Chapter 415

Hiding behind a tree, Han Qian saw the wild boar. Blood was flowing on the wild boar's body and it was hitting the tree crazily. Han Qian couldn't see clearly in the darkness, but he heard a muffled sound.


rifle? silencer? Isn’t the tranquilizer gun in the hands of their two grandsons?

Han Qian hid behind the tree and did not dare to move. He was afraid of provoking the wild boar that was already crazy. He was also worried that the two madmen hiding in the darkness would shoot at him. He was not sure yet who was here. who.

"Master Lin, what's the point of using a gun all the time? This beast won't live long, what kind of man is he if he doesn't go out and stab him twice?"


Then he could feel the snow falling on the trees. Lin Zongheng fired without hesitation at the location where the sound came from. Liu Shengge leaned behind the tree and laughed loudly as he listened to the sound of bullets hitting the trees.

"Lin, you bastard, you really dare to shoot. You only have one bullet left. Don't be in a hurry. Let's take our time."

Lin Zongheng was also hiding behind a tree. Their prey was not the dying wild boar, but each other. Lin Zongheng checked the bullets in the magazine and sarcastically said.

"Mad Dog Han has entered the mountain. If I kill you, will your Liu family take crazy revenge on Han Qian? Behind Han Qian are your mortal enemies Qian Ling, Boss Tu, Yan Qingqing, Liu Guangming, and even Cui Li , I really want to see this war! As for me keeping the bullet in myself, this mad dog taught me a lesson at the Swan Lake Hotel. It is not unfair at all to hook a cannon."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, admit it? You hired Gou Dapao to trouble Han Qian? So you and Feng Lun are in the same group? Lin Wugui, you are hiding very deep! Now that your bodyguard has been abolished, if Han Qian will be the first to kill you when he sees you. How about we work together to kill Han Qian first? How about that?"

If the gun in his hand was real, Han Qian would shoot Liu Shengge without hesitation. Is this human talk? But he doesn't have time to take care of Liu Shengge now, because the wild boar is coming towards him.

Without thinking, Han Qian took out the anesthetic gun and shot the wild boar in the head. Han Qian was careless. The animal was covered in grease and mud, and the anesthetic gun could not penetrate it. Moreover, the wild boar also noticed him. Han Qian threw away the gun in his hand and climbed up the tree. The movement here was also separated by the gap between the two guys in the tree.

Two beams of light came over, and Han Qian covered his eyes and said angrily.

"Don't look at me. Do you believe I will give you two a shot? Whoever falls down now will die. Lin Wugui, I suggest you give your bullet to Liu Diaoji. If he goes down, he will definitely be eaten by a wild boar. No one will A gunshot wound was found.”

"Hahaha, Mad Dog Han, you are right!"

Lin Zongheng laughed loudly and pulled the trigger. Then Han Qian almost fell from the tree. Lin Zongheng shot him. In this dark forest, there is no surveillance, no human or material evidence. Anyone who falls will be arrested. Wild boars kill and even eat them.

Han Qian lay on the branch of a tree, breathing heavily, and gritted his teeth in a low voice.

"When this wild boar dies, if I don't kill you two, you two won't be able to get out of here properly."

Liu Shengge shouted.

"Han Qian, Gou Dapao is Lin Zongheng's man. He and Feng Lun are in the same group."

Han Qian cursed angrily.

"You know how stupid I am, I was there when Feng Lun treated Lin Zongheng like a dog. They are in the same group, and Qian Huan is your biological father."

Lin Zongheng really regrets that he didn't kill Han Qian with that shot. Doesn't it show how much you know?

Gradually, the wild boar under the tree stopped moving and died of excessive bleeding. Han Qian jumped directly from the tree and went to touch the anesthetic gun. As soon as his hand touched the gun, Lin Zongheng rushed over and tackled Han Qian. He fell down, and then got up to pick up the anesthesia gun. Whoever has the gun in his hand at this time can take the initiative. The end of being anesthetized here is death.

At this time, Liu Shengge and his bodyguard also rushed over. The bodyguard threw Lin Zongheng down and pinned him down. Liu Shengge picked up the gun on the ground, pointed it at Han Qian, and shouted angrily.

"Squat down!"

Han Qian, who was about to stand up, slowly squatted down and Liu Shengge said again.

"Han Qian, I'll give you a chance. Now go chop Lin Zongheng with a knife. If you kill him, give me the shares in Lin Mengde's hands. If you succeed, I will give you half."

Han Qian raised his head and said angrily.

"Do you think I'm stupid? If I kill Lin Zongheng, you will fucking kill me right away. Wen Shu has left the shopping mall for many years, and you will fucking swallow up Yan Qingqing and Qian Ling's shares soon. Next One goal is warmth.”

The cold barrel of the gun was fixed on Han Qian's chest, Liu Shengge said sarcastically.

"The dose of an anesthetic is enough to make a cow sleep for more than two hours. As long as you sleep here for thirty minutes, all the heat in your body will be lost, and you will become stiff in an hour. The blood of the wild boar will attract many winters." Animals and wild beasts that cannot find food, Han Qian, you choose it yourself."

Han Qian touched the short knife behind his waist and gritted his teeth.

"You go and kill Lin Zongheng, and I will ask Wen Nuan to cooperate with you to take Lin Mengde's shares."

"No, no, no, Han Qian, please stop lying to me. If I kill Lin Zongheng, you will have nothing to do with me. Then you will drag Qian Ling, Wen Nuan and Yan Qingqing to deal with me, a lonely person? I I’ll give you one last chance, Han Qian, do it or not.”

Han Qian raised his head and glanced at Lin Zongheng in the distance, and took a deep breath.

"You know now that you are alone? Gao Jingxing is not from your camp. He only cares about money. I gave him shares, and he regarded me as a relative."

Liu Shengge said lightly.

"I no longer need my relatives and friends a long time ago. Are you stalling for time? I advise you to give up. I only have a signal gun on me. They will not come up if they don't receive the signal. Now I order you , I asked you to kill Lin Zongheng!"

Han Qian took a deep breath and sighed as he looked at Liu Shengge who was slowly retreating.

"You like to control other people's lives and make you think you are God, in order to satisfy your inner perverted desires. Is it uncomfortable to be inhumane? I have been a virgin for more than 20 years and I am not as perverted as you, right?"

"I'm asking you to take action! I'm not asking you to reason with me..."


Liu Shengge was speechless. A dagger passed through his ribs behind him. Lin Zongheng stood behind Liu Shengge with blood on his face and said with a ferocious smile.

"Confidence? Ignorance? You all know that he is stalling for time. Is he looking down on me?"


Liu Shengge underestimated Lin Zongheng. He would never know that a mad dog like Han Qian did not take much advantage in Lin Zongheng's hands. Lin Zongheng's nose was bruised and his face was swollen. Han Qian's breathing hurt. A bodyguard could easily kill anyone with a knife. Lin Zongheng?

Is the eldest master of the Lin family really the trash you see?

The answer is obvious.

The severe pain made it difficult for Liu Shengge to breathe. He endured the severe pain and struggled to speak.

"Lin Zongheng, you don't dare to kill me."

"Yes! I really don't dare to kill you, but Han Qian dares. There is no surveillance here, no..."


Liu Shengge pulled the trigger, and the anesthesia needle shot out and pierced Han Qian's chest. Liu Shengge said with a sinister smile.

"Han... has... anesthetics in his body... He will faint soon. He can't... can't kill me, and you can't plant rice, because only you are the healthiest. I die." Yes, you are the biggest target of suspicion."

Lin Zongheng was struggling. If the bodyguard was around, he could let the bodyguard take action, but he didn't know whether his bodyguard was alive or dead now. Lin Zongheng pushed Liu Shengge away and said ferociously.

"Then you two don't live anymore. I will wait here to watch you being torn apart by wild beasts."

He walked towards Han Qian, who had just pulled out the anesthesia needle from his chest. Seeing Lin Zongheng walking towards him, Han Qian stood up, pulled out the short knife behind him, and said in a low voice.

"You want to kill me?"

"I wanted to kill you a long time ago! I was going to kill you when I knew Wen Nuan was going to marry you. You ruined my good deeds. I didn't get the shares of Wen Family Twenty-Seven. As long as a fool like Wen Nuan marries me, she will resign and stay home the next day. I want to kill you more than Liu Shengge. Don't worry, I won't let you hurt. I don't dare to kill you, but here The beast dares.”

While talking, Lin Zongheng took out an anesthetic from the anesthetic gun.

At this time, Han Qian no longer hesitated. The longer it took, the worse it would be for him. The sleepiness caused by the anesthetic had already hit his head. Han Qian pounced on Lin Zongheng without even thinking, moving clumsily in the snow. , Lin Zongheng picked up the anesthesia rifle on the ground and hit Han Qian's dagger. The dagger flew away, causing severe pain in his right hand.

Then Lin Zongheng kicked Han Qian in the chest. Han Qian was kicked to the ground. Lin Zongheng picked up the dagger and stepped forward, leaning over to stab Han Qian. The latter lay in the snow and raised his legs with all his strength. He kicked Lin Zongheng in the chest with all his strength, and the latter stumbled backwards. At some point, Liu Shengge stood behind Lin Zongheng. The knife in his hand had already penetrated Lin Zongheng's body, roaring ferociously.

"We all die together."

Liu Shengge and Lin Zongheng were all lying on the ground. Han Qian breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and staggered towards Liu Shengge and Lin Zongheng. Liu Shengge had a tranquilizer gun on his body, and Lin Zongheng did not dare to kill Liu Shengge and Han Qian. Han Qian also didn't dare to let these two guys die. If they died, no one would be able to withstand the pressure.


Han Qian fell down next to Liu Shengge, groping for the flare gun on his body behind him.

Found it, Han Qian breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, there was a stinging pain on the left side of his neck. Han Qian quickly rolled to avoid it, but still failed. Lin Zongheng's mouth was full of blood, and he laughed ferociously.

"If you die together, you can't live alone."

The intravenous anesthesia made Han Qian feel trapped in his mind, or to be precise, he was in a coma.

Han Qian held the signal gun and fired. He didn't know whether it was the sky or the snow.

The three of them fainted in the snow in the mountains.

In temperatures of 20 to 30 degrees below zero, they would die in just one hour, not to mention two were seriously injured and one overdosed on anesthetics.

1 million words

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