After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 363 My mouth has its own thoughts

"Old Wei, you are serious about this matter. You are close to Mr. Han. Please help go over and persuade him. How could this boy Dongsheng harass Yang Lan? Do you think so?"

Liu Guangming tried to smooth things over with a smile, Li Dahai's face looked extremely lonely, and Wei Tiancheng replied with a smile.

"This matter, Han Qian told me when he came here. I can guarantee that I will help with this matter and persuade Han Qian with all my heart, but I can't guarantee whether it will work. Let's have a few drinks first and wait for a while. I took advantage of my drunkenness to find out more about Han Qian."

After drinking a large glass of red wine, Liu Guangming winked at Wei Tiancheng, who took the red wine and poured it for Li Dahai and sighed.

"Director Li, if you don't say that the child is at fault, you can't provoke Han Qian, a lunatic. Han Qian and I met because of my ignorant daughter. Alas. Alas? The girl that Director Li brought today is ?”

Li Dahai sighed while holding the wine glass and said softly.

"She's Dongsheng's girlfriend. I heard that she used to be Yang Lan's employee. I came here today to ask Yang Lan about the conditions under which Dongsheng can be let go. This rebellious kid in my family has been spoiled by his mother. Now this happened. Where can I put my face when it comes to business matters? I have to leave it to Director Wei, I respect you."

Li Dahai raised his head and drank the wine. He had used all the connections he could use in the past few days. But as soon as the people at the Yamen Gate heard that this matter had something to do with Han Qian, they immediately hung up the phone and turned off the phone when they called again. .

Now everyone knows that Feng Lun told Han Qian the secret, who would offend Han Qian for Li Dahai?

Money is a good thing, you have to spend it when you have the chance.

After drinking, Wei Tiancheng put down his glass and took a deep breath.

"Since Old Liu said it, I, Wei Tiancheng, will go to Yang Lan to test his tone first. I'll excuse you."

Wei Tiancheng left, Luo Shande and Gao Xiuxing walked over side by side, Luo Shande deliberately teased.

"I heard that Director Li has encountered some troubles recently? Need a favor?"

Gao Xingcheng looked at Luo Shande and cursed with a smile.

"Lao Luo, please stop making trouble. I deliberately chose to come here with Han Qian today to help Director Li solve the problem. I am bringing you here to ask you if there is any way to intercede. The five days of detention are coming soon. We're here, but Cai Qinghu said that the current atmosphere in the city is not good, and if there is another incident of a dude abusing the staff, she should carefully investigate the atmosphere in the city. This may mean that Mr. Li needs to stay a few more days."

After hearing this, Luo Shande smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"I can't afford to offend Cai Qinghu. This woman has a lot of abilities in the province. Her biggest support is her best friend who is well-known in the entertainment industry. You also know the fanaticism of fans, but! This matter is also It’s not that there is no turning point. Han Qian and I are getting closer. This guy owes four million and is in a hurry. If Director Li is willing, I’ll talk to Han Qian. It doesn’t take much. Giving him one million is about the same thing.”

After finishing his words, Liu Guangming frowned.

"One million? Does this count as money? I'm out of it. Lao Luo, you have agreed that after we have a toast, it will be considered a signature and a pledge."

"Okay! Drink and drink."

Another full glass of red wine.

On the other side, Wei Tiancheng had already walked to Wen Nuan. He turned his back to Li Dahai and got a glass of water. He stood next to Yang Lan and said softly.

"Li Dahai is very anxious now. He asked me to come over and persuade you. No matter what he says for a while, you can smooth things over, talk politely, and tell him what we are talking about tomorrow. Team leader Yang has a good drinking capacity, right? Remember to drink some wine, here It’s one of Han Qian’s plans.”

Yang Lan looked into the distance and whispered.

"Han Qian's plan? What are you going to do?"

Wei Tiancheng smiled.

"I can't tell you this, and I don't know the details. The favor I owed Han Qian has now been repaid, so I'm sorry."

Li Dahai noticed the conversation between Wei Tiancheng and Yang Lan here. Looking at Yang Lan's smile, he felt confident. At this time, Han Qian, Liu Shengge and others separated and were walking towards Nuannuan. Seeing this, Luo Shande put down Wine glass, said softly.

"I'm going to stop Han Qian first. Director Li, you can go check out Yang Lan's tone. I see that Director Wei has gone over there, and your daughter-in-law seems to be very familiar with Yang Lan. Go over and try out Yang Lan's tone yourself."

One ring after another.

But just as Li Dahai was walking towards Yang Lan, the toasters had already stopped him, mostly asking about Mr. Ling.

It’s true that good things don’t go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles.

Han Qian put his arm around Luo Shande's shoulders and gritted his teeth.

"I must kill these two grandsons, Liu Shengge and Lin Zongheng. They are smiling on the surface, but they are trying to kill me. Find out who the old guys around them are and how is the situation going?"

Luo Shande helped Han Qian lower his head and said.

"There are no accidents for now. Can you believe that girl Wu Siguan?"

Han Qian felt his stomach churn and gritted his teeth.

"She is a brave man who receives a heavy reward. Even if Li Dahai said that she would take care of the business in the future, she would not be moved. With Zhang Qin's mother-in-law, no woman, no matter how good, can stand it, huh? Huh? Huh? Lao Luo , who is that woman next to my father-in-law?"

As he spoke, Han Qian looked at the railing on the second floor and saw his father-in-law smiling like a flower. Standing in front of him was a woman in her forties or fifties. Hmm... very charming. When she was young, She should be as beautiful as Wen Nuan and the others.

Luo Shande also raised his head, frowned for a long time, and said with a frown.

"I don't know you, but I think your father-in-law seems to be a little in love with you."

"Liang Yang, your sister, I...burp...I'll go find Cheng Jin after this is over, I'll change the steps for you at the risk of my life, and give this to Wu Siguan."

Han Qian took out a room card from his pocket and handed it to Luo Shande, then staggered towards the second floor. Han Qian was injured and had been busy during the day without eating anything. The most important thing was this red wine. He's not used to it.

It's not so sore, but it's quite strong.

Wen Nuan saw something was wrong with Han Qian, so he trotted after him on high heels. When Han Qian walked up the luxurious stairs to the second floor, Wen Nuan caught up with Han Qian. He was not used to the warmth and effort of high heels. He supported Han Qian, wiped Han Qian's mouth with a handkerchief, and blamed him softly.

"Why did you drink so much? It's been less than an hour."

Han Qian gritted his teeth and said.

"Lin Dawangba and Liu Diaoji teamed up to trick me. They are used to red wine, and I am not used to this stuff. There are also a few old guys who seem to be shareholders of Changxiang. I want to give you a step forward."

"Oh, don't worry about me now. Slow down."

The warmth at this time was really warm. He helped Han Qian go up to the second floor. When he walked up the last step, Han Qian gently broke away from Wen Nuan's support, shook his head and straightened his waist, holding on to Wen Nuan. With his little hand, he strode towards the crowd on the second floor.

You can't get drunk at this time. You can do whatever you want in front of your mother-in-law and father-in-law, but you just can't get drunk.

This is the education and experience of the old man.

Han Qian pulled Nuan Nuan forward and said softly.


Li Jinhe hummed and seemed to be in a bad mood. Han Qian felt something was wrong, then looked at Qian Ling and grinned.


This voice sounded a bit coquettish, Qian Ling frowned and smiled bitterly.

"Drink a lot."

Han Qian chuckled, let go of his slightly warm hand, walked behind Wen She, and grinned.

"Dad, is this my little mother-in-law?"

After saying this, Han Qian waved his hand and slapped himself. No, that's not what he wanted to say. It should be, 'Dad, is this aunt Xiao Nuan's elder? ’ Then why did it become, ‘Dad, is this my little mother-in-law? ’

Seeing Lao Wen's fists clenched, Han Qian panicked, but now he seemed to have his own ideas and spoke.

"Dad, go on, you are not romantic... eh?"

Wen Nuan pressed Han Qian's head and forced him to bow his head and bow, saying awkwardly.

"Aunt Xian, he drank too much. Han Qian, please apologize."

"Daughter-in-law~, I want to vomit."

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