As the end of the year approaches, Nuan Nuan is very busy. She is preparing for the end of the year meeting. After this meeting, she will be ready to hand over the matters in hand to Lao Wen. She will sneak away for vacation early.

I have never had a good rest after working at Changxiang for so many years, and Nuan Nuan is looking forward to this annual vacation.

Yu's poetry is helping to warm up.

The two girls were busy and tired, looking forward to the holiday. It was the seventh time that Yu Shici entered the warm office again. She picked up a warm cup of water and gasped.

"We have begun to try to implement the hospital's planning and operation model, but the operations department seems to be unsatisfactory and not too concerned about this matter. My dear Miss Nuan, please let me take a break, take a break."

Nuan Nuan held his chin with his hands, looked at Yu Shici, and whispered.

"Shi Ci, I will leave these things to you after I leave the company. This year's holiday is scheduled for New Year's Eve. I will send you a seat then, so you can go find me."


Yu Shici looked at Nuan Nuan in astonishment and spoke word by word.

"You want me to go to Han Qian's house? Are you not sick?"

Nuan Nuan replied heartlessly.

"Let's go. Your family is not in China. Do you want to go abroad during the Chinese New Year? I will call you to discuss this matter. Have you prepared year-end bonuses and red envelopes for employees?"

Yu Shici nodded and replied seriously.

"The Finance Department has given a rough figure, about three million. Does it need to be reduced?"

Nuan Nuan waved his hand and sighed.

"What did the president say?"

"No reply yet."

"First give it to the staff in the departments I manage. Ignore the president's side for now. Give a little more to the managers of each department. Then you prepare gifts for each shareholder. You represent me."

"I understand. Three people who know the hospital very well will come over in the afternoon. I heard they are friends from Cai Qinghu."

Yu Shici got up and left the office. Looking at the hospital plan in her hand, Nuan Nuan felt uncertain.

On the other side, Yan Qingqing and Ji Jing are preparing for the Glory annual meeting. The hotel is set in Guancanghai, their own hotel. To put it bluntly, this annual meeting is to distribute money to employees, report work to the leaders, and make a year-end summary. Yan Qingqing has been calling the shots for the past few years, and Yan Qingqing also has some headaches. She is just a part-time worker every year and just wants to complete the work. Now that she has become a shareholder of Glory, she also has some headaches.

Yan Qingqing sighed, picked up the documents on the table, and said softly.

"Go downstairs to find Gao Xiuxi."

Now Han Qian and Gao Qingqing are very close, and Yan Qingqing doesn't want to make the relationship too tense with him, so she doesn't give him a chance every year. Now that he has become a shareholder, and he is also the vice president, he must give him some face no matter what.

Yan Qingqing was not used to suddenly becoming a shareholder, and Gao Jingxing was not used to it either.

He found that the only difference between being a shareholder and a vice president was that he made more money, and nothing else seemed to have changed. Was he deceived by Han Qian? When he was confused and entangled, the secretary came to report that Mr. Yan was here.

Yan Qingqing walked into the office, Gao Xingxing stood up to greet her, Yan Qingqing smiled.

"Director Gao, if you are not busy, could you please discuss the annual meeting?"

Gao Xingxing smiled with his signature smile.

"Mr. Yan, it's better to call me Vice President Gao. I'm not used to it when I suddenly become a director."

As he spoke, he waved to his secretary to prepare tea. After Yan Qingqing sat down, Gao Xingchen said.

"Mr. Yan doesn't always make the decision on this annual meeting every year. Why do you suddenly come to ask me today?"

Yan Qingqing was a little ashamed and whispered.

"I suddenly became a shareholder, and I'm not used to it. I don't know how to prepare for this year's meeting, hey!"

Yan Qingqing sighed, and Gao Xingchen closed his eyes and sighed similarly.


Then they both raised their heads at the same time and said in unison.

"Look for Han Qian!"

It's a pity that Han Qian refused them.

At this moment, Han Qian really didn't have time to talk about their annual meeting. He was caught by a phone call from Qian Ling in the early morning and asked for questioning. Qian Ling seemed to have disappeared since the last party. Han Qian really didn't dare not go when he was suddenly summoned.

Lying on the sofa at Qian Ling's house, she and Qian Wan were arguing without a word. Qian Wan wanted to play games with Han Qian. With Su Liang and Li Li, the four of them could form a small team. Qian Wan was grand. He said that she would come alone to recharge and have fun together.

Han Qian curled his lips and refused to play, claiming that games were a waste of time. Qian Wan loudly reported to Qian Ling that Han Qian was playing games at work. Qian Ling looked at the two children and smiled helplessly.

"You two started arguing since early in the morning. Are you tired? You two will study the game later. Han Qian, let me show you something."

The folder was thrown into Han Qian's arms. He quickly sat up and glanced at Qian Ling suspiciously. Then he opened the file bag. When he saw the photos inside, Han Qian was stunned. He turned his head to look at Qian Ling and asked curiously. road.

"Auntie, where did you get this thing? This is enough to put Gou Dapao on the wanted list."

Qian Ling smiled lightly.

"It's very simple. As long as you have money, there is nothing you can't do. As long as you are a living person, you will definitely come into contact with other people. If you find these people, you can spend some money to find him. I also investigated Gou Dapao. According to the case record, the female prosecutor disappeared that year, which resulted in Gou Dapao not being sentenced to life and the death penalty. Now it is certain that the female prosecutor died in her hands. With the influence of you and Cai Qinghu, this case can be retried. Cheng Jin will be very willing to do this."

In front of Qian Ling, Han Qian was too lazy to think, tilted his head and asked.


Qian Ling glanced at Han Qian and frowned.

"Think for yourself."

Han Qian didn't hesitate for a moment and spoke.

"Auntie, you mean that Cheng Jin now thinks that he has not done enough and he wants more achievements to maintain his image? If I guessed correctly, the female prosecutor was from the province, right? The province is very dissatisfied with the outcome of the Gou Dapao case. Although ten years have passed, the province has not made much mobilization. The people who originally focused on this case are still there. Cheng Jin wants the support of the people and also wants to give the province How about selling one here?"

Qian Ling shrugged, and Han Qian said again after seeing this.

"Then who was the prosecutor who cooperated with the city? Don't tell me it was Feng Zhida, he is already dead? Huh? It means that Feng Zhida used to engage in favoritism and cheated to save Gou Dapao, but now Feng Zhida is dead. Wait a minute, aunt. I organized the language, I thought about it, but I can’t speak it.”

Qian Wan, who was playing games on the side, sighed when he heard this, closed his laptop and looked at Han Qian helplessly.

"That is to say, Feng Zhida's death may have something to do with Gou Dapao. Regardless of whether it is related or not, as long as you catch Gou Dapao, you will know who hired him to cause trouble for you. Why do you worry so much? As long as you can catch Gou Dapao. , no wonder you always get hurt, you just worry too much."

Han Qian turned around and glared at Qian Wan, then Qian Ling smiled.

"Wanwan is right, you do have a lot to worry about."

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Qian's cell phone rang, and Nuan Nuan sent a text message.

[Brother Qian, I'm in a dead end and can't get out. Come and save me. I don't know what to do in the hospital. 】

Putting down his phone, Han Qian stood up and said helplessly.

"I don't want to worry about it either? If Wenwen, Qingqing and the others come here and they can live up to their expectations, I really want to go home and farm."

Qian Ling looked at Han Qian, narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"Han Qian, which girl are you going to marry? I heard that you gave Qingqing 8% of the shares as a breakup fee, but Qingqing didn't break up. What's wrong? Are you in love?"

Han Qian stood up and sat down again. He had a headache when he mentioned this matter and groaned.

"I used this to deceive Gao Xingxing. I wanted to make him think that after I gave Yan Qingqing the shares, Qingqing would have no backing. Who would have thought that I would dig a hole and jump in? It gives me a terrible headache."

Qian Ling ignored Han Qian's headache and smiled again.

"What about the little girl who called you husband? That little girl was very domineering that night at the party. She held a pistol to Gouda Pao's head."

Cai Qinghu!

Han Qian collapsed on the sofa and groaned.

"I can't help it if she likes to call her that, and I can't sew her mouth shut."

Qian Ling said again with a smile.

"There is also a little girl from the Wen family, who was as famous as Huan'er, the little golden dragon and little phoenix in the city, but she was seduced by you, a little loach, and ran away."

"Auntie~ I'm not a little loach, I've already grown my claws, and let's talk about marrying Nuannuan~~ She took the initiative to find me, there's nothing I can do about it! Your nephew, I am so charming."

"I think you look like a baby fish. If you have anything to do, go get busy and get out!"

"As you command!"

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