Chapter 295

Early in the morning, one luxury car after another left the resort, and Teacher Zhao left the resort with others with an ugly expression.

Han Qian and others left at seven o'clock in the morning. Teacher Zhao and his party slept until nine o'clock. The front desk told Teacher Zhao that Mr. Han came to pay the bill in the morning. He originally wanted to ask some distinguished guests if they were leaving today, but also knocked on the door. , but no one responded, thinking that Teacher Zhao and others had left last night.

So no room fee was paid.

Teacher Zhao did hear someone knocking on the door, but she was doing morning exercises with her husband at that time, so she ignored it. Who would have thought that Mr. Han left at seven in the morning? Don't rich second generations like them sleep until noon?

She called Tongyao to inquire, and Tongyao told Teacher Zhao honestly that she still owed Han Qian money, and Han Qian had already gone to the eighth district to find Tu Xiao.

Tu Xiao!

Teacher Zhao did not dare to disturb him. The people behind him were nagging that it was all their fault for getting up late, otherwise Teacher Zhao would not have needed to spend money. However, I have to say that the meal prepared by Teacher Tong’s friend Mr. Han last night was really good. So rich.

This is the result Han Qian wants. If they left after dinner last night, everything would be fine, but if they left in the morning, it would be a bit interesting. Han Qian made it clear last night that they were only invited to eat. There was no promise of anything else. If everyone paid for the accommodation, Teacher Zhao would become the sinner. If she paid for it alone, not only would everyone not thank her, but they would take it for granted.

No matter what time Teacher Zhao and others get up today, the lobby manager will tell them that Han Qian has left.

It's okay to be greedy, but don't treat everyone as a fool.

Han Qian really went to see Tu Xiao. It was nothing serious. He just wanted to send little Tu Kun back. Tu Xiao chatted with Han Qian for a few words and asked if he wanted to stay for lunch. Han Qian did not answer. He pointed at the three women standing outside the door.

Warmth squatting at the door, Yan Qingqing in his arms, Cai Qinghu pacing easily with his hands behind his back.

As for the first two, Tu Xiao was very willing to keep them for dinner. As for the woman walking, forget it. Whether they can survive in the Eighth District is a matter of just one word from this woman.

Tu Xiao pulled Han Qian to the corner and whispered.

"Last time Biaozi took a gun from my place. He came back in the middle of the night in the heavy rain and called me, saying that he was tricked by Cai Qinghu and lost the gun. This matter..."

Han Qian became angry when he mentioned this matter. He pulled Tu Xiaolai back, pointed at Cai Qinghu at the door and said angrily to Han Qian.

"That's her! Biaozi and I went to settle the score with Cui Li. This stupid bitch suddenly followed us. I believed her when she said she had a gun. When we got there, she gave me a stun gun. It almost made me angry to death, and it also caused me and Biaozi was caught by Feng Lun."

While speaking, Cai Qinghu waved to Han Qian carelessly, and Tu Xiao covered his mouth and whispered.

"I know this. Biaozi told me. I mean Cai Qinghu knows that I have a gun here..."

Han Qian shook his head gently.

"Don't worry about the gun. Just treat the gun as mine. No matter who asks you, you will always insist that it is my gun. Don't tell me you still have it in your hand."

Tu Xiao nodded seriously, and Han Qian gritted his teeth and whispered.

"Pack it up and throw it into the sea at night. Feng Zhida is dead. As long as Wei Tiancheng doesn't admit to having a gun and then finds the gun in your place, you will be an accomplice. Now the Yamenmen urgently needs to hand over a scapegoat. You... it's too late. You'd better tell me you've got it sorted."

While Han Qian and Tu Xiao were talking, several people appeared outside the door. Two of them were talking to Cai Qinghu. They seemed to be very familiar with each other. Judging from their clothes and their expressions when talking to Cai Qinghu, these two guys were other members of Cai Qinghu's group. Two members.

They all look to be in their forties, and at first glance they look more official than Cheng Jin.

Is it a coincidence or intentional?

Han Qian winked at Tu Xiao, and Tu Xiao walked inside. Han Qian walked towards the door. When he walked out of the door, Nuan Nuan stood up and whispered.

"It's from the inspection team."

Han Qian nodded, stretched out his hand and held Wen Nuan's nervous little hand. Her hands were all covered with sweat. If Tu Xiao found out the problem, Han Qian would be in trouble. Han Qian nuzzled at Cai Qinghu and whispered softly.

"Xiaohu, your colleague?"

Cai Qinghu turned his head and nodded lightly to Han Qian and whispered.

"They received reports that guns were hidden here and that Guan Junbiao injured people with guns."

Han Qian shrugged and got out of the way. The two patrol team members nodded expressionlessly at Han Qian, and one of them spoke.

"Mr. Han, please don't leave in a hurry."

"I will always be with Xiaohu. Xiaohu and I come here. I have something to tell you."

The people from the inspection team glanced at Cai Qinghu, and then led them into Tu Xiao's company. Han Qian walked down the steps and whispered to Wen Nuan and Yan Qingqing.

"You two go wait in the car."

After saying this, he took Cai Qinghu's hand and walked away. Standing in the car, Nuan Wen and Yan Qingqing could see Han Qian and Cai Qinghu quarreling. Wen Nuan sighed softly, and Yan Qingqing squinted her eyes thoughtfully.

Of course, these two were acting for others to see. Han Qian turned his back to the window of the company and whispered.

"Are you no longer trusted now? I wonder who reported Tu Xiao?"

Cai Qinghu shook his head with a cold face, glanced at the person standing inside the window, gritted his teeth and whispered.

"I asked, and they told me that the division of labor was different. They didn't tell me who the person who reported the report was. What I know is that they gathered people here after they saw you coming, Tu Xiao. Han Qian, you must report it to me. Come up with some secrets, otherwise I won’t be able to tell the superiors, you! Me! The superiors already know about Guan Junbiao’s meeting with Feng Lun!”

"Let me tell you something? You know almost everything I know now. What else do you want me to tell you? The only thing I know is that Feng Lun has not left this city since the incident."

"Tell me about this, are you sure Cheng Jin won't let me wear small shoes? And the two of them coming over and not letting you leave in front of me shows that they don't trust me. I need to show my results now! If I am transferred If you leave, you will lose someone who can protect you."

"What the fuck..."

Han Qian was so angry that he cursed. Now Cai Qinghu really couldn't leave. Based on Lin Mengde's attitude towards her last night, Han Qian didn't want Cai Qinghu to be transferred. He grabbed his hair and squatted down, struggling for a long time. road.

"I do know some guys who are at the same level as Li Jinhai. He got a lot of money from the two demolitions in the city and did a lot of power and sex transactions. But I am going to take advantage of this guy if there is a problem in Dongcheng. , now... how much value can this news bring?"

"I want news about Feng Lun."

Han Qian stood up and stretched out his hand, neither making a fist nor opening it. He was so confused that he looked helplessly at Cai Qinghu and said helplessly.

"I don't know much about Feng Lun. Wei Tiancheng gave him the gun, and Feng Zhida was responsible for transporting the gun. Now that Feng Zhida is dead, don't you know what to do? You can directly report it to the superiors and say that Feng Lun and Feng Zhida have an affair. Collaboration, but none of them have seen each other, and there’s a guy in the middle.”

"If you say that, you will immediately be suspected of being the middle man."

"Then what do you want me to say? You saw Feng Lun too, how do I know where he is?"

Han Qian was very confused, and so was Cai Qinghu.

Both of them squatted on the spot. Cai Qinghu was holding his mobile phone and was debating whether to call the superior. Just as they were debating, Guan Junbiao and Tu Xiao were both handcuffed. Seeing this, Han Qian panicked and stood up and lowered his head. vocal channel.

"Go to Yan Qingqing and ask for the address. Feng Lun sent me the address for express delivery back then!"

Cai Qinghu raised his head and frowned.

"That address was checked a long time ago."

"Do as I say and get me out of it."

As soon as he finished speaking, the two people from the inspection team were already walking towards Han Qian, with handcuffs shining brightly in their hands.

Wen Nuan and Yan Qingqing got off the car at the same time.

Han Qian was arrested?

Cai Qinghu was also stunned, turned around and ran to his car. The Maserati roared and speeded through the red light and left.

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