Han Qian opened his eyes in a daze early in the morning, stood up and shook his slightly aching head. Cai Qinghu didn't stay in this room last night. He went to the bathroom and never came back. He got out of bed and looked at the messy clothes on the floor. Han Qian Qian closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened the door and walked out of the room, Cai Qinghu happened to come out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel.

Just when Han Qian was about to speak, Cai Qinghu had already raised his hand and made a gesture of rejection.

"Don't~ Sir, don't come over. You drank too much last night! Don't say anything! Just pretend nothing happened. Don't talk. I have to go back to the province today and won't be back until the day after tomorrow. Lin Mengde's birthday is next week. I'll try to get back, don't talk! Don't send me away! I'll go change clothes."

Cai Qinghu ran away. She was also a girl in boldness. Unlike Yu Shici, who had experienced the open atmosphere abroad, Han Qian tilted his head and looked at Cai Qinghu's door, his head filled with confusion.

When he was standing under the shower to take a bath, he heard Cai Qinghu's voice.

"Mr., you have the keys to Martha's car, right? I'm driving the other car back. You'll drive away in a moment. I don't feel at ease here in the hotel."

Han Qian opened the bathroom door. Cai Qinghu screamed and turned around, covering his eyes. Han Qian squinted and said helplessly.

"I didn't come out naked. You drank so much last night, can you drive? Just wait, I'll ask Guan Junbiao to take you back to the province."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, I, I, I, I, I will drive by myself, bye! I will send you a message when I get back to the province."

After saying that, he turned and ran towards the door. Han Qian only heard a muffled bang as the eldest sister hit the door. Han Qian closed his eyes and sighed.

Things seemed to be getting troublesome. When I walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower, I found a new suit neatly placed on the sofa. Next to it were new underwear and a set of thermal underwear. There was a watch on the coffee table. Han Qian made it. Sitting on the sofa and lighting up a cigarette, my head was still a mess.

Yu poetry.

Cai Qinghu.

Headache, headache.

While smoking, he picked up the mobile phone that was thrown on the coffee table last night. There were no missed calls or text messages. Han Qian felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. Why didn't you ask me about it after I went out all night? It's already past ten o'clock!

While dialing Nuannuan, Han Qian slapped himself hard enough that he could feel some swelling on the side of his face.


Nuan Nuan answered the call with a long tone. Han Qian's face instantly turned black, he frowned and said softly.

"How much did you drink last night!"

Hearing Han Qian's voice, Wen Nuan opened his eyes, sat up and groaned, covering his head.

"I don't know how much I drank. Last night your secretary came over to complain, saying that with a boss like you I always get fooled, and then somehow it got into trouble with poetry. You had one cup and I had one cup. Later I thought that I couldn't Let them quarrel, let them come at me."

Han Qian didn’t even know what to say. Yu Shici and Cai Qinghu were both the leaders at the wine table. Although they were not as good as Yang Lan, they also heard that Yu Shici competed with Yang Lan at the izakaya. After a while, you, an idiot who doesn't know the north, south, east, west, or two bottles of wine, still want to provoke Cai Qinghu and Yu Shici?

Cai Qinghu and Guan Dagou also drink from the box.

Han Qian leaned on the sofa and whispered.

"My mother brought some honey when she came last time. You will prepare some honey water to drink later. Don't go to work today. I will go home and make you something light in the evening."

"I want to eat meat!"

"Eat some green vegetables."

"I want to eat meat!"


"Han Qian! I! Want! Eat! Meat!"

"Did you eat me alive?"

Wen Nuan's voice gradually became louder, but Han Qian's was still calm. Then Yu Shici's humming voice came over the phone, telling Wen Nuan to stop making noise. After only sleeping for a few hours, Wen Nuan took a deep breath and whispered softly. Seriously.

"Han Qian! As my ex-husband, and now that we are divorced and have not left home, my friends are at home. As my ex-husband, you should entertain them well. In fact, you don't have to cook too many dishes, such as Sixi meatballs and cherry meat. Meat, fish-flavored shredded pork, buy some crabs, conches, and prepare some shrimps.”

Han Qian hung up the phone. Did he just say that he didn't need to cook too much?

Putting on a blue suit and tie, Han Qian did not rush downstairs. Instead, he called the front desk and asked Cai Qinghu how many days he had reserved the room. The answer was two months. Han Qian covered He put down the phone with his head down.

How much money does this eldest sister have? For her to squander it like this, it seems that she hasn't damaged her foundation at all.

Since he stayed here for a long time, his clothes were left here. Han Qian went downstairs and told the waiter to clean up. Then he left the hotel, started the Maserati and headed to the company. Now Han Qian wanted to keep a low profile, but the situation did not allow it.

Luxury watches, luxury cars, handmade suits.

I don’t know where Cai Qinghu got it early in the morning, but it’s not difficult, and you can do it if you have money.

After driving to the company, Han Qian got out of the car and walked into the main entrance. When the security captain came over, he looked at Han Qian from top to bottom, pinched his chin and said suspiciously.

"No more pretending? Are you showing off your cards?"

Han Qian chuckled, hugged the security captain and smiled.

"You don't understand this, do you? You don't know how hard and tired I was last night. The car belongs to others, the clothes are given by others, and we can't afford these things."

The security captain looked at Han Qian like a fool, as if you were treating me like a fool.

Han Qian didn't tangle too much with him. He went upstairs to the public relations department to find Sun Ya and told her that Wu Sikuan might go to the party by himself. After resting for a while in the public relations department and chatting with Wan Fang, Han Qian suddenly wanted to introduce Wan Fang and Wu Sikuan. I knew it, but then I thought about it and let it go.

People like Wu Sikuan don't need friends.

That kind of thing is a burden to her. When she left the public relations department, she took Wanfang's yogurt and smiled as she went out.

"Sister Fangfang, your milk tastes pretty good."

He does not mean that.

The handsome men and beauties in the big public relations department burst into laughter. Wan Fang chased out of the public relations department with a stapler and a red face. As soon as she walked out, she saw Han Qian and Vice President Gao standing together chatting. Wan Fang returned dejectedly. Public Relations Department.

In the corridor, Han Qian followed Gao Xing to show off his stink.

"How's it going? Isn't this dress good for a party?"

Gao Xingyi dragged his elbow and held his chin with the other hand, looking Han Qian up and down. After a long time, he nodded seriously.

"Well...it's good. A hand-customized suit with more than 50,000 water ghosts still suits your current status. Overall it's very good, but I don't mind if you wear a suit to attend Lin Mengde's party. It's better to be more casual. You Now you don't need to dress yourself up, and you don't need to say hello to people who don't know you. Han Qian, are you really willing to give away 20%?"

"There's nothing to be reluctant about. I'll prepare a set of clothes later. Also! Don't mess with Wan Fang. If she wants, I won't stop you. If she doesn't want to, don't force me. I don't have many friends in this city. "

Gao Xingyi shrugged after hearing this and smiled.

Han Qian walked to the elevator to find Yan Qingqing. Gao Xingyi walked into the public relations department. He glanced at Wan Fang at the entrance and curled his lips.


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