After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 467 The monster’s thoughts need no explanation


Yan Qingqing didn't understand that Han Qian's words could have such great power. Han Qian reached out and grabbed Han Qingqing's wrist, raised his head and said softly.

"Cheng Jin suddenly changed his temper. For the first time, he ignored the procrastination of his mother-in-law and immediately dealt with the matter of hooking a cannon to escape surveillance. However, within 24 hours, Cheng Jin suddenly went to investigate Wei Tiancheng with full weapons. Do you think he was afraid? Even so. He has nothing to do with Gou Dapao, but could he have something to do with that corrupt official? Will that corrupt official bite him? Wei Tiancheng was afraid. Cheng Jin fined him more than three million yuan. Wei Tiancheng dared to say no? He dared to refuse, Cheng Jin Jin has reason to do frequent spot checks, but Wei Tiancheng doesn't dare. Cheng Jin needs merit to fight against Niu Guodong, so it's not recommended to kill someone by mistake, and! Wei Tiancheng really has a problem, do you understand now?"

Yan Qingqing nodded, turned around and sat on Han Qian's lap, hugged his neck and whispered softly.

"Liu Guangming won't hold a grudge against you?"

Han Qian struggled for a while and found that it had no effect, then gave up. He held Yan Qingqing's waist with one hand and chuckled.

"Hate me? Why does he hate me? Now all the fingers are pointing at Gouda Pao. Wei Tiancheng brought him in. He has to vent his anger on Wei Tiancheng."

"Then what's in it for you?"

"Hmm... I'm 10% more confident about threatening Wei Tiancheng recently. Hmm... why are you sitting on me? Little Yang Jia saw him again later."

"She doesn't dare to come in. I told her, but you haven't said anything about Wu Sikuan yet. She is very powerful?"

Han Qian smiled and did not explain. Wu Sikuan's cruelty was not acceptable to ordinary women.

After being in close contact with Yan Qingqing for half an hour, Han Qian was a little distraught. Han Qian didn't want to make any more mistakes, so he tried to escape but was discovered by Yan Qingqing. He deliberately twisted his body. Han Qian blushed instantly, and Yan Qingqing smiled mischievously. , holding Han Qian's face to harm him, Han Qian closed his eyes tremblingly, and when he was about to accept the blessing, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Han Qian woke up instantly, put his hands around Yan Qingqing's waist and lifted him off his body, then picked up his mobile phone and answered the call.

"Tongyao, have you seen Gouda Cannon?"

"No... no... Han Qian..."

As he spoke, the monster actually had a crying voice. Han Qian became even more anxious, frowning and growling.

"Say, what's wrong? I need people and money, so don't cry."

"No, no, no, I don't want people and I don't want money. That Liu Shengwu found my phone number somewhere and is begging me to go to the hospital to see him, otherwise I won't do the operation, wow..."

I still cried in the end.

Han Qian's whole body was shaking with anger, and he gritted his teeth and said with trembling words.

"Tong... Then go and see. I thought something happened to you."

"Wow~~~~ I don't dare. There are seven or eight cars downstairs. I see Liu Shengge is also downstairs. Han Qian save me."

"Stop howling! Wait for me at home and I'll pick you up."


A monster is a monster after all, he can cry but he can also hold it back. When Han Qian stood up, he found Yan Qingqing staring at his mobile phone with a murderous look on her face, gritting her teeth and growling.

"Nurse rhymes! She and I are at odds with each other. Is she sick? Why are Liu Shengwu calling you? Ah! I forgot, I also have to go see Liu Shengwu today. His arm was broken by a hook. , you go pick up Nursery Rhyme, I don’t want to see her, I’m afraid I can’t help it.”

"What can't you do?"

"Kill the person who ruined my good deeds, or I will take you down today, nursery rhyme, nursery rhyme, she is really extraordinary."


Han Qian, you make me feel normal.

These two words pierced Han Qian's heart like a sharp knife. Han Qian's face instantly became flattered and he walked out of the office with his head lowered.

Child monster, I will beat you to death.

This made Han Qian lose his confidence, and he didn't even dare to do that.

I'm average!

Driving to the downstairs of Yu Shici's house, he got out of the car and frowned and cursed at Liu Shengge who was standing outside the car.

"Yu Diaoji, why are you here to embarrass Tongyao? If you are sick, go to the veterinary clinic opposite the company. Don't go crazy here."

There was no reason to be polite to Liu Shengge, and they were not in the company yet. When Liu Shengge saw Han Qian throw away the cigarette in his hand, he jumped up and yelled back.

"Han mad dog, whoever got caught bit him. When did I make things difficult for Teacher Tong? She is making things difficult for me! This woman doesn't have food and salt, doesn't want money when I give her, and doesn't listen to her pleas. When the driver got up, two of them were held by her with a broom. We were bombarded, if it weren’t for my good-for-nothing brother, do you think I would fucking come?”


To be honest, Tong Yao can really do this, Han Qian looked at Liu Shengge and said suspiciously.

"Isn't your brother who sells human beings interested in nursery rhymes? Is he blind?"

"If you say that, I won't be stubborn with you. How can any normal person fall in love with this monster? Han Qian, you are familiar with her. I beg you. You take her to the hospital and fool my brother. I will send her away tomorrow." He returns to the capital."

"Kneel down and kowtow."

Seeing Liu Shengge about to go berserk, Han Qian quickly changed his tune.

"I won't give you any New Year's money even if you kowtow. You will accompany me to Huitian in the afternoon and be my assistant. If you promise, I will go upstairs to pick up the monster. If you don't agree, I will leave now."

"Hurry up, mom. My brother is waiting at the hospital."

Han Qian took a deep breath and then shouted to the sixth floor.

"Child monster! He's downstairs!"

Within three minutes, Nursery Rhyme, who was wearing denim overalls, exposed half of his head at the unit gate. He glanced around furtively and found Han Qian, then trotted all the way behind Han Qian, grabbing his arm and secretly sizing up these strangers.

Han Qian turned around and stuffed Nursery Rhymes into the passenger seat. When he got into the car, Liu Shengge sat in the back seat with the female assistant. Han Qian tilted his head and looked at the rearview mirror, wondering.

"Are you afraid that I will run away?"

Liu Shengge replied with raised eyebrows.

"Otherwise, what do you think? Mad Dog Han, you have no credibility in my eyes."

Han Qian curled his lips and didn't take these words to heart, but Tong Yao, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was unhappy. He turned around and glared at Liu Shengge, saying very seriously.

"You! Get out of the car!"

Liu Shengge was slightly stunned and frowned.

"You asked me to get off the bus? Do you believe that I will make it impossible for you to survive in this city?"


Liu Shengge's female assistant turned around with a cry of nursery rhyme, but then opened the car door. The car had already started. Han Qian hurriedly stepped on the brake. The girl opened the door and walked home, shouting as she walked.

"I won't go. My impression of Liu Shengwu is that he asked me for 60 yuan for a bottle of mineral water! Whether he operates or not has nothing to do with me!"

Liu Shengge was confused now and said in astonishment.

"Mad Dog Han, what on earth is this nursery rhyme?"

Han Qian shrugged and chuckled.

"Don't ask me, I only know that she is really going home."

"I'll get off the car, I'll get off the car right away! I will definitely send Liu Shengwu back to the capital."

Liu Shengge found that he had met someone who left him helpless. After living for thirty years, Liu Shengge thought that he had never met anyone who left him helpless.

There was nothing he could do about this child monster.

And there will be a woman.

Nursery Rhyme returned to the car and whispered.

"He said he would give me 100,000 yuan when I go to the hospital. Remember to ask for it for me! I want to run a school and I am short of money."

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