After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 356 It’s time to take action

Su Liang's sudden appearance did not surprise Li Dongsheng who was holding his legs. He did not think that the two people he was looking for could not defeat Han Qian and Su Liang. Moreover, Han Qian was already seriously injured, but he underestimated Su Liang's methods. .

The broken wooden mop rod was sharp. Su Liang rushed forward and grabbed the man whose arm was stabbed by Han Qian with a ballpoint pen. The next second, the sharp mop rod directly pierced the guy's shoulder. .

The blood instantly stained the man's white shirt. Another man rushed over to help. As soon as he took a step, he stopped in place. At this moment, Han Qian appeared behind him with his face covered in blood, holding down the man's hand. The shoulder forced him to turn around, and then he gave him a headbutt.

The guy was stunned. Su Liang put his foot in the crook of the man's calf. The man immediately knelt on the ground. At this moment, Han Qian had already raised his knee.

One front tooth was broken and his mouth was full of blood.

Perfect fit.

Under this situation, Han Qian did not let go of the man. He grabbed him and started dragging him, faster and faster, and then smashed his head directly against the window, while the other man was already beaten by Su Liang. He threw him down, stepped on his chest, and shook the mop pole in his hand.

Han Qian walked over step by step, stood in front of this guy and whispered.

"Have you ever seen football played?"

After saying that, he kicked the man on the head and fainted instantly. Han Qian breathed a sigh of relief. When he turned his head, he saw that Li Dongsheng had opened the door of the office and was already halfway out. Han Qian moved his legs without even thinking about it. Just chase.

When Han Qian and Su Liang rushed out of the office, everyone outside the door panicked. These two guys were covered in blood. What happened inside?

The security guards rushed over quickly. Instead of stopping Li Dongsheng, they stopped Han Qian and Su Liang. They even pushed Su Liang to the ground. Han Qian raised his head and let out a roar, then closed his eyes and lay down on the cold ground. On the floor tiles.

Not long after that, the policemen from the Yamenmen came. Unfortunately, Han Qian had already been sent to the hospital. The policemen looked at the two people who had fainted in the office. They were miserable! At this time Su Liang stood up and stretched out his hands.

"I did it all, take me away."

In the hospital, Yang Lan and Li Li stayed with Han Qian's bedside. The doctor said that Han Qian was in good physical condition. The cut on his head required four stitches, and the rest were skin injuries, not serious.

After the anesthesia wore off, Han Qian suddenly sat up from the bed, pulled out the infusion needle in his hand, got out of bed, put on his shoes, and rushed out of the hospital despite the obstructions of Yang Lan and Li Li. He was wearing a hospital gown and stopped him. A taxi, roared.

"Go to the city bureau!"

"Young man, is it you again? I won't charge you today."

It was the uncle who sent Han Qian home after he was discharged from the hospital last time. When he saw an acquaintance, Han Qian sighed softly.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry. My brother might be in danger if I go late."

"Six minutes."

The car was speeding, and Yang Lan was chasing after her in the car, but she still lost her at a traffic light. Yang Lan banged her hands on the keyboard. It was all her fault. Wasn't it Li Dongsheng who scolded her with some unpleasant words and insulted her? Beer, as long as she doesn't cry, Yao Xue won't call Han Qian!

When he arrived at the city bureau, Han Qian rushed upstairs to Li Jinhai's office.

"Second uncle! Let him go!"

Li Jinhai looked at Han Qian with a bandage on his head and wearing hospital clothes, stood up and frowned.

"What's going on? That Su Liang in your company didn't mention you a word, and you got into a fight again? Don't worry, my second uncle is here and won't let you and your friends suffer."

While speaking, Li Jinhai had already walked to Han Qian's side. As soon as he touched Han Qian's back, Han Qian took a breath of cold air. Li Jinhai opened Han Qian's back and became furious.

"what happened?"

Han Qian sat on the sofa and told the whole story. He probably went to work when two men suddenly came out and started beating him. As he spoke, he realized that they were the thugs brought by Li Dongsheng to take revenge. Su Liang rushed back to save him. .

Li Jinhai frowned, took out his mobile phone and made a call. After asking a few simple questions, he frowned and whispered.

"Those two people are still in the hospital. The question now is that you two beat them seriously. I have asked people in the hospital to ask. Do you have evidence to prove that they are Li Dongsheng's people? If so, If they don’t admit it.”

Han Qian raised his head and tilted his head to look at Li Jinhai, frowning.

"Is it okay for someone close to me?"

Li Jinhai closed his eyes and shook his head.


Han Qian frowned.

"That is to say, if! If there is no evidence to prove it, then will Li Dongsheng be fine?"

Li Jinhai sighed and nodded slightly. He believed in Han Qian, but his belief was useless. Han Qian frowned and thought. Now he started to think, and his head felt like it was going to explode. Han Qian stood up and walked to Li Jinhai's door. At the desk, he picked up his cell phone and called Yang Lan.

Han Qian just said one sentence.

"Did Li Dongsheng sexually harass you? Sister Yang! Yes! No! Yes!"

"Han Qian, where are you?"

"I asked you if you were!"


"I'm at the city bureau. You report the crime! Let the witnesses in the office come over."

After hanging up the phone, Han Qian turned to look at Li Jinhai.

"Can you do it by being detained for five days? My second uncle!"


This word was decisive, Han Qian closed his eyes and sighed before saying.

"If the other party doesn't admit that Li Dongsheng instigated it, second uncle, please ask if we can keep it private. If not, I'll call Tu Xiao now and ask Guan Dagou to talk. I admit this beating. I can't fucking let it happen." If my brother goes to jail, we can already cause serious harm to both of us, right?"

Li Jinhai nodded again.

Han Qian closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then picked up the phone and called Qian Wan.

"Big money, go to Changxiang office and get my mobile phone. I'll wait for you at the city bureau."

Put down the phone, turned around and walked towards the door, saying softly.

"Second uncle, I brought Su Liang out first. I will definitely resolve this matter privately. My brother just received the certificate, and it was secretly. We can't let the woman's family know that he went to jail. The other party's medical expenses , I paid for the lost work pay, and after the case is settled, if anything happens to them, will it have nothing to do with me?"

Li Jinhai knew what Han Qian was going to do, but this time he was also very angry and chose to be confused.

"It doesn't matter."

"I know, I'm waiting downstairs with Su Liang, haha! If you hit me, no one will be able to get over it."

Han Qian brought Su Liang out of the interrogation room on the first floor. The two sat in the hall smoking cigarettes. Soon after, Yang Lan came in a hurry, and Han Qian pointed to the second floor and whispered.

"Sister Yang, go to the second floor to report that Li Dongsheng sexually harassed you, and then ask the team to testify against you. Let him go in for a few days. By the time he comes out, the world has become unfamiliar to him."

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