After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 454: Really stupid or calculated?

The shooting ended at 11 o'clock. During this period, Wu Qingsi rested twice. Three or four little suns surrounded her to help her recover. The negatives of the photo were reviewed by three childish ghosts. Calculation is calculation, and hatred is hatred. You can choose On the matter of photos, they had the same opinion.

A total of seven were chosen, and all three of them nodded in approval.

Lin Zongheng looked at the photo and said calmly.

"If the background is not needed, it seems that this photo does not need to be retouched. God, what is the next item after the photo is finished?"

Luo Shen seemed to have become Lin Zongheng's assistant. He took a look at the tablet and said softly.

"It's a video, two videos, one played on the big screen in Glory Plaza and one on the display screen outside Changxiang Group. These two videos are also the most important in this cooperation."

Lin Zongheng frowned after hearing this and whispered.

"Han Qian, you and Wu Qingsi are familiar with each other. Go and ask her if she can still hold on. Who the hell said that Hanfu must be summer, and winter cotton-padded jackets are also very good."

Han Qian curled his lips and replied.

"Who says it's not the case? Wu Qingsi also knows you. Go over and ask yourself."

"I don't really want to talk to her..."

Wu Qingsi was also present when Lin Zongheng was used as a chair by Feng Lun and sat on the ground. He really didn't want to talk to Wu Qingsi.

Two men who were well-known in the city were scared at this moment.

Liu Shengge curled his lips and said sarcastically.

"Two losers."

After saying that, they both turned their heads at the same time and said angrily.

"you go!"

"Then go!"

Liu Shengge was also aroused, frowned and said angrily.

"I'll go, I'll go."

Maybe men are naive, let alone men. If these three guys mature, all the dads present combined will not be as mature as one of them.

As expected, Liu Shengge stepped forward to ask Wu Qingsi's opinion. This guy was very rude and ignored Wu Qingsi's assistant as if it were air. Not long after, he made a decision.

Shooting videos in the afternoon, now taking a break for lunch.

Wu Qingsi trotted back to her makeup cart with her coat on. The girl was really freezing. The assistant and Cai Qinghu chased after her. Yan Qingqing and Yu Shici also followed. As for the three childish ghosts pretending to be tough guys, they also followed. Find an excuse to go back to the car and rest.

Han Qian got on Yan Qingqing's Raptor, casually grabbed his clothes and covered himself, started the car and turned on the heater. Lin Zongheng was no better than this guy. He was trembling in the car and scolding Han Qian for being a mad dog. As for Liu Shengge, It's not much better, except that he has one more woman by his side than the other two guys, biting his tongue and scolding her.

"Do you think they are both sick? Are they stupid in such a cold weather?"

The assistant didn't dare to say a word, thinking in his heart, Mr. Liu, you are not smart either, why are you trying to get angry with them?

The lunch meal was average.

box lunch!

One meat and two vegetables paired with a bowl of hot egg drop soup.

Not sure who made the order, Lin Zongheng took the lunch box handed over by Luo Shen and listened to his fiancée's nagging.

"Zongheng, why are you wasting your time here and eating this kind of thing?"

Lin Zongheng smiled and pinched Luo Shen's little nose, which was red from the cold, and laughed softly.

"Have you ever imagined how big Wu Qingsi's traffic is? Not to mention taking pictures, even today's incident will be photographed and posted online. Otherwise, why do you think that guy Han Mad Dog is standing here with so little clothes? Isn't it just to steal the spotlight? ? Do you think I’m stupid enough to accompany him to freeze? You still don’t understand?”

Luo Shen shook his head in confusion, then suddenly changed his face and said angrily.

"You want to hook up with Wu Qingsi?"

Lin Zongheng frowned and tilted his head.

"Get married early, and then leave your company to me. You can take care of your children at home. Why should I hook up with Wu Qingsi? And it is difficult to hook up. The financial backer behind her is too rich, and we are wearing less clothes." The purpose of freezing here is to make things easier to talk about in the future. Think about it, as long as we hire trolls to hype it up, Changxiang Group President Lin Zongheng showed his respect for the artist and chose to accompany him in the same weather of more than ten degrees below zero. With my appearance and identity, I will soon become an Internet celebrity, and Changxiang Group will also become popular quickly, do you understand?"

Luo Shen nodded as if he understood, then shook his head and said doubtfully.

"What are you going to do after you become famous?"

"I don't do anything but get traffic. As long as the hype is good, it will save a lot of advertising fees. You can find someone to take pictures later. Remember not to show the face of those two idiots. You eat, I have something to do." Son."

After saying that, Lin Zongheng got out of the car with his lunch box, walked to the shooting location, and sat and ate with the photographer and staff, talking and laughing.

After all, he had returned from studying abroad. This guy didn't just hang out while he was abroad, and his mind was still very flexible when it came to serious matters. Sitting in the car, Liu Shengge saw something strange about Lin Zongheng. When he found out that someone was filming him At that moment, I understood his thoughts in an instant, opened the car door with a box of lunch, and said angrily.

"Is Yan Qingqing a waste? Why aren't you going to fix it? Lin is freezing to death and beating up the bastard, you idiot! Damn it! I'm so annoyed."

He had to get off the car even though he was irritated, and he absolutely couldn't let Lin Zongheng take the lead just like that.

When Lin Zongheng saw Liu Shengge approaching, his expression changed. After all, he was noticed by this dead eunuch.

Han Qian, who was sitting in the car and eating a big meal, looked at the two guys outside with slightly confused eyes. Why are they so crazy? Han Qian wanted to find someone to analyze, but then he found that there was no one around him. Could it be that he was still trying to distinguish himself? Who is the tough guy?

Han Qian couldn't guess that he had three more years of blank time than these two guys. He didn't understand the Internet, its power and progress. In Han Qian's impression, the Internet was still in the era of button and games.

I don’t understand the circulation of information.

Han Qian didn't get out of the car. He really didn't want to get out and be frozen. Let's compete. Can I, Han Qian, give in?

Lin Zongheng breathed a sigh of relief when Mad Dog Han didn't get out of the car. Liu Shengge was slightly confused. What was Mad Dog Han planning? No matter what, Lin Dabasi definitely cannot eat alone, and Liu Diao Temple was the first to disagree.

Diao Temple····


It sounds better than eunuch.

Then Liu Shengge got angry, lowered his head to eat and cursed angrily.

"Bastard Lin, what the hell did you order for the lunch box? Are you out of money?"

"Eunuch Liu, are you sick? Didn't someone from your company order it?"

While the two were arguing, Yan Qingqing came over and walked in. The two frowned.

"Mr. Lin, Director Liu, which one of you decided on this lunch?"

The two were stunned for a moment, then raised their heads and shouted angrily in unison.

"Ask Mad Dog Han."

Yan Qingqing frowned in confusion.

"Han Qian decided? He's almost freezing to death and still has this thought?"

After the meal, the shooting continued. The three guys stood together again, with the same hands in their pockets and the same mouth, with their upper bodies leaning back slightly. This time, all three of them were wearing thin shirts and ties. The shirt styles were different, and the tie colors were different. Different.

Wu Qingsi was full of doubts.

Are these three guys standing at the pinnacle of the city’s young generation?

Sister is here to make money, what are you doing?

Are the three of them stupid?

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