After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 21 The bridesmaids are really not good people

"Han Qian, you went to sell? You were taken care of by a few rich women one night, and you were treated well and even bought a suit? Tsk, tsk, Gucci! You, damn, still have time to go to Glory and go shopping?"

Yan Qingqing grabbed Han Qian's collar with both hands and roared. It was wrong for little Yang Jia to go out. It was wrong not to go out. She didn't seem to want to go out. She looked at Han Qian and Mr. Yan curiously. He was the most gossipy person in the company. She did.

Han Qian lowered his head slightly to look at Yan Qingqing, and then he was hit in the nose by the girl's iron head. Tears flowed from his eyes for a moment. Han Qian covered his nose and backed away, saying angrily.

"Are you sick? I was late, you scolded me, and now you do something?"

Scold Mr. Yan? Little Yang Jia was stunned for a moment while listening, while Yan Qingqing's face turned pale and she gritted her teeth and said angrily.

"Han Qian, I fought with you. In total, you have been teasing me all the time. Just to get revenge for me almost killing you with my car, I will satisfy you today. Yang Jia went to call the security guard and threw Han Qian outside. , I’m going to crush him to death.”

The Yasha Empress was cruel and ruthless, so Xiao Yang Jia turned around and ran away, and Han Qian quickly spoke.

"Little Yang Jia, come back!"

Then he looked at Yan Qingqing and frowned.

"Why am I just teasing you? If you want a plan, I will plan it for you. If you want a solution, I will give you a solution. What are you arguing about? Just give me two days and I can't go out for inspection? I'm in the company every day. You can get inspiration just by sitting? Why? Glory is a spring? If I don’t have a diamond, can I stop your porcelain work? This project must be kept secret. Once it is imitated, we will have no chance. And you have to go there so early in the morning. Why is the General Department scolding Sister Yang? Just tell me whether you can still cooperate. If you can't cooperate, I will resign and leave while you will suffer losses. If you continue to cooperate, you will ensure profits and no losses."

"Bring me the plan."

"Give you that wrench to pry open my head and show you?"

"Yang Jia goes and gets the wrench."

Han Qian turned around and ran away, not doubting that Yan Qingqing really dared to hit him on the head with a wrench. If Yan Qingqing had no courage, she would not be able to sit in this position at such a young age. Yan Qingqing winked at little Yang Jia, Xiao Yang Jia immediately closed the door tightly and stood in front of the door to stop Han Qian.

Yan Qingqing sat on her boss's chair, crossed her legs and said softly.

"Go make two cups of coffee."

"I don't drink coffee."

"Make tea, and then give a bonus of 200 to each person in the general department and give it to Yang Lan, but she doesn't have it. She didn't clean today. In addition, let her prepare a deed of betrayal and sign Han Qian first."

Little Yang Jia didn't dare to take it as a joke. He turned around and left the office, not forgetting to close the door, and then ran all the way to the general department. This was a big gossip. Han Qian was not afraid of Mr. Yan at all. Mr. Yan was scared.

After a while, tea was brought over, along with a deed of sale. Little Yang Jia went to the finance department again. Sanwu Loli had a busy day.

Yan Qingqing pointed to the teapot on the coffee table and said coldly.

"Tell me the outline of your plan. I'm not satisfied. This teapot will hit you on the head."

The last half of the sentence was automatically blocked by Han Qian. It was enough for this girl to listen to half of what she said. She picked up the teapot and walked towards Yan Qingqing. The latter stood up suddenly when she saw this, looked at Han Qian with a pale face, and said in a trembling voice.

"Han Qian, don't do this nonsense!"

Han Qian ignored the woman, filled her cup with a cup of hot water, and spoke calmly.

"Drink some hot water when Auntie comes. My plan is to choose to work in a shopping mall. I will ask Su Liang to do one last inspection in the afternoon and make a decision. You will be ready to approve the letter by then. I don't have time. Having written it out, all I can say is that you try your best to get this piece of land, whether it’s a life and death declaration or a deed of sale, I will never let you do a loss-making business, because I need the 400,000 to save my life. You said you may not be able to remember everything. You can inform the senior management in advance to prepare for a meeting to discuss this matter tomorrow morning. I will go to the conference room to explain my detailed plan to you."

Yan Qingqing picked up the water glass on the table, no longer quarreling with Han Qian, frowned and asked.

"You are very confident in yourself. This matter does not need to alarm the board of directors, but there is a high-level meeting. I can't be sure if you are the person sent by my enemies to make me look embarrassed. I can't trust you."

Han Qian nodded lightly.

"You have a point in your thinking. We are not familiar with each other. You will definitely not be able to trust me, and I can't give you any guarantee. I can take Sister Yang from the General Department to the conference room with me. She has what I can do." Some preliminary planning, I will not be a single mother to make sacrifices in the dark, and even if I make a fool of myself, it is better than being helpless. I am the one who makes a fool of myself, and the most you can do is make an inappropriate comment, and you don’t have to Pay me 400,000, which is an astronomical figure to me, and I can sign an agreement with you. If I fail, you can hang my photo on the display in Glory Square and make me die socially."

Han Qian has confidence in himself deep down, and he also has a sense of pride that he cannot fail. Yan Qingqing is moved. Han Qian's last words are the most effective reassurance. If he fails, he will not be able to survive in this city, even if he is surrounded by He couldn't survive in the city.

What makes Yan Qingqing suspicious the most is where did Han Qian get such expensive Gucci? Isn't he very short of money? Why would you spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy a Gucci suit?

Seeing Yan Qingqing staring at his suit, Han Qian scratched his head in embarrassment and whispered.

"It costs 500 a day to rent. If I go to the mall and wear something expensive, I won't be looked down upon. Then I might meet with some people from the decoration company to show off. I swear I didn't buy it for myself."

Yan Qingqing's eyes showed disdain, and then she took out a tie from the drawer and threw it to Han Qian.

"Tie it up. This tie costs more than two thousand. Originally... why should I explain to you? I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. I can promise you, but you can't leave the company tonight. At the same time, neither Su Liang nor Yang Lan can Leave, and I will keep an eye on you in the company. If you pass the meeting tomorrow morning, you can go back and rest. I will pay you a bonus of 100,000 yuan. The rest will not be given to you until your plan is sure that you will not lose money. Otherwise, if you do not pass You have to go home too."

Han Qian hesitated. There was an idiot at home who was a self-immolator. But if he didn't agree to this plan, he might be ruined or even lose his job. After a long silence, Han Qian spoke.

"How's the food tonight?"

"Four dishes and one soup, enough drinks, two packs of Chinese soft drinks."

"Well... prepare a bed for Sister Yang. She's getting older and it's not good for her to stay up late."

"Okay, why don't you tell me to prepare a bed for me?"

"Yaksha Empress needs to rest?"

"Han Qian, I will kill you."

The moment the hot water broke out, Han Qian turned around and ran away. After he went out, he heard roars coming from the office. Han Qian was frightened for a while. All the toughness was just an act. His legs trembled when he saw Yan Qingqing.

The bridesmaids are really not good people.

Thank you for the reward, brother. Your support is my biggest motivation. Also, I heard that you want me to make up yesterday’s chapter? What happened yesterday?

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