Yan Qingqing's dress is very uncomfortable to the eyes of the rural elderly. Qian'er's mother feels that this young girl does not look like the boss of a company, but the old man believes that Nuan Nuan, this girl, can be a vice president. Why can't other girls, and what's more, the strength and straightforwardness shown by this girl, and the hostility and fear shown by the daughter-in-law.

This all means that the status and ability of this girl named Yan Qingqing are not lower than Wen Nuan, and one more thing.

These three little girls all know this silver-short-haired Yan Qingqing.

Yan Qingqing did not slip on the kang and be intimate with Qian'er's mother like the other three girls. She placed the black suitcase in front of Qian'er's mother, stood in the room, bowed deeply to Qian'er's mother, and spoke sincerely.

"Qingqing is very grateful to auntie. Your children have given me a firm foothold in the company and helped me win the company's trust and conviction. If I don't come to visit you this year, Qingqing will be ashamed of Han Qian for taking care of me. Please forgive Qingqing for not taking care of me." Please come."

The girl who was the most unruly and domineering in the past has become the most talkative and polite girl today.

Qian'er's mother sat up by the kang and took Yan Qingqing's hand, saying kindly and softly.

"He's working for you, doing all the things he's supposed to do."

"No! Auntie, Han Qian has many things hidden in his heart and dare not tell you. He is worried about your health, but I can see all his hard work and fatigue. Sometimes I see him working around the clock, and I really I feel very sorry for him. He is only twenty-five years old. If it were not for the pressure of life, a twenty-five-year-old man would still be thinking about how to have fun and how to be happy."

Several people could feel Yan Qingqing's trembling in her breathing. Han Qian frowned and was about to speak, but the old man put his arm around his shoulders and took him out of the room. After Han Qian went out, Yan Qingqing took a deep breath again.

"Auntie, I am proud of your child Han Qian, and thank you for your education and training of him. This is Han Qian's year-end bonus, and it is also my New Year's gift to you."

After saying that, Yan Qingqing opened the suitcase, and wads of red banknotes were placed inside the box. Qian'er's mother was stunned for a moment. Yan Qingqing guessed what Qian'er's mother was going to say, and spoke first without giving her aunt a chance to speak.

"Auntie, the value of the shares Han Qian helped me get is over 100 million. The 660,000 is just a drop in the ocean compared to what Han Qian gave me. If Han Qian doesn't know this money, I won't give him his clothes. He doesn’t need to spend money on tobacco, cigarettes, or living expenses. I don’t want him to have too much money in his hands. He values ​​everything but doesn’t care about money. The 600,000 yuan in his hands may be 30%. It will be given away in five days, so! Auntie, I hope you can accept it."

Qian'er's mother really didn't know what to say at this time, because this girl was right. Han Qian, the kid, really didn't care about money. When Qian'er's mother was struggling, Yan Qingqing took out money in her pocket again. A bank card was handed to Qian'er's mother. Qian'er's mother stood up and raised her hand to refuse, saying softly.

"Son, I saved this money for Han Qian, but I can't use this card anymore."

Yan Qingqing laughed softly.

"Auntie, you misunderstood. This is the money Han Qian asked me to save for him. The maximum amount in this card was 800,000. Don't worry, all this money was earned by Han Qian's hard work, but now there is only He spent 300,000 yuan, and he squandered the money and gave it away. Now I am just a suitor of Han Qian. I am not qualified to keep this money here. Auntie, you can keep it on behalf of Han Qian. "

There is now one million inside and outside. Qian'er's mother has never seen so much money in her life. What this little girl said left her with no reason to refuse. She was wondering whether Han Qian earned all this money.

At this time, Nuan Nuan, who had been silent until now, spoke.

"Mom, just accept it. Although I don't like Yanhu... Yan Qingqing, this money is indeed earned by Han Qian, and I also agree with what she said that Han Qian does not use money as money. This is a fact, you can keep it for him, the money is not much."

The daughter-in-law also spoke, and Qian'er's mother accepted the money and card, and she would save the money for Han Qian.

Then Nuan Nuan hugged Yan Qingqing sideways.

"The words have been said and the money has been given. You can leave. I won't keep you for lunch."

Yan Qingqing turned to look at Wen Nuan and laughed.

"Vice President Wen, do you want me to tell auntie why Han Qian works so hard? Isn't it because..."

The sister-in-law's mouth was covered again, and her petite figure was dragged out of the room with her neck and mouth covered by the warmth. When she went out, she faced Qian'er's mother in a naive and petite manner.

"Mom, let's go get in touch."

Yan Qingqing was pushed into the west room by Wen Nuan, and then Nuan Wen's screams and Cai Qinghu's gloating laughter came from the west room.

It's true that one thing brings another, but the warmth she can't help the most is that Yan Qingqing can't do anything about it.

Han Qian and the old man were lying on the concierge's bed. The old man was smoking, looking at the roof, and said softly.

"What would you do if your mother found out you were injured?"

Han Qian turned around and glared.

"Then drag me out and I'll stop her."

"I think you can't stop me. This little girl named Yan is as talkative as Xiao Nuan. Is she really your boss?"

"Not really a boss, but one of the bosses of the company. I work under her."

"Is she pursuing you?"

"You old man, can you talk about something positive? I won't talk to you anymore. I'm going to take a look. I'm worried that Yan Qingqing and Wen Nuan are fighting."

After saying that, Han Qian stood up and walked out of the concierge. As soon as he walked out, he saw Yan Qingqing jumping out of the door of the main room. As soon as Yan Qingqing saw Han Qian, her face fell instantly, and she walked to Han Qian with a sigh. Sighed.

"Hey, I read it and gave it away. If there's nothing to do, I'll go home first. My parents are traveling abroad and I have to go home to look at the house. Han Qian, I'm leaving, I'm really leaving ”

Han Qian was slightly stunned and frowned.

"You're leaving right now? Why are you in such a hurry?"

Yan Qingqing sighed again.

"There's no hurry. I just took a look and it seems like there's no place for me to live."

Han Qian glanced at the concierge opposite and said doubtfully.

"I'll stay for two days before leaving. This room looks like..."

"Really? Then I won't leave. I seem to have a quilt in the car. I'll get it."

Seeing Yan Qingqing running out the door, Han Qian waved his hand and slapped himself. Isn't this a mean-spirited speech? Are you going to stay and quarrel with Nuan Nuan and the others? Seeing Yan Qingqing come back with the quilt, Han Qian squatted on the ground and covered his head. Even if she didn't speak just now, she might not leave.

In the afternoon, Yan Qingqing squatted in the yard to train Huanhuan. Seeing Huanhuan's helpless look, Han Qian couldn't stand it anymore and carried Huanhuan back to the kennel. Yan Qingqing didn't take it seriously and ran to the firewood pile. Helping the old man is more like joining in the fun.

Han Qian sighed helplessly and shouted softly.

"Mr. Yan, can we stop going over there and causing trouble? Look at Shici and they are all working. You look like a second-rate kid on the street."

Yan Qingqing stood up and shook her hair, saying proudly.

"Sister is willing, but you don't have to be too unhappy. I called just now and your Aunt Ji will be here tomorrow."

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