the door of Han Qian's room, holding a toothbrush in his left hand and toothpaste in his right hand.

"Let's go together later, I'll see you off."

Han Qian lay on the tatami, looked at Wen Nuan, and nodded in confusion.

Why did she get up so early?


Han Qian was cooking in the morning, but Wen Nuan refused. She said she couldn't eat, and urged Han Qian to change clothes and go out quickly. She had something important to do today and didn't want to be late. When Wen Wen locked the door in the car, Han Qian felt Something is wrong.

"I...have to go to the city bureau to pick up the car."

"I know."

Then Nuan Nuan drove straight to Changxiang. Just as Han Qian was about to speak, she raised her free right hand, as if to tell Han Qian to slap you in the mouth when he was talking. Nuan Nuan was really hands-on. Han Qian followed the principle of taking things easy and was not here. Open your mouth.

When it's time to enjoy it, Wen Nuan said coldly.

"get off!"

Han Qian retorted quietly.

"I have to go..."

"Get off the car and go to my office to wait for me. I will send you breakfast soon. Don't talk! I don't want to beat you."

Han Qian got out of the car with questions in his head. Nuan Nuan was right. When he arrived at the office, someone did come to deliver breakfast, but it wasn't Chang Xiao, but Yu Shici. Han Qian found that it wasn't just Wen Nuan who was angry, but Yu Shici seemed to be too. On the verge of going berserk, Han Qian said doubtfully after taking the buns and soy milk.

"You are so angry, like a fat tiger."

Yu Shici, who was always dressed roughly, raised his head and glared at Han Qian, and then said angrily.

"It's so annoying to be surrounded by a stupid guy with a bandage on his head and being around him every day."

A bandage on your head? The first person Han Qian thought of was the guy in the bar. He took a bite of the bun and said vaguely.

"Slender and tall, with the same hair as me, a little longer than me, and dyed white hair, Luo Fu?"

"You know him?"

Yu Shici was a little surprised. Han Qian tilted his head and looked at the girl. She didn't seem to know what happened in the bar. Han Qian got interested and stood up.

"Let's go to your office."

When you are idle, you are idle, just having fun and fighting.

Arrive at the company at nine o'clock. After lying in Yu Shici's office for two hours, Nuan Nuan didn't look for him. This made Han Qian a little worried about her. He sent a text message to her. Nuan Nuan quickly replied that there was something going on and he would have to return to the company later. .

Han Qian frowned and replied.

[Then why did you ask me to come to your company? 】

Wen Nuan didn't reply, and Han Qian didn't ask any more questions. When it was lunch time, Han Qian sat up, stretched, and yawned in a long tone.

"What are you having for lunch~"

Glancing at Yu Shici who was working hard, Han Qian found that the mixed-race girl looked better with glasses than without them. Maybe because she put on glasses, Han Qian forgot about her getting under the bed and acting like a gangster.

Yu Shici raised his head, glanced at Han Qian, and said softly.

"Rice? Dumplings? You can eat whatever you like. I'm not picky about food and I don't have food taboos, but I want to eat pizza."

"Why don't you put some meat on the pancakes? How about some bacon flatbreads? Let's have some domestic ones."

Yu Shici held her chin with one hand, held her collar with the other hand, and said softly.

"Actually, I prefer European and American ones."

This typical female hooligan left Han Qian with nothing to do. He turned around and thought about buying lunch. As soon as his hand grasped the door handle, the door was pushed open, and a sound that made Han Qian hate him to the bone came into his ears.

"Assistant Yu, I ordered Western food at King Catu for noon. If you don't mind, we can eat together."

Han Qian looked at the guy in front of him with a hat on his head expressionlessly, his head held high and his eyes closed when he spoke, and he frowned slightly and said in confusion.

"Can you look at who the other person is when you are talking? Your father taught you this?"

Luo Fu's height is very impressive. Han Qian needs to hold his head up to see this guy up close. He is about the same height as Wu Qingsi's mixed-race cousin, but Han Qian doesn't even remember that guy's name.

Luo Fu opened his eyes and looked down at Han Qian standing in front of him, and then looked at Yu Shici who was buttoning his collar. Many pictures appeared in his mind in an instant. His eyes turned red, his mouth trembled, and he roared in a low voice.

"Han Qian, are you molesting me?"

Han Qian was also stunned, frowned and spoke.

"Is your brain broken? Am I opening a hole for you to treat?"

Luo Fu said contemptuously.

"Are you preparing two million? I don't mind."

Han Qian replied with a shrug.

"I don't mind either, but there's no ashtray here."

After saying that, Han Qian turned around and walked towards Yu Shici. He picked up a celadon pen holder on the table and weighed it in his hand. Luo Fu felt a little guilty when he saw this, but he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of women, as long as he was better than Han Qian. Awesome, Yu Shici will definitely like him.

Young Master Luo, who has not yet entered society, just wants to be simpler than ordinary people.

Seeing Han Qian getting closer and closer, Luo Fu felt more and more unsure. When Han Qian raised the pen holder in his hand, Luo Fu ran away. Women are important, but their own heads are more important. As long as they have money, they will not The woman who can’t handle it.

He's just a mixed race. I'll throw money at him from now on, but Han Qian can't!

Luo Fu went to find his sister and brother-in-law to seek justice, and Han Qian stood outside the door and shouted loudly.

"You have to cry in front of your sister, otherwise she won't believe you and call your sister to come and beat me."

After saying this, Han Qian turned to look at Yu Shici and laughed softly.

"What are you having for lunch~"

He didn't take Luo Fu seriously at all. If he hadn't run away just now, Han Qian wouldn't mind opening an opening for him. Han Qian and Yu Shici walked downstairs side by side, wondering what to eat for lunch along the way. They just arrived on the first floor. In the hall, Luo Shen's angry roar came from behind.

"Han Qian! If you are not a Changxiang person, don't come to Changxiang and act wild! If you dare to threaten Luo Fu once, I want you to look good!"

Luo Shen's angry shout attracted many people's attention. Han Qian slowly turned around and grinned.

"I have the final say on whether I am good or not. I am the leader of the Liancheng team. I am qualified to appear on any occasion between the two companies. But you, Luo Shen, what the hell do you think you are?"

There was a lot of excitement, and people enjoying themselves gathered together and talked quietly.

"That man is the husband of our vice president. Luo Shen is talking about iron this time."

"What are you afraid of? Sister Luo's fiancé is still President Lin."

"Oh, you don't know, last time I almost beat two gangsters to death in the Liancheng Group's office."

"What? Is it possible that he can still hit women?"

There was a lot of discussion, Luo Shen stared at Han Qian coldly and said sternly.

"I am Lin Zongheng's fiancée, and I will also be Changxiang's hostess in the future!"

With a roar, Han Qian sneered.

"At once···"

"Are you the hostess of Changxiang? I'm enjoying the day, so don't show off your power here."

Wen Nuan walked out of the crowd, and the guys who were talking in low voices hurriedly hid behind the crowd. Wen Wen stepped on a pair of high heels, with a frosty face, and walked towards Luoshen step by step. When the two were no more than one step away, Wen Wen waved his hand. A slap fell on Luo Shen's face.


The sound is crisp and clear.

Wen Nuan looked at Luo Shen with cold eyes and said coldly.

"If my husband doesn't hit a woman, I will."

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