After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 445: Lift your head and do it

Vomited after eating.

Han Qian came up stubbornly and vomited, right? Then he continued to look for food to fill his mouth, but it was useless to persuade him. Nuan Nuan did not try to persuade her at all. He also told several other girls that his stubborn temper was getting worse, and it was useless to persuade him.

After struggling for more than two hours, Han Qian still had nothing in his stomach. He turned his head and said solemnly to Wen Nuan.

"Go, buy me a bottle of glucose."

Wen Nuan crossed his chest with one hand and took out his mobile phone to call his assistant. The little girl who had already rested ran to buy a bottle of glucose in the middle of the night and sent it to Glory. Han Qian took the glucose and raised his head to do it. Then he lay on the bed and closed his eyes. rest.

Cai Qinghu frowned, stared at Han Qian in disbelief, and said with a frown.

"He...he just drinks like this? What about drinking? Is Nuan Nuan like this at home?"

"Don't! I don't know. When we were together, he paid great attention to his health. He went to bed early and got up early, and ate on time. After the divorce, he became like this desperate person. Now he basically doesn't wake up when he sleeps. What should we do? ?”

As he spoke, Wen Nuan sat beside Han Qian's bed and was about to lie down. As soon as he bent down, his head was dragged by Yan Qingqing, and she frowned.

"You still want to grab it? You squeezed Han Qian out of bed last time he was hospitalized. Come on! You and Qing Hu can go back to sleep. I'll just take care of Han Qian here."

Wen Nuan looked at Yan Qingqing suspiciously and said suspiciously,

"I think you want to take advantage of others' danger, right?"

Yan Qingqing pushed away the warmth and said disdainfully.

"You have nothing else in your mind except this, right? Then you stay and take care of me while I leave?"

Cai Qinghu was too lazy to pay attention to these two women and stretched himself.

"I'm leaving first. Qingsi is still waiting for me. There is a sofa outside. You two have had enough of it."

Leave as soon as you say, leaving no mud or water behind.


When Han Qian woke up the next morning, his stomach felt a little empty. He walked out of the lounge and looked at the two girls sleeping on the sofa. He didn't know what to say. Couldn't he stay in the hotel when he was sick yesterday?

how? Is there an assassin in the hotel?

Han Qian patted Yan Qingqing and motioned them to go to the lounge to rest and stop staying here. He sent Nuan Nuan to the company first. There were a lot of things going on there recently, so Nuan Nuan couldn't afford to be absent from work all of a sudden.

Yan Qingqing stood up and touched Han Qian's forehead, then turned and walked to the lounge. She was really sleepy.

Han Qian glanced at Wen Nuan. He squinted at Yan Qingqing's back and watched her walk into the lounge. Then he stretched out his arms to Han Qian and coquettishly asked Han Qian to hug her. As soon as he stretched out his hand, Yan Qingqing stood there. He said coldly to Wen Nuan at the door of the lounge.

"Just cut off the legs if you don't want them. Han Qian's head is still a little hot, so walk on by yourself."

"Yan Hu, your control is getting wider and wider."

Wen Nuan put on her shoes and followed Han Qian to leave Glory. She wanted to drive, but Han Qian didn't agree. After getting in the car, he didn't leave in a hurry. It was only eight o'clock. Han Qian found his mobile phone and called Yu Shici first. Yu Shici was very worried. Quickly answer the call and said softly.

"Nuan Nuan is taking a shower. I'll ask her to get back to you later."

This sentence confused Han Qian. He turned his head and looked at Wen Wen who was sitting in the passenger seat. Wen Wen frowned and gritted his teeth angrily.

"Han Qian and I are together!"

"Oh! I thought Han Qian was anxious because you didn't go home last night. Tell me, Han Qian, what do you want from me? I'm telling you, don't try to push Wen Nuan away to go on a date with me. Our sisterly love is more precious than anything else. Strong."

Listening to Yu Shici's nonsense, Han Qian really didn't have the energy to talk to her now, so he covered his head and whispered softly.

"Let's get down to business, what's going on in your company's shopping mall now? What's the reaction from the top management and the board of directors?"


Yu Shici said with a bit of disappointment in his voice.

"The senior management and the board of directors were very dissatisfied when they learned that Lin Zongheng had offended the Yamenmen and failed to handle the affairs of the mall. The profits that were passing by every day were huge. Lin Zongheng could not bear the pressure. He promised the board of directors that he would be responsible for these losses. People have to bear the responsibility, but! The merchants are making a lot of noise."

Han Qian was silent for a while, then started the car and said softly.

"You are now going to go to the company and tell the executives that Vice President Wen will hold an emergency meeting regarding the closure of the mall, and then contact the shareholders who support Wen Wen and ask them to convene a board meeting to address Lin Zongheng's inability to solve the problem of the mall's opening. You Let them ventilate first and tell them that Wen Nuan will take over the operation of the mall and solve the sealing problem."

"Okay, I understand, I'll do it right now. Do you want to participate in the board of directors in the name of a warm husband?"

"What am I going to do? Let the warmth go."

"Let's talk about it when we meet."

Yu Shici went to deal with the tasks assigned by Han Qian, and hung up the phone. Nuannuan grabbed Han Qian's arm with both hands, looked at him pitifully with her mouth suppressed, and whispered coquettishly.

"I took care of you all night last night, so you can go to the meeting instead of me. I'm most afraid of board meetings."

Han Qian started the car and frowned.

"Then how have you been holding board meetings in the past few years? You don't say anything?"

"No, I used to tell my elders or my secretary what I wanted to express. Besides, there was no Lin Zongheng before, so I just said what I wanted to say."

"It's a wonder you don't lose money."

"Marrying you is a miracle. Just go and I'll sit next to you while you talk! I'll watch and be a little puppet."


Han Qian felt a pain in his head. What happened to this girl? Think about Yan Qingqing and Wu Sikuan. These two girls worked hard and climbed up. Why did something go wrong when they got to Nuan Nuan?

She has resources, background, backing, and think tanks, but she just wants to be a rice insect?

She has no intention of struggling at all. The envy in other people's eyes is like a burden to her.

Fortunately, Nuan Nuan is not a boy.

Han Qian drove to Changxiang and walked side by side with Wen Nuan in front of the staff of Changxiang. Those who had seen Han Qian were fine, but those who had never seen Han Qian were full of surprise. This was the mysterious husband of Vice President Wen. ? Why does it feel familiar?

Walking into Wen Nuan's office, Yu Shici was already there. It seemed that she had been waiting for a long time. Seeing Han Qian and Wen Nuan, Yu Shici quickly stood up and threw a suit on the sofa to Han Qian.

"Change a set of clothes, my eldest lady, did you come here without washing your face? There's still eye poop in your eyes. Let's go, let's wash up and put on your makeup. Han Qian, please change your clothes too. Over there at the board of directors This means skipping high-level meetings and quickly resolving the issue of mall closures, but delaying the decision will have an impact on the company's reputation."

Han Qian looked at the blue suit in his hand and said softly.

"Do you know what size I wear?"

Yu Shici supported Wen Nuan and walked out the door. She turned her head and stuck out her tongue at Han Qian and licked the corners of her mouth.

Recalling what happened at the resort, Han Qian couldn't help but tremble. In this sickly state, he actually had the slightest reaction.

Has the power been broken?

My mind is full of questions, but my heart is cursing nursery rhymes, waiting for me to catch you...

How can it be done?

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