After the Divorce, I Was Spoiled By the Prince

Chapter 419: When one person attains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven

   Chapter 419 One person attains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven

  If it was said that Mrs. Xu was agitated by Qin Zhao's behavior, she felt uncomfortable, while Qin Shuang was disgusted by Qin Zhao's behavior.

   She didn't expect Qin Zhao to be such a person, and His Highness the Crown Prince was no different from the Huan Jun. It was clear that His Highness the Crown Prince was looking at the scenery, how could he indulge a woman to ride on his back?

   Of course, she was more jealous.

   Qin Zhao, who had been crushed by her for half his life, actually made a big difference, and let His Royal Highness hold it in the palm of his hand to protect her. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never have believed that Qin Zhao had such ability.

  The original Qin Zhao was dull and unpleasant, and he was not good at words. He was not the same person as the vixen in front of him.

  The Qin family was in a complicated mood, but they had to lose their smiles and please Qin Zhao. Who made Qin Zhao back the Daqi Crown Prince? The prince was still waiting for Qin Zhao, as if he was treating Qin Zhao as an empress.

   This situation is different from what Qin Shuang and Xu Shi thought.

   They thought about waiting for Qin Zhao to come back, so they told Qin Zhao well, and asked her to take Qin Shuang into the East Palace for a short stay, and by the way, cultivate a relationship with His Royal Highness, and make perfect preparations for the next year's prince concubine.

This time, the Crown Prince came down. They couldn't find a chance to talk to Qin Zhao alone. They could only sit in the lower seat and laugh and chat with him. They also had to see how successful Qin Zhao's villain was, but their mother and daughter could only hold back their anger. Swallow raw.

   When it was time to eat, Qin Zhao and Xiao Ce sat in the first seat, and the Qin family came to toast, Xiao Ce and Qin Zhao were both disrespectful, and the atmosphere was awkward for a while.

   Of course, only the Qin family are embarrassed, Qin Zhao and Xiao Ce will not be embarrassed.

   Now everyone can see that Xiao Ce is here to support Qin Zhao.

   Think about if Xiao Ce ascends the throne one day and becomes an emperor, and holds a grudge against the Qin family, wouldn't the Qin family have no way to survive?

   Qin Shaowen thought long-term and knew that the prince was the person who could not offend him the most, so he lowered his posture even now. Even for the sake of all the Qin family, His Highness the Crown Prince could not be unhappy at all.

   Qin Shuang was thinking that when he participated in the selection of the prince concubine next year, if Qin Zhao did not help, but instead interfered with it, how should he make it?

  Thinking like this, she felt even more that she couldn't offend Qin Zhao, and she had to coax Qin Zhao to be happy.

   After a meal, the Qin family had their own concerns, Qin Zhao ate to the fullest, and then said to Xiao Ce, "I want to walk around the house and have a look. Your Royal Highness will go and rest for a while?"

   She wanted to see Mrs. Zhang alone and ask Mrs. Zhang what happened recently.

   If Xiao Ce was by her side, she would be inconvenienced, so she wanted to leave Xiao Ce away.

People like   Xiao Ce certainly understood the deep meaning of Qin Zhao's words. He took a deep look at Qin Zhao and said, "Don't go too far, let Jixiang accompany you..."

   "Don't, there can't be no one around to serve your Highness, so let Jixiang accompany His Highness. It's enough to have Baozhu and Baoyuan to wait on your concubine, it won't be too long." Qin Zhao said, then turned and walked away.

   She originally wanted to come to Qin's house to stay for two nights, so she would have a lot of time to deal with Qin's family, and she could also find time to see Mrs. Zhang.

  Because Xiao Ce suddenly followed out of the palace, she knew that Xiao Ce couldn't stay outside the palace for too long, let alone spend the night in Qin's house, so she could only make a quick decision.

  When she stood on the arch bridge and looked into the distance, she had to feel that the Qin family was rich and powerful. This was a garden-style building. Even at the feet of the emperor, there were only a handful of powerful families who could build such a big house.

   Qin Shaowen did it easily.

   Qin Shaowen’s ancestors were not necessarily rich and noble. Although they were also engaged in business, their family business was far less large than it is now. Qin Shaowen may have a talent for business, but it is not enough to manage the Qin family so well in just over a dozen years.

  Thinking about this, she slowed down and asked Baozhu, "After my mother died, where did the valet who served my mother go, do you know?"

   "They are all dead, and there is another named Yueying who is missing. It seems that he disappeared on the night of his wife's death." Baozhu's knowledge is limited.

   When Liangdi was young, she and Baoyu were not very old. These were all things she heard from the mother-in-law of the Qin family.

   "I have no impression of Yueying. If Yueying was still alive, what age would she be now?" Qin Zhao asked, she thought that Yueying might know some secrets about the Zhou family.

   Qin Shaowen's fortune is also suspicious. Could it be related to the Zhou family?

   "Should be less than forty? Madam was only twenty when she died, and Yueying was about the same age as Madam." Baozhu said indifferently, "Why does Liangdi care about the life of a maid?"

   Even if the moon warbler is still alive, the sea of ​​people is vast, where do you go to find it?

   "Yueying may know something about the situation. If so, it is very likely that Yueying knew that her mother was killed and chose to escape." Qin Zhao sighed, suddenly feeling very powerless.

   At first, she thought it would be easier to find out about Zhou's death, but what if the truth of Zhou's death was far more complicated than that of Concubine Wan?

   Their master and servant were talking when Qin Shuang came.

Qin Zhao was not surprised that Qin Shuang would come over. She was placed on an order. Of course, Qin Shuang would run over to make friends with her immediately, especially when Xiao Ce took care of her in front of the Qin family, and Xiao Ce's identity changed. It's so special, why don't the Qin family's heart come to their throats?

   In her situation, one person has attained Taoism, right?

   Qin Shuang walked slowly to Qin Zhao's side, and said softly, "Sister is fragile and the bridge is windy, why don't you sit in another place?"

"When I was in the East Palace, I was detained in the house all day long, and His Highness always said that I was weak and had to take care of myself. I couldn't leave the palace, and I was also detained in the house." Qin Zhao said and glanced at the Qin family's garden style. Architecture: "It's still better here, the snow has stopped, and it's the best time to enjoy the snow scene."

   Qin Shuang disapproved in her heart, but she still had to agree with her heartily: "As long as my sister likes it."

   Before she was so close to Qin Zhao's figure standing on the bridge, she had to admit one thing, even if Qin Zhao stood quietly on the bridge like this, it would still be beautiful.

   Not only her outstanding appearance, but also her outstanding and noble temperament make people unable to look away.

   Obviously Qin Zhao came from the Qin family. He used to live like a rat who couldn't see the light. He could even bully Qin Zhao's head. In this case, how could Qin Zhao's temperament become noble?

   She also knew that Qin Zhao was not valued after marrying into the Zhao family. She had foreseen this situation when Qin Zhao got married.

   She also thought that a sick child like Qin Zhao would die soon after marrying into the Zhao family.

  Who knew that after Qin Zhao and Zhao Yu reconciled, they entered the East Palace as a Liang Di? This kind of creation is incredible.

   "Sister, have you ever thought that after His Royal Highness ascends the throne, there will be more and more beauties in the harem, and there will be many newcomers competing for favor with my sister..."

   (end of this chapter)

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