After seeing Li Jinhan and Li Jinhai, Han Qian stopped visiting his elders. As for Wen Shou's relationship, Han Qian didn't go and had no plans to go. Wen Ru took the initiative to call and ask for help. The main purpose was to ask for warmth. Her brother-in-law was open-minded. Wen Nuan didn't know how to respond. Han Qian grabbed the phone and hung up.

"Don't answer her calls from now on. This matter is not something you can resolve just because you say you can. It's you who they bullied, and I'm the one who did it. Have a good rest. I'm going to work on the sixth day of the new year, so have a good rest."

Han Qian felt like he was living at home for the past two days. Wen Nuan did not do anything serious at all. Changxiang executives were going crazy. Their vice president, Miss Wen, was still talking to Han Qian about Yan Qingqing and Cai Qinghu. , the question is who he wants to save first.

Han Qian asked this question for two days. In the end, Han Qian had no choice. No matter how he answered it, he would be dead. He called Ji Jing and asked what the correct answer was. Ji Jing did not answer, but asked quietly. She is added to each sentence.

Han Qian hung up the phone immediately.

On the morning of the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, Han Qian got up and ran away without combing his face or washing his face. He went downstairs and drove straight to the company, rubbing the shit out of his eyes.

Going to work makes him happy, while vacation makes him miserable.

After arriving at the company, Han Qian ran to the lobby of the Honor Group wearing a shirt and suit as cold as a third grandson. He stood in front of the time card machine and stretched out his hand. Han Qian couldn't help but shudder.

He was so frightened by the warmth that he wore the wrong clothes when he went out. Looking at the crowded employee elevator, Han Qian turned around and ran to the executive elevator. He returned to the general department again and looked at his familiar colleagues. Han Qian smiled, Su Liang Standing up and giving Han Qian a hug, the young woman Yao Xue held her chin in one hand and looked at the two young men full of homosexuality, smiling.

"I beg you two to get married where you are."

Su Liang said with a smile.

"I do not mind."

The next second, he was pushed away by Han Qian with a look of disgust on his face. He searched for a bottle of women's facial cleanser from Fang Shanshan. Han Qian went to the bathroom and felt the warm water flowing on his fingertips. Han Qian sighed that life is so good. In winter, there is hot water from the boiling faucet.

After washing his face and returning to the General Department, Han Qian was in high spirits, and Yao Xue smiled again.

"My Young Master Han, there are no servants at home to help you wash your face today? Why did you come to the company to wash your face?"

Han Qian wiped his face and said with a smile.

"Why don't you stare at Sister Yao and wash my face?"

"Don't! Master Han's face is so delicate, sister will wash it with your tongue."

"You didn't eat leeks this morning, did you?"

After hearing this, Yao Xue got up and rushed towards Han Qian. Han Qian ran away, holding Liu Jiulong's waist with his upper hand and shouting for protection from the chicken mother. Liu Jiulong looked at Yao Xue shyly, then pointed at his face, Yao Xue Seeing this he smiled.

"No! Deputy Liu, I'm afraid your face will be nicked by my tongue. It's all barbed."

Liu Jiulong didn't feel embarrassed after hearing this and laughed. Then he patted Han Qian behind him and said softly.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, you, Sister Yang, have something to announce later."

Han Qian looked at Liu Jiulong in confusion. The latter pressed his shoulders and pushed him to the door of Yang Lan's office. The small Internet cafe where the trio lived had been demolished. Han Qian applied to change seats, but Liu Jiulong pretended not to hear him. .

Then Han Qian discovered that he, Su Liang, and Da Qian'er were far away from each other, forming a triangle divided into three areas. What did this mean?

At 9:05, Yang Lan came.

Having known Yang Lan for so long, Han Qian has seen her wear the same clothes.

Wearing a white cotton-padded jacket that reaches just above the knees, simple denim cropped pants, and a pair of cotton boots worth more than a dozen yuan, Yang Lan's simple dress seems not simple. She has forced this older sister in her thirties to dress up as... A little girl about the same age as Han Qian.

Just as Han Qian was about to speak, Yang Lan put the document in his hand on his head and shouted softly.

"I couldn't bear to announce this news on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, but it was decided by the top management, so I had no choice but to do it. Some people may have to leave the General Department."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone's expressions became very nervous. Many of them were transferred here years ago and might be suddenly transferred away. Except for Han Qian, everyone else was very nervous, especially the veterans of the General Department.

Yang Lan read out seven or eight names in one breath, and almost all the people who stayed in the General Department last time and did not participate in the Liancheng team plan were transferred. Yao Xue patted her chest and said in fear.

"I thought it was me. It scared me to death."

Han Qian crossed his legs and poured hot water into the paper cup with the water cup in Yang Lan's hand. He sipped the hot water and said softly.

"Why are you so nervous?"

Yao Xue reached out and grabbed the paper cup that Han Qian had not yet put into his mouth, and said angrily.

"It has nothing to do with you. I heard that as long as you are in this company, you can go to any department you want. We are different from you."

"What are you afraid of? Can't you just bring me back to you when the time comes? If you don't have any other ability, just brag about your abilities."

As soon as he finished speaking, the document in Yang Lan's hand hit Han Qian's back, and Yang Lan scolded him.

"Don't talk nonsense. This is a decision made by the top management. New people will come to report later. The General Department does not have any tasks for the time being. You fishermen should also pay attention. Han Qian gives you this document. You can finish it and hand it over. I."

Everyone is fishing, and only Han Qian is working.

This is just a simple general department operation plan. Han Qian didn't quite understand the purpose of this plan. After thinking for a while, Han Qian found Yang Lan with a blank document and said softly.

"Sister Yang, what does this mean? Isn't our general department a senior care department?"

Yang Lan spread his hands, looked at Han Qian with a helpless expression, and curled his lips.

"I don't know the specific matters. At the moment, I only know that multiple departments are going to sort out the affairs of the Liancheng Group. The open fire of the Honor Group's shopping mall catering was canceled at today's meeting, and Vice President Gao is in charge of this matter. I think The purpose of the high-level meeting is to hand over all matters related to the Honor Furniture Plaza to the General Department, and to name you to take responsibility."

Han Qian tilted his head and frowned.

"It probably means that Honor Furniture Plaza will be built by the General Department? Will the General Department get a bonus if it makes money? How will it be calculated if it loses?"

"You have to ask Mr. Yan about this. I don't know very well. You can just do it in a general way, and then give it to me. I will take it to Mr. Yan for formality. In addition, there are almost everyone who will come to the General Department in the afternoon. They are all juniors and relatives of the company's top management, please control your temper."

"Oh, I'm going to do something."

Walking out of Yang Lan's office, Han Qian sat in front of the computer and was at a loss. He had a model in his mind for the operation of the mall, but it was a bit difficult for him to make it. Now Han Qian could only hope that the newcomers would come over and complete the plan.

Until noon, no newcomers came to report. The five-person team went downstairs to eat. Shanshan shouted that she wanted to eat cold noodles. She had almost eaten like a pig during the Chinese New Year in the past few days. When Han Qian and the others sat down, Miss Yali Came and brought new news.

"Sister Wanwan resigned."

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