After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 447 Lin Zongheng, I’m so mad at you


Playing dumb and then slapping them in the face?


Han Qian took the initiative and smiled.

"I deeply sympathize with what your company is going through. If my wife hadn't been tortured to the point of eating and sleeping poorly because of this incident, I, an outsider, would not have come to attend the Changxiang board of directors."

After the words fell, Lin Zongheng said angrily.

"You and Nuan Nuan are divorced."

The board of directors was in an uproar when the words came out. Han Qian squinted at Lin Zongheng and said softly.

"You just got remarried yesterday, what's up, okay? You sit quietly for a while, I don't have time to talk to you, just like you called me more than 20 times yesterday and I didn't answer it."

There was another uproar.

These two pieces of news surprised them so much. Could this Han Qian really solve this problem? Then they discovered that Young Master Lin really stopped talking.


Han Qian crossed his legs and said softly.

"I know a little bit about the troubles your company has encountered. The reason is very simple. Years ago, the fire protection and sanitation departments conducted random inspections in various companies and shopping malls. I remember that the Yamenmen seemed to be very dissatisfied with a few companies. , right? Especially Honor and Changxiang. Honor Group’s Honor Department Store Video Game Center has been shut down as early as two years ago, and the catering has also been shut down. There is no fire safety problem, and Changxiang has been vaguely named once. But I still haven’t corrected it. I don’t know who among you is in charge of the operation of the shopping mall. I only know that if you don’t give the yamenmen any face, the yamenmen will shut down your business. Everyone knows the principle of killing a chicken to scare the monkeys.”

After finishing speaking, Han Qian looked at Jiang Xian and smiled.

"Aunt Xian, are you right?"

Jiang Xian nodded lightly. What she supported was warmth. No matter what Han Qian said, she would nod. Han Qian turned to the board members who were about to speak and spoke softly.

"I'll talk about the stakes first. Listen, if what I say makes sense, then continue. If it doesn't make sense, just say it doesn't make sense. Now the merchants are making trouble, and they have suffered huge losses. Changxiang has lost more than just money. Simple, if it is delayed in opening, and some merchants withdraw their capital, they may go to the Yamenkou to cause trouble. You don’t think that the merchants go to the Yamenkou to cause trouble for you? No matter how big Changxiang is, they are still businessmen. , it’s no bigger than a government office, it’s easy for them to put on small shoes for you, I heard that Cheng Jin is not a generous guy.”

If Cheng Jin knew about this, Han Qian would inevitably be dragged into exercising by Chang.

"Whether merchants are withdrawing their investment or causing trouble, they are all damaging the reputation of the group. In the future, some people will inevitably think, 'Can't I go to Changxiang Mall? What if the mall is closed?' Then the merchants will be empty, and the mall will be empty. But it has become an empty shell, and it will be too difficult to make a comeback. Successfully transforming one military world does not mean that it can succeed in the second one, right?"

At this time, someone from the Lin Party spoke.

"We all know what you said. You don't need to remind us. Our board of directors doesn't care about the process. We only care about the results. Anyone can talk nonsense."

The Wen Party member was about to refute, but Han Qian hurriedly stretched out his hand to comfort this person and smiled at the Lin Party member.

"What you said makes sense, but I want to say that in fact, my wife is not responsible for the operation of the mall, but she doesn't want to open it now. In fact, closing the mall is very good for her. After all, this is Mr. Lin's responsibility, right? Since everyone wants to be direct, I will not be confused. The operation and management of the mall will be handed over to Vice President Wen. Vice President Wen promises to open the mall tomorrow. If the mall does not open tomorrow morning, forget it! Today is the day. At noon, the seal will be removed and the mall will be open, and the gas can be changed during the business period. If it does not open after 12 noon, my Wen family will give 10% of the shares to you."

Han Qian looked at Lin Zongheng with provocative eyes. I bet you want to save face. I can't bear to tell you that you, the Lin Party, are the ones who offended me, and it's me who won't let you open for business.

You are a high-ranking young master, and I am a young man from the countryside.

Furthermore, do you dare to say that Cheng Jin engaged in malpractice for personal gain? Cheng Jin's petty thing can chase you home and have sex with you.

I bet you don’t want to say it and don’t dare to say it.

Also, Han Qian's bait was too big. It's already ten o'clock, and there are only two hours left for the mall to open for business? The Lin Party members didn't believe it, but Lin Zongheng's expression turned extremely grim, and he gritted his teeth and whispered.

"Han Qian, this is our internal matter and we don't need you to come over to solve it."

Han Qian shrugged, looking indifferent.

"Then your shopping mall will be closed for half a month, or maybe a month. Your Lin family can bear the losses, but our Wen family doesn't want to play with you. If this continues, our Wen family won't mind proposing to remove the chairman. Request, after all, no one wants to follow a chairman whose personal grievances have affected the income of the company's shareholders and directors. After all, during the period when my wife was managing the company alone, Changxiang Group never suffered a loss, not even for a moment. Otherwise, Can you tell me why the mall closed?"

It depends on whether you, Lin Zongheng, are still shameless and dare to say it.

There are two ways for you. The first is to tell everyone that it was me, Han Qian, who caused the mall to close, and there is nothing you can do about it. The second is easier. You consider yourself incompetent and hand over the operation and management rights. Come out to give me warmth, you Lin Zongheng think you are not capable enough.

No matter which path, it would be difficult for Lin Zongheng to take it. If he didn't give it, the board of directors wouldn't be able to explain it, and if it were given to him, it wouldn't be able to explain it.

No matter how you go, it's a dead end. Now there is only one way. You hand it over to the market and let your supporters continue to make money.

Han Qian narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Master Lin won't let a closed shopping mall affect everyone's ability to make money, right? Only when everyone makes money can there be harmony. Your Lin family has a strong family background, while others have to support their wives and children. Don't you think so?"

The Wen party faction has understood and expressed their agreement one after another. They are right.

Lin Zongheng was still in a stalemate. After waiting for a long time, Jiang Xian spoke.

"In that case, the old rule is to vote anonymously and let Assistant Yu prepare."

Yu Shici turned on the big screen. The members of the board of directors put their hands under the table. Han Qian reached out and touched it and found two buttons under the table. Changxiang is very good at playing, so no one will be offended. Han Qian was full of confidence in himself. , said softly.

"Assistant Yu, go print the contract. Everyone can see the voting results."

Lin Zongheng left the meeting room angrily. The result had nothing to do with him. He was not yet able to deny the decision of the board of directors.

It was already eleven o'clock after the board of directors' decision was signed, and the management and operation rights of the mall were transferred to Nuan Nuan's hands.

Seeing this, Han Qian pulled Nuan Nuan to stand up and said softly.

"Daughter-in-law, it's time to solve the problem."

Wen Nuan stood up, nodded with a smile, and said softly.

"Okay! Assistant Yu, take people to the mall."

Han Qian and Wen Nuan walked out, and Han Qian took out his mobile phone and called Cheng Jin.

"Lao Cheng, did I break the seal of Changxiang? Let me tell you, in return, I will go to your house for a casual meal."

"roll roll roll!"

"I asked Liu Guangming to donate 1,000 computers, 500 sets of desks and chairs, and some books to schools in impoverished mountainous areas of the city."

"Hmm... I'm in the office at the Yamen Gate. I have two bowls of instant noodles."

"Changxiang Group builds dormitories for volunteer teachers."

"I'll tell the cafeteria to cook some vegetarian dishes."

"Ai Kun Urban Construction sent some beef and mutton, health care products, a change of clothes, bedding and daily medicines to nursing homes in the city."

"Come on, come on, drink and drink, I've been watching this kid like you since you were a kid."

Is it difficult for Cheng Jin to attract sponsorship? It's not difficult, but at this juncture, he doesn't dare to solicit sponsorship, but he still wants sponsorship.

Cheng Jin? Brother, I can touch you clearly

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