After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 35 The Vice President Meets the Vice President

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Han Qian couldn't stand the atmosphere in the General Department anymore. He was beaten and beaten while doing some work. Han Qian got up and walked out of the General Department. He went to the main entrance to smoke and waited for work. After Han Qian left the General Department, he heard Liu Jiulong He seemed to be a little dissatisfied with these colleagues. Of course, he was doing it for Yang Lan.

Chatting with the little girl at the front desk on the first floor. The little girl didn't dare to have too much contact with Han Qian for fear of getting into trouble. Han Daxian'er was the one who received special care from Mr. Yan.

Standing at the main entrance of Glory, he was about to get a cigarette when a cigarette appeared in front of him. Han Qian turned his head and was slightly startled. Then he smiled and took the cigarette, took out a lighter and lit it for the other party. Then he lit a cigarette for himself and took a deep breath. , the mellow smell entered his lungs, and Han Qian let out a long sigh of relief.

Gao Xing was smiling while looking at the street in the distance. His smile was different from others. When he smiled, his upper and lower teeth were not separated. The old man in the family always said that smiling with bared teeth would make you look stupid, but Han Qian didn't. In Gao Jingxing's body, I found a silly temperament, but a bit of a dissolute ruffian.

"Smoking habit?"

Gao Qianxing asked, but his eyes did not move. It seemed that the cars on the street were more interesting than Han Qian. Han Qian replied with a smile.

"It's easy to go from frugality to luxury. If you want to get used to it, the money in your pocket won't allow it."

Gao Xingxing took a puff of cigarette, blew out the smoke and showed a self-deprecating smile.

"At the beginning, I was thinking the same thing as you. I was working very hard to make a hundred yuan a day. When I saw someone smoking a hundred yuan cigarette, I thought, how much money do they make in a day, but I don't envy it. Because I know I can be like them one day, and it’s not a bad thing for people in their twenties to have a little confidence in themselves.”

"Haha, Mr. Gao is right."

Han Qian didn't know the details of Gao Jinshi and didn't know how to answer. He could only say yes, and Gao Jinshi said with a smile.

"Han Qian, right? You have been in the company for a few days. Honor is more humane than other companies. I think you should be used to it, right? Mr. Yan is young and energetic. He comes from a rural area. He is not as good as the ladies in the city. Please take more care of some things. .”

"Mr. Yan is actually fine. He is also thinking about the company."

Han Qian looked at Gao Jishi and spoke tentatively. Yang Lan said that Gao Jishi and Yan Qingqing were not on good terms, and the company was divided into two factions. Yan Qingqing was Cheng Yaojin who came out halfway, and naturally he could not convince the crowd at his young age. Gao Xi Jinping is the brother-in-law of the largest shareholder. He has been here since the beginning of the company. He naturally has supporters, but is he speaking for Yan Qingqing now?

Gao Jingcheng seemed to pay attention to Han Qian's words, threw away most of the cigarette left in his hand, and smiled.

"The airport's plan is very good, but I don't understand why you would go to work in the General Department. The Planning Department and the Project Department are very suitable for you. No matter how bad the Marketing Department and the Business Department are, you can also control them. The General Department has buried talents. There are It’s not much different from a nursing home. What can a group of people who are despondent about playing with things get together?”

"What Mr. Gao said makes sense. When I first came here, I interviewed in the planning department, but then my contract was suddenly changed and I went to the general department. It's the same wherever I go. It's God's arrangement, as long as I can make money."

"Oh? Did you make President Yan the same person? It's a good idea, but it's a pity that women can only hold up for half a day. If you think this cigarette is good, go to the office to get it from me. I have always been very generous with talents. Besides, the General Department will be disbanded sooner or later."

After finishing his words, Gao Xingxing spoke softly to the distance.

"Do you know who drives a Porsche in our company? Except for Yan Qingqing's eye-catching Raptor, all the company's cars are very low-key."

Han Qian was still thinking about what Gao Jishi had just said. Han Qian, who was suddenly distracted by the topic, followed Gao Jishi's gaze and his face instantly became flattered. Why did Li Jinhe's car drive to the main entrance of Glory? At the same time, a small red BMW 320 parked in front of the company's main entrance. Sun Ya, who was all dressed up, got out of the car with her bag, wearing a white suit that looked a bit stylish.

She came to pick up Gao Fuli. When she saw Gao Fuli and Han Qian standing together, she didn't step forward because she didn't like Han Qian! But then she realized that neither of them were looking at her. Sun Ya frowned and looked at the slowly approaching white Porsche Panamera with hostility.

The car stopped right in front of the small BMW. Han Qian was confused. Should he go down and block Wenwen inside the car and not get out? That would leave Gao Fuli here, otherwise Nuan Wen's appearance would attract attention. When Han Qian was struggling, Gao Fuli spoke.

"Enjoy shareholder Li Jinhe's car? Haha, their relationship with the Wen family is really strong. The license plate is 1234. What's wrong with Li Jinhe coming to Glory?"

Han Qian suddenly realized that the sweat on his forehead became even thicker. Li Jinhe didn't like driving very much. She mostly rode a small electric car when she went out, and occasionally drove the A6. What if it wasn't the warmth in the car that was Li Jinhe? Han Qian panicked immediately, but fortunately the car door hadn't been opened yet.

At this time, the phone rang. Han Qian looked at the phone number and was slightly startled, Yan Qingqing? Pressing the answer button, Han Qian said softly.

"Mr. Yan, please look for me."

Gao Jishi frowned slightly after hearing the word "Mr. Yan", and Yan Qingqing whispered on the phone.

"Gao Xingcheng is wooing you?"

Han Qian frowned slightly and whispered.

"Mr. Yan, I'm going to come out and get some fresh air. I'll be back in a while."

"There's no need to come back in a hurry. Go ask your mother-in-law why she came to Glory? I saw her car."

Han Qian took a deep breath. It seemed that Yan Qingqing knew about his relationship with Wen Nuan. She hung up the phone and smiled at Gao Xingcheng and said softly.

"Mr. Gao, Mr. Yan wants me to ask..."

Before he finished speaking, the phone rang again, this time it was Wen Nuan. Han Qian smiled apologetically at Gao Xing and walked down the steps and went straight to Paramela. At this moment, the car door was opened and Wen Wen got out of the car. .

Wearing a white suit that matched Sun Ya's, the same outfit gave off different feelings, but Han Qian was not in the mood to appreciate Wen Nuan. When he quickly stepped forward, Nuan Wen also noticed him and waved to Han Qian with a smile.

"Han Qian, are you off work?"

Gao Jingxing, who was about to light a cigarette on the steps, was slightly startled. He frowned and looked at Han Qian's back. Is this newcomer familiar with Changxiang's vice president? Han Qian stepped forward, frowning and gritting his teeth.

"Miss, you think I don't have enough troubles, don't you?"

Wen Nuan understood what Han Qian meant, curled his lips and shrugged.

"My car crashed. When I went to change the car, Li Jinhe asked me to pick you up and go to her place for dinner in the evening. As for the trouble? I disturbed your date with Yan Qingqing? Huh? Were you with Gao Xingcheng just now? Stay away from this guy Point, Han Qian, I’m doing this for your own good.”

"Is this why you came to Glory?"

"I told you this morning that I will pick you up from get off work today. Han Qian, have you forgotten what I said?"

"Okay! I have something to talk about after get off work. There is still an hour and a half until get off work. Do you want to go buy groceries first?"

"No, I'll wait for you downstairs."

Wen Nuan started to play with her little temper again and ignored Han Qian. She turned around and was about to return to the car when she saw Sun Ya across from her. Nuan Wen's face suddenly darkened. This woman looked at Han Qian with something in her eyes. contempt and hostility.

Women know women best.

Nuan Qing sighed and spoke in a voice that was not too loud or too small, just enough for people around him to hear.

"If Glory were all like this, sister wouldn't have to worry about picking you up."

Sun Ya looked angry, while Wen Nuan closed the door and hit the accelerator and parked in the parking lot outside the main entrance of Glory. Han Qian smiled awkwardly at Sun Ya, and when he turned around, Gao Xingcheng gave her a thumbs up. Face with a lewd smile.

"Go ahead. Don't keep Mr. Wen waiting too long. You are the hero. I will allow you to leave two hours early."

Han Qian's heart sank to the bottom, and he knew that he seemed to be trapped in a big whirlpool.

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