After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 305 Should I give you an R8 as a gift?

"You bought a car for Shi Ci?"

Nuan Nuan couldn't help but speak first, looking at Yu Shici and Han Qian, saying that Han Qian and Yu Shici had had private contact? The answer is no. Yu Shici basically went to see Han Qian with Nuan Nuan.

Yan Qingqing stared at Yu Shici suspiciously and whispered.

"There's something fishy."

Yu Shici didn't even bother to explain, he held his head high and said arrogantly.

"I'm going to do some work. Han Qian, I'll wait for your car."

Before leaving, she posed this problem to Han Qian. In fact, she had never thought about asking for a car. She just wanted Han Qian to keep the car when Qian Ling said that she wanted to give Han Qian an R8 as a gift. As for why Han Qian chose to give it to She, Yu Shici didn't know, but she didn't refuse either.

Facing Yan Qingqing and Wen Nuan's questioning, Han Qian covered his head and said feebly.

"You two look at Aunt Ji, how quiet she is. You are not curious."

Ji Jing, who was eating snacks, turned her head to look at Han Qian and smiled.

"Just because I don't ask doesn't mean I'm not curious, I just don't want you to lie to me."

Good guy.

This was even more uncomfortable than asking. Han Qian was tired of explaining and looked at Cai Qinghu, asking for help. Cai Qinghu smiled sweetly at Han Qian and said softly.

"How about I give you an R8? Actually, I don't like it. I'm too tall and the vibration of this car is inconvenient."


Han Qian's head was full of questions. When did he say the car shook? Then Han Qian said quickly.

"Cai Qinghu, tell me something human, when will my car shake?"

"You didn't say it, but as your secretary, I can feel what you are thinking."

"You fart, just think about it as a man."

"So I don't recommend you buy an R8. If you like it, I'll call and ask."

Han Qian smiled, leaned on the chair with his arms clasped, and looked at Cai Qinghu with his lips curled up. Nuan Nuan and Yan Qingqing also became interested. The two girls didn't have much in their stomachs, so they sat half-sitting on the desk and looked at Cai Qinghu.

Then Cai Qinghu took out his mobile phone and dialed a number in full view of everyone. He also pressed the hands-free button. The call was quickly connected, and a crisp female voice came from the other side.

"I have something to say, something to say, my sister is in the show!"

Cai Qinghu took a small bite of the snacks on the table and said softly.

"Xiao Sisi, I want to buy this year's limited edition R8. Is there any channel?"

"How many cars do you have at home? Your current Maserati Quattroporte, Ferrari Roma, and the classic car you bought at home have never been driven. Even if your sister knew you were a car enthusiast, would you be able to drive it here? Didn't the Ferrari come back? What?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll buy it for my boss."

"Han Qian? Is there a way to buy a car? I know a few of the guys they hired for the event. I'll have someone send the car to you next week? But my sister has to say something. Although we all know that you have inherited a lot of inheritance. , but you are also a civil servant, so the car is in Han Qian’s name. It can be regarded as my sister’s thanks for his life-saving grace.”


The plot is wrong.

Han Qian's face was already panicked. He could guarantee that he definitely didn't know this woman.


Both Wen Nuan and Yan Qingqing guessed who this woman was.

Play against each other.

She knew the celebrities invited to the official events.

A life-saving grace.

Who else could there be except the woman who was brought out by Tu Xiao at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala?

Nuan Nuan couldn't help it anymore and spoke.

"Sparse your kindness. I can afford a broken car for my husband, so there's no need for you to give it away."

Han Qian helped Nuan Nuan so much at work that she wouldn't even frown even if she walked around ten cars, not to mention one car.

Yan Qingqing hugged her arms and curled her lips and said sarcastically.

"Wu Qingsi, please serve your sponsor father well. I don't want Han Qian to have an affair with you."

It can be said that only Han Qian didn't know this person's name. Apart from him, no one in the country didn't know the name of Wu Qingsi, the new actress. The girl on the phone not only didn't get angry, but giggled sweetly.

"Hey, Vice President Wen and General Manager Yan are anxious? Actually, I'm not very interested in Han Qian. I gave him the car because he was helpful to Xiaohu's work and helped me out, but I'm very unhappy now. If I like you two women, let’s do this. Giving him a car can be regarded as me pursuing him.”

"Wu Qingsi, don't force me to break off our relationship with you. You don't need to take care of the car anymore."

Cai Qinghu quickly hung up the phone, raised his head and smiled apologetically at Wen Nuan.

"That's her character. She's more talkative and more cowardly than anyone else."

Wen Nuan smiled at Cai Qinghu and shook his head.

"It's not about the person, but I didn't expect you and Wu Qingsi to know each other. Is her real name?"

This question made Cai Qinghu instantly embarrassed, and he forced a smile and shook his head.

"No, it was later changed to match the ancient drama she starred in. The original name... I told her she might fight me. I'm not joking about buying a car for Prime Minister Han Qian. It's too inconvenient for him to go anywhere. ”

Yan Qingqing nodded in agreement and remained silent until Ji Jing, who had a relatively low sense of presence, suddenly spoke.

"I don't mind buying a car for my eldest nephew. Now he doesn't have a car and sometimes he can't see anyone. If he buys a car, he probably won't be seen. At least now we can still send him wherever he goes and find people. .”

Yan Qingqing continued to nod like a puppet. Han Qian felt a little uncomfortable. Why was he being monitored wherever he went now? Are women so controlling? Han Qian sat up straight, took a deep breath, and said seriously.

"I think I should have my own personal space."

As soon as they finished speaking, several women turned their attention to Han Qian, and then continued to discuss controlling Han Qian. When they proposed to install a surveillance camera on Han Qian's mobile phone, Han Qian stood up and left.

He was worried that the next second these women would come up with the idea of ​​putting a collar around his neck.

What the hell is this done by humans?

When he walked out of the company, Han Qian looked at the car parked in front of the door, frowned and thought for a while, then took out his mobile phone and called Luo Shande.

"Lao Luo, come out and sit down tonight."

Luo Shande was unwilling to see Han Qian, so he hesitated and found a reason.

"I have my birthday tonight."

This is the second time, this is the second time I have refused, Han Qian gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"It's the fucking anniversary of your death, and you come out to me. Luo Shande, did I give you face?"

"Little bastard, did I give you face?"

"Where is your child with you?"

"What do you think?"

"Stop making trouble and get down to business. I'm starving. Come pick me up at the entrance of Changxiang Company."

"Aren't you afraid you're getting into trouble?"

Han Qian could understand Luo Shande's caution, but that didn't mean he was really good-tempered, he said fiercely into his cell phone.

"I'm talking to you about business! You'd better not talk nonsense with me. You may be in danger if you come into contact with anyone in this city. I am the only one who can keep you safe."

"I've already gone downstairs. I was celebrating my eighty-year-old mother's birthday just now. Han Daxian'er, can you ask me first next time? With my children, wife, and mother by my side, men need to save face."

"If I'm not in the mood, I'll be irritable and angry when I'm hungry. When I'm angry, I don't care about all the mess."

"Little ancestor, please bear with me for a while. I want to make a dinner party now. What do you want to eat?"

"I won't eat hot pot, not seafood, and I won't eat Japanese or Western food."

"Old slave knows, hey!"

Regarding Han Qian, Luo Shande understands and has heard others say that you have to coax him to come and make him happy. Everything is easy to discuss, but if you choke him, Han Qian will not be able to get along with you. say.

Then when Cai Qinghu and others recovered and chased downstairs, they saw Han Qian getting into a Passat and driving away. Cai Qinghu was so angry that he gritted his teeth and said viciously.

"Luo Shande! I just feel like something is wrong. I said I have been by his side today. How could he agree? That's it. That's it."

That's right.

Han Qian just wanted to get rid of Cai Qinghu and go to see Luo Shande.

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