After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 334 Women with stupid feelings are the most terrifying

At 12:30 in the middle of the night, it is time for normal people to rest. Three abnormal guys are drinking tea in the hotel lobby. Wu Sijuan has lost the temperament that he used to work as a nanny in the general department. From his dress and gestures, he has It looks a bit like upper class society.

Young and beautiful girls always have a few more natural advantages than ordinary people.

A white vest, brown high-waisted wide-leg trousers, and a touch of pink and white, giving her a good temperament.

Gao Sijing played with his tea art, picked up the teapot and gave Han Qian a cup of tea. Han Qian didn't understand the rules on the tea tray. Just when he was about to drink, Wu Sikuan stretched out his white hand to hold the tea cup, and poured the tea under Han Qian's surprised eyes. Dropped the tea in the cup.

Gao Xingyi curled his lips and smiled when he saw this.

"Miss Wu, it's me who gave you the money. Why are you so biased towards Mr. Han?"

Wu Sikuan narrowed his eyes and smiled without explaining. Han Qian asked in a low voice what was the significance of the first cup of tea? Gao Xingyi smiled.

"Too bitter."

"I believed your lies. Si Guan said she had her own plan and asked us to cooperate. She set the time on Lin Mengde's birthday. Do you have any money? Transfer some to Si Guan first. After all, Si Guan He is the most important role in the plan and the weakest one, so we have to show some sincerity first."

Gao Xingcheng put down the teapot, took out his mobile phone and made a call. Not long after, Sun Ya walked into the main entrance of the hotel and trotted over. When she saw Wu Sijuan, she was slightly surprised and sat opposite Wu Sijuan.

A tea table for four is perfectly positioned.

Sun Ya took out a card from her bag and handed it to Gao Jishi. Gao Jishi casually handed the card to Wu Siquan and chuckled.

"There are five hundred thousand in this card, and the password is written on the back. Miss Wu, please keep it."

Wu Siquan did not pick up the card. Han Qian on the side pointed at Gao Xingxi and laughed and cursed.

"Quankuosousou, are you teasing the children with candy? You are trying to make up a round number with some. Anyway, you have no place to spend the money you have now. Why don't you give away half a million to beggars? Just for tonight's dinner. The number of relationships is more than this, right?"

Gao Xingcheng looked at Han Qian and scolded with a frown.

"You really can't stand and talk without hurting your back. Why can't I save some savings without spending money? I'm even afraid that your grandson will trick me. I gave Miss Wu protection, so do you have to give me some protection too?"

Han Qian curled his lips and Wu Siguan chuckled softly.

"Forget it, let's talk about it after the matter is completed. Vice President Gao doesn't have to embarrass Mr. Han. Vice President Gao will not suffer any loss whether he succeeds or not, and the biggest beneficiary of this matter is you, Han. There’s no need to say I’ll give you any guarantee, there are some things I don’t want to say too directly.”

Gao Jishi laughed loudly and hooked his fingers at Sun Ya. Sun Ya took out another purple card from her bag. Gao Jishi put both cards in front of Wu Siguan and said with a smile.

"Xiaoya, Xiaoya, it's a big loss for you that Miss Wu didn't go to the public relations department."

After saying that, he looked at Han Qian and smiled.

"One and a half million, is Mr. Han still satisfied?"

Finally looking at Wu Siguan, Gao Xingyi narrowed his eyes.

"Just think of this money as buying me a little face for Gao Jixi. I don't want to hear those direct words from Miss Wu's mouth, okay?"

Wu Sijuan nodded and put away the cards on the table. From the moment she sat down until now, Sun Ya was confused. She didn't know when Wu Sijuan got together with Han Qian and Gao Xingxing, and she could feel from the conversation that Wu Sijuan was no longer a The little maid who used to be obedient to her, in just a few months, has vaguely surpassed Sun Ya's status, which she cannot accept.

I also have to admire Han Qian. His appearance was too sudden. A person who had never heard of him suddenly appeared in the public eye, and then he became what he is now.

He is more of a blessing than a scourge. It seems that those who are close to him have benefited more or less.

Money-spreading boy?

Sun Ya was no stranger to this word. Someone seemed to have called Han Qian this before. Gao Xingcheng whispered while holding tea.

"Lin Zongheng doesn't like you at all. Are you sure you want to go to Lin Mengde's birthday party?"

Han Qian sighed softly.

"If Si Guan is going to find an opportunity to take action that day, I can show my face and protect Si Guan from leaving safely if something happens. Your purpose is also very simple. To make Li Dahai drink and warm up, Just praise Si Guan, by the way! Si Guan entered the venue with Sister Ya Ya that day."

Sun Ya looked at Wu Siguan in confusion, who smiled and nodded at Sun Ya. Gao Jishi was addicted to smoking. Sun Ya reminded him in a low voice that smoking was not allowed here, but Gao Jishi went his own way, smoking a cigarette and crossing his legs and said calmly.

"I don't know what Lin Mengde is thinking. Something happened at the party not long ago. Is he worried that he will live too long?"

Han Qian resisted smoking, looked down at the tea in the cup and sneered.

"It was too difficult for people in ancient times to live sixty years old, so I celebrated. Last time I met this old guy Lin Mengde, and took some of Changxiang's elders and his shelled son to Liu Guangming's resort, and brought them wherever he went No, now that Lin Zongheng has only been back for a short time, I am afraid many people still think that Changxiang is the one who makes the decision. This birthday party is probably to publicize that his precious son is back, and Changxiang is still the Lin family's final decision. , and now the word "dinner" is the topic, the government office will pay attention to it, and the people will also pay attention. When the time comes, when the party is mentioned, Lin Zongheng will naturally be thought of, and the meaning of pondering over it is just that. "

Gao Xingcheng clapped his hands and praised.

"Master Han, Master Han, I'm so glad that I have become your ally instead of your enemy. Are you going to let Lin Mengde's party go to waste?"

"I'm not in that mood. Now I just want to move Li Dahai first. Only by moving him can I move on to the next step. Let's rest early."

Gao Wuxing stood up and hugged Sun Ya, holding a cigarette in his mouth and wandering away. Wu Siquan looked at Gao Wuxing's back and lowered his voice and whispered.

"What he says always looks better than what he does."

While talking, Wu Sijuan took out two cards from his bag, put them on the table and pushed them towards Han Qian. Han Qian lowered his head and looked at the two cards on the table, smiled softly, and then looked out the window. The two people in the car said softly.

"What do you want to do after you succeed? Leave this city and start your life again somewhere no one knows you?"

Wu Sijuan took out the card to show her loyalty. This girl looked far ahead and would not get carried away by the mere million dollars in front of her. From this point of view alone, the little girl Wu Sijuan had a better temperament than a woman of the same age. He was much more mature, and when he thought about the plan she mentioned, Han Qian was also a little afraid of Wu Sikuan.

However, this smart girl chose to surrender.

Wu Sikuan followed Han Qian's gaze and laughed softly.

"If I don't leave, I have finally laid down a foundation. I have blended into a circle that I have never dared to think about in my life. I am reluctant to leave. As for things like reputation, I don't care. I may become a useful tool for Mr. Han. In the end, At least this skin can still be sold."

Han Qian turned his head, stretched out his hand and tapped Wu Sijuan's forehead, and cursed with a smile.

"Sell your ass. I don't want to do the kind of thing that capitalists do. You can also think about it. If you feel uncomfortable, you can find another way."

Wu Sikuan covered his forehead and smiled coquettishly.

"If I don't change, it's too late. Li Dongsheng will lose interest in me soon. After I leave, Li Dongsheng may not be so useful in doing this. Mr. Han, I may not go with Sun Ya that day. Women are so stupid and I'm worried something will go wrong."

Sun Ya is stupid...

What he said seemed to make sense. Wan Fang's incident made Han Qian know that this woman was big-breasted and brainless. He clearly knew that he and Wan Fang were friends, but he didn't know how to persuade Gao Jingcheng?

Han Qian stood up, stretched, yawned and said.

"You decide for yourself. Let me give you a piece of advice. If you want to gain a foothold in our circle, you must not easily climb into a man's bed."

"I don't mind Mr. Han's bed."

Han Qian raised his hands and smiled bitterly.

"Just let me go. It's not like you don't know how many women are around me now. If you knew how I escaped today, you wouldn't say this. Let me first..."

As he spoke, Han Qian turned to leave. The moment he turned around, Han Qian closed his mouth and Cai Qinghu, the eldest sister, staggered in from the front door.

She still lives here?

How much money does she have?

Han Qian turned around and hid behind Wu Sikuan, squatting under the table and whispered.

"Don't move, don't let that woman see me."

Wu Sikuan looked down at Han Qian, then raised his head to look at the woman standing in the hall with her eyes closed and her nose wrinkled, and asked in a low voice.

"Cai Qinghu? The leader of the inspection team sent down from above? Mr. Han, don't tell me that you two are having an affair, um...she's here."

Cai Qinghu walked towards Wu Sijuan in a daze. To be precise, she came here to drink water. Her head hurt. Seeing the tea on the table, she wanted to come over for a break and ask for a pot of tea to sober up. Cai Qinghu, who was getting closer and closer, pulled her over. The chair that Sun Ya had been sitting on sat down.

Looking at Wu Siguan in front of her with a frown, Cai Qinghu wrinkled her nose. The next second she saw a box of cigarettes without any words on the table and an antique mobile phone.

Cai Qinghu's face turned dark instantly. He bent down and took off his high heels, took them in his hand, pointed at Wu Sikuan and said coldly.

"Is Han Qian here today to see you, a little vixen?"

Wu Sikuan was not angry at all and smiled at Cai Qinghu.

"Captain Cai, please continue. I'm going to rest upstairs first."

Wu Sikuan left, and Han Qian grabbed the chair and grinned at Cai Qinghu.

"Xiao Hu, listen to my explanation."

The shoes flew past his scalp, Cai Qinghu got up and left.

"I will go back to the province tomorrow, and I will never come back."


So jealous!

Are you avoiding me just to see this woman? And it’s still in a hotel? And even opened a room?

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