After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 322 I have no bottom line

Han Qian was half sitting in front of the table, looking down at Liu Shengge who was wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, and laughed softly.

"Has Qian Huan never treated you like this? Do you think that because you are rich, a well-known figure in the city, and the eldest son of the capital, everyone must treat you with respect, right? You are looking for someone to kill you. Me, what about me now? Let me get some interest back from you first."

Liu Shengge wiped the corners of his mouth, lowered his head and sneered back.

"Unexpected, it really surprises me. I will blame what you did to me on the people around you. Don't forget that Yan Qingqing owes me 100 million. I can make her do anything."

"Don't play with my contract here. If you want to play dirty, you have to have a chance. It's your business to go to court, but it seems that it should be in our city's court. Do you think your foundation in the city is better than mine?" Stable? If you dare to attack the people around me, I will let Guan Junbiao dig your wife's grave. You'd better target me alone. Don't think that you have no weaknesses, and don't be too pretentious. Look. Do I take you seriously?"

Liu Shengge couldn't laugh anymore. He never expected that Han Qian would be so shameless and would attack a dead person.

Does he dare to bet?

The answer is no. What else can't someone who dares to shoot Feng Lun do?

Liu Shengge took out a cigar again, but before he could put it in his mouth, Han Qian waved it away. He picked up the lighter on the table and lit it. Han Qian also wanted to show off, but unfortunately he overestimated himself and inhaled the first cigar. He couldn't adapt to his mouth, and he kept coughing. Liu Shengge laughed at this.

"Han Qian, you touched me, do you think you still have a chance to return to Glory? Don't forget Ji Jing, Yang Lan is in Glory."

"Ahem...cough...Qian...cough...Qian Ling is also in Glory. Your shareholders can't interfere in the company's operation contract and let you eat it? Qian Ling should really hope to break up with you as soon as possible, so that you can Taste the feeling of revenge from your mother? If you can kill me, you are powerful, but I can kill you at any time. Are you curious about what the relationship between me and Feng Lun is? "

Han Qian was laughing. He was betting big that Liu Shengge was afraid of Feng Lun and that he had nothing to do with Feng Lun. Liu Shengge squinted at Han Qian. A volcano had erupted in his heart. At first, everyone admired him and he was recognized as the best. The promising Qian Huan died in his hands, but now he is being held down by Han Qian, unable to move?

He didn't understand, he didn't understand why he felt so unreasonable.

The only explanation is that this guy has no bottom line, no bottom line. When Liu Shengge was silent, Han Qian whispered to Guan Junbiao.

"Brother Guan, go and pick up all the things in your house. Since Director Liu is curious, let him take a look."

Guan Junbiao was really convinced by Han Qian. He nodded and walked home. When Guan Junbiao walked out of the office, Cai Qinghu came back with two bottles of water in his hand. He looked curiously at the short knife on the desk and walked in. Only then did he see Liu Shengge's swollen side face.

She is angry!

Han Qian just wanted to push her away, but she was smiling. Cai Qinghu had to laugh, to give Liu Shengge the feeling that she knew everything and was not afraid of any threats. Han Qian pointed to the paper cup on the table and looked at Cai Qinghu.

"Why don't you give Liu Dong a glass of water?"

Paper cup?

In Liu Shengge's impression, no one dared to pour him water from a paper cup. Cai Qinghu also hesitated a little. Han Qian's eyes gradually turned cold. When he was about to reach out for the paper cup, Cai Qinghu jumped in front of Han Qian. Before.

She couldn't laugh anymore. Han Qian's eyes just now made her scared and unfamiliar. At that moment, she forgot to think.


How could we forget what he did because we have been together for a long time?

Three months! In just three months, the most respectable people in the city would smile and say hello when they saw him, and the business bosses would call him Master Han when they saw him.

Cai Qinghu brought a glass of water and handed it to Liu Shengge, saying softly.

"Director Liu, please."

Liu Shengge didn't answer, raised his head and looked at Han Qian and said softly.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll call the police now?"

Han Qian held the paper cup, leaned against the table with his legs crossed, and said softly.

"I didn't stop you."

The voices of both of them were very light, as if the unpleasantness just now had never happened. Liu Shengge took out his mobile phone. At that moment, Han Qian was really envious. Ji Jing had shown him this flip phone and was planning to give it to Han Qian. I wanted to buy it, but Han Qian was reluctant and wanted more than 10,000.

After just one glance, Han Qian looked out the window. After waiting for a long time without hearing Liu Shengge's voice, Han Qian turned his head to look at Liu Shengge, then picked up his mobile phone and called Cheng Jin.

"Lao Cheng, a few guns may appear in front of me soon. Can you come and check? You don't need to bring too many people."

After saying this, Han Qian hung up the phone and threw it to Cai Qinghu, saying softly.


Cai Qinghu took the phone and didn't move. She didn't want to leave! She couldn't forget her identity. Liu Shengge put away his phone and stood up to look at Han Qian. He frowned.

"Don't you know what fear is?"

"You kill people better than a gun, and I'm not afraid of you. Why am I afraid of guns? Are you here to watch the excitement?"

"Of course, I want to see how Cai Qinghu practices favoritism and malpractice."

Han Qian raised his head and saw Cai Qinghu still standing there, frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Are you deaf?"

Cai Qinghu turned around and left, the anger in his heart about to explode.

Han Qian today is extremely ungrateful.

I've never seen him like this!

Cai Qinghu walked out and Han Qian smiled at Liu Shengge.

"I hope you can play more high-end, something I haven't seen before. Don't be too vulgar, it will be boring, and winning will be boring."

"As I thought, it's too easy to kill money for fun. I hope you don't let my high emotions end up being as simple as killing an ant. It's too boring."

"I don't mind if you get a kick out of it."


Liu Shengge let out a chuckle. Han Qian's expression changed instantly, but he was still careless. Liu Shengge grabbed Han Qian's shoulders and hit Han Qian's stomach heavily with his knee. He looked down at Han Qian, who was spitting out bitter water like a hooked prawn. Han Qian said with contempt in his eyes.

"Do you think of me as too noble?"

Han Qian knelt on the ground holding his lower abdomen, feeling that his stomach acid was about to vomit out, and said in pain.

"Liu Shengge, you're a fucking figure. Are you planning a sneak attack?"

Han Qian stood up slowly, and when he was about to fight back with a punch, he saw the short knife in Liu Sheng's singer. He gave up, picked up the cigar, took two puffs of it, and lit it again. Liu Shengge played with the blade and said lazily.

"Han Qian, I am really curious about your relationship with Feng Lun, otherwise I would not have given you a second gift until today. Would Feng Lun touch me for you?"

Han Qian shook his head and smiled.

"No, Feng Lun will never help me confront you."

After saying this, Liu Shengge pointed the tip of the knife at Han Qian's lower body and narrowed his eyes.

"Then why are you pretending to be cool with me?"

"But Cui Li will."

Liu Shengge took back his dagger and frowned for the second time.

"Are you kidding me?"

Han Qian ignored him, Feng Lun didn't know how, and neither did Cui Li, but! Han Qian really has a way to deal with Liu Shengge, because he is too cautious and calculating, and he will never ignore anything Han Qian says.

It's just a heart attack.

Liu Shengge was good at threatening people with their lives. His confidence was his money, and money happened to be what Han Qian lacked the most, so he had to attack places where money could not be protected.

People's hearts.

Guan Dagou arrived at the office one step ahead of Cheng Jin. A bag of fishing gear was thrown in front of Han Qian. Han Qian lowered his head and glanced. Guan Junbiao's expression was as usual. Han Qian stepped forward and opened the bag on the ground, took out a pistol and held it in his hand. Speak softly.

"Brother Guan, go ask Xiaohu. If my phone has enough battery, bring it over."

Guan Junbiao's mind was full of doubts. He stood up and left the office. Han Qian suddenly turned around, turned on the pistol safety, pointed it at Liu Shengge's head, squinted his eyes and smiled.

"Does Mr. Liu like to play with guns?"

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