Han Qian was sitting in the living room of the landlady's house, staring at Li Jiawei who was standing by the sofa with a gloomy face. The landlady was sitting on the sofa and shedding tears. She was surprisingly warm and comforting.

Han Qian looked at the sad look of the landlady and scolded Li Jiawei.

"Why are you so angry with my mother? Li Jiawei! Kneel down!"


Li Jiawei knelt on the ground with a thud, and Han Qian said angrily.

"Why are you kneeling to me?"

Li Jiawei turned around to face his mother, and Han Qian frowned and scolded him.

"You like drinking, don't you? Okay, the wine is here, let me see how much you can drink."

The landlady sister raised her head and looked at Han Qian, with a bit of worry and distress in her eyes. Han Qian shook his head at the eldest sister, indicating that it was okay. Before he could turn his head, Wen Nuan stood up and took away the liquor from Li Jiawei's hand.

This guy drank like water, gulping it down. He drank more than half a bottle of six-yuan low-quality liquor in one go. Han Qian was confused and looked at the landlady and asked in confusion.


The landlady closed her eyes and nodded.

"His father was an alcoholic and a gambler. He jumped off a building when he was drunk and committed suicide."


"It has nothing to do with him! I don't have a father! I only have my mother and my uncle and aunt."

Li Jiawei, who was usually gentle and sensible, suddenly became manic. Han Qian raised his foot and kicked the kid, frowning.

"Who are you shouting at? With a loud voice?"

Li Jiawei turned his head, tears fell from his eyes, fell on his pants, and cried.

"Uncle, I really don't inherit it from him. He is my dad. I visit his grave every year, but that doesn't mean I forgive him. I don't inherit the wine from him. I have been drinking liquor for four years."

After saying this, Han Qian stood up and was about to take action. Wen Nuan picked up the paper and slapped it on Han Qian's face, saying angrily.

"Sit down and listen to what Jiawei has to say. Jiawei, tell the truth, why do you want to drink?"

When asked this question, Li Jiawei cried even more sadly.

"My mother raised me by herself. The money she earned had to provide for me to eat, drink, travel, and provide me with tutoring classes. My mother earned 2,300 yuan a month without rest. Counting the house where my aunt lives, this It’s not easy to rent a house. If it’s too expensive, no one wants it. If it’s too cheap, my mother won’t let it go. I need money to eat, to go to school, to take extra classes, and to do everything else. It’s true that we have two shabby houses at home, but now This house is still paying off the loan every month.”

Han Qian tilted his head and said doubtfully.

"Then what?"

"Uncle, I don't like drinking. I really don't like it. Look at when I have a drink with you. I have to study at night. I want to pass the college entrance examination. If I earn a scholarship, I don't need my mother to be there. Thank you for your hard work, I will drink a little when I feel sleepy, the excitement and spiciness will make me sober, uncle."

The child cried so hard that his voice became hoarse. Han Qian quickly pulled Li Jiawei to sit on the sofa. He didn't know what to say now. The landlord sister couldn't sell these two houses, and the money she got after selling them would be gone. She wanted Thinking about Li Jiawei's future wedding gifts, house, any major events at home, or Li Jiawei's need for money to go to college.

Looking at the splendor, there are two houses, but are the houses here valuable?

Nuan Nuan looked at Li Jiawei and whispered.

"And you drank for so long without being discovered?"

Li Jiawei choked up.

"I discovered it. Tu Kun discovered it. She bought me a lot of coffee and refreshing medicine. She said that she had no hope of getting into a good university in her life. She asked me to work hard with her share, but I was embarrassed. Go find Tu Kun and ask for it."

Han Qian had a headache. This child had a bit of a high self-esteem. At this time, the landlady looked at her son with distressed eyes, and Nuan Nuan sighed softly.

"It'll be nice if you explain it clearly. Jiawei is about to take the high school entrance examination. We can't let him be distracted at this time. Sister~ don't cry either. It's so heartbreaking to have such a sensible child like Jiawei. I happened to buy it I want to go out with Han Qian to eat some food in the evening, and you are giving Jiawei a table of food. This is an impulsive matter on your part."

The landlady lowered her head and choked.

"I...I want to chop off my hand now."


The mother and son hugged each other and cried, and Han Qian and Wen Nuan left wisely.

In the evening, the two of them sat in front of the window with two bowls of instant noodles and looked at the night view, Wen Nuan said softly.

"Is coffee expensive?"

Han Qian held the instant noodles and sighed softly.

"It's not expensive once or twice, but it's not cheap to drink three or five bags this night. One bag is worth one dollar, five bags is five dollars, and a month is one hundred and fifty. Jiawei can't always spend Tukun." Money, he also needs to save pocket money. The young man is quite sensible. I am a little worried that he will become extreme because of money in the future. Fortunately, there is little Tu Kun by his side now, who can hold him back."

"Han Qian, you are a bad good person, a very bad good person. Your heart is softer than anyone else."

"I can't help it. I can't bear to see others suffer. In fact, when I was a child, I was similar to Li Jiawei. The old man didn't give me pocket money. My mother was in good health. I can take money so lightly because I have two good buddies around me. When I was a child, I didn't My children have some, and they both bought them for me.”

"Xiao He?"

"And Ke Xin, I have been with them for a long time and no longer regard money as money. Wei Tiancheng gave me three million today, including the two million Yan Qingqing gave him back for me, a total of five million .”

As soon as the words fell, the instant noodles in Wen Nuan's hand fell to the ground. The girl looked at Han Qian with frightened eyes and opened her mouth without saying a word. Han Qian turned to look at Wen Wen and smiled bitterly.

"Are you scared? This is the first time I have so much money. Unfortunately, it's gone now. I spent 2.6 million to compensate Cai Qinghu for a car. The two million was returned to Yan Qingqing, and the remaining 400,000 was lent After Ji Jing, I’m still a pauper!! It’s so warm!! I have to clean up again!”

Han Qian handed the half-eaten instant noodles to Wen Nuan. He stood up and went to get the garbage and rags to clean up the instant noodles that fell on the floor. Wen Nuan looked at Han Qian who was squatting in front of him and muttered, and his eyes gradually became gentle. Holding the instant noodles and smiling innocently, Han Qian raised his head in confusion, stretched out his hand and waved it in front of her eyes, but the girl didn't react at all.

Seeing this, Han Qian stretched out his hand and picked up the small fork inside the instant noodles she was holding. As soon as he touched the fork, he was slapped on the back of his hand and Nuan Nuan said angrily.

"You can rob me of my money, but you can rob me of my food! Brother Qian~ Have you lost a penny again?"

"Nonsense, how can I have no money?"

The words fell on Wen Nuan's doubtful and vigilant eyes, and he took out all the belongings in his hand.

One thousand, seven hundred and sixty-three dollars.

To be honest, quite a few!

But Wen Nuan smiled, pointed at Han Qian and laughed.

"Hahahaha, you pauper, you only have so little of five million left? You are a money-spreading boy."

Han Qian shrugged helplessly and said flatly.

"That's right, I have no money, so I can only let you eat instant noodles with me. You little white-eyed wolf, your brother Qian is a pauper."

After saying that, there was a bowl of instant noodles in his hand. Wen Nuan stood up and walked to the door, took his bag and returned it to Han Qian. He counted the change in it seriously and handed it to Han Qian.

"Two hundred and thirty-seven, let me round up the whole number for you. Brother Qian, I find you so cute. Even if you buy things for other women, I find you so cute."

Han Qian frowned.

"Why are you not normal?"

Wen Wen arrogantly took the instant noodles from Han Qian's hand. In desperation, Han Qian could only go and make a bowl. With Wen Wen, there would be no shortage of instant noodles, ham sausage and other fast food at home. He came back with instant noodles. At that time, I watched Wen Nuan sitting on the floor tiles under the window, smiling innocently.

"I am a creditor, and I am still Han Qian's creditor..."

After saying that, he turned to look at Han Qian, raising his head and smiling stupidly.


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