After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 394 Is this serious business?

"You just went over and apologized? Then the matter was resolved?"

Nuan Nuan held the bowl and watched Han Qian perform the apology scene during the day in the living room. Han Qian, who said it in detail, returned to the dining table and nodded vigorously.

"Yes, this Golden Retriever is also very reasonable. Besides, I understand your ex-husband's feelings and reason with you, so the matter is over. Let's eat and eat."

In Han Qian's description, Pierce is a magnanimous person, and Han Qian is a good boy who corrects his mistakes when he knows they are wrong. He almost calls them brothers. Wen Nuan looked at Han Qian suspiciously while holding the bowl. She always felt that The matter was not that simple, but after it was solved, she didn't bother to ask anymore.

Putting a piece of meat in Han Qian's bowl, Han Qian put a piece of rape leaf for Wen Nuan with his backhand. Wen Wen immediately got angry and glared at Han Qian fiercely. He took the rape in his mouth and bit it in small mouths, as if he was angry. rabbit.

Seeing that Han Qian didn't respond, Nuan Nuan put down the bowl, took a deep breath, and whispered.

"I won't argue with you."


Han Qian was amused, raised his head and looked at Wen Nuan and smiled.

"It's just some rapeseed. Why does it feel like you're taking poison? The nutrition must be balanced. Come on, eat some more cauliflower."

Wen Wen didn't refuse cauliflower, she just didn't like eating green vegetables. Wen Wen ate with big mouthfuls, and there was nothing ladylike about it. After finishing the bowl of rice, she handed the rice bowl to Han Qian.

"Here's a bowl. Because of you, Shici and I didn't eat at noon. By the way, there's something I want to tell you, because I have to leave the company early to go to my mother-in-law's house to celebrate the New Year. Do you know this?"

Han Qian filled half a bowl of rice and placed it in front of Nuan Nuan, and said solemnly with a dark face.

"Your mother-in-law is my mother, how could I not know this?"

Wen Nuan, who didn't think his words were wrong, picked up the meat in the dish and said while eating.

"Then what Lao Wen means is to get together with his relatives at home in two days. They are Lao Wen's relatives. You..."

"Not going."

Han Qian's answer was very straightforward and was as expected by Wen Nuan. Lao Wen's relatives were not very impressive. Most of them relied on Lao Wen's business to survive, which was far behind their mother-in-law's side.

Before the divorce, Han Qian would go to this family gathering every year before and after the Chinese New Year. He also became the protagonist of the gathering. Ridicule and sarcasm were unavoidable, especially those of the same generation, who all flattered Wen Nuan and would say the next sentence. In one sentence, Han Qian, the brother-in-law or brother-in-law, is not worthy of warmth.

He even introduced his boyfriend to Nuan Nuan in front of Han Qian.

Han Qian looked down on these people and hated them in his heart. If they were not Wen Nuan's relatives, he would have wanted to catch them and beat them up. Wen Wen ate all the meat in the vegetables and started to face the fish on the table. Take action.

This fish was prepared by the landlady in the evening and delivered to her. Wen Nuan was not interested in other people's dishes. The main reason was that there was no meat. He put a piece of fish in Han Qian's bowl. Han Qian didn't even think about picking it up and sending it to him. After putting it in his mouth, he saw Wen Nuan glaring at him angrily. Han Qian closed his mouth and sighed helplessly, picked up a piece of fish, picked out the thorns and put it in the warm bowl. The girl smiled.

There is no future at all.

"Brother Qian~ Go ahead and slap them in the face. You are a big shot now."

"I won't go. If it's my relatives from my mother's side, I don't mind coming, but forget it from my father's side. I don't plan to go out with them in the future. I feel like it's a waste of time to see them. Just go and tell dad." I'm relatively busy."

"What are you busy with?"

"Liu Guangming is waiting to sign the second-phase contract with me. Didn't this guy fund supplies for sanitation workers? The response has been good. I'm thinking of making an investment so that I can have peace of mind about the land for the second-phase project. Luo Shande has also made an appointment with me recently. I don’t know what’s going on, I’ll go home in less than a week, I’ll finish my work early and feel at ease.”

"Hey, get busy, get busy, it's going to rain, and mom is getting married. When you grow up, my sister won't care about you anymore."

"Get lost."

After the meal, Wen Wen took the initiative to ask Ying to wash the dishes. Han Qian didn't stop him. He sat on the sofa and cut his fingernails. His nails were not left at all, they were all cut bald. This habit was developed by Wen Wen after he got married. He used Wen Wen to In other words, it is okay for boys to have long nails, but if the nails are not clean, they will lose marks.

Just when he put down his nail clippers to go see Nuan Nuan, Wu Qingsi called. Han Qian answered the phone and said in a high voice.

"Hello, Mr. Han is busy and can't answer the phone. I'll hang up now."

"If you dare to hang up, I will tell Pierce to stop cooperating with Changxiang. You try."

"Wu Qingsi, try it. You have signed a contract with Glory. If you dare to let Pierce run away, I will beat you."

"Hey, hey, let's not talk about whether you can beat me. It's clearly written in the contract. As long as you, Han Qian, use force on me, our contract will be deemed to have been broken by you! Oops! My great savior, this is not asking you for anything. Don’t you want a New Year’s gift? Why are you so angry?”

Wu Qingsi's voice is very nice, soft and waxy, and she sounds like she is coquettish when she talks normally.

It's a pity that this is of little use to Han Qian, Han Qian half-lying on the sofa pouted.

"Don't you have to come here in mid-January? By that time, my brother is no longer in the city, so I won't need this New Year's gift. You should work hard to make up for the money you lost in Qinghu. Are you the one who deceives your best friend like you? ?”

While we were chatting, Wen Nuan came to the living room. He squatted by the sofa and put his ear to the phone to listen. Han Qian pushed Wen Wen's head, and Wen Wen immediately picked up the nail clippers and pointed them at Han Qian.

Full of threats.

Wu Qingsi spoke softly and waxily.

"I'm just thinking about discussing this money-making matter with Han Daxiong. My studio is planning to make a movie based on the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala."

Han Qian replied without thinking.

"I can't act. I might need to learn this."

Then a faint voice came from the phone.

"You misunderstood. I just want to ask you about the specific things that happened at the party. Maybe Feng Lun doesn't know as much as you do."

"You mean, I want to tell you the details of the matter, and then you are looking for a screenwriter to adapt it, right?"


"Bye, I'm not interested."

Han Qian was not uninterested, but was so annoyed by Wen Nuan. The girl was lying on the imperial concubine's couch, swaying her little feet and laughing so hard that she couldn't get up. When Han Qian hung up the phone, Wen Nuan looked at Han Qian and said seriously.

"I can learn, you misunderstood, hahahaha, you also have a hot love but a cold butt, Brother Qian, would you like my sister to sign you up for a class, hahaha."

Han Qian sat cross-legged on the sofa, waiting for warmth, and replied angrily.

"Why are you laughing? Don't laugh! Xiao Nuan, tell me, if Wu Qingsi is good at seizing the opportunity, there will definitely be many people curious about the details and inside story of this matter. She is so popular, can I take advantage of it to make money? One stroke.”

Wen Nuan smiled and nodded.

"You can think about it yourself, I'll take a shower."

At night, Han Qian was lying on the bed thinking about whether to agree to Wu Qingsi. When he was struggling, a burst of milk fragrance came into his nose, and Nuan Nuan lay beside Han Qian. He looked at Han Qian with a pair of big eyes and whispered.

"Han Qian."

Han Qian frowned and replied seriously.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

Wen Nuan nodded vigorously, Han Qian sat up and spoke in a low voice.

"What's wrong."

"I want to eat popsicles."

Han Qian tilted his head and looked at Wen Nuan, then slapped Wen Wen on his buttocks and said angrily.

"Is this serious business?"

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