After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 417 One thing brings down another thing

After returning home, the old man entered the house first. It didn't take long for Wen Nuan to run out to pick him up with slippers. He looked Han Qian up and down and couldn't find the skin injury his father-in-law said, and Han Qian showed no signs of injury. Feeling something was wrong, Han Qian walked into the house with his arms around warm shoulders.

He simply gave up and said that he went to the county to talk about the company. The old man testified, Qian'er's mother didn't ask any more questions, and told Han Qian to coax Wen Nuan, and he couldn't go out alone in the future. .

After returning to the room, Wen Nuan closed the door, pointed at Han Qian and said in a low voice.


Han Qian was startled and said tremblingly.

"You...what are you going to do?"

"Don't be ink-stained. Take it off if I ask you to."

Han Qian took off his coat, and Wen Nuan simply stretched out his hand to help Han Qian take off his clothes. He didn't let him go until there was only one underwear left. Then he looked at it carefully and frowned.

"Dad said you suffered some skin trauma. Where is the injury?"

Han Qian didn't quite know what was going on here, so he said bravely.

"Do you want to see your butt?"

Wen Nuan slapped Han Qian's butt and said angrily.

"What the hell, why did Liu Shengge come to you? Tell me!"

"The matter of the company's shares and the resignation of his assistant. He wanted to ask if it was me who did it. Lin Zongheng was also there and explained that Gou Dapao had nothing to do with him. He didn't drink and just had a simple meal. , go to sleep, you haven’t slept all night.”

Han Qian got into bed, and just as Nuan Nuan was about to get on the bed, Han Qian said softly.

"Xiao Nuan, I want to drink water."

"Are you a kettle?"


It seemed as if the hunting incident had not happened. Lin Zongheng and Liu Shengge quickly returned to the city after their injuries were stabilized at the county hospital. Only these three guys knew what happened in the mountains. The injured bodyguard had long since lost his Too faint.

These two guys seemed to have spent so much money that no one paid attention to the bodyguard's gunshot wound.

Han Qian did not receive any calls from the two of them. Han Qian called Gao Jishi to ask about Liu Shengge's recent situation. The answer he got surprised Han Qian. Liu Shengge returned to the capital. As for the reason, Gao Jishi didn't know. Han Qian didn't say much.

I have been staying at home for a month. During this period, I took Nuan Nuan and went out with my brothers twice. We ate, drank, talked about the future, gossip, and mostly talked about the past.

At the beginning of February, the monthly market begins. The market lasts for two days. Farmers from the surrounding villages will go to buy New Year's goods, and some people will go to sell New Year's goods. The New Year in rural areas is much more lively than in the city. , couplets with the word "blessing", money hanging on the door god, lanterns and firecrackers are all must-haves.

Wen Nuan was dressed neatly early in the morning, prepared a wad of cash and squatted at the door. After Qian'er's mother had changed her clothes, Wen Wen ran out the door.

"Going to the market!"

Qian'er's mother followed behind with a smile, and the old man was responsible for driving.

There was one person and one dog left at home. The dog ran away when the weather got warm. Han Qian completely became the left-behind child. He stayed in bed once and only crawled out of bed at ten o'clock. He lit a fire and sat on the warm bed. on the bed watching TV.

Then Han Qian fell asleep again.

Before going to bed, Han Qian cursed himself for being a lazy person, why didn't he wash his face?

It's also Nuan Nuan's fault. He stayed up late at night and pulled Han Qian to watch American TV series on his mobile phone. Later, Nuan Nuan fell asleep and Han Qian became addicted to watching them.

When I was in a daze, I received a call from Wen Nuan, asking Han Qian to come to the door to help pick up things. He went to the ground to put on his shoes, and squatted sleepily at the door wearing the old man's big cotton-padded jacket. Soon after, Xiaohong's figure appeared. Xiao Hong was followed by a pickup truck, and Han Qian's face turned dark instantly.

How many things did this silly girl buy? Why are the bandits descending from the mountain?

Han Qian's face turned darker when he saw Yu Shici opening the door of the pickup truck and stepping out.

Is she really here? Now Han Qian is scared when he sees Yu Shici. The only difference between this girl and nursery rhyme is that nursery rhyme may drug you, but she is the one who pushes you back when you are awake.

Women are like tigers.

Han Qian said hello to Yu Shici, who sweetly called "Brother Qian", Wen Nuan heartlessly let Han Qian do it, looked at the box in the bed of the pickup truck, Han Qian frowned at Yu Shici road.

"Did you take care of other people's stores?"

Yu Shici stood under the car, raised his head and smiled sweetly.

"It's not as serious as you said. There are a few boxes of gifts that Wen Nuan bought for uncles and aunts. I heard that in rural areas, I am going to visit relatives during the Chinese New Year to give gifts. In case there are children at home, I bought some snacks. Qian Brother, please move slowly while I go get my gift."

Han Qian said angrily.

"Come back, I have so many things."

At this time, the old man came over and glared at Han Qian. The latter gave in decisively and moved the boxes out of the car obediently. Han Qian handed the cigarette box to the old man and sighed.

"Your daughter-in-law bought this for you. I couldn't even smoke a cigarette at that time. You spend more than 20,000 yuan to buy cigarettes. Old man, if you don't smoke, just take them back to me."

The old man ignored Han Qian. He brought more than a dozen cardboard boxes into the house and piled them into a small mountain. Seven or eight sets of clothes were placed on the kang. Yu sat on the kang next to his mother, wearing slippers that were not exposed at all in his poems. With a delicate little box.

"Auntie, try this. It definitely matches your temperament. It was consecrated at the temple. I wish you good health."

Yu Shici held an emerald green bracelet in her hand. Qian'er's mother didn't want to accept it. It was too expensive, but the other children said they went to the temple to beg for it. This...

On the other side, Nuan Nuan took out several jewelry boxes, necklaces, earrings, rings, everything, including six or seven sets of clothes.

Qian'er's mother smiled from ear to ear, coaxing the two little girls from left to right, sighing in her heart why the little girls nowadays are so pretty. Han Qian sat on the stool on the ground in disgust, frowning and muttering.

"Yu Shici, you didn't buy me a New Year's gift? I gave you a car."

Yu Shici was stunned for a moment, then went down to put on her shoes and rummaged through several boxes. After searching for a long time, the woman took out a mink velvet coat, a men's style. Han Qian smiled when he saw this and stood up. After taking off her shirt, Yu Shici smiled and said.

"Uncle, please try this dress. Uncle and aunt, Han Qian has helped me a lot at work. You two must not be polite with these small gifts. I still want to celebrate the New Year here shamelessly."

The old man glanced at Han Qian, who closed his eyes and gritted his teeth and nodded. Only then did the old man take the clothes. Then Yu Shici took out a watch box from the box. Han Qian saw this and said.

"I have a watch, I snatched it from Gaoyi."

"It's not for you. Uncle, please try this watch. It's not expensive."

Yu Shici opened the box and took out the watch. Han Qian squinted at the watch and said in a low voice.

"I've seen this watch before. It's not cheap but costs more than 20,000 yuan."

After the words fell, Wen Nuan sat on the kang and said angrily to Han Qian.

"Shut up and show how much you understand?"

Wen Nuan knew that once he mentioned the price, his parents-in-law would definitely not accept it. After scolding Han Qian, Wen Nuan smiled openly at his parents-in-law.

"Dad, just accept it. Han Qian takes great care of Xiaoci. The car he gave to Xiaoci costs hundreds of thousands. Just accept this watch. Otherwise, Han Qian, give it to you." Give that watch to Dad, you take this."

Han Qian quickly covered his wrist and said angrily.

"No! I'm expensive. I don't care what you bought for my parents. I want to ask what you bought for me!"

Wen Nuan's face became nervous and he hid his head in her mother-in-law's arms. Yu Shici was also a little embarrassed and lowered his head and whispered.

"I forgot about you. Didn't Cai Qinghu also come to celebrate the New Year? You asked her to bring you a gift, aunt! Look at Han Qian, he is mean to me. It seems that she doesn't want me to spend the New Year with you here. Otherwise, I will still Go abroad.”

While talking, she lay down on the kang and took Qian'er's mother's hand and rubbed her cheek. Qian'er's mother comforted her and said softly.

"Xiao Ci will celebrate the New Year at home. It is not Han Qian's turn to have the final say in this family. Han Qian, please pack up the bedding and go to the concierge. Let Xiao Nuan and Shi Ci live in the same room."

Han Qian was so angry that his mouth trembled and he said angrily.

"Why me? I am your biological son! I won't go."

Qian'er's mother frowned and said coldly.

"Am I discussing with you? I'm just telling you, by the way, you and your dad should take a look and buy a pig. The pig killing will be more lively during the Chinese New Year. Aren't there still children coming over?"

After the words fell, Wen Nuan and Yu Shishi raised their heads and looked at Qian'er's mother at the same time. At this moment, they felt that Qian'er's mother had a sacred light on her body, and finally someone could take care of Han Qian.

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